In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 117: Spiders and Bats (2)

Chapter 117: Spiders and Bats (2)

Peter's sense of triumph did not last long, as he realized he had gotten himself into a big trouble. Ever since that incident, his name seemed to have spread within the vampire community, and everyone knew about a person called Spider-Man who dared to challenge the vampires all by himself. Peter didn't know who had spread his reputation so widely, as he had only intended to take down a small vampire den on his own, and he had already successfully planned his next move to take down a slightly bigger den. But now, it seemed like he had stirred up a hornet's nest, as every time he appeared in New York as Spider-Man, a group of large bats would chase after him to bite him.

Peter swung between the buildings in Brooklyn, with two or three bats following closely behind him. However, his mind was very clear at this moment. He made a sharp turn in mid-air, directly around a corner of a building, causing the leading bat to crash into the corner of the wall. Then he released a rapid descent with his spider web, and the other bats followed him down. However, just before they were about two meters from the ground, Spider-Man shot out another strand of spider web, swinging back up, while the bats behind him failed to brake in time and crashed onto the ground. Peter realized that he had changed a lot. He was now filled with tactical plans, with the topography of half of Brooklyn's city area vividly presented in his mind, knowing where he could use to shake off his pursuers, and where he could hide.

Although he had often roamed this neighborhood before, the topography used to fade from his memory once he was done observing it. But now, when it was time to use them, they all reappeared in his mind. This feeling fascinated Spider-Man, making him feel like he was in control of everything and utilizing similar tactics, he managed to shake off two bats. Spider-Man stopped on top of a building, when suddenly a black mist appeared behind him, and a sharp claw attacked him. His spider-sense tingled, and Peter rolled away to dodge it, then knelt on the ground, staring intensely at the black mist.

The mist condensed into a figure of a man, a man with long white hair wearing medieval attire appeared in front of Spider-Man. Like other vampires, he had a pale complexion and a gloomy expression, but he seemed even more arrogant. He said, "Spider-Man, it is you who wants to oppose the great bloodline."

"Bloodline? You're just a group of bats with wings," Spider-Man slowly stood up, his voice deeper than the other person's. "Do you really think the leader of the rats is nobler than other rats?"

This sentence angered the other party, and the white-haired vampire immediately turned into a black mist and appeared in front of Spider-Man in an instant. Peter's spider sense rang again and he rolled to avoid it, and a spider web shot onto a pile of boxes on the rooftop. The boxes were thrown out, and the black mist had to take on human form and use its arms to defend itself.

In that split second, Spider-Man disappeared.

As he swung through the air, Spider-Man muttered to himself, "What did I just say to him? That was too harsh, wasn't it?" He touched his face and said, "Is this really me? Did I really say those words?"

Although Spider-Man was talkative, he rarely used such hurtful language to disrupt his opponents. Even when he did, he always used a joking tone. But the advanced vampire he just encountered was almost driven to madness by his words. Peter felt a little incredulous but also pretty good about it. He thought that what he said just now was great. So what if they could use magic? They were still just bats with wings.

As soon as Peter returned to Queens, he saw flames flickering on a street in the center. He hurried over and found that it was a street not far from Midtown High School, which was now chaotic. The police were in a shootout with vampires.

Spider-Man cursed to himself. He knew he had been tricked. No wonder those bats had been chasing him out of Queens earlier. Fortunately, he had a clear head and didn't get too entangled with the advanced vampire. Otherwise, they would have succeeded.

Peter was about to go down and help when he saw Gwen and her father George near the combat zone. George was shielding Gwen with his arm. As the police fire weakened, many advanced vampires suppressed the front line. The spot where the father and daughter were standing was becoming more and more dangerous.

Peter was extremely anxious and wanted to go down and help, but the advanced vampire who he had disrupted earlier caught up to him.

This kind of vampire was different from ordinary vampires. They could use teleportation and claw magic from black mist.

Teleportation wasn't a big threat to Peter, as he had his spider sense. Once the opponent got close, Peter's spider sense would warn him, and he could dodge it. But the claw magic from the black mist gave Peter a lot of trouble.

The monster rushed into the school.

Spider-Man moves through the air primarily by using spider webs. The advanced vampire, who is not stupid, saw this and aimed his magic directly at Spider-Man's web. Whenever Peter tried to swing across, the vampire's claw magic would cut the spider web, forcing him to quickly change direction. Under this interference, Peter was unable to immediately rescue his girlfriend and her father. As the fighting pushed further back, the people on the ground were almost pushed to the point of no return. Behind them was the school district, and Peter knew George's personality - he would never allow this group to back down. While Peter was regretting not strengthening his spider web, he was also anxious to save his loved ones. As several vampires surrounded George and Gwen, Peter's anxiety and anger almost consumed him. When Spider-Man's web was cut again, Peter felt something surging on his arm.

With instinct, Peter shot out his spider web. This time, the web was no longer white, but black and sticky. Once the black spider web stuck to the wall, it seemed to come to life. When it was cut, more sticky fluid rushed up until the spider web became very tough, and the magic claw could no longer cut it.

In this way, Peter quickly arrived at the scene of the conflict, using the black spider web to stick a car and swinging it like a police officer's baton. He hit several vampires directly, knocking them into the wall. All the police and George's family were stunned by Spider-Man's anger. Spider-Man then picked up a street lamp post and hit the remaining vampires one by one, causing them to fall to the ground. After the initial shock, the police quickly followed suit.

After venting, Peter turned around to see that George and Gwen had already escaped the danger. He really wanted to go up and check on them, but in the end, he hesitated and shot spider web to leave.

After calming down, he suddenly realized, looking at his arm in surprise. But there was nothing unusual there. Peter muttered to himself, "What's going on? What was that black spider web just now?"

He fiddled with his wrist and removed the mini spider web launcher from his combat suit. He opened the box inside and found that the ingredients were unchanged. He tried again, and the spider web that was shot out was still white. This triggered Peter's strong curiosity. Could it be that he unlocked some new ability? This made him start trying to shoot spider web with various actions, which looked quite ridiculous to others, like a weirdo in a tight suit, making silly moves on the rooftop.

After messing around for a while, Peter exhausted himself but still couldn't successfully shoot that black spider web again.

Peter thought that maybe his posture was wrong, and just as he was about to try standing upside down, a voice finally spoke in his mind, unable to bear it any longer: "Stop trying! Are you an idiot?"

Peter was startled and almost jumped in place, then looked around and said, "What? Who are you? Where are you talking from?"

"I'm in your head! Haven't you noticed at all?"

Peter widened his eyes in shock and said, "In my head? Then who are you? My alter ego? Do I have multiple personalities? Oh my god! I need to see Dr. Schiller!"

"No, no, no! Don't go! You don't need to see a doctor. I'm not your personality. Oh, damn it! Stop! Don't run there!"

Peter hesitated for a moment and stopped his steps, saying, "Then who are you?"

"I'm an unfortunate alien symbiote. My name is Venom. As for the rest, your brain may not be able to comprehend it. Just know that I'm here to help you.""Alien symbiote? Are you an alien? That's so cool! But why are you inside my body?"

"Because you're a weakling with a not-so-good brain. If it weren't for me, you'd be dead by now..."

"How dare you say that about me? Even without you, I would have figured something out!"

"Do you really think that all the recent plans were your own ideas?"

"Well, weren't they?"

It finally dawned on Peter that he had been acting a bit differently lately. No matter what he did, he would start considering plans beforehand, and sometimes just one plan wasn't enough. He would even come up with backup plans in his mind. His ability to react on the spot and formulate tactical plans in crisis situations had suddenly improved significantly.

"So, was it you who did all this?" Peter asked. "Is there really such an amazing alien who not only lives inside my body but also helps me come up with ideas?

...Wait a minute, were you just sighing? Why did you sigh? Although I'm not as smart as you, I'm not dumb, am I? It's not like I would make you sigh, right?"

"Never mind those trivial matters. How do you plan to deal with the people chasing after you?"

Peter hesitated for a moment, scratching his head. "Well, they usually can't catch up with me anyway. After a few rounds, I can shake them off."

"Do you plan to play this game of cat and mouse with them every day?"

"Can't we do it? Anyway, I have a lot of free time," Spider said.

"But I'm not free!!!" Venom roared. "Quickly take care of them all, and then we'll go eat some heads!"

"They have so many people. How can I handle them? Wait, what did you say you want to eat?" Peter asked.

"Listen, you are the stupidest human I have ever met, no doubt about it," Venom said. "Now, use your not-so-bright brain to come up with a plan that is above passing grade, and then we can wipe them all out and take a break!"

"Do aliens need breaks too?" Peter asked. "Why do you seem so eager? Do you have some business goals?"

Venom became agitated and said, "Why are you so careless? You clearly have plenty of time to come up with a foolproof plan to defeat all of our enemies. Why do you just sit here?"

"Can we please move on quickly? Go find a room, think carefully, and come up with 200 battle plans, then put them into action right away! Right now! Quickly!!!" Venom urged.

Peter's head was buzzing as he said, "Can't you lower your voice? You're reminding me of my homeroom teacher."

"Besides, I'm not taking a final exam. I just want to take care of the two strongholds in this block. Now that I've accomplished my goal, I'm planning to go on a date with Gwen tomorrow..."

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