Ch: 86 [Two girls and a devil]

Ch: 86 [Two girls and a devil]

The citizens were moved to safety, though not without some losses. If the Heroes and the guards reacted faster, then maybe this could have been averted. Regardless, I'm glad that Jenny and Harley made it out unharmed.

"Take her home," I said to Harley as I handed her my car keys.

"You aren't going, are you?" Harley said with a serious expression. This is the first time I am seeing her serious and worried expression.

"Don't worry, I will follow up soon enough," I hugged them and kissed their forehead, "Now go."

Harley nodded, taking the keys and helping Jenny into the passenger seat of my car. She was still shaking, her eyes wide with fear, and I couldn't help but feel responsible for what had happened. If only I hadn't given in to their request to come with me...

I watched as they drove away, the sound of the car engine fading into the distance. Turning back towards the auction house, I knew there was still work to be done. I have killed over 40 terrorists and there are still five of them left on the rooftop and that flying man fighting with the Power Girl. I will kill him too.

However, their energy seems different than those of regular humans. They had these weird black flickers around them, just like the mutants. They are either mutants or awakeners. Which doesn't matter, since I am going to kill them in a minute.

I used Shadow Dasher to teleport through the shadows of the building and reached the top in mere seconds.

There were three women and two men, but something isn't right. They were lying on the ground, unconscious. And from their clothes, it would seem that they were the Heroes in charge of this place.

This is a trap!

If so, then where is the villain?

I looked around the roof. I checked every corner with my Blood Vision, but nothing. The roof was empty. But a guest is about to arrive soon.

[Bang] The door opened with a loud bang.

"Did you knock them out?" Spider-Woman said.

I turned back and saw her standing near the roof door, looking at me suspiciously.

"They are still alive, aren't they? And you know my style," I said with a smirk.

"Yeah, you killed 45 terrorists. Are you proud of your accomplishment?" Spider-Woman said angrily.

"Uum... Let's see. They killed civilians, threatened my family, destroyed such a fun auction, oh, not to mention, they shot at me... So, taking everything into consideration, yeah. I am feeling proud. Happy. Satisfied even," I said with a smile.

Spider Woman sighed, "I will deal with you later." She turned her attention to the sky where Power Girl was fighting a weird mecha.

A humanoid robot!

I mean, Power Girl is punching it hard and even using her heat vision, but nothing is working against that robot freak.  He was just an oversized piece of blue metal with glowing blue eyes. It's as if this freak is developed to beat Power Girl. A robot immune to Power Girl. It's almost like that blue mutant from the mall who was immune to Emma's powers, except for that metallic body.

[Zing] Two blue energy beams emerged from its eyes and rushed toward the Power Girl.

"Damn you," Power Girl was getting frustrated. She tried to counter the beams with her heat vision. No success. The laser continued to charge forward.

Spider-Woman didn't waste any time and she shot webs from her fingertips at the robot, wrapping it into her webs, "Haaaaa!!!" She yelled and pulled it down. Her muscles tore apart the sleeves around her arms.

Thanks to her, the robot's energy beam turned away from Power Girl, but it wasn't enough to pull that freak down. The robot tore apart her webs with ease and once again charged at Power Girl. From the looks of it, it doesn't even consider Spider-Woman as a threat, or it might only be programmed to take down Power Girl.

The robot blinked behind Power Girl and kicked her hard. She couldn't even react to it properly, but she regained her balance in the mid-air and charged again.

She punched the robot, this time causing sparks to erupt everywhere. As Power Girl did, the giant blue monster swung a fist and sent her flying. Power Girl spins around, regaining her balance once again. She jumps at it and hits it with her bare fists.

The robot didn't seem affected by Power Girl punches. It was parrying all her punches and kicks with ease.

The shockwaves emerging from the fight were truly immense. If this continues, the auction house will collapse along with my Mustang. And, I can't let that happen. Not while I'm still here.

Taking deep breaths, I focused my concentration.

Should I just turn that freak into a pile of junk? But, it's out of my range. I need it to get closer, but sadly, I can't fly. But...

I summoned my aura strings and wrapped that robot. I can feel the pressure, it's trying to rip them apart, but it's weak as hell. How the heck is Power Girl struggling against something this weak.

"Hey, Power Girl," I yelled as I pulled that robot down on the roof and crushed its head with a single stomp, "You still haven't answered my question yet."

The blue glow on the robot's body disappeared. Broken metal parts and the sticky gooey blue liquid were all over my right foot. It felt gross and disgusting.

Power Girl flew down before me with a stunned expression. Well, I can't blame her. I mean, I took down the robot she had been struggling with for hours. That must have hurt her pride.

She crushed open the robot's chest and ripped out a square chip or something... Then, she looked at me and said, "Yes." And flew away like a torpedo.

So, she is single.

"How did you do that?" Spider-Woman asked.

And my reply to her was the same as before, "I wonder, how? Maybe if you go on a date..."

"Stop," She stopped me before I could finish, "Wednesday. 7:00 PM. I will find you and we will see how strong and long-lasting your other body parts are."

"Oh, you will be surprised," I smirked.

"Humm... I wonder..." she replied. She then wrapped the unconscious people and the robot on the roof with her web and jumped down the roof.

So, she can smile.

I will be waiting for you Spider-Woman.

Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. I looked back. Nyssa was standing behind me. Her eyes were ice cold. And she is holding a severed head of a man.

"The sniper?" I asked.

"Yes," Nyssa threw the severed head on the floor, "What about me?" she asked a question out of nowhere and I think I have a very good idea of what she was talking about.

"Tonight, in my yacht," I replied.


[3rd person POV]

[Location: Los Angeles] [Lux]

The club was packed with people. Everyone was drinking and dancing and having a good time. The music was pumping loud and strong and the lights danced across the bodies as they swayed along with the rhythm.

In one corner, sitting under the dim light, was Natasha with a glass of cocktail in her hand. She kept sipping the drink and watching the crowd dance. She was wearing a simple black dress and her long hair was tied into a bun. She was occasionally looking at her wristwatch as if waiting for someone to show up.

"There is a nice party, loud music, flowing drinks and here you are sitting in a corner without a smile on your face," A tall young man in a black suit commented as he slid into the seat next to her, taking a sip of his own drink.

Natasha glanced up at him briefly before returning her gaze to the dancers, "I never really liked parties. Too many people, too much noise, too many alcoholics."

"Oh, my, how boring you are," the man mocked.

"Well, what can I say?" she shrugged, "I am not a social butterfly unless I am on duty."

Another woman in a classic black dress came and stood in front of their table, "Lucifer Morningstar..."

"In flesh and blood," Lucifer smiled as he stood up, "It's been a while, isn't it? Miss Kyle. How are the cats doing, by the way?"

*********[VOL-2 Will end with Ch-100]**********

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