Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 313: 313 Inside Story

Chapter 313: 313 Inside Story

      Many days have passed. Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei saved hundreds of thousands of people of the White Tiger Clan from a severe food shortage crisis. Right now, the White Tiger Clan home might be the only place in the Demon Clan. With a bright light as bright as day under cover of darkness.

The way of life of the White Tiger Tribe began to return to normal after being rescued by the Empire. The White Tiger Tribe's body and health recovered exceptionally quickly. Soon, the military medical team no longer needed to help treat them anymore.

They sent news of the expedition's team in the White Tiger Tribe operation to the capital city of Shenzhou to Zhao Lingxin. This was Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei's quest for information. He had assessed the condition within the Demon Realm. Made a summary report and presented it to Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin sat and read the report about the current Demon Realm. All of this information, Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei had gathered in its entirety. It presents all the dimensions of the present in the Demon Realm.

Zhao Lingxin placed the thick report on the desk.

On the side, Prime Minister General Guo Ling was observing on the Zhao Lingxin side.

"Your Highness, what do you think about this?" General Guo Ling asked.

"If counted according to the survey team report, The Demon Realm is over."

Zhao Lingxin commented. He saw that the Demon Realm had no more hope.

"I think the same as you. Right now, the Demon Realm cannot fight with us at any cause," General Guo Ling said.

After the last victory, The Demon Realm had lost hundreds of millions. They also face insider problems such as food shortages.

Also, the ruling dragon clan disappeared. As a result, the Demon Realm was no longer able to fight against the Empire.

"According to the request of the army to lay off half of the active-duty soldiers."

Zhao Lingxin approved the request of the army sent by General Li Fengyang.

Now the military threat from the Demon Realm was gone. The Imperial Army had more than five million active companies, which was too much. It also burns the budget unnecessarily for the waste of time.

Zhao Lingxin decided to maintain a force of two million to three million men to deal with potential threats at any time.

      Zhao Lingxin signed the military discharge order. So allow more than two million people to return to the motherland. This might be good news for most people in the Empire.

"Send the news out. On the duty of someone who will deal with  the Demon Realm, let Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei do his best." Zhao Lingxin said.

"Yes, your majesty." General Guo Ling passed on Zhao Lingxin's orders. Today, Zhao Lingxin approved a large number of projects. This would affect the Empire's foreign policy.

Now the economic crisis has returned to the Empire once again. But, this time, capitalists and citizens are immune to it until they think that a financial emergency can happen after a while.

Saturation in the industrial system until the growth rate decreases. It is a clear indication of the economic crisis.

Zhao Lingxin could no longer dump the goods into the countries. Because all the drop-off locations are no more, The surrounding provinces became the territory of the Empire. Also, the Martial Artists of the Major Sect didn't like consumer products.

This caused Zhao Lingxin to deflect the solution to the Demon Realm.

But the Demon Realm had a completely different financial system. But this was not a problem for Zhao Lingxin. The Imperial Ministry of Economy and Trade already has a plan to deal with this.

This led to a meeting between Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Elder of the White Tiger Tribe, Tao Sun Guixian.

After Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei completed this rescue mission, He saw that it was worth the time. Therefore, a meeting was held in the White Tiger Tribe.

"What? You want to hire the White Tiger Tribe." Tao Sun Guixian said in shock because it was unthinkable that the Empire needed their labor.

"That's right." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei nodded. Behind the scenes of humanitarian aid, there is a benefit that this is the real purpose.

Demon Realm contains some rare minerals that are not listed on the periodic table. It is a unique metal suitable for making magic weapons and for the hearts of magic formation devices, which is an extraordinary mineral. Moreover, the Demon Realm also had a high concentration of Spirit Stone mines. These were previously discovered by Imperial Resource Reconnaissance satellites.

"We are pleased to help you. By paying wages is the Empire's food goods," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said generously.

      This reward made Tao Sun Guixian extremely excited because he saw that these things were extremely valuable.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei prepares to use processed agricultural products like snacks. Cheap instant noodles as wages to the other.In exchange for the White Tiger Tribe to deposit these minerals for the Empire.

Right now, these processed products are overflowing. No one wants anymore. The imperial land was prosperous, and food prices were low. They are causing some people to almost throw away instant noodles unnecessarily.

Even though instant noodles were selling very well, people like to eat them. But over time, The popularity of instant noodles has disappeared. Even the defensive linemen, after seeing instant noodles they threw it away carelessly.

Causing the instant noodle price to fall to a record to lowest, sales are down; people don't like this anymore.

Zhao Lingxin thought of solving the problem. By using the White Tiger Tribe to discard these cheap goods of food. Which was a cheap commodity that the Empire did not want. So the Empire changed it to wages for the White Tiger Tribe.

"This matter does not deceive you, are you?" Tao Sun Guixian asked again for sure. Right now, the White Tiger Clan needed the most food. The imperial proposal seemed too generous, like a scammer. Tao Sun Guixian had tasted instant noodles before. So it was knowing that this thing tastes absolutely delicious.

"This is absolutely true. I can guarantee."

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said with guilt. These things the Empire didn't even need. But the White Tiger Tribe looked at it as something more enchanting than gold.

"I can give you instant noodles. In exchange for you to mine the minerals for us," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said.

"This is absolutely no problem," Tao Sun Guixian said excitedly. The White Tiger Tribe needed food the most right now.

"The White Tiger Tribe all had a slender figure. So we can mine a lot of minerals for you."

Tao Sun Guixian quickly made a deal with Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei. for fear that the other person will change their mind. With this agreement, the White Tiger Clan would no longer have to worry about starvation.

This was the plan that Zhao Lingxin had mastered the most. Kill three birds with one stone were reused.

The Empire was able to solve the economic crisis, oversupply. by throwing the goods into the demon realm to exchange vast amounts of buried resources. In return, It is incomparably profitable.

They can also buy the hearts of many white tiger tribes. To be indebted to the Empire, They almost looked at Zhao Lingxin as the Messiah.

Tao Sun Guixian could hardly wait. Lead the White Tiger Tribe to mine the minerals the Empire needs.

      Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei smiled with utmost satisfaction. This time, the Empire took a surprising amount of benefits.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei immediately sent this agreement to the capital.

One of the great tribes of the Demon Realm. Surrender amount with instant noodles willing to mine ores for export to the Empire.

After this, Zhao Ling Xin showed generosity. Agree to double the number of wages of instant noodles. However, the wages of instant noodles didn't affect the Empire's finances much. It also accelerated the draining of the Empire's goods to make the circulation of the economy rise again.

These were not significantly different from slave labor. In addition, the Empire took advantage of the Demon Realm's lack of food. And trade the most valuable things that the Empire has to obtain many precious and rare minerals.

"Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei has been negotiating very well," Zhao Lingxin praised. Before signing approval to export goods to the Demon Realm.

Many trucks are packed with cheap agricultural processed goods and instant noodles. Heading straight to the Demon Realm with western forces escorting along the way, Build a path from the border of the west to the White Tiger base.

Several days later.

A fleet of thousands of trucks steered towards the mountain-like highs of goods in front of Tao Sun Guixian, causing him to gasp in shock.

"So many." Tao Sun Guixian was stunned by the massive pile of goods. There are tens of millions of instant noodles.

"This is part of our deposit. The emperor wants you to work as soon as possible," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said. At the same time, he was handing out a series of gifts of canned fish.

Tao Sun Guixian is also a cat. Seeing a lot of canned fish, he quickly fell in agreement.

"No problem, I will let people go mining right away."

Ever since that day, the Demon Realm's White Tiger Tribe was controlled by the Empire through natural economic channels. As long as the Demon Realm remained dark without farming food, The White Tiger Clan would have to rely on the Empire forever.



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