Ch: 88 [Evil Forces]

Ch: 88 [Evil Forces]

[Location: Australia] [Somewhere in Queensland]

A dark portal opened inside the forest.

Two men and a woman emerged from the portal, covered in slimy liquid and blood. Then the portal closed.

"This was not the deal. You hear me... We had a fucking deal. You get the book and I get to enjoy the rest of my life in Jacksonville..." Yelled the man in a blue shirt. His right hand is made of metal and he is carrying a shotgun on his back.

"You mean we?" Said the girl.

"Yeah, we. You heard her... We get to enjoy the rest of our life in Jacksonville," He yelled again. But no one answered him.

"Hey, Ash. I think we should move. This place doesn't feel so good," said the young man with a worried expression.

[Bang!] [Bang!]

The sudden gunshots caused everyone to flinch, including Ash.

"What the f*ck?! Someone's here?!" Ash exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey, Ash," The young man looked around fanatically, "Something is moving among the trees."

As soon as he finished, the gunshots stopped. A pin-drop silence followed after that. Everyone was on their edges...

"Kelly!!!" Ash pushed the girl away. The tree on her left fell on the place she was standing. A little late and she would have turned into a bloody squash, "Pablo, duck!" Ash yelled at the young man.

Pablo crouched on the ground at once. A rusted axe flew over Pablo's head, missing him by an inch, and struck the nearby tree. It was a close call.

"Jefe," Pablo stood up after glancing at his back, "You saved my life again."

"Don't thank me yet," Ash said with a satisfied smile, "We still got a deadite to kill."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice of a woman was heard around them. It was hard for them to determine her position. It was as if her voice was coming from all directions.

*"Ashy Slashy, hatchet and saw, takes your head and skins you raw."*

*"Ashy Slashy, Heaven or Hell, cuts out your tongue so you can't yell.*

"Fuck! Not again," Ash grumbled in anger. He was looking around with his finger on the trigger, ready to blast off the deadite's head. Pablo was aiming his submachine gun and Kelly was using her dual handgun.


Deadites are the undeads or the ones possessed by demons. [Not going into many details since more or less everyone knows what they are. If you don't know, ping me in the comments.]

Ash, Pablo, and Kelly have been killing deadites for years. They faced countless life-and-death situations during their endless battles with these demons. Ash was said to be the Chosen One, who will bring an end to all demons and cleanse the world from evil forces and he did his job by killing Kandar The Destroyer, a giant humongous demon that nearly brought an end to the Earth.

However, things didn't work out as planned...

Ash thought that killing the Kandarian demon would end the evil forces, but instead, it unleashed a greater evil. With the Kandarian dagger lost and the Necronomicon in the hands of the remaining dark ones, Ash was forced to make another deal with an alternate version of Ruby. The deal was simple. He finds the second Necronomicon and Ruby sends the evil back to where it belonged and he and his team gets to live a happy life in Jacksonville, once again.

Ash and his team traveled back in time to recover the book. He succeeded in doing so, but instead of a happy life, that alternate version of Ruby threw them into an unknown portal. Ash knew things might go south ways, so he stole the third book of the dead without anyone's knowledge, but it was lost when they fell into that portal. [Remember, The army of the darkness. There was three Necronomicon.]

And, now, in the present, they were stranded in the merged universe...


A humanoid creature jumped down in front of Ash. Her eyes were melted, rotten skin, a part of her skull was missing and her brains were pulsating. The right part of her chest was missing, revealing her ribcages along with her throbbing internal organs.

"I am gonna rip your soul apart and eat your brains out..." The decaying deadite yelled.

"Eat this," Ash pulled the trigger.

[Booom!] Her head exploded like a rotten watermelon. She hit the floor. Dead. He sighed heavily, "At least this one was quick enough."

He looked at Pablo and Kelly who just stared blankly at the corpse. Kelly had her eyes shut tightly and Pablo's jaw dropped. Kelly's face and body were covered with the splattered decaying remnants of the deadites.

"Phewww!!!" Kelly rubbed her face on her sleeves, "Fuck!" She cursed.

"So, what's the plan Jefe?" Pablo asked Ash.

"Get out of this forest, find Brandy, find the book, you do your voodoo, teleport us to the Kandarian dagger, you do your voodoo again, teleport us to evil Ruby, and I will put the dagger in her ginormous chest... Humm... That sounds like a perfect plan," Ash nodded enthusiastically while talking.

"We will find Brandy, Ash. She is stronger than you. She will be alright," Kelly said with a sad expression.

"Yeah, that's what worries me," Ash sighed, "No time to dilly dally now... You two stay behind me, make sure nothing happens, and keep your weapons hidden. We have no idea which era or world we are in right now..." Ash said, putting his shotgun back in the holster on his back, "Just hope Brandy is alright." He mumbled under his breath.

Brandy, Ash's daughter, and his only alive family member was separated in the portal along with the Necronomicon. So, he is obviously worried.


[10:00 PM] [Mutant Academy][First person POV]

After the incident at the auction, Jenny's power was fluctuating. So, Harley took her to the mutant academy on the way home to get her some help. When I went to the academy to check on her, the professor told me that she was unintentionally amplifying others' abilities due to her exhausted mental state.

Right now, she is sleeping. Jean has stimulated some of her good memories to help her stabilize. So, I can't leave her side now and go on to spend time with Nyssa. I called her and told her my situation. She wasn't angry or anything and told me that she will pay a visit tomorrow morning to check on Jen.

Harley and I ate some light dinner after that. I told her to take some rest and I sat on a chair in Jenny's room, looking at her sleeping face.

[Next morning]

Jenny is once again smiling and back to her usual self. Her power has stabilized and she was free to leave, but she wanted to attend today's class. Well, I think that's for the better. Being with her friends will uplift her mood and will help her forget the trauma.

Nyssa came by the academy to check on Jenny. She told me that she has somehow managed to get my Mustang and sold the other cars to the owner of the auction house. And since the amount is big, it should be credited to my account in a day or two.

After she left, I was about to go to the junkyard to arrange things, but that's when I received Willo's call.

Willo informed me that John murdered her mother in cold blood and she sound pretty much devastated. She came to New York this last night after hearing the news. And there is something else she needs to tell me. She said she needed to talk alone with me. I decided to meet her without any hesitation.

Since Jenny and Harley were in their class, I told Emma to arrange a place for them at the dormitory for today, since I might be late. And then I drove off to the location Willo had sent me.

I know the pain of losing a parent and right now, she must be going through the same pain as me. I just hope she is alright.

But I still can't believe it...

John killed her mom in that auction! This doesn't make any sense. I thought he was working for her. There is something fishy going on around Willo.


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