Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 276: Think Long and Hard

Chapter 276: Think Long and Hard

Monkeys kept on being born. Liang Yier was eager for the result every day yet after an entire month of expectations, he was met with only disappointment.

Li Mo didnt stay around. Liang Yier had his problems, and so did he.

He had entered seclusion ever since coming from Imperial Planet, pouring all his efforts into refining God Prison.

The God Prison now housed a demon king and a billions of years old savage beast. As its state wasnt enough to keep them there, he had to improve it as quick as possible.

Magic weapons had levels just as all cultivators had, from one to ten. Going beyond was the imperial item.

Li Mo took Yan Wenjings Sun Saber and melded it into God Prison.

All that was left was to get the other eight strongest materials and turn the God Prison into an imperial item.

Combining the natural fire crystal with the God Prison turned it red hot and made it release waves of heat. The sudden change in temperature rose the demon king up.

The demon king he grabbed from the River of Sand found himself in a prison cell and roared. He slammed his demon qi into the bars to break out.

Yet no matter how powerful he was, no scratch came to God Prison. It was ironic how his attempts only worked to refine it, making it even stronger.

This was also another reason why Li Mo made the God Prison.

On the day God Prison was truly finished, not even a God Emperor could break out. And the stronger the power released, the stronger would the God Prison become. Once there were enough strong beings imprisoned, a new marvelous power would be made available by the God Prison.

The past Li Mo used Thousand Layered Sacred Steel to make a sacred sword. It was mighty alright, but knew only one thing. Having learned his lesson, he refined the God Prison this time.

The demon king raged for three days, then turned silent. He knew there was no getting out, not with his power.

Li Mo looked pleased at the red flashing God Prison.

He left the study to see the snow people run over.

In this year-long seclusion, Li Mo hadnt eaten or drank anything. He received no guests either.

Whats with that sour look? Arent you glad to see me?

Ye Xiaolu was sprawled on the couch, eating popcorn. 

She was back since half a year ago. As she cultivated alongside the snow people, while they didnt budge an inch, she soared all the way to the third level. 

I thought about it and thought Id stick with you. You must protect me from now on.

Ye Xiaolu was as bossy as usual, giving Li Mo no leeway to refuse.

She traveled the world for a year and saw what there was to see and do what there was to do. Now she was carefree.

Whitey came over, I want to ask you something.

Whitey had returned home seven months ago and hadnt gone back to Oldie since.

She had reached a wall. Unable to grow stronger, there was no point in fighting in the ancient battleground. 

Li Mo glanced at Ye Xiaolu, who shouted, What, I didnt say anything!


From her reaction, Li Mo already knew what Whitey wanted.

Ye Xiaolus fresh outlook on life was all thanks to Li Mo. It only stood to reason that for Whitey to turn from shadow to real, she had to do the same as Ye Xiaolu, hijack her own body.

Li Mo said, I wouldve helped long ago if it was that easy.

Li Mo had never voiced this option because of the fundamental difference between Ye Xiaolu and her. Ye Xiaolu was an average person, while the nine-tailed fox was different.

She was in the Investiture of the Gods world, where Gold Immortals roamed in droves, where strong humans had no arrogance. 

A year ago I wouldve refused. But now, I may not say I can walk the Investiture of the Gods world carefree, I am at least confident in protecting myself.

Does that mean youll help me? Whitey was exuberant.

Li Mo nodded.

But I need to remind you, robbing your body is an heaven-defying act. Anything can happen. At that time, theres a chance you wont be you anymore.

Stop scaring her. Havent I turned out well?" Ye Xiaolu pooped a popcorn in her mouth.

You managed to maintain your sense of self because you didnt go through any change. You remained you. But she, she was just a demon in the Yellow Emperors tomb that got to the Shang dynasty and became King Zhous concubine. In other words, she has lost control and became a true demon.

In the Shang dynasty, Daji had constantly persecuted the population. How could she and the current nine-tailed fox be the same?

Once two yous of opposite mentality clashed, anything could happen.

Ye Xiaolu rose, You mean it wont be Whitey coming back, but Daji?

Theres a high chance she will. Whitey is the past nine-tailed fox, and Daji is her future self. This is complete contradiction to ones current self.

Whitey said, No matter what, I still want to try.

Ye Xiaolu said, Just help her. Dude, dont you want a real nine-tailed arctic fox by your side?

Li Mo eyed her and nodded, Alright. All three will go.

Me? Ye Xiaolu cried, Hows it my concern?

You have Emulsion Spirit Body. With you there, Id feel a little bit safer.

What do you mean?

I have a way to turn an Emulsion Spirit Body into a bomb and blow even a God Emperor out of existence.

Ye Xiaolu roared, WTF?! Lil Mo, has it been that long since I last tried to crush your balls?

Only allowed on

Li Mo used the Staff of Origin to shine its light over Whitey and soon, a time-space rupture appeared.

Lets go.

Li Mo flicked and Ye Xiaolu was thrown into the time-space rupture.

Li Mo and Whitey followed.

The trio arrived on a barren mountain to see an army in the distance.

On the banner was the Su character.

Li Mo said, No matter where we teleport, the period will always be related to the nine-tailed fox. You can already guess without me telling you, that this army is Su Dajis escort to Shang dynastys capital, Zhaoge.

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