MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 146(New Partnerships)

CHAPTER 146(New Partnerships)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---Undisclosed Location, 2 AM...

Walking onto a private runway was a tall and bulky man, muscles well hidden beneath his black shirt and white trench coat.

In his right hand was a black duffel bag, red, matching his wild hair. He wore combat pants with matching boots, and had an uneasy look on his face.

Looking up at the moon he checks his surroundings, only seeing desert plains around him for miles and miles, along with the jeep he just spent the last three days driving to this spot.

And in front of him is a completely pitch-black private jet with no markings on it, not even windows.

Approaching the jet he raises a brow, "I'm here! And I hope you don't think just because I can control metal that I can fly this thing."

The door opens, dropping down to become a set of stairs as the engines start up. The now familiar hum of a modern all-electric jet reaches his ears.

Walking into the jet he isn't greeted by anyone, the door simply closes behind him as it begins aligning itself on the runway to takeoff.

Wolfram immediately puts a hand on a metal part of the inner wall, and a single blue spark shows his Metal Manipulation Quirk in full effect, "you better start talking before taking me anywhere."

"This vehicle is unmanned, one of my more luxurious drones," a sickly voice says through the speakers. "I am Tech, your new employer. Please, have a seat."

"Ok, I just spent days in the hot-ass desert driving to this place, so make it worth my time," Wolfram says as he drops his bag on the seat, and immediately begins looking for something to drink.

"Yes, help yourself to anything you want, it shall be a long flight to Japan."

"Japan?" Wolfram asks as he walks back to the seats with a bottle of champagne.

"Oh, right. You weren't in range of any information services these past few days. Please, watch this..."

As Wolfram is pouring himself a glass a hologram appears on the table in front of him.

"What is this?" he asks as Principal Nezu appears to give a press conference.

"Your destination."

"Tch, UA? Well, we're gonna have to renegotiate my price if this is the kind of risk you want me to take. Japan may be a bit messy at the moment, but their main guard dog spends half his time in that school."

"Precisely, only half his time. Some simply studying, and cleverly engineered disasters, will allow you to know exactly where he'll be."

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why---"

Wolfram stops talking as the recording stars, and David Shield walks onto the stage.


The recording skips ahead a bit to where Nezu, David, Yagi, and Horizon are standing on stage. And that's where it pauses.

"Two days ago David Shield was announced to have taken a teaching position at UA. The official story is that after you attacked I-Island and nearly killed him and his daughter, his desire to directly help the next generation of Pro Heroes was re-ignited.

That led to him taking this teaching position to help the 'next great hero' while he can. It's just a big flashy stunt to say he's at UA to help out Horizon and the other students after he almost died."

"And the truth?" Wolfram asks, downing his glass and refilling it.

"They know we'll come for Melissa Shield, and force her father to repair his device. So they put them in the best thing short of Tartarus with people they trust. So we may assume All Might, Nezu, and atleast Horizon know about the device."

"To think my life would get so complicated because of this thing," Wolfram reaches into his bag and takes out the shattered bits of the Quirk Amplification Device. A broken metal helmet-like contraption.

"Yes, first All For One hires you to steal it, then he gets arrested so now I'm stepping in as the new employer."

"Didn't think there were two shady guys like you that would hire me so quickly, but hey, the money is too good to pass up."

"I know how to motivate people. You will leave those components in the jet when you land, I'll fly them back to my main base and try to figure it out myself."

"Can you?"

"Unlikely, atleast not in this form. The fact that he was able to fit multiple supercomputers worth of processing power into a helmet is...miraculous. The man truly is the greatest engineer this world has ever seen."

"You sound like a fan."

"Only a distant admirer. Now, may I know your plan and timeline to bring me Melissa Shield?"

Wolfram looks at the hologram, all the men standing on stage. "I'll have to wait a few weeks for them to get comfortable at UA. When people are used to a routine they're more likely to make mistakes, that's when I can strike. As for my plan, my old team died at I-Island. I'll have to make new allies here."

"The League Of Villains?"

"No. I want to keep a low profile, and if they could have, they would have already attacked that school. They're more scared of Horizon than anyone else, because he's actually gunning for them. I don't want him actively looking for me alongside them."

"Projected timeline for this mission?"

"Hmm, capture the girl, force her dad to finish the project by using her as leverage, keep Horizon distracted while this is all happening...within 3 months you'll have it on the doorstep of your mansion."

"Sky Palace," Tech corrects him. "But that will do quite well. When this is completed and your payment is received, I'll have more contracts to be completed over the following 6 months."

Wolfram laughs, "with how well you pay, just consider me on retainer after this job. Hell, if I can pull one over on Horizon there isn't anything I can't do, so of course my price will be higher, but you can more than afford it."

"Naturally, my goals are beyond money, spare no expense in the pursuit of your dreams after all."

"My dream is money, because power can be bought, and I've already got power enough" Wolfram flexes his arm, his skin glows slightly red as his Muscle Augmentation Quirk activates before going back to normal.

"Power is the path to silence..."

"Well, I'm sure silence must mean a lot to you if that's what this is for," Wolfram downs another glass of champagne and gets up. "What kind of food does this thing have anyway..."

---1A Dorms, 7 AM...


Horizon warps into the common area, in full Hero Costume, ready to get the day started.

But before that, he immediately turns toward one of the tables, where Shoto, Kirishima, and Bakugo, were having breakfast before going off to do some Quirk training.

"Hey idiot," they all look up, not sure who he was referring to. But Horizon just takes out his phone and hands it to Shoto. "Speak..."


"Your dad, probably wants to know why you are one of the few people here to fail the License Exam."

"I don't want to talk to him," Shoto tries to hand the phone back.

"He's been bothering me all morning, and unlike you, I actually work with him. Just talk to him before I warp you into his office."

Shoto narrows his eyes at Horizon but just gets up and takes the call outside, for some privacy.

"I swear the Todoroki's are the fucking worst..." Horizon mutters.

"You know, the exam really was a lot harder this year," Kirishima says. "You don't have to be so hard on them. I mean it is tougher because of what you were saying on tv."

"Good, this era needs better heroes, and as Silver Medal learned," he gestures to Bakugo. "Being strong isn't everything. And all the other idiots who failed learned that they aren't strong enough and need to work on that, but they've got the other things down properly. Only having 50 people pass per venue is good for the country."

"Yeah, but you don't have to be mean about it, not manly at all bro."

"Yeah I'm not taking advice from a brick," Horizon says.

"Brick?" Kirishima actually thinks about it for a moment, "ohhhh! Because of my Quirk, that's pretty clever!"

"No, because of your brain..."

As Kirishima just sits down and tries to enjoy the rest of his breakfast, Shoto walks back in and hands his phone back.

Then without a word he just sits down and continues eating.

"I'm ready!" Sero calls out as he walks into the room, a suitcase in one hand and the metal case with his Hero Costume in the other, dressed casually.

"Huh, where are you guys going?" Mina hops off the couch and rushes over. "Can I come, we've been locked in the dorms for weeks no! They won't even let me go shopping!"

"Because you failed the exam Pinky," Horizon says. "Besides, this is a training trip. We've got a week before school starts up and Sero will be spending it in Tokyo with me."

"Yeah," Sero says. "Now that I've got my license he convinced Principal Nezu to let me go work with him for a week. Taking my training to the streets, we'll be a pair of crime-fighting heroes for a while"

"A temporary partnership until you don't need me anymore," Horizon says.

"That's so manly! Helping people for real!" Kirishima actually sheds a tear for the moment, causing a few people to give him strange looks.

"Right. Sero, let's go before he starts wanting to hug people..." Horizon rests a hand on Sero's shoulder and they both warp away, to an armored car waiting outside of UA to drive them to Tokyo...

To train one of the passing students of the Provisional License Examination.

Because as they said, due to Horizon's influence the exams were much harder. Moving from only 1500 people being accepted to only 50.

And because of this, the crowd thinned that much more around Horizon.

'Kaminari- Deceased

Sato- Deceased

Koda- Deceased

Mina- Failed her exam

Jiro- Failed her exam

Bakugo- Failed his exam

Shoto- Failed his exam

Shoji- Failed his exam

Ojiro- Failed his exam'

Step by step, Horizon is forcing Japan's Pro Heroes to become better and better, but this earned the resentment of an untold number of people, on both sides...


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