In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 116: Spiders and Bats (1)

Chapter 116: Spiders and Bats (1)

In a small alley in Queens, New York, Peter is hiding behind a dumpster with Pikachu perched on his shoulder, poking its small head out to look outside. Peter says, "Are you sure the monsters you mentioned are here?"

"Of course, I've been following them for several days, and this is one of their small hideouts."

"Well, what's your plan now?"

"I have to take them down. Besides this small hideout, there are two larger hideouts on the next two streets over."

Pikachu jumps onto the dumpster and stares at Peter with big eyes, saying, "Are you sure you can handle them? If there are really seven or eight of them as you said, you won't have the upper hand."

"I'm not sure, but I have to do this." Peter shrugs, squinting his eyes behind his Spider-Man mask with the two white eyes, and continues, "I learned from Gwen that the New York police station is hunting down these monsters, and many officers have been injured. Bullets and tear gas don't work on them."

"They sound like quite formidable enemies, but I have to deal with them on my own. Since I became Spider-Man, I haven't faced any decent opponents alone."

"Don't you plan to tell your friends? Aren't you afraid of encountering dangers and troubles that you can't handle?"

"No, this time I'm doing it alone." Peter says firmly, "I am Spider-Man, not anyone's sidekick. If I can't do it without relying on others, what kind of hero am I?"

Then Peter reaches out and rubs Pikachu's head, saying, "You also have to keep this a secret for me."

Pikachu shakes its head, waves its tail, and says, "Don't worry, Detective Pikachu's mouth is sealed. We're good buddies, I will keep it a secret for you."

The next morning, Pikachu is holding a sandwich that is oversized compared to its own size, enjoying it with gusto. Schiller spreads jam on a slice of bread and asks, "So what are these monsters? Did you see them?"

"No, but I heard from Peter that they seem to be drinking human blood. That's why the police are chasing after them, but it doesn't seem to be going well."

"Drinking blood? Vampires?" Schiller tried to remember the introduction of vampires in Marvel comics and found that he couldn't remember much. Vampires in Marvel's Earth seemed to have no special features, just like most vampires in legends, they were afraid of silverware, garlic, holy water, and crosses.

"Do you think it's something Peter can handle?" Pikachu swallowed his sandwich and said, "With Spider-Man's fists and Detective Pikachu's brain, what enemy can we not handle?"

"Although that's true, I think Peter hasn't fully grown up yet, and he may need some help."

"Help? Are you really that kind?" Pikachu stared at Schiller with round eyes, and Schiller smiled. Pikachu shivered. He knew that whenever Schiller showed this kind of smile, someone was in trouble.

At this time, Steve, who had just finished his morning run, pushed the door open on time and said, "Morning. I should apply for breakfast reimbursement from SHIELD. After all, I eat breakfast here every day." Schiller didn't mind and pointed to the chair next to him for Steve to sit down. After all, the western-style breakfast was all self-service, and Steve couldn't eat much.

Unexpectedly, Coulson in a suit also came in. He seemed to be in a hurry and said, "There's been some trouble in the Queens area recently, Captain. I have to work overtime. I arranged for another agent to take care of your daily life, and he'll come to take over in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, I'm not a baby. Can't I take care of myself?" Steve took a bite of his sandwich and asked a little unclearly, "What's going on in Queens? I see the agents have been busy lately. Are you guys dealing with someone?"

Coulson sneered. He obviously knew something but didn't want to say it. Schiller said, "Recently, our good neighbor Spider-Man also likes to go there. He seems to have targeted a group of monsters and is still investigating. He seems to plan to complete this mission alone."

After Coulson walked out the door, he picked up the walkie-talkie at his waist and said, "Director, good news. Spider-Man plans to take on all of the vampires in New York City by himself and already has a solid battle plan."

"Yes, I know. Of course, there will be their shadow behind this. If it weren't for Spider-Man's friends, how could he dare to do such a big thing alone?"

"Indeed, especially since the Hand is also causing trouble recently, and we don't have enough manpower. I will now recall the two teams in Queens. After all, with Stark and Captain's help, even if it's just behind the scenes, those vampires will be taught a lesson."

That night, Spider-Man held Pikachu and used a spider web to stick to the wall. He quickly swung over, throwing two garbage bags in the process. Behind him were a group of huge bats, their eyes emitting red light, their large fangs exposed, and occasionally making sharp screams, which looked extremely terrifying. Spider-Man shouted while running, "You flying rats up there! Can you catch up with me? Then come and try!"

After saying that, he accelerated and jumped onto a high wall. The group of bats howled past him from behind. Behind the wall was a garbage dump, and a huge garbage truck was parked there. Peter was agile, taking three steps and running behind the car. The garbage piles were scattered and uneven, making it inconvenient for bats to fly. The bats transformed into human form, with pale faces, red eyes, and sharp claws in their hands.

Peter and Pikachu crouched on the side of the garbage truck. Pikachu said, "Listen, you really have to watch the timing later. If they catch up with us, we can't fight four hands with two fists."

"Don't worry, I have never felt my brain so clear." Spider-Man said, "Dr. Connors is right. People should use their brains more. That's how you become smarter."

"Do you feel smarter?"

"Of course, my thinking is very clear now. Later, you go to the cab of the garbage truck, and I will lead them over. Then, I will lead them in a circle and wait for them to get close to the back of the car."

Soon, the group of vampires saw Peter standing on top of the garbage truck, waving at them while mocking, "Hey! You flying stinky rats! You're far worse than the mice friends I know. Do you want me to get you some peanut butter to eat?"

There were about a dozen vampires in the group. They were not originally from New York, but had recently been transferred here. They found the defense here lax, with not even vampire hunters around. So, they had been feasting freely, even draining two young policemen.

The strange figure in tight-fitting clothes in front of them dared to mock the noble vampire clan, and the leading vampire transformed into a bat in an instant, swooping towards him.

The vampire transformed into a bat had a wingspan of about two meters, and its imposing momentum was astonishing as it swooped down from the sky. However, Peter showed no fear. He rolled agilely to the side, jumped off the garbage truck, and followed the few vampires that flew overhead without hesitation. He pounced near the garbage truck, taking advantage of their speed. When the bats swooped from the left, Peter rolled around to the front of the car. When they swooped from the right, Peter led them to the back.

Sure enough, after a few rounds, these bats couldn't hold back any longer. They split into two groups, trying to encircle Spider-Man. But this fell right into Peter's plan. A few bats circled from the left, while a few others circled from the right. Peter quickly rolled to the back of the car, and the bats gathered behind him shouted, "Pikachu! Attack!"

After shouting this, Peter shot a spider web onto the garbage mountain, jumped away quickly. Before the bats could react, the rear flap of the garbage truck opened, and the garbage, as tall as a small hill, buried everyone in an instant. Although these bats were large, there was even more garbage, and they didn't have strong limbs to break free. They were buried alive as the garbage collapsed.

Peter made another mid-air leap and landed on the hood of the car. He high-fived Pikachu, who had jumped out of the driver's seat, and said, "They were probably just small fries. Gwen told me that these monsters should be able to use magic."

Before Peter could pull the vampires out of the garbage mountain and beat them up, the sirens of police cars rang outside the landfill. Obviously, the police were also keeping an eye on that hideout, and they had caught up by now.

Peter jumped onto the hood of the car and glanced at Pikachu. "We need to go. Now's not a good time to deal with the police, after all, your outfit isn't much better than those monsters."

"I am doing a good deed!" Peter said, but he hesitated for a moment, and still followed Pikachu's plan, using Spider Web to stick to the nearby building and quickly leave.

In mid-air, Peter said excitedly, "I don't know why, but I feel that today's operation is particularly smooth."

"Did you see it? When they wanted to surround me earlier, in the past, I might have charged up and knocked down one side first, which might have really trapped me in the encirclement, but today is different. Did you see my handsome roll? I gathered them all together in one go."

"Today you seem to be a little different. In the past, you really loved to swing your fists. Today, you actually defeated the enemy with your brain. It has to be said that this is a big improvement, congratulations."

Peter swung to the rooftop of a building, put Pikachu down, and sat on the edge of the rooftop. He was very happy and said, "Now I realize that what my friends said is right. Only by combining intelligence and strength can we better defeat them. Using our brains is not inferior."

"And don't forget one thing that Detective Pikachu taught you."


"Really? 'It's about investigation and preparation. If you hadn't been staking them out for the past two days, you wouldn't have been able to figure out their speed and agility after they transformed into bat form.' That's not something you taught me, it was Dr. Schiller. To be honest, the only thing you've taught me is that even rats can be good or bad." Pikachu turned around and whipped Peter's shoulder with his tail. Peter yelled in pain and rubbed his shoulder, saying, "What did I say wrong? Aren't you a rat?"

"But they're bats, not rats." Peter shrugged and held his shoulder, "Speaking of which, it's strange how these monsters came about. Why can they turn into bats and still need to suck human blood?"

"Gwen has been worried sick lately because the two policemen who were attacked by vampires are still being treated. She's very worried that her father will also be attacked." Peter put down his arm and looked into the distance, "What's worse is that they seem to have a peculiar power that can turn ordinary people into their descendants. So you better be careful, even though I think your combat suit has good defense, if you really get scratched, you'll also turn into a rat."

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