Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 314: 314 To the City of the Sky

Chapter 314: 314 To the City of the Sky

      Meanwhile, the Demon Realm was starting to build a trade route connecting the Empire. High into the sky into the dark space, A spaceship slowly slipped out of Earth's gravity. Leave the rocket-propelled behind and let it fall to the ocean seafloor. Spaceship it was entirely aimed into space.

This is a private spaceship. It stamped the Deng family clearly. It is going at the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou. That is nearly five hundred thousand kilometers from the world. It's a journey of about three hours.

Since the founding of the Sky City Tai Yang Zhou, There must be at least one spaceship from the Empire each day. They sent that up to Tai Yang Zhou to fulfill various missions. Both the construction of the additional research and military space organization works hard to make this city a wonder of the Empire. He was floating above the sky of the Yanhuang Continent.

Tai Yang Zhou is now several times larger than before. It has an area of approximately ten square kilometers. It is so large that it can be seen from the Earth.

In this Deng family, a spaceship sits a famous capitalist of the Empire. That was Deng Laojun, the very old Deng family leader.

Deng's family has been in the transportation business for a long time. And Deng Laojun was the one who made this family's company even more extensive.

Deng Laojun was one of the few capitalists who had followed Zhao Lingxin four years ago. As a result, Deng Laojun received huge benefits. Able to develop the Deng family into the Empire's number one shipping company.

From automobiles to trains and oil pipelines, They are all related to the Deng family.

Especially the arrival of the space age, The Deng family, did not fail to keep up with this trend. So they start the rocket and spacecraft business immediately.

Deng Laojun, the great supreme ruler of the Deng family, sat staring out the window with great interest.

"This is the mythical abyss of darkness." Deng Laojun stared outside uninterruptedly. He saw that the beautiful Yanhuang, the Great Continent, was getting smaller and smaller every moment.

      "I live long to not waste it, it's really worth it." Deng Laojun sat down calmly. He had long dreamed of going to space once in his life. He was now very old, afraid that there were only a few years left. Fortunately, the Empire's technology and advanced science rapidly developed until the Deng family had its own spaceship. Able to come out to the sea of stars successfully.

Inside this Deng, the spacecraft is the first private sector flight.

Which is open for business capitalists to have the opportunity to experience space and head to visit Tai Yang Zhou.

Besides Deng Laojun, There were still a few businessmen who bought tickets for such an exorbitant price. Therefore, sit on this flight as well.

At that moment, the astronauts in command of the spacecraft made the announcement.

"Dear all passengers We have now reached half of our schedule. To the right is a beautiful moon." After the pilot made the declaration, Deng Laojun immediately looked out of the window.

He saw a barren gray moon. That was floating in space.

Deng Laojun smiled proudly because he knew that the Moon was now the sovereignty of the Empire.

Another hour passed. The spacecraft finally arrived at the Sky City Tai Yang Zhou, The destination of this time.

"The Deng family spacecraft asked for permission to dock." The pilot sent a signal.

Then a girl's voice rang out.

"Check the signal is correct. Getting a license from the government docking is allowed. Welcome to Tai Yang Zhou." This was Hong Bao'er's voice. Who controls everything in Tai Yang Zhou. Hong Bao'er had strictly controlled the entry and exit process. If a foreign object comes near, Hong Bao'er would immediately use her weapons to destroy the foreign object.

The Deng family spacecraft usually docked. Deng Laojun took off his protective clothes. When he stepped onto Tai Yang Zhou, It was found that in this city, there was a gravitational condition no different from that on Earth. When Deng Laojun walked in, There is a staff member to welcome in service.

"Welcome, my lord and everyone, to the Tai Yang Zhou. Please strictly abide by our rules," the official said, explaining the minor rules in the city to everyone.

"Take me to a private room," said Deng Laojun. Along with submitting identity documents to the staff.

The officers received Deng Laojun's documents for a thorough examination.

Before he is saying.

"All information is accurate. Lord Deng Laojun has bought our abode before. Please follow me." The officer immediately led Deng Laojun in another direction.

Deng Laojun noticed that the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou, was much busier than he had imagined. Civilian and military personnel are stationed. And there are scientists. Many engineers are doing their own work. There are thousands of people in this city.

The staff has advised along the way.

"Now our Tai Yang Zhou has opened the private sector. Soon we will officially open this section." The staff led Deng Laojun to a private area.

      Deng Laojun saw many rooms lined up. The staff has suggested.

"These rooms are bio-encrypted, very secure."

Deng Laojun nodded in understanding. Before scanning his iris and fingers to unlock his room.

The interior of the room was very small, with only a bed, empty space, and a bathroom.

But Deng Laojun was very satisfied. To sleep on the sea of stars was the privilege of someone rich enough and an elite like him.

"As of now, I can come up here anytime." These rooms, Deng Laojun, had to spend ten million yuan to purchase the license to stay.

And not everyone can get these rooms on Tai Yang Zhou. Must be a participant in the space program organized by Zhao Lingxin. These small and expensive rooms have been sold out even though the price is very high.

On the Tai Yang Zhou, there was a very high level of security. Therefore, it can be used as a refuge when disaster strikes on Earth.

The businessmen now knew that the Yanhuang Great Continent was not a safe place at all. There were some Martial Artists or Demons that invaded the Empire, including people like  Deng Laojun. That is to distinguish the secrets of the End of the World Operation as well.

If Zhao Lingxin activates the doomsday operation, All civilizations will collapse. But not for Zhao Lingxin. Because he has a refuge in space, And there was no way anyone could come up and hunt Zhao Lingxin up here.

Zhao Lingxin had used this concentration of Tai Yang Zhou. Set exorbitant prices to get money from people in business. Of course, people in business are afraid to die. Even if they destroyed civilization, they would absolutely refuse to die. People in business with enough money don't regret buying these rooms in Tai Yang Zhou, it's a guarantee of their safety.

The whole food at Tai Yang Zhou has been certified as having a complete cultivation system. Adequate air and gravity allow the experience to be as comfortable as on Earth.

They were causing these rooms to be entirely reserved. And the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou, was expanding to make this part even more enormous.

Deng Laojun took a rest in his own room. Then, before waking up, He walked to the resting area, which has restaurants and shops to serve as if in the world.

Tai Yang Zhou clearly divided the proportions. If it is a military area, no one is strictly forbidden to enter. And the district executives must have a permit to enter and exit. Hong Bao'er, the artificial intelligence, managed the entire system. This makes the city have a great management system and very high security.

"This is worth the price of ten million yuan in exchange for staying here."

Deng Laojun gave a compliment.

Deng Laojun lives happily in Tai Yang Zhou. Together with business people traveling together From now on, the City of the Sky must be open to many people's visits.

Deng Laojun, after finishing his meal. Then, he went for a walk to see the scenery in the area that they had prepared. This site and surrounding stars can be clearly seen from here.

"The sea of stars is so great." A sea of stars surrounded Deng Laojun. He felt that he did not waste his life that he had visited this place And while Deng Laojun was watching the view, He saw something rushing towards him.

Deng Laojun saw a petite stature like it wasn't a spaceship and headed straight with shocking speed. While Deng Laojun was wondering, Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou suddenly overheard Hong Bao'er's announcement.

"All units, please prepare to welcome the Emperor." As soon as she uttered the report, Tai Yang Zhou's staff quickly arranged to welcome Zhao Lingxin, who had arrived.



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