Ch: 89 [Ultraman]

Ch: 89 [Ultraman]

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11 advance chapters. Upto Ch: 100

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[Willo's apartment]

I pressed the doorbell. Willo opened the door within seconds. Her eyes were red and stains of tears stained her cheeks, mascara had run down her nose to her chin in a dark mess. She hugged me tightly and began to cry. I don't know what to say or how to comfort her. She lost her mother yesterday. That must have been tough for her to deal with alone.

Willo was always strong enough not to let others see her like that. But I know how it feels to be alone all those days, having no one to turn to for support. To be there but not able to do anything but watch as the people you care about most leave you behind.

Right now, Willo must feel lonely and alone. But I won't let her feel that way anymore. I won't leave her alone anymore. If I do, she will never be the same.

Willo pulled back from the hug abruptly, looking at me with wide eyes. "Look what happened, Alex." She said in a broken voice. I couldn't help but notice how she seemed to stumble over my name in her desperation to keep going. "This is my fault. If only I knew about John, then... Oh, God. He was with me all this time... How could I not see this coming? I can read everyone's thoughts. John is a good man. He is like my big brother. But... Why did he do that? Just... Why?"

Willo buried her face into her hands and sobbed again, her shoulders shaking. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. My heart ached to hear her voice get softer.

Willo is right. She can read others' thoughts, then how did John escape her sight? More importantly, why did he kill her mother? Could it be that someone tried to remove a thorn from their way? Someone at the auction house must have noticed that I was close to finding out the culprit behind Alicia's betrayal and the theft of my car. So, someone must have labeled GIzzle as a liability and killed her to prevent me from getting closer to the truth.

Everything is so fucked up...

As I held Willo in my arms, I felt a deep sense of sadness wash over me. It was heart-wrenching to see her in such pain and to know that she was blaming herself for something that was completely out of her control.

I knew that there was nothing I could say to make her feel better, but I also knew that I couldn't leave her alone in her grief. So I stayed with her, holding her and offering whatever comfort I could.

As the hours passed, I couldn't help but think about what had happened. It was clear to me now that the theft of my car and the betrayal of Alicia were just the tip of the iceberg. There was something much bigger going on here, and I was way over my head.

I needed to find out who was behind all of this, but I also knew that I couldn't do it alone. I needed help, and the only person I could think of was Willo. With her extraordinary ability, no one will be able to escape our eyes. We will find the truth.

I looked down at her, still sobbing quietly in my arms, and I made a decision. I wasn't going to bring her into this. It was a risk, but I didn't have any other options.

"Willo," I said softly, pulling away from her slightly, "I need your help."

She looked up at me with red-rimmed eyes, confusion etched into her face, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that there's something bigger going on here than we originally thought," I explained everything starting from Alicia's betrayal to her mother's death, excluding the fact that her mother was into all this shit, my voice low and serious. "And I need your help to figure out what it is."

Willo didn't say anything for a long moment, just looked at me with a mix of fear and determination in her eyes. Finally, she nodded.

"Okay," she said quietly. "I'll help you. But the one responsible for my mom's death... I want you to hand whoever that person is to me."

"I will, but before jumping to any decisions, we must talk with that person and ask them their reason. You have to keep your calm and read their thoughts. Then we will rip those bastards from their roots," I said with a serious expression. I can see the determination in Willo's eyes.

"Where do we begin?" Willo asked.

"Australia. But we can't go like this. We will go separately. You will go for a business trip and I will go in the guise of a vacation," I replied.

"When do we leave?" she asked.

"In two weeks," I replied.


[3rd person POV]

Superman flew through the sky, his eyes scanning the landscape below. He had received word of an attack on a Lantern ship and he had come to investigate. As he soared over the ocean, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Superman," the voice taunted. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Superman turned to see a figure flying toward him. The stranger wore a black costume with a red cape, and his eyes glowed with an intense red light.

"Who are you?" Superman demanded.

"I am Ultraman," the stranger replied with a sneer. "And I am going to destroy you."

"We will see about that," Superman was ready to face his opponent.

Ultraman lunged at Superman, throwing a punch that was so fast it was almost a blur. But Superman was ready for him. He dodged the blow and countered with a punch of his own, striking Ultraman in the stomach.

Ultraman grunted in pain and flew backward, but he quickly regained his composure. He flew at Superman again, this time with a barrage of punches and kicks that came so fast they were almost impossible to see.

Superman was hard-pressed to keep up, but he managed to deflect most of Ultraman's attacks. The two flew through the air, trading blows, neither one gaining the upper hand.

Suddenly, a new figure appeared on the scene. Ms. Marvel flew in, her fists glowing with energy.

"Hey, big guy," she called to Superman. "Need a hand?"

"Glad to have you here, Ms. Marvel," Superman said while focusing on his enemy.

Together, the two heroes attacked Ultraman with renewed vigor. They worked in tandem, striking Ultraman with blows that shook the very air around them. But Ultraman was tough, and he fought back with equal ferocity.

Then, suddenly, Ultraman unleashed a new power. A yellow ring appeared on his finger, and he began to radiate intense energy that seemed to seep into Superman and Ms. Marvel's very bones.

The two heroes staggered, their strength sapped by Ultraman's power. Ultraman laughed, watching as they struggled to fight back.

"Feel the fear, heroes!" he shouted. "You cannot defeat me now!"

But then something unexpected happened. Ms. Marvel focused all her energy and absorbed the Lantern's energy, creating a sudden opening in Ultraman's defense. Superman took advantage of the moment, flying towards Ultraman at full speed and delivering a devastating punch that sent Ultraman crashing into the chunk of asteroid below.

"Such cheap trick..." Ultraman groaned, struggling to get back to his feet. But he was too late. Superman and Ms. Marvel were on him in an instant, pounding him blow after blow until he lay still and unmoving.

As the dust settled, Superman and Ms. Marvel looked around the area, searching for any sign of their foe. But Ultraman had vanished, leaving them alone on the deserted asteroid field.

But then a green lantern ring flew and stopped before Ms. Marvel. It was glowing with a faint green hue.

"Hey, is that normal?" Ms. Marvel asked Superman but received no answer. She turned back and saw Superman carrying Hal Jordan's lifeless body in his arms.


AN: I will slow down the public release next week. I want to save enough chapters for vol-3 so that I will be able to release them daily. I am pausing all other fics and will write 18 chs next week for stockpile. Pat reons will get 2-3 chs daily for a week.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.