MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 172(Teamfight Training)

CHAPTER 172(Teamfight Training)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Are you sure this is alright?" Shinso asks, "I just got into the Hero Course, I don't want to get in any trouble, especially with how Eraser Head is..."

He, Sero, and Horizon were walking away from the main campus to a massive new building.

Where the other 1A students trained their Super-Moves for the Provisional License Exam.

Lunch still hasn't ended, and the evening class as always is Hero Training, but these three were in their UA Gym Uniforms, with Horizon leaving his jacket open to show the chest of his slightly armored body glove.

And his jacket still sports his logo across the back of it.

"Eraser said they're just doing more theory stuff today," Horizon says as they enter the gym. "He gave me the go-ahead for us to have some training here.."

They enter to a viewing room, with a thick glass plane separating the viewing area from the massive concrete gym below.

"Wow, when did they add this?" Sero asks as he walks up and taps the glass.

"Since Bakugo and Deku started training together," Shinso says. "All Might did mention something about teaching them indoor combat and how to minimize collateral damage. Tokoyami also does some training here at night, his control of Dark Shadow is a little better already."

"That explains the glass," Sero says as they walk to the side door, to enter the combat area. "Those three hit hard."

"Well we're using it because it has a good camera system, to review your work," Horizon points to the corners of the room. "And since Eraser is just having The Big Three talk to everyone about what they'll be expected to do and how to conduct themselves during the internship, this is our for today."

"Hado huh," Sero gets a thoughtful look. "She's pretty cute, think you can introduce me?"

"I thought you and Kodai were---"

"---Focus on training for now, always time for pussy later," Horizon interrupts them. "We're here so I can teach you two how to fight, well, mostly Shinso since I've been training with Sero for a few weeks."

"So close combat training huh, we'll Eraser Head and I have been training for three months, so don't think you need to hold back against me."

Sero chuckles at that and Horizon just shakes his head, "I never hold back, and since I'll be healing everything I do to you, I can really do whatever I want. But for now, I just want to get an idea of what type of training you need."

"Well, atleast my teeth aren't getting kicked in from the start..." Sero mutters as he takes a few steps to the side, leaving Horizon and Shinso in the middle of the massive concrete gym.

"So, rules?" Shinso asks, standing opposite Horizon, once against facing off against his imposing physique.

Because while Shinso has packed on some muscles since the Sports Festival, so had Horizon. And with him standing 20cm -8in- above Shinso, it certainly leaves an intimidating sight to behold.

As Mina and some others have said, 'it's like a mini All Might.'

"Welcome to the real world Simon," Horizon puts his hands up, casually holding one out with an open palm, and keeping the other behind his back. "There are no rules in a street fight, which is what every fight with a villain is. But to keep things simple, for now, I won't use my Quirk."

Shinso takes a lower fighting stance, ready to charge in, "so none of that 'sensing' every movement the opponent makes, think you can fight without it?"

"Come find out..."

Shinso carefully studies his opponent, as always, just as Eraser Head thought him.

But looking at Horizon, only 10ft -3m- away, studying his form, none of it made sense.

'His stance is, too relaxed, to the point of being sloppy. But he's supposed to be trained by some kind of a combat monster according to Eraser. Probably a combat-oriented Pro Hero or soldier. Even without his Quirk active he's leaving too many openings.

But sensei said human conventions don't apply to Horizon, so I should just assume he's got the advantage in every situation, because even if I don't know what it is, he does have it.'

"Don't overthink it!" Sero yells from the sidelines. "Just punch him in the face!"

"Mmm," Shinso grumbles, then rushes forward.

He immediately rockets forward, launching three lightning-fast jabs.

'Good form, smooth motions, and no hesitation,' Horizon thinks as he bats them away with one hand. 'Nearly dying at the Summer Camp must have helped with that...'

Next Shinso spins to deliver a solid kick to Horizon's side, but as he does that Horizon steps forward.

He gets too close for the kick to connect, and Shinso's thigh harmlessly bumps into his side.

Shiso doesn't even hesitate, twisting his torso to deliver a straight jab to Horizon's face, all while his one leg is still off the floor.

Before his fist can connect Horizon drops his arm, making a fist but leaving one knuckle poking out as he hits Shinso in the thigh.

"Hng!" Shinso flinches from the pain, causing his punch to stall for just a moment.

Horizon raises the same hand, opening it and backhanding Shinso in the stomach.

The force knocks the wind out of him and knocks him to the floor.

'Low pain tolerance,' Horizon notes. 'I'll need to put him through the wringer, he flinches to easily. And with a Quirk like his that requires constant concentration, that's an oversight we can't afford.'

Seeing Shinso struggling to get up, desperately trying to catch his breath, Horizon walks up and plants the sole of his shoe into his face.

"Argh!" Shinso feels his nose break as he rolls across the floor, blood flowing down his face and across his lips. "What the hell?!"

"You took too long to get up," Horizon says, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "So I suggest you get to your feet before I walk over there..."

Shinso gets to his hand and knees, seeing blood falling to the concrete below him, looking up through blurry vision to see Horizon slowly walking over to him.

"If I were a villain you'd already be dead, so clearly we've got a lot of work to do," Horizon walks up to Shinso and sweeps his arms out from under him, causing him to go face first into the concrete.

Searing pain flows through Shinso's face again, then his torso as Horizon connects a kick that sends him rolling across the floor.

"You can't have suck low pain tolerance with a Quirk like yours," Horizon says as he begins walking toward Shinso again.

"UrgghhhhH!" Shinso releases a pained cry as he pushes himself off the floor, desperate to get to his feet before Horizon gets to him.

"Better," Horizon says, and actually stops so Shinso can take a breath. "Your pain tolerance is essential to Quirks like yours. It's based on Telepathy like Eraser's, so his pain tolerance being insanely high is the goal for you. But you'll also need to learn parallel processing similar to me, but nowhere near my level."

"Parallel Processing?" Shinso wipes some of the blood with his sleeve.

"Having multiple coherent thoughts in your head at the same time. Eventually holding your Quirk on targets will become second nature."

"So that's how you can focus on hundreds of things within your range at once, sounds exhausting."

"You'll get used to it, now, let's get back to your assessment."

---30 Minutes Later...

"Is he always like this?" Shinso asks, he was covered in cuts and bruises, his UA Gym Uniform battered and bloodied, leaning on Sero who was in the same state.

"Welcome to my world," Sero says as they both stand properly and raise their hands.

Across from them, Horizon was still mostly spotless, aside from his knuckles sporting just a bit of their blood.

"Don't be so dramatic, I haven't even activated my Quirk once to fight, just to heal you between rounds."

They both burst into a full sprint toward Horizon, working together as they have been for the past 20 minutes.

Sero goes low, trying to sweep his legs, but Horizon just moves his foot forward to lower the force received from Sero's kick.

Preparing for the hit his leg doesn't even move.

'Sweep the leg...what does he think this is, a cartoon?'

He quickly uses the same leg to kick Sero in the side, all while Shinso leaps up to punch down toward his face.

'I already told him once about not letting both his feet leave the ground, but if he insists, then so be it...'

"AHH!" Shinso screams as the air leaves his lungs, Horizon's fist had just enough force to cancel his momentum and keep him in the air.

At the same time, Sero gets up to punch Horizon in the gut, only for him to raise his leg to take the hit.

He hits Shinso once more, juggling him in the air before turning to Sero and connecting a straight jab to Sero's left arm, completely numbing it.

Before Shinso can continue to fall again Horizon hits him once more, a severe uppercut that leaves him doubled over on Horizon's fist, and he holds him in the air with no issue.

Horizon pulls his arm away for Shinso to crumple to the floor, then reaches out and grabs Sero's neck, slowly choking him, watching him desperately try to recall his training and break his hold.

"You've got company," Eraser's voice sounds through the speakers from the observation room.

Horizon drops Sero, and he falls on his ass to the floor.

"I thought you said today's class was all theory, so we could just train here this afternoon," Horizon turns to the glass separating them from the observation room above, and sees the entire class plus the big three in their UA PE Uniforms.

"Mirio decided that a practical demonstration is better," Eraser says. "Care to join them?"


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