MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 173(The Big Three)

CHAPTER 173(The Big Three)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"So, what's all of this about?" Horizon asks as he walks into the observation area with the now-healed Sero and Shinso.

All of 1A was now gathered, along with Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki.

Tamaki was standing off to the side trying to make himself as invisible as possible, Mirio and Kirishima were having a small chat, and---

"HORIZON!" Nejire rushes up to him and gives him a hug as he approaches them. "It's been so long. You didn't respond to my texts. And my calls didn't connect. Is your phone broken? Ryukyu says she talks to you so maybe it's mine. Have you gotten any stronger since the raid? Ooh, are you gonna fight Mirio too?! You're both pretty strong so you might actually have to try! Oh, I bet you'll get along great with him! Wha---"

"Hado!" Eraser interrupts her volley of questions.

"Right, sorry sir," Nejire bows and stands beside Mirio.

Glancing at the students, Mirio immediately stands out. Taller than most, bright smile even as Kirishima talks his ear off, seems genuinely interested in the conversation. And bright blonde hair.

Off in the corner, he sees Amajiki, with dark hair and what he assumed is a gloomy expression, since he couldn't see his face. Amajiki was currently facing a blank wall.

'Potentially the second most powerful Quirk in UA...and he's got fucking stage fright,' Horizon just shakes his head and walks up to Eraser.

"You said we'd have this place all afternoon, what's this all about?"

"Mirio decided the best way to give them a glimpse of what a Work Studies students is to fight."

"Ok, but why here, you know we're training here."

"Training," Eraser glances over to Sero and Shinso, now healed but still covered in bits of blood. They were off talking to some of the other students right now. "Right, well I figured since you're always interested in seeing new Quirks, getting hands-on experience with the Big Three would be appealing to you."

This gets everyone's attention, and Mirio joins the little discussion.

"I think that's a great idea!" he says. "I'd love to see what UA prize student can do. Everyone in your class is super talented but you're something else...oh, I'm Mirio Togata by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I know," Horizon turns back to Eraser. "I don't have any interest in fighting people weaker than me, it's a waste of time, but watching should be amusing atleast."

"Don't mind him guys!" Nejire jumps in while Mirio and Amajiki were trying to interpret the cold greeting. "He's always all grumpy when you first meet him, but he's really nice when you get to know him, I promise!"

"Uh, right," Mirio nods awkwardly, "well, it was a pleasure to meet you either way. Alright everyone, let's head into the sparring area!"

As everyone gets into position, only a few people remain by the observation window.

Horizon, Eraser Head, Tamakai, Nejire, Sero, Shinso and those who failed to get a provisional license.

Looking down the line he sees Bakugo fuming, but eyes wide to take in everything he can from this demonstration.

Beside him, Shoto was observing with a blank expression.

Shoji and Ojiro were doing the same, while Nejire and Jiro were chatting quietly about something with Mina.

"So how do you think this'll go?" Horizon asks Eraser, and everyone gets quiet to listen in.

"Honestly they don't stand much of a chance, before you, Mirio was easily the strongest in the school," Eraser sighs. "This is a big waste of time, but hopefully it'll put things into perspective for them."

"So being in a classroom with me wasn't enough?"

"On the contrary, it was too much."

"Too much?"

"Well, you're a monstrously talented and intelligent person that just happens to have the most powerful Quirk in the world, using you as a yardstick to measure themselves against won't work, because they know they can't ever catch up."

"So you're trying to replace that goal with Mirio, since he's more realistic than I am, very clever."

"Well, I am your teacher after all."

"Honestly I was more interested in Amajiki," Horizon says, causing everyone to glance at the boy who was trying to avoid their eyes. "Aside from myself, he's got potentially the most powerful Quirk in UA. Atleast if he takes it as far as I imagine he could."

"Oh yeah, our little Sun Eater is super strong!" Nejire cheers on her friend.

"His Quirk is most similar to mine than anyone else here, aside from Momo," Horizon says. "It gives him a potentially limitless supply of tools for any occasion, those people are always fun to see in action."

"Wow," Jiro looks over at the unassuming Amajiki. "What's his Quirk?"

"Manifest!" Nejire yells out. "It lets him eat anything and then manifest the properties of it while it's in his stomach, so if he eats lobster his arms can become lobster claws and he can make shell armor, he's really strong!"

"Works on diamonds too," Horizon says. "And he can do multiple things at once. I've done my research on you three. Of each of you, Manifest is easily the most powerful Quirk in the group, or atleast when he stops holding back it will be."

"Wow, never would have guessed it," Jiro mutters.

"Wait a minute, so if you know so much, why'd you call us weak earlier?" Hado asks, pouting cutely at him.

"Because compared to me, you're weak, not in the sense that you can't perform against villains. But like with most people, I'm just a bad matchup."

"They're starting," Eraser says, and everyone focuses on the fight.

They immediately see Mirio's clothes falling through him, before he falls into the floor.

"Ah!" Jiro covers her eyes completely. "What the hell kind of Quirk is that?!"

"Oh, it's called Permeation!" Hado says. "It lets him pass through stuff, even the air and light itself, pretty neat right."

"Weak Quirk," Horizon says. "But his precision is extraordinary, and his practiced instincts make it monstrous in his hands."

They see Mirio absolutely demolish their classmates as Horizon is speaking.

"Picking and choosing when and where become tangible, making his eyes solid so he can see, his mouth and lungs so he can breathe, his ears to hear. All in short bursts while remaining mostly solid to give the impression that he's invincible.

And he likely memorizes the battlefield at a glance each time so he can travel through the floor, then he can use the force of matter overlapping and rejecting each other to rocket out of the floors and walls for more damage in his hits. A weak Quirk made powerful through masters, I'd say he's level 80, at the very least."

"That almost sounded like a compliment," Eraser says as Mirio rockets out of the floor and kicks Tokoyami in the face, knocking him out.

"I can recognize hard work when I see it, and that's all Mirio is."

"Told you he's nice," Nejire mutters to Amajiki.

"And you're still confident you can easily deal with them?" Eraser asks, seeing the last of his students easily being knocked out.

"Wouldn't even need my sword, my hands are more than enough."

"Ooooh, that's pretty cool," Nejire says before she starts giggling. "Then why don't we go down there, since it looks like Mirio is done already."

"It only took him three minutes to take them all down," Horizon says as he sees Mirio picking his classmates back up. "Not bad, alright, I'm in, let's go play..."

---5 Minutes later.

"Do I really have to be here?" Amajiki asks, hands in his pockets and shoes off as he stands in the combat area. To his right is Mirio, and beside Mirio is Nejire.

"C'mon Amajiki, it'll be fun," Mirio says. Besides, haven't you been curious about the hotshot first year too?"


"Oh don't be such a baby," Nejire says as she begins flying, releasing small spirals of energy from her feet so she hovers just a meter above the ground. "Think of this as us teaching the other students what fighting at the top of UA looks like."

"I just don't like having an audience," Tamaki glances at the observation deck where everyone was watching intently, then across the room where Horizon was standing alone. "And he seems kinda mean..."

"I'm telling you he's a softie inside."

"You're just saying that because he healed Ryuky---"

"---Mind humoring me for a moment Mirio?" Horizon asks from across the room.

"Huh, sure, what do you need?" Mirio asks.


Horizon warps his sword into his hand. "I'm pretty sure Amputate should work when you're permeable, but since I'm not using my sword in the fight, can you let me check before we start."

"Oh, sure, I always wondered what that feels like," Mirio raises an arm to his side and makes it permeable, and his sleeve immediately falls through it.

With one vertical slash from across the room, the outstretched arm is cut off, painlessly without damage, and begins falling to the floor.

"Wow!" Mirio reaches out and catches it. "It's a good thing I can still control how my Quirk works in this part, otherwise it could have just kept falling forever," he laughs while wiggling the fingers on the severed limb. "This is super freaky."

"Can you please put that back already," Tamaki looks like he's about to lose his lunch from just looking at it.

"Awe, don't want me to give you a hand?"


"Awe c'mon that one was funny!" Mirio whines before easily reattaching the limb.

"No, it wasn't," Eraser says through the speaker. "Now can you please get this over with so I can get back to teaching my class..."

"Yeah, call it Eraser," Horizon tosses his sword back over his shoulder, and it just hovers above the ground. He puts one foot forward and prepares to launch a low punch. "I'll try not to break any of you."

"Alright, begin!"


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