MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 145(The Shields)

CHAPTER 145(The Shields)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)



Law warps into Nezu's office, wearing the body glove but no visor. Sitting on the couch he has his visor compacted down in his hand and looks over to Nezu.

"Good morning," Nezu says. He was sitting behind his desk typing away on the computer.

"You ready to tell me what's going on now?"

"Hmm, rude. I don't understand the full scope of the situation, when they arrive we'll get the full story."

"Honestly you people act like sending a text is the most difficult thing in the world."

"Well, he doesn't have access to my network to ensure a secure line."


"Do you have other plans for today? Your classmates should be back at around 2 PM.

"Hopefully I can get started on this case immediately. If not, I'll probably go back to my house for a change and relax. Do some light training later. You know, since I had that mansion built and never get to use it..."

"If you weren't integral for the security of UA I would have allowed you to neglect the dorm requirements. Besides, when you're here you spend what,  7 hours each night in your training grounds. Can't do that at your fancy house."

"Yeah I guess, but I can have women over, not need to wear the visor every minute, the little things you know."

"Is it really that much of a problem? You spend all your time working anyway, so it's not like the visor ever comes off."

"I know, and I'm used to it already. But having the option is nice..."

"Well, that I can understand. But---" Nezu stops as he sees Law perk up, looking up at the ceiling. "What's wrong?"

"Helicopter coming toward UA, in the airspace at the back of the school."

"That's them, how many details can you get."

"Man in a wheelchair, a girl beside him. Nice tits---"

"Focus, and don't be a pervert."

"It's not like I looked past her clothes, jeez," Law rolls his eyes. "Yagi is with them. Their phones are weird, must be custom. I can't recognize the model. She has a backpack, filled with...some tools. Books, granola bars maybe."

"Anything about them particularly?"

"He has a cavity and is missing a tooth, I like his watch."

"Anything about her, look a bit deeper."

Law glances at Nezu, not sure what he was getting at, "what? You want to know what kind of underwear she has on?"

"Absolutely not, I have no interest in such things, especially not regarding my students."


"Starting today, but I was more curious about the fact that she's Quirkless."

"I can't detect that from range. My SCAN is like a full 3D map of everything and everyone. I can go deeper, look inside a sealed candy wrapper and things like that if I want. But I can't really do that on a living thing without touching them."

"Every time I learn something new about that Quirk of yours, the more impossible it seems."

"Even you can't comprehend divinity, that's all there is to it."

"Hmm, warp them into here when you're ready," Nezu says.

"Time to get to work," Law raises the compacted plate behind his neck, activating it for it to expand around his head into his visor.

He warps three of his cards into his hand, tossing two on the couch opposite him and another in the open space of the office.

"Shambles," Yagi, David Shield, and Melissa Shield are warped into the room.

With Yagi and Melissa on the couch opposite him and David in his wheelchair.

"Hng," Melissa -the stacked blonde 16-year-old girl in jeans and a pink top-, nearly falls off the couch in surprise. "What happened?!"

Yagi was calm as ever, used to Horizon's antics.

"So that's how your warping works," David -the brown-haired man in the wheelchair with a scar on his left cheek-, says. "Instant and undetectable by the human body, if only I could replicate it."

"That wasn't very nice," Melissa says, then catches herself. "Sorry, I'm Melissa Shield, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She gets up and reaches out to shake his hand, not at all intimidated by his stature or presence.

She's spent quite a bit of time around her 'uncle' after all, All Might.

"Well you know who I am, so can we get down to business?" Horizon doesn't even reach out to shake her hand, leaving her to awkwardly sit back down.

"Well if you insist," David says. "I'll skip introductions and get to the threat. What do you know about the I-Island attack?"

"You had the annual tech expo, villains attack, they brought down the tower. You and she were presumed dead...clearly one of those was a lie."

"A necessary falsehood which I suggested," Nezu admits. "David has reason to believe they would continue hunting him down."

"For what? He owes them money?"

"That's what we'd all like to know," Yagi says, looking at his friend.

"Alright," David sighs. "The truth is, I detected that Yagi's power was decreasing a lot these past few years."

"You knew?" Yagi asks.

"Not about All For One. But I figured maybe it was just Quirk Fatigue, lots of Strength Enhancer types experience that as they get older.

But the idea of a world without All Might, that, that was too much to bare. So I tried building a device, I had to call a lot of people I've made a point to avoid. I needed the info they had on Quirks. Centuries of data poured into my idea.

I had hundreds of anonymous people contribute in exchange for money or consultation on tech they were working on. Until, it was complete."

"A weapon?" Yagi asks.

"No! I'd never make a weapon," David says. "This was a mechanical Quirk Amplification Device. Something you could wear that will boost your power, like you were in your prime."

"In this world, that's a weapon," Horizon says.

"Father..." Melissa looked heartbroken that he'd even make something with such destructive potential. Essentially a perfected form of Trigger.

"I thought I could just give it to All Might and the situation would be solved, all I wanted to do was help," David looked like he was about to cry, seeing the disappointed faces of his daughter and friend.

"Save the tears for when I'm gone," Horizon cuts them off. "You can be a little bitch later. Right now stay focused. Why did villains attacks, and what happened to the device?

"Right," David holds back the tears. "I assume there was a leak somewhere in my operation, and when the project was completed the villains were sent to retrieve it."

"Well the League Of Villains was there," Horizon says. "And it's fairly obvious that between All For One and whoever is still making the Nomu for the league, they're probably one of the investors who gave you the library of Quirk data."

"They could have hacked you," Nezu says.

"No, this particular design was kept strictly in my mind. I knew the risk of even writing it on paper."

"One less thing to worry about," Horizon says. "And the device?"

"They stole it," David says. "The villain, Wolfram. He has two Quirks. A Muscle Enhancer, and his Metal Manipulation. He can control any metal he touches."

"Two Quirks," Horizon and Yagi look at each other. "Guess All For One sent him for it. Use the device, amplify Super Regeneration, and health issues relieved atleast."

"Another agent of that monster is loose in the world," Yagi grumbles out.

"A lot more than him, but this still leaves one question," Horizon looks at David. "If they have it, then why would they need you?"

"Because I broke it. I slammed it into the floor when I was cornered, the parts are far too intricate for anyone else to assemble or replicate. The only exception being in this room with us," he looks at Nezu. "They need me to fix it, and when they were about to capture me I brought down the tower to kill us both."

"But you both lived, another failure to the list..."

"Horizon!" Nezu tries his best to keep him in line.

"He fucked up, and now we're dealing with his mess. And my part in all of this is capturing the villain and recovering the device...while he's likely going to try and get one of the Shields in his control."

"In a nutshell, yes," David atleast looks apologetic.

"And you'll be doing what? Playing teaching in the Support Department until this is resolved?"

"Precisely," David says. "And Melissa will enroll in that department as well. While it isn't the same as the technology institute she attended previously, atleast at UA's Support Department she can still work on her own inventions."

Horizon just sighs, "great. Just great, as if I didn't have enough crap on my plate already. Being a deterrent in Tokyo and for the country's villains. Protecting UA from Kurogiri, trying to get my own career started, and now this shit..."

"I really am so---"

"Save it," he cuts him off. "I'll cast a net in case that guy comes to Japan, hopefully, the entire league doesn't come knocking on our door because of this."

"If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know," David says.

"Oh, believe me, when this is over you're gonna endorse me as a Pro Hero. Because having one of All Might's best friends and partners in my corner is very important, but until then, neither of you leave campus without me, got it?"

"Of course," David nods.

"Right," Melissa agrees. "Thank you for taking care of us."

Horizon immediately gets up, clearly annoyed, walks over to David, and rests a hand on his shoulder, "alright, time to fix this cripple."

"Wha---" David can't even finish his word before they're both warped into Horizon's medical suite at UA.

Now only Melissa, Yagi, and Nezu, were in the office.

"Well, that went better than expected," Nezu says.

"That was him being nice?" Melissa asks. "But, on TV he was always so...inspiring. I mean I know he was a bit mean with the way he speaks about Pro Heroes in general, but aren't heroes supposed to have sympathy."

"They do," Yagi says. "But Horizon has had to deal with great loss. The idea of people losing their loved ones because someone unworthy became a Pro Hero must infuriate him to no end. He treats everyone extremely critically based on how well they perform their tasks."

"And how much they annoy him, and interrupt his life," Nezu says. "Thankfully all the favors I've asked of him also provide him much benefit. Helping his Hero Career and whatnot, but that doesn't mean he's happy about doing them."

"Oh, well when you put it like that I can kind of understand...but he doesn't have to be such a jerk about it!"


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