In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 136: The Big Bat Event (18)

Chapter 136: The Big Bat Event (18)

Above Brooklyn, Peter once again faced the agony of a superhero.

Just like he did with Matt, it was the first time he heard Stark speak about his fears, and the first time he felt his inner struggle.

Peter suddenly realized that those who could be called heroes always had the same traits, driving both Daredevil Matt and Iron Man Stark - it was the same kind of motivation.

Peter had never agreed more with a phrase than he did today - "Nobility is the epitaph of the noble."

Heroes were always trapped by their higher moral sense, knowing that there was a dead end ahead, but still choosing to move forward.

But this did not mean that they would not fear or suffer. Peter could feel that Stark was afraid.

But he should be afraid, because there was no one in this world who was not afraid of death.

But he seemed to be driven by something, like a moth to a flame, walking towards the path that was already set.

Even though Peter had described in detail to Stark the scene of his death, the scene of falling from the top of a high-rise building, Stark still flew there without hesitation, as if he had long prepared his own grave.

Just like on that night in Matt's cabin, Peter felt the same anger burning in his chest.

But this time, Peter thought, he would never witness another tragedy again.

The same tragedy would not happen a second time. He was no longer the inexperienced Peter Parker of the past, hesitating and giving up in conflict. He had already seen the path he had to take, and no matter what the cost, he would stop it all.

Peter suddenly felt like his brain was injected with a sedative, and the boiling anger gradually subsided, condensing into a deeper power that surged within him.

Suppressing this emotion, Peter said to Stark, "Let's go up together."

Steve, who was cleaning up vampires downstairs, saw Stark and Peter flying up to the rooftop of Highland Tower.

By now, it was already very late at night, and the moonlight was gradually getting brighter, casting an eerie purple glow on the blood, and the wings and claws of the bats shimmered with a mysterious luster.

Soon, several helicopters carrying mutation serum devices flew to the rooftop of Highland Tower. The devices looked like enlarged versions of ultraviolet generators, with bud-like shapes.

When the devices landed, Stark stood in front of one of them and adjusted it. The machine lit up with a red light, and the bud gradually opened.

Meanwhile, Peter was dealing with the bats flying towards them. After all, such a big entrance would definitely attract attention from the other side. About a dozen bats were sent by the vampires to harass them.

Stark muttered to himself, "The activation will probably take 5 minutes, and then another 20 minutes until all the gas is consumed. We need to hold this position for half an hour until the mutation serum takes effect."

Steve didn't have the ability to fly and was more suitable for ground combat. The ground forces also needed him greatly, as most of the SHIELD agents were stationed on the ground. Without them, ordinary people would struggle to deal with the large bats. In a situation where the battle situation was too intense, there was no room for support. Once forcibly mobilized, the defense line could collapse completely.

5 minutes quickly passed, and the bud-like devices gradually unfolded. Soon, Peter felt the air becoming moist, and then Stark stepped back as a violent gust of wind swept through, causing the generator to disintegrate directly, and a spherical storm swept across the entire battlefield sky.

Peter was leaning over the railing at the edge of the building, looking down. At first, the bats didn't seem to change much, but in less than two minutes, some of them began to shimmer with the shine of scales. After about three minutes, the mutations erupted completely.

Many bats grew a lizard's claw on their heads, and suddenly, a leg grew on their wings. Peter shuddered, as he found these mutations to be somewhat unbearable to look at - they were simply too disgusting.

Just imagine, a bat that was flying in the air just fine suddenly screaming in agony, growing seven or eight lizard legs on its belly, and then falling to the ground, becoming a ball of scales and claws.

Steve rolled away to avoid a lizard-meatball monster falling from mid-air. He felt a bit choked up and said into the communicator, "Conners, this thing is just too disgusting. My goodness, I've lived for so many years, but I've never seen anything like this..."

Indeed, the combination of bats and lizards was just too much for any carbon-based lifeform to accept. Many frontline soldiers, although not injured by the falling bat-lizard monsters, were mentally impacted and vomiting on the spot.

However, it had to be said that this mutation attack was highly effective. The vast majority of infected bats lost their combat capabilities, as you couldn't expect a monster with seven or eight legs growing out of its body and wings to fly as usual.

Most of the mutated bats fell to the ground, either becoming meat pulp or writhing in place.

The bats' self-healing abilities were useless, as they were not actually injured, just with extra parts. The self-healing ability could only heal wounds, but it couldn't do anything for the extra scales, claws, and legs.

However, although most of the bats were infected, some were fortunate enough to avoid it. Diken saw this and angrily shouted, "Quick, attack the device on the Rooftop! Can't you see it? That thing is causing all this trouble!"

He was almost going crazy. The majority of the available combat forces had been infected, and Dick couldn't crack the mutation in a short time.

Within half an hour, the situation on the battlefield had turned into a one-sided massacre, with no resistance from humans, and they had retaken the Brooklyn Bridge directly. If this continued, the vampires would certainly be wiped out.

Dick cursed loudly, but the situation did not improve. Finally, he said coldly, "It seems that we can only let the great Bat Guardian come early."

He looked coldly at the rooftop of Highland Building and said, "The great Bat Guardian will destroy that damn device for us."

On the Rooftop, Stark and Peter were focused on dealing with some surviving bats. Suddenly, Peter's spider sense rang out, and a blurry image flashed by. Peter shouted, "Back off! It's dangerous! Quick, back off!"

Stark stepped back in response, but it was still a little late. A violent red light erupted from the center of the rooftop, and a red beam of light shot straight into the sky, almost dimming the stars.

Stark was thrown out of the rooftop by the shockwave of the light, and Peter almost fell off, but he managed to use his spider web to hang on to the edge of the building. Stark's Mech armor was damaged by the impact, but its power system was still functioning, and he crawled to the edge of the rooftop and jumped back up.

In the center of the rooftop of Highland Building, after the red light gradually dissipated, a figure appeared. Peter saw a male figure with black long hair, dressed in formal wear, and with red eyes, appearing in the center of the light beam.

This was indeed the common image of a vampire, and Peter's spider sense had almost reached its peak.

He was almost driven crazy by the strong sense of crisis. Every cell in his body was telling him to escape, to leave this place, or he would die.

The first words spoken by the Bat God Guardian were: "Spider... where are you? Oh, here you are, my sacrifice..."

Peter felt like he was being strangled, slowly falling down, feeling a huge suction coming from the vampire's body. He clutched his neck, struggling desperately on the ground.

His physical strength was no match for the spiritual suppression. Peter had only obtained the Spider mutation ability for a short time, and he had no way to resist the multi-dimensional universe vampire hunting Spider-Man.

Seeing this, Stark quickly rushed over, holding Peter down, pulling off his mask, and looking into his eyes, saying, "Wake up! Peter! Wake up quickly, you have to resist him!!!"

But Peter just kept convulsing, rolling his eyes, unable to respond to Stark.

Stark half-knelt on the ground, looking up and seeing the figure of the self-proclaimed Bat Guardian extending a hand, seemingly sucking something from Peter's body.

Stark didn't hesitate, he raised his palm and fired a Repulsor Ray at the vampire, but this vampire was not like the bats on Earth, and a magical barrier easily blocked all of Stark's attacks.

Seeing that remote attacks were ineffective, Stark charged towards the vampire. At this point, Morlun also noticed that there was another person on the rooftop besides Spider-Man, but he didn't care about Stark at all. While hunting Spider-Man, many local powers were resisting him, but no one could succeed.

He waved his hand and Iron Man flew out. Stark saw that something seemed to be pulled out of Peter's body. He knew that it was probably Peter's soul. He was even more aware that if this continued, Peter would undoubtedly die.

Stark said to J.A.R.V.I.S., "Eject me from the Mech armor! Then activate the self-destruct! We have to break him!!"

"There is a specialized self-destruct Mech armor nearby, you..."

"There's no time! Just use this one!" Stark shouted.

Instantly, Stark was ejected directly from the flying Mech armor, and the Mech armor charged straight towards the vampire.

The moment Peter regained consciousness, he saw Stark being ejected from the Mech armor. This scene gradually overlapped with the scene of Stark's death that he had seen in his consciousness.

Peter shouted, "No!!!!"

Before he could finish shouting, black slime surged out of one of his arms and directly wrapped around Stark. Then, he fiercely pulled back, and Stark was thrown in front of Peter.

However, the intense impact and abrupt stop during high-speed movement still caused Stark's internal organs to suffer a huge impact. Blood rushed out of his mouth, nose, and ears almost instantly, and Stark lost consciousness.

Peter gasped for breath, almost going crazy. The scene of Stark's death kept playing back in Peter's mind. It was almost...

The overwhelming fear engulfed Peter's sanity, and his spider-sense went haywire, leaving his consciousness in chaos.

Suddenly, the vampire saw Peter, who was half kneeling on the ground, looking up at him with a gaze that felt unfamiliar, devoid of fear and despair.

He had never seen any Spider-Man with such eyes before. In his hunting journey, he had witnessed too many fears, unwillingness, and resentment in the face of death, but never this calmness that resembled a dark sea.

"You damned vampire..." Peter slowly stood up from the ground, lowering his head, with his hair falling in front of his eyes, shrouding them in shadow, obscuring the bright moonlight.

"Don't compare me to those bats," the vampire said, "I am a member of the mighty Morlun family, I am the god of bats!"

"Bats? No..."

Endless waves of darkness surged in the realm of consciousness, and in a trance, a group of heavily shadowed bats streaked across an unfamiliar night sky.

Morlun heard the voice of Spider-Man in front of him, his tone becoming deep, as if merging with another cold voice:

"You've never seen a real... bat."

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