MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 215(Black Market Raid)

CHAPTER 215(Black Market Raid)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---300 Km -186mi- off the main coast, 7 PM...

On a small fleet of coast guard boats, multiple squads of heavily armed members of the Japanese coast guard and police force, ready for this mysterious raid that they've been brought to partake in.

None of them were told what's going on, and they don't know where they're going. They were simply ordered to be prepared and show up, ready to follow Horizon's lead.

Understandably this makes the men and women nervous, but such measures had to be taken to ensure the targets wouldn't be alerted by any spies or bugs they have within the system.

As the leading boat moves through the dark water Horizon is on his hoverboard, sitting as it floats in the air leading the way.

"They've already made contact?" Horizon asks, speaking to Hero Public Safety Commission Headquarters through his visor.

"Yes sir," the person responds. "Teams Endeavor, Crust, Edgeshot, and Yoroi Musha have already engaged the targets. All other teams much like yours are preparing to ambush the targets or quietly evacuating civilians."

"Any surprises?" Horizon asks.


"Nomu, named villains, special weapons, anything?"

"None have been reported as of yet."

Horizon thinks for a moment, then looks into the distance, sensing a small landmass at the edge of his Room. "Well that's to be expected, anything special would be held here at their main entry point, which is why I'm here."

"Yes sir, I'll keep you updated on the status of the other teams."

"Thanks, radio silence unless necessary," Horizon hovers down to the main deck where a squad of officers are sitting with his team. "We're almost there, just a few more minutes," he says before taking out his phone and pathing into the live feed from the other raids.

Very few heroes actually had body cameras or any kind of recording equipment on them, but for this Horizon especially requested them. And since this was his operation most people didn't have much choice but to comply.

He sees through Nejire's camera that Ryukyu has begun the charge into their target, a large factory at their docks.

Hopping over to Mirko's camera he can barely notice anything as she's constantly moving about, too fast to ever give a clear picture.

He sees Setsuna's camera feed floating about a apartment building, 'so she's using her Quirk to more accurately send info back to her team before they raid the building, good move.'

And through Majestic's camera he sees Momo setting up her rifle across from the building as other Pro Heroes rush into the lobby.

That entire building was one massive storage facility in the heart of their city.

As he's checking on the other teams, the police officers, coast guard, and his team are anxiously awaiting his next order.

"So, is he always like this?" One of the police officers asks, looking over at Cellophane, Simon, and Mudman.

"What do you mean?" Cellophane asks.

"Super serious. I mean I appreciate it but, you guys are a lot more serious than most Pro Heroes, and definitely more than most students."

"Its hard not to be after our summer camp," Simon says. "Not to mention keeping up with that workaholic doesn't leave much time for anything else."

"Why doesn't he just sit down here on the boat?" One of the coast guard asks. "Kind of weird how he's always on the hoverboard."

"Maybe he gets seasick," a police officer suggests.

"Horizon just doesn't like being on the ocean," Cellophane says.

"Really? What, he can't swim?" a few members of the coast guard can't help but laugh at the idea.

"No he can swim," Mudman says. "Its just the saltwater corrodes his gears you know."

"Ahhh," the entire group immediately understands what he's saying.

"Didn't even think about that," one woman says. "Guess being a cyborg comes with a lot of downsides huh."

Cellophane does his best and barely contains his laughter, along with Mudman, while Simon just rolls his eyes.

"We're here," Horizon says through their earpieces as he descends.

"Where is 'here', exactly?" the captain asks.

"That," he points to a shadowy island only a few miles away. "It's one of the last remaining man-made islands from the last war. We used them to supply the navy blockade that held back the American fleets, this is one of the few that survived the war."

"And what are we doing with it?" the captain asks.

"The black market is a intricate system of suppliers and buyers, but they mostly run their contraband through a few families. This is a major hub for it. This island was a naval resupply point, and a underwater submarine refueling station."

"So a massive warehouse," the captain says.

"Its where they keep most of their product in Japan, and prep it for shipping with ships or submarines, but the subs head to America from here, the boats go into Europe."

"This sounds like a serious fight, should we call for more backup?"

"No, that's why we're here," Horizon says, and everyone listening in through the comms network felt a bit more at ease. "You won't be fighting, you're just here to make the arrests official.

These guys have a lot of manpower, and since this is a massive smuggling depot they have even more firepower and ammunition, effectively a endless supply. Plus who knows what else they have down there.

But when we take this place out and arrest them, the supply chain falls apart, a lot of buyer and suppliers lose their money. And similar organizations around the world will start hunting any bosses in Japan that we miss to get back their investments, they'll finish the job for us."

Everyone gets tense as they approach the shore, but Horizon stays relaxed, moving to hover ahead of the boats as he still sits on the board.

"We're beginning out strike," he alerts the switchboard at Commission HQ.

"Copy, proceed at will," they say in return.

"Slow the boats down, I need to give them a proper greeting..." Horizon says as he stands on the board, and the boat operators slow their pace to a crawl giving him some distance.

The island was now visible, small, only 3km -2mi- wide, surrounded by deep waters befitting its purpose for the war.

There was one mound of earth on it and a small patch of trees, but overall nothing suspicious, which is exactly what the criminals intended.

At the side of the mound of earth were the massive blast doors. Specially made to withstands nuclear attacks, as was this entire base. But the doors appears to be rusted shut, only in appearance.

This entire facility was heavily damaged and unstable, costing too much to repair and not providing much use after the war, thus abandoned. But its new residents were willing to repair it, while keeping the dilapidated façade.

"Alright, lets wake them up..."

---Hero Public Safety Commission Headquarters...

Sitting at the back of the massive communications room. Pantu is alone at a desk, flanked by two agents standing behind her.

Ahead of her is a long desk with 15 special agents, each monitoring a different team in this massive operation.

And ahead of them are rows upon rows of agents monitoring the actions of individual Pro Heroes on this raid and reporting in what they find.

"Horizon is about to start, bring me the feed from his raid on the main screens," Pantu says. Her voice wasn't raised, even in his room of seeming endless chatter and cross talking, and yet they heard her and did as told.

At the far side of the room the entire wall reveals itself to be three large screens. One showing the feed from Cellophane, the middle showing the feed from Horizon himself. And the final one from the leading Coast Guard officer who has overall command of the police and military forces on the raid.

"Alright, lets wake them up," Horizon's slightly mechanical voice quietly reaches their ears, causing most people to glance up from their monitors to see what's going on.

They see a calm ocean, and a seemingly innocent island.

And between the boats and the island Horizon is casually standing on his hoverboard.

Then he raises both his hands in a casual gesture, and says a single word while pointing one finger upward.


Nothing happens for the first few seconds.

The the calm waters begin to ripple just ahead of him.

Then more ripples, another to his left, a third to his right.

Two more on either side.

And a silence befalls the previously chatter filled room as 5 massive submarines, nearly 200m -656ft- long and 17,000 tons each are ripped out of the water.

Pantu's face shows no reaction, but her finger is nervously tapping the desk. She recognizes the models, outdated relics from the last war, at least 150 years old.

Thankfully not nuclear, but still sights to behold as they're torn out of the water like paperweight playthings.

And with a wave of his hand Horizon casually tosses them into the air and toward the island.

A few people in the room flinch as the loud crash and sounds of metal collapsing under its own weight ring out as the submarines go rolling and smashing into each other.

As everyone is still stunned silent Pantu glances at the agents responsible for Hawks and Ryukyu's teams, the only Pro Heroes she controlled who knew how dangerous Horizon could be, and peeks at their monitors.

Seeing Hawks was dealing with a dozen gunmen holding fortified positions at his location, and Ryukyu was facing a similar problem.

All while she glances back up to see Horizon casually overlooking the island and the damage he caused, with seemingly just a wave of his hand.

"Focus on your tasks," Pantu's voice snaps everyone back to their senses and the room becomes filled with chatter once more.

---Back with Horizon...

He turns around on his hoverboard to see everyone staring at what he just did with wide eyes, then just speaks through the comms, "we'll go knock, be sure to take your time to account for everything you see. These guys rather die than get caught so leave the fighting to us, alright?"

"Yes sir," the police officers and coast guard repeat as one.

"Alright, Team Horizon, lets go..."



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