MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 216(Black Market Raid Pt.2)

CHAPTER 216(Black Market Raid Pt.2)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"What the hell is going on out there?!" A man in simple combat garbs screams as he rushes into the room, already holding a ball of pink flames in his right hand.

He enters the massive warehouse entrance to see dozens of men standing guard, either with their Quirks or rifles ready and aimed toward the massive blast doors leading outside the hideout.

"We don't know sir," one man says. "The alarms just went off and we rushed up here, but the door isn't opening."

Looking around the warehouse he sees only a few crates scattered about with men already behind them for cover.

All around him and on the stairs and railings hanging above are more men ready to kill any heroes or cops that dare enter this hideout.

This is their main shipping post toward the western hemisphere after all, they can't afford to lose the product here.

"Stall them for as long as we can, no prisoners, only trophies! Anyone that lives gets a nice bonus when this is over!" he sees them men get excited at the sound of that as he lowers his weapon, raising a hand to his ear.


"Start loading everything onto the subs, fit as much as we can, we've been compromised."

"Sir, the subs are...gone."

"Gone?! What do you mean gone?!"

"They were pulled out of the water somehow, they're atop the island now. The underground docks were flooded when they got pulled away, we're trapped unless we can get the other boats outside."

"Then call for backup, we'll stall until they get here."

"They're currently under attack by Crust sir, along with most of our other bases."

"Fuck!" the man yells out, startling his men. "New plan men," he points to the door. "Kill everyone between us and their boats, we're taking their boats and anything we can fit on them then heading south until we're out of Japan's territory!"

He raises a hand to his earpiece, "did you get that?"

"Yes sir, we're loading up all the carriables now."

"Tch," the man recreates the pink fireball in his left hand, and holds a piston in his right. "Nearly 50 Million a year to keep our operations hidden and we still get raided by some fucking heroes...the boss isn't gonna like this."

The sound of metal creaking and stone breaking echoes out as the entire massive chamber begins rumbling.

"Did anyone get a look at who they sent?!" the man asks, and gets no response. "Doesn't matter, just kill them all and take the boats!"

"Yes boss!" they all yell at once.

A moment later and the massive blast doors are torn out of the structure, taking a piece of the roof with them as they get tossed out of vision off to the side.

Over 50m -165ft- long, 20m -65ft- tall, and 2m -6ft- thick of solid reinforced steel, torn away as if it were nothing.

The sound of metal clatter and the vibrations of it are felt through the room as dust from the broken structure obscures their view.

"Fire!" the boss commands, and into the dust and darkness thousands of bullets go flying.

The cacophony of gunfire echoes in on itself and is almost deafening, continuing for nearly twenty seconds before the man raises his hand, and the room goes silent once more.

The sound of empty magazines hitting the floor is all that they hear as everyone reloads, before a deep chuckle reaches them, something they never thought they'd hear again.

As if ripped from their nightmares.

Then it laughs.

"Hahaha," All Might's booming voice has them trembling in their boots. "Your weapons are meaningless in the face of justice you fiends. Why? Because I am here!"

Some of the men stumble back, nearly tripping as they mutter to themselves.

Others are already reliving the memories of their last encounter with the Symbol Of Peace.

And even more are dazed and confused, sweating profusely at the sound of his voice.

"But, he's retired, right?"

Dozens of similar questions are mutters, exactly as planned.


Two dozen men go catatonic, seemingly paralyzed by fear.

"Good work Simon," Horizon's says as he steps through the dust, out of the darkness and into the light.

Behind him, to his left, everyone recognized Cellophane, and on the other side are Simon and Mudman.

"Huh? But All Might..." the boss looks around confused.

Simon shrugs, "he's with us in spirit," he says in All Might's voice, and the pieces finally connect.

The man's eyebrows furrow, feeling like a fool he throws a pink fireball forward, "kill them!" he commands.

But only half his men fire.

Beams of energy, fire, electricity, and of course bullets all converge on the heroes.

"Curtain," Horizon says in a bored tone, raising his hand to erect a thin blue rectangular shield to defend them, and none of the heroes even flinch.

Seeing this the boss looks around, noticing half his men standing around being useless.

"Why aren't you firing?!" he screams, stopping his attack to cool down before using his Quirk again, the skin on his hand already drying out.

"Rrrargh! Fine, I'll kill them myself!" the man yells as he puts both his hands together to make a massive fireball, one that will envelop the entire shield and certainly hit them.

He raising both hands above his head and is about to combine the energy and swing down, when suddenly he loses balance.

"What the hell!" he yells out as he stumbles and falls backward, cancelling the attack. "Agh!"

He splashed backward into softened concrete, barely thicker than water and quickly begins sinking.

The sound of gunfire almost entirely stops as everyone on the ground floor experience this at once.

He cranes his neck to look at the heroes, only to see Mudman crouched down beside Horizon with both palms on the floor, softening a thin line of the floor before it travels under the shield and expands.

"That brat, I'll ki---" his efforts to push himself out of the ground are suddenly halted as it immediately hardens.

Only his shoulders and head are out of the floor, leaving the rest of him entire in the ground, completely helpless.

He looks around, pissed off, suddenly noticing most of his men are trapped just like him. Craning his neck he sees the men on the metal structure above them were safe, over half of them were stunned in place while the others were still shooting.

"Don't stop shooting!" the boss yells out, doubling down even in this desperate situation.

Horizon rolls his eyes beneath the visor, "Simon..."

"Sigh, alright," Simon, still speaking in All Might's voice points at one of the five remaining shooter on the upper level. "In the foot, shoot him!"

Most of the men simply ignore him, until the man he pointed at screams out, shot by the brainwashed ally nearby.

"What the hell?!" Another man yells out, halting his fire to check on his friend. "Friendly fire! Friendly fire!" this only adds to the confusion of the situation.

Simon points to the man who just started yelling next, "shoot him in the foot!"

"Argh!" the next man screams out, but the others quickly turn their guns on their brainwashed allies, catching onto the trick.

But they don't execute them, instead they simply move in to detain their allies, by knocking them out or shooting them in the limb.

"That's as many as I'll get," Simon says. "You're up Cellophane..."

"Gotcha," Cellophane shoots two lines of tape at the shield and being backing away, careful not to leave cover but enough to give himself a running start.

As he gets far enough, Horizon gives him a nod, and he begins retracting his tape.

The force of his gear retracting it rips him off the ground and catapults him toward the shield.

"Takt," Horizon says, and the few remaining guns stops firing, their trigger stuck in place no matter how hard them men squeezed them.

And as Cellophane is barely an inch from slamming face first into the shield, Horizon drops it.

He rockets into the warehouse and swings from the ceiling, into the upper levels.

With practiced ease he takes out the final three men on that floor then tosses them all over the railing.

By the time they land the bottom floor is once again softened, trapping them and anyone else Mudman missed earlier.

Without looking back Cellophane shoots a line of tape and swings down into the circular hallway, deeper into the island bunker, exactly as planned.

Horizon casually walks up, waving back at the darkness to signal the police to come ashore and collect these criminals.

"Damn it!" the boss still yells. "Get em out of here and I'll---"

Horizon kicks him in the head, breaking his jaw and knocking him out.

"Finally some quiet," Horizon says, then turns to Mudman and Simon, "good work, first big case and you handled yourselves well, you'll look great on this," he taps the side of his visor, signally to the camera within.

"Shouldn't we go after Cellophane?" Mudman asks.

"He's fine," Horizon shrugs as he begins walking toward the deeper entrance. "I'm keeping an eye on him from here."

"Do we free these men now?" Simon asks, still in All Might's voice, then begins fiddling with his mask to adjust it.

"No, leave them here until everyone is captured, then you and Mudman can help the cops wrap them up in the other boats we have coming."

"Got it," Simon says, now in a normal voice.

As they enter the hallway they see a line of unconscious bodies, some with broken noses, others taped to surfaces, including the ceiling.

"No wonder you weren't worried," Mudman says as he touches the wall while the walk, sending a thin line of this Quirk's Softening which expands below the bodies to swallow them.

Then hardens it to trap them, with only their heads exposed.

"He's been training with me the longest, I'm finally making some progress," Horizon says as he steps over some bodies.

As they walk through the building they hear the odd gunshot ever so often, but Horizon doesn't react. And Scalpel still hovers at his side while they walk at a casual pace.

Eventually they come to a ladder around a circular entrance leading straight down. On the ceiling above it is a line of tape, extending all the way down the hole.

"This is the fastest route to the command room, lets go," Horizon casually steps off the ledge.

He falls for 40m -130ft- before hitting the ground.

Using Booster Shot he braces his legs and body to take the impact of the fall, bending his knees and crouching to alleviate the force.

Taking a few steps forward he looks back, seeing Mudman sliding down the wall by Softening the metal structure just enough to slow his descent.

As he hops off he steps aside as Simon is seconds behind him.

Mudman puts his hand against the softened metal and quickly hardens it again, then looks down at the bent metal grates of this hallway where Horizon landed.

"Didn't know you could jump like that," Mudman says as they catch back up.

"He can't," Simon says. "He can brace his body or enhance some linear movements, but sudden explosive power isn't his thing, did I get it right?"

"Pretty much," Horizon stops at a massive security door, but they hear gunfire further away as Horizon secures a special package Horizon sent him for.

Without a word Horizon gestures to the door and makes a pulling motion. Familiar with how he operates both Mudman and Simon step back as the security door is torn out of the wall by his Takt.

"Guess you don't need the explosive physical power like All Might when you can do that, huh," Mudman says.

"Yeah, but jumping around and flying with air pressure would have been cool," Horizon admits.

They walk into the room, a security room setup by the black market operators for the upper floors, but enough to give the access Horizon needed.

Looking at the far wall Horizon points at it, "soften that wall and go two rooms across, there is a lady hiding there, she's armed, that's the logistics manager for this place. Then soften the floor till you get into the main underground docks, Mudman is about to hit the armory, but you'll get to him before that."

"Why, can't you warp?" Mudman asks.

"Don't want you relying on me too much," Horizon says as he raising his left hand, taking the wire connecting to his left arms bracer of his costume.

Mudman begins softening the wall as Simon glances over at Horizon, "thought you didn't like dealing with too much tech."

"I don't, so Nezu built me a program to do it for me..."

Minutes later after dealing with the logistics manager of this stronghold, Mudman and Simon are sprinting at full speed after hearing an explosion on the lower floors.

They rush down the last set of stairs to see Cellophane leaning against a wall trying to catch his breath, as bullets rocket out of the hallway beside him.

They both slow down and quietly get beside him.

"These are the last three guys, but they're in the armory," Cellophane says.

"That explains why you stopped," Mudman says. "You're really damn good at this, at least from all the people we saw knocked out on the way here."

"Yeah well I've been training with Horizon longer, but this guy has a narrow hallway, and a rocket launcher, and he thinks I'm gone. But at least they heard my voice..."

Simon immediately begins fiddling with his mask.

Mudman nods to him and crouches down, putting his hands on the floor and closing his eyes, listening carefully.

Cellophane takes a few steps away and shoots a line of tape, ready to swing into the hallway and rocket toward the armory.

They each nod to each other as the plan begins.

"Can we talk this out?" Simon asks, in Cellophane's voice.

"Just die already," one of the men yells out as he fires a few bullets.

Simon immediately brainwashes him, and in the same instant Cellophane shoots past them and launches himself down the narrow hallway.

The sound of a RPG going off reaches Mudman's ears and he immediately softens the wall at the end of the hallway, the most likely target for anyone with half a brain, especially since he know Cellophane is in the middle of the hallway.

Cellophane narrowly dodges the rocket, not looking back as he springs forward and dropkicks the main in the face, all while his brainwashed ally stands motionless.

The rocket hit the far wall, and sinks in as if it were water, going 10m -30ft- deep before the concrete immediately hardens behind it.

And a small tremor is felt as a tiny crack forms in the wall.

Mudman sighs in relief, "Horizon was right, our team is perfect for this kind of thing..."


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