Ch: 85 [Messed up situation]

Ch: 85 [Messed up situation]

Alex looked at the bodies of three terrorists. They're dead because of him and he feels happy. Because now there are three fewer bastards to deal with.

Spider woman jumped before him and pushed him to the nearby wall, grabbing his collar, and said angrily, "Why did you kill them?"

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't kill someone who is trying to kill me?" Alex replied coldly.

She tightened her grip on him, "You could have disabled them easily. Heroes don't kill. There is a proper trial system for the villains." She yelled.

Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman, has a dark past with the Hydra. She was trained to kill on orders, but she rebelled against them when they assigned her to kill Nick Fury and killed her trainer, Vermis in a battle to the death. After that, with Fury's help, she recovered her old memories and learned about her brainwashing by Mentallo. However, that's in the past. In the present, she is one of the Avengers. Although she is hot-headed and leaves her enemies half dead, she hadn't killed anyone after that incident.

Alex just raised an eyebrow and burst out in laughter, "Hahahaha! Trial System?! Then go and bring Loki back to Earth and put him on trial."

"Hands off my man," Nyssa said. She is holding a katana on Spider Woman's neck.

Suddenly, something hit the floor and exploded behind them.

"You!" Spider woman let go of his collar and turned around, aiming at the source of the sound.

Alex also noticed something and realized the direction where the noise originated from. The explosion was followed closely by gunfire.

"What the hell is happening?" Spider woman shouted as she dodged the bullets, which were impossible to dodge thanks to her impressive reflexes.

Nyssa was hiding behind Alex. The bullets didn't even scratch Alex a bit.

Weaving her web, Spider-Woman flew over the enemies. Then she landed in front of them and slashed the guns away from them. She then broke their arms and legs, rendering them disabled.

Alex glanced at her back and saw that she was taking down six enemies on her own. 'Wow. That's pretty damn impressive. A hot-headed girl... I wish she was in her hot costume. But that black suit suits her. Just look at her jiggly boobs and ass... Dang! She is sexy.' He thought.

[Clink!] A sound of clashing metal came from Alex's back. Nyssa has stopped an attack from an invisible enemy, "How dare you?" She kicked away her invisible opponent with a single kick, canceling the invisibility skill. The invisible attacker is a woman in a white costume with red custom designs. And at the same time, a bullet flew toward Alex's head.

"Wow!" Alex caught the bullet right at point blank before it could penetrate his forehead, "Sniper round. Someone wants to kill me badly." He smirked.

Two more bullets flew toward Alex, but this time Nyssa dashed forward, slicing through them like tofu.

"Ohh! You are good," Alex praised her and turned her attention toward the woman in the white costume, "Nyssa, bring that sniper alive to me if you can and if that man resists, you can kill him. Meanwhile, let me deal with..."

[Bammm!] Spider-Woman jumped between Alex and the woman in white. Then she slammed her palm together. A massive shockwave swept over the place along with a wave of green flash. The woman in white crashed into the elevator, unconscious.

*Immunity* Alex's immunity skill prevented him from suffering the same fate as that woman. And as for Nyssa, she has already disappeared from the area.

"How are you not affected by my venom blast?" Spider Woman asked. She was surprised to see Alex unharmed from her AOE skill that affects the human nervous system.

"I wonder how? Maybe if you go on a date with me, I might tell you," Alex smirked. His eyes wandered all over the face of Spider-Woman, enjoying how beautiful and delicate she looks without her mask on.

Spider Woman snarled and took two steps forward, grabbing Alex's shirt and lifting him up, "In your dreams..."

Alex smiled as he became a wisp of shadow, escaping her grasp, "Well, it was worth a try... And you look hot as hell when you are angry. See ya..."

"Arggg! You slippery bastard!" Spider Woman screamed.

Alex made his way down the stairs. He already knows where the enemies are thanks to his blood vision and Weapon master power. But what surprised him were the bombs planted all over the building and the enemies were not awakeners, but normal humans.

'Let's diffuse the bombs, first,' Alex thought.

With his immense speed and info on the bombs, he was able to diffuse all but one. It's not that he can't, but he doesn't have enough time to diffuse it. It would at least take 1 minute to diffuse it, but the timer...

Timer: 40...

The timer was decreasing...

"Q&Q," Alex didn't waste any time and activated his skill, turning the ticking bomb into a mass of dusty junk.

After that, he dashed out and made a short work out of the terrorist on that floor. He then scanned the building. There were still fifty of them remaining and some of them have even taken hostages.

'Wtf are these bastards up to? Why take hostage if they were about to blow off everything either way? I will kill all these bastards then maybe the mastermind will show up,' Alex dashed from floor to floor, slaughtering the weak terrorists. To his surprise, he didn't encounter any Heroes or guards.

Then, he came across a blast door. He used his blood vision to peek inside and saw around a hundred people were hiding inside and to his surprise, there were armed guards inside. It would seem that the guards decided to only protect the VIPs and abandoned the rest.

"Fuckers never change," Alex mumbled to himself in disgust.

Just when he was about to punch a hole in the blast door to make them experience the same feelings as the other civilians, the ceiling broke open and a girl fell before him. Debris and rubble are scattered everywhere.

"Aahhh! Damn those missiles," The girl stood up with a grunt. She then noticed Alex standing with a near-open mouth and his eyes stuck on her boobs, "Eyes up here! kiddo." She said.

"Ah... Um... Are you single?" Alex babbled out without thinking for a moment. Those words just came naturally to his lips. The Power Girl is standing before him in her sexy costume.

"Uugh... Keep your hormones in check kid," Power Girl flew up through that hole with a grunt.

"So, they are fighting in the sky. Well, time to evacuate the civilians," Alex mumbled to himself and dashed outside to inform the other Heroes, who as usual, act passively in every situation.


[VIP Room]

"No... Wait! No... Please don't," Gizzle stumbled on the floor with a broken glass shard in her right hand.

Her right hand was struggling to slit her own throat while her left hand was preventing it. She was doing her best to resist.

A girl in a mask and hoodie was standing before her.

"Why?" The young intruder yelled angrily, "Why did you try to kill him? Why?" She took a wine bottle from the table and slammed it on the woman's head. A faint yellow shield around her body prevented the broken wine bottle from injuring her.

"Who are you talking about? I don't even know you..." Gizzle yelled back. She has no clue what the intruder was talking about.

"If you know that, you know how pointless it is to try to kill me," the intruder chuckled.

Gizzle growled furiously. Her power indeed allows her to prevent damage intake from an outer source, but what if she hurts herself?

"But, you see... I know all about your power. Thanks to certain someone," The intruder looked at the door.

The door opened and a familiar person came in.

Gizzle's eyes widened in shock, "JOHN!!!" She never saw it coming, "Then that means... No! You are..." She stuttered while looking at the intruder.


Gizzle plunged the broken glass shard into her throat.

The intruder left the room. Her eyes were glowing with a dark blue hue. And as soon as she left the room, John took the broken wine bottle and began to stab Gizzle's body over and over again for five minutes. Then he fell on the floor unconscious while clenching the bottle.


[Meanwhile in the room where Jenny and Harley were in]

"Jen... Hey, Jen, what's wrong? You alright?" Harley panicked after seeing Jenny stumble on the floor. She was fine, just a moment ago.

"Sorry... Just a bad headache. Can you grab me some water?" Jenny mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah... Just a sec..." Harley opened her backpack and took out a water bottle.


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