In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 137: The Big Bat Event (19)

Chapter 137: The Big Bat Event (19)

Nick Fury stood on the rooftop of the Empire State Building and saw a burst of red light in the sky over New York. Immediately, a red beam of light shot up into the sky. He spoke into his communicator, "Attention all units! The so-called Bat God Guardian has arrived. Activate surveillance equipment and prepare to launch resistance plans..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a black shadow suddenly leapt into the air from the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building.

In an instant, a massive black storm engulfed the sky over Brooklyn, and the black curtain spread out in concentric circles from the center, bringing an endless wave of fear.

Nick Fury stared with his mouth agape, put down his communicator, and after a moment, he cursed loudly, saying, "Get me in touch with the New York Sanctum immediately! Who the hell is this damn Bat Guardian? Does he intend to destroy Earth directly? What about those sorcerers?!"

All the armed personnel near the high-rise building looked up at the rooftop in astonishment, as a gigantic black spherical shape burst open and then closed back together, gradually forming into a black monster over a hundred meters long.

When the terrifying black bat appeared in the sky over New York, Steve looked up and muttered to himself, "The so-called Bat God has truly descended..."

Everyone, except for Schiller who was watching from the rooftop of the mansion, believed that this was the Bat God referred to by the vampires.

Of course, there was another person who knew the truth, and that was the vampire Morlun who had descended. However, he had no energy to argue at this moment.

The black Venom bat transformed by Peter, which was the second stage of Bruce's transformation, and the terrifying bat monster he had fought against with Schiller in Living Hell.

"It, regardless of its size, shape or aura, exceeds the understanding of ordinary people.

The Morlun family travels through various multiverses and has seen many monsters. The universe is vast and full of wonders. Among these monsters, the size and appearance of Venom Bat are not particularly impressive.

However, as a vampire Morlun, he can feel things that ordinary people cannot. In his vision, the form of this Venom Bat is far more terrifying than what can be seen. He is wrapped in an endless black tide, emitting a frightening aura that is shocking to behold.

Even though Morlun has traveled through countless multiverses, he has never seen this kind of tangible fear before. The first wave of the black tide sent him flying to the edge of the rooftop.

But soon, Morlun wanted to take the initiative.

The Morlun family's members have the talent to absorb the power of other life forms for their own use. They are accustomed to this method of combat. Therefore, at the first sign of danger, Morlun activated his talent.

Morlun reached out with one hand, just like when he absorbed Spider-Man's power before, wanting to absorb the power of this Venom Bat.

However, this time, unlike when he absorbed other creatures and obtained pure energy, Morlun activated his own ability. Along with the energy pouring in, there was also endless darkness and fear.

Almost in an instant, the black energy broke through Morlun's psychic barrier, and the vampire's mouth, nose, eyes, and ears were all filled with a dead black gas."

The energy contaminated his consciousness and infected his blood. Morlun let out a horrifying scream as his skin and muscles began to wither. He fell to his knees, and his entire body underwent a terrifying transformation.

His skin began to resemble that of a real bat: dry and black, with numerous hairs growing out of it. His forehead retreated backward, while his mouth and nose protruded forward. He grew a pair of bat fangs and ears, and sharp wings sprouted from his back. His hands and feet also changed into the shape of bat claws.

Morlun, infected by the dark energy, became a monster that was half-human and half-bat, but the transformation did not end there.

As a creature that could travel through various multiverses, members of the Morlun family had a special psychic network. They could communicate with each other across different spaces and times, relying on this innate network.

However, once this psychic network's defenses were breached, the infection rate would be extremely fast. Suddenly, large amounts of dark energy surged into the Morlun family member's psychic network terminal that had descended this time.

Other members of the Morlun family noticed the change in this terminal and constantly echoed from deep in the universe, "What's wrong with you? Answer us. Are you in danger?"

What responded to them was an endless fear. In countless corners of the universe, all the Morlun family members who sent signals underwent the same terrible mutation.

As for the Morlun who landed on Earth, after completing his mutation, the dark consciousness and fear completely consumed his brain. He trembled and let out a low, maniacal laugh, shouting, "I am the bat! I am the embodiment of fear! I am the follower of fear! Death has not changed, only fear lasts forever! Hahaha!"

Schiller observed this transformation from the rooftop next to him. Of course, he did not know that the darkness from Batman's innermost depths had already infected most of the Morlun family members, turning them into new followers of fear.

His only feeling about this was that Morlun, you're so weak.

What happened to the multiverse hunter? What happened to the cosmic vampire?

But upon careful consideration, Schiller realized that it might not be that Morlun was too weak. The darkness deep within Batman's heart was almost the source of power for the entire DC universe and was a super weapon that belonged to the entire DC universe. Any Batman who released the power of darkness would become an infinite-level villain in the DC universe.

When this power was saved in Venom's body and brought to Marvel to deal with individuals from the Morlun family at the multiverse level, it was like using a sledgehammer to kill a mosquito.

Unfortunately, the release of this power was one-time and had many conditions and limitations. Not everyone could bear this power, and perhaps only heroes with pure goodness in their hearts, like Spider-Man, could maintain their sanity after accepting the release of this power.

In fact, Spider-Man was rational now, but he was very panicked.

Waking up, I became the god of bats. What should I do? I'm waiting online and I'm very anxious.

Almost all ordinary people on the ground believed that the huge Venom bat that Spider-Man had transformed into was the real guardian god of bats, and the half-human, half-bat monster next to it was probably a mutated minion affected by the radiation of the bat god's power...

As only two people faced this change, one being the already insane Morlun and the other being the unconscious Stark, no one knew that this terrifying monster was actually Spider-Man transformed.

"Now what do we do?" Peter asked Venom in his heart.

"It's all your fault! Last time you did this, we almost got beaten up by Steve. This time we've caused an even bigger mess. What do we do now?" Venom replied.

"We just wait, someone will come soon," Peter said.

As soon as Venom finished speaking, Peter heard a somewhat indifferent female voice in his ear, "Who are you? What are you doing on Earth?"

In Peter's vision, a sorceress in a yellow cloak appeared in front of him. The moment she appeared, the space around her rippled, and the clouds on the horizon in Peter's field of vision became completely still, as if time had frozen.

She repeated, "I am the Supreme Sorceress of Earth, the Ancient One. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The Ancient One stood quietly in the midst of the fearful mist of Venom's bat-like black fog, and her surroundings seemed like a pure land, calm and peaceful.

Usually, the Ancient One deals with beings like this monster by attacking first and asking questions later, but this time she didn't make a move because she hadn't figured out what it was yet.

In the eyes of the Supreme Sorceress, who has almost transcended the universe and controls the truths of space and time, the world is not as ordinary as it appears to ordinary people. In their eyes, any power can be deciphered, they all have their own origins, and their sources can be found deep in the universe.

But this time, the Ancient One discovered that the power emitted by this monster in front of her had no roots or sources in the universe, as if it had appeared out of thin air.

This aroused the curiosity of the Ancient One, and what made her even more curious was that despite the overwhelming black tide, which hid maddening fear and darkness, it seemed to lack malice and was purely releasing its own darkness.

In the past, all the demon gods who wanted to invade Earth, no matter how they disguised themselves, the Ancient One could deeply feel their greed and malice, the chaos and madness ingrained in their bones, which were natural attributes of non-orderly creatures, and no matter how they concealed themselves, they left traces.

But this time, this giant bat-like entity made the Ancient One think of something that happened not long ago - an ancient god who claimed to be from Carcosa sounded an alert around Earth and then disappeared for no reason.

The Ancient One looked up and down at the giant bat, she was not in a hurry, time was the one thing she had the least shortage of.

The Ancient One thought, just like the ancient god who appeared last time, she couldn't feel the source of their power, nor could she find their root existence, and the two shared the same characteristic, which forced the Ancient One to link them together.

Could it be that the strange cosmic demon god who sounded the alert last time did so because this bat was going to appear?

But strangely, at the very moment this bat appeared, it neither sought to destroy Earth nor launched any attacks, even in the face of the Ancient One who introduced herself, it remained silent.

After observing for a while and realizing that she really couldn't find the source of this power, the Ancient One began to try to observe from a different perspective. Why a bat? Is there any special meaning to it?

After speculating for a while, in the end, the Ancient One sat still and seemed to begin communicating with some distant consciousness, seeking answers from it.

"Totem... the power of the beast totem... a new totem?... Bat, the follower of fear... the power of fear? I understand, it can indeed be used..."

After a while, the Ancient One stood up. She didn't care whether the monster could understand her and said directly, "I am willing to assist you, new totem. However, after you become a true beast totem, you must return this power to me tenfold."

Peter couldn't understand what she was saying, and he didn't even know who she was. Venom was silent for a while, seemingly thinking, and then he transmitted a signal: "...up to twice."

"You are too greedy. You have already caused destruction on Earth, and the excess will be considered as compensation."

"Not that much..."

The mage in the yellow robe stood with her hands hanging down, and she said calmly, "Here on Earth, I set the price. If you don't want to pay, then stay here forever."

"Five times..."

The Ancient One was silent for a moment, then muttered to herself, "The power of fear?"


"Now, leave here. I'm going to catch a thief."

After saying that, the Ancient One waved her arm and caught the member of the Morlun family who had turned into a bat-like monster, then disappeared.

The frozen time shattered, and at the moment Venom withdrew the power back into his body, Peter fell heavily to the ground and screamed in pain.

Soon, Steve jumped off a helicopter and saw Stark and Peter lying on the ground. He quickly helped them up.

Stark was lifted onto a stretcher, while Steve assisted Peter to the helicopter. Schiller patted his shoulder inside the helicopter, and Peter shook his head and asked, "Are you okay? How is the battle going?"

"Don't worry, the lizard serum is very powerful. About ninety percent of the crazy bats can no longer fight, and the rest are fleeing. We're using freeze guns to capture them," replied Schiller.

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