I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.124 Giving My Report

Vol.0 Ch.124 Giving My Report

Wina and Mathew started getting along with each other from that point on. As their days went by as they became good friends while serving the young prince.

And for Quinus? He enjoyed life as a baby again while he switched between sucking on his mother's tits and Wina's boobs.

He loved the milk from his mother's tits a little bit more than Wina's. But he wasn't complaining. While feeding he felt guilty if he went the deviant route with his mother and would respectfully drink from her when she was there with him. Which was most of the time.

But for Wina, he loved to tease her nipples by sucking on them hard while staring into her eyes. He enjoyed the look of bliss on Wina's face and it gave him a sense of pride that he could make his beautiful wet nurse feel so good. She would usually whisper out a name he couldn't understand when he did this. But he enjoyed teasing her while she blushed at him.

He enjoyed it when he teased her like that. It was fun and gave him a sense of satisfaction as he wanted to see a beautiful woman make a blissful face. And her milk wasn't half bad as it wasn't full of sugar like some noble's breast milk.

And after weeks of this, he started picking up the language of this world as he had a great memory. And after he learned the language, he finally realizes he was born into royalty. Which blew his mind once he learned about it.

'I'm a prince!? I have to be the prince! And my new name is Quinus? I think I like it,' Quinus thought to himself as he looked up into Wina's eyes as she fed him her milk.

'And why do they keep talking about an Orc Tribe roaming around some city? Was I reborn in a fantasy world? Is their magic!? Wait! Do I have to fight Orcs when I get older? Oh God! D-Do I have to lead people to war!? I'll just try and avoid it, with peace treaties or something! I just was reborn. And I don't want to find out if I get a third chance at this,' He reflected to himself as he kept drinking Wina's sweet milk.

He was thinking these things while he was at peace enjoying suckling on her breast when he got distracted by her voice.

"Aunh! The Prince is going to be dangerous to every female on Tertius!" She groaned out.

"Umm... what?" Asked Ingrid who was cleaning the prince's crib while Wina was attending to the prince.

"Oh uhh! Nothing! The prince just uses his tongue in such a way that is teasing me," Wina said as she sighed and looked at Ingrid.

"Oh? So the prince has taken a liking to you?" Ingrid asked with a smirk.

"Y-Yeah... And I think no woman will be able to resist him. He just won't stop sucking on my nipples in a way that makes me- well, horny... It's like he knows this makes me want to moan," Wina complained as she felt the prince suck on her nipple again.

"I know it's rude to ask such a thing... But how old are you?" Ingrid asked with a worried look.

"Well, I was born in 1308 of the new era. So I'm twenty-four this year. Why do you ask?" Wina asked.

"Really? You look way more mature than I would expect. But if you are right and he becomes a playboy. All the parents of Fiafyr will have to hide their daughters from the prince. Hahaha. It will be a disaster!" Ingrid said with a nervous laugh.

"Playboy!? Don't worry Miss Wina... I'll make sure to set my boy straight. I can't have my son abusing his rank as a prince," Said Queen Rianna as he walked into the room and looked at Wina with his smile.

"Your Majesty? When did you come in?" Wina asked.

"Just a few moments ago. I just heard your conversation from behind the door," The queen replied as she walked over to see her son.

Quinus stopped feeding and looked at his mother with sad eyes.

'Mother thinks I'll be a playboy? I-I was just having fun? I never intended for it to go that far. Or maybe I did... Aahh! I was hoping to spend my life in peace! But Mom's right. I'm supposed to be a newborn, not a 31-year-old man.' Quinus thought as he looked up at his mother.

"Oh!? Did someone not like being called a playboy?" The queen asked with a smile.

Wina and Ingrid looked at each other when they noticed Quinus's facial expression as he fed off of Wina.

Quinus was blushing when he realized he was caught and looked away from his mother.

"D-Does the prince understand us?" Ingrid asked with a worried look.

"Miss Ingrid, don't be silly. You saw how young he is. He is probably just scared when I snuck up on him," The Queen said as she looked down at her son.

Wina nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he probably just got scared when he heard you come into the room," Wina said as she stroked the back of his head and he leaned his head onto her large boobs.

"Hehehe, oh my Quinny is adorable when he's shy," The Queen said as she looked down at her son while she smiled at him.

Quinus blushed and closed his eyes as he enjoyed being against Wina's warm body while feeding from her.

'Okay... I'll lay off of being a creep... Starting tomorrow. In the meantime I should try to learn how to read this language as fast as possible,' He thought to himself as he thought about what to do.

And with that, he turned his focus to reading and absorbing all of the knowledge he could.


"Some people are born lucky," Said Mathew who was standing in the corner this whole time.

"You need to get over it, Sir Mathew. He is a baby. It's not like he'll remember my bosoms in the future. And this is the tenth time you've complained," Wina said with a smirk.

"I'm not complaining Miss Wina. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. But I'll get over it," Mathew replied with a sigh.

"Sir Mathew? It's not like there's a competition between you and my son for Miss Wina's hand. So stop it, would you?... But your jealousy is a little cute. And I'm glad you have warmed up to Sir Mathew. It's good that you two have taken a liking to each other. Do you plan to marry after a year?" Queen Rianna said as she smiled at them.

"I have not agreed to marry him, Your Majesty!" Wina said as she blushed when the queen mentioned them getting married.

"Hehehe! Oh? So you plan to make Sir Mathew wait then? That's not nice to do, Miss Wina. Hasn't he done enough for you?" Queen Rianna asked with a teasing smile.

"Y-Your Majesty! Please don't tease me like that!" Wina begged with a red face as she looked up at the Queen.

'It's one thing to get teased by the prince. But getting teased by his mother too is unfair!' Wina thought.

Wina regained her composure, "Ahem! He offered to be my friend first and that's what I intend to do," Wina replied as she puffed out her cheeks.

"Hahaha, so you accept his offer to be friends. How lovely," The Queen replied as she smiled down at her son and saw him nursing on Wina's breasts.

'How am I supposed to marry him if I'm here to kill the prince... I-I never thought I would say this but I hate my job!' Wina thought to herself as she kept feeding the prince.

The more time Wina spent in the palace with her new friends the more she was hating the idea of completing her mission. But she must, it was the assassin's creed. And if she broke it she would be hunted down by the other assassins of the society.

"Oh, looks like the prince has fallen asleep. I'll take him to his crib," said Ingrid as she scooped up the prince from Wina's arms.

"Yes, I'm glad he finished feeding. I'll go to my room to sleep for a few hours," Wina said as she got up and walked out of the room.

"Is something the matter, Miss Wina?" Mathew asked as he followed her to the door.

"It's nothing you need to worry about Sir Mathew. It's just a bit of a headache. I'll be fine," Wina said with a sad tone.

"I didn't know you weren't feeling well. Go and take a break, Miss Wina. My maids and I will watch over my son. I'll inform Miss Rose if she is looking for you," The queen said with a concerned voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. But I'll be fine after I get some sleep," Wina replied as she bowed and walked out of the room.

She turns to Mathew, "I'll be fine, Mathew. I'll come to your room later tonight for some tea and one round of chess. It will make me feel better," Wina said as she smiled.

"Alright then, if you say so. I'll see you later, Miss Wina. Rest well," Mathew said as he nodded before he closed the door.


Wina was walking through the hallways of the palace towards her room. Greeting a few of her servant friends along the way before she made it to her door.

Once inside, she opened the side of her skirt so she could pull out an item off her assassin's belt.

It wasn't a poison or a dagger but a ring that had a black obsidian gemstone with a white line going through the center.

She put it on and channeled her mana into it causing the white line to glow and light up.

A black fog surrounded her and when it dissipated she appeared in her assassin's outfit which consisted of a black catsuit and a hood to cover her head and face. She pulled the hood over her head and pulled up a mask that concealed the lower half of her face.

'I guess I should check in with Duke Alaric's people... I hate paranoid clients, but I'll do what I must,' Wina thought as she activated the ring once again causing the fog to appear around her as she snuck out the window and hid in the shadows.


Two footmen that were loyal to Duke Alaric were waiting in a dark corner of the Palace Gardens for his hired assassin to arrive. The Duke wanted a monthly progress report on her situation and she's a week overdue.

It was nearly night time and the two footmen were talking with each other as they waited for Wina.

"This is the seventh day. Do you think she'll show? It's going to be a pain if we wait until it's morning again," said the footman on the left.

"Then we wait, Gram. She'll show up. The Duke said she was one of the best. But I agree, this is taking longer than I want. I can understand missing a few days but there must be a good reason. I hope," said the footman on the right.

"And what if she doesn't show? What then, Sebastian?" Asked Gram.

"Then she'll lose her payment and have to pay a penalty, that's what. That woman is cunning, so I doubt she'll risk it," Said Sebastian as he looked over at Gram.

"If she's so good why is it going to take her so long to take out the target? I feel like I could have done the job three weeks ago," Gram complained.

"Please! You wouldn't get the chance especially with Sir Mathew watching the kid. Stick to what you're good at, Gram. Don't question the professionals," Sebastian replied with a smile.

"You're one to talk, Sebastian," Gram replied with a scoff, "You're as useful as a-"

Gram was about to retort when he heard something behind them.

"What the... Someone is coming," Gram said as he raised his weapon.

They heard an annoyed female voice come from behind them.

"So, this is a few of the Duke's finest? I'm surprised that you haven't been caught and tortured for treason yet," Wina said as she walked out of the shadows and stared down the two footmen.

The footmen had their weapons in hand as they looked at her with surprise.

"Tsk! We've been waiting for a week for your report and you have the nerve to—"

"Gram!... I'm sorry for my comrade's lack of manners. But we've been waiting for you to show," Sebastian interrupted his partner before he got on the wrong side of the assassin.

Wina just nodded as she stood before them.

"Well then, I'll give you my report. I've infiltrated the prince's chamber but he always has one to three guards watching him and usually one to three servants. Sir Mathew is usually there as the main protection for the Prince as well as Sir William. They are both skilled and dangerous. So, I am trying to befriend Sir Mathew, since he's on the day watch mostly and I hope at some point that he will let down his guard around me. Unfortunately, that's not happening anytime soon. So my earlier optimism on completing the mission in three months seems unlikely," Wina said.

"It's been over one month and you can't complete the job? What type of assassi—mmmm!?" Gram was cut off when he felt something sharp against his throat and he looked up and saw Wina staring at him point-blank with emotionless eyes.

"I know your type. The client's loyal dog that thinks they can accomplish what a professional can't. Let this be my only warning to you. Don't question me, my work, or my methods," Wina said as she glared into his eyes.

Gram gulped and looked at her with an angered expression.

"Sebastian, help me out here," Gram said as he glared at Wina.

"And do what? Get myself killed by insulting her? No thanks," Sebastian said as he put away his weapon and crossed his arms.

"We were sent by Duke Alaric to make sure the job is done as soon as possible. And I feel you're dragging your feet. So, I'm here to take the initiativ—Whoa!" Gram was flipped in the air and smashed into the ground before he knew what hit him.

Sebastian watched in shock when his comrade was easily pinned to the ground by Wina.

"Do you think I like the idea of having to go this long to complete the mission? So, if I sense you coming in to do my job I'll end you. So go back to your master and give him my report," Wina said as she stared down at Gram.

"Yes! I-I mean No! I won't bother you anymore! Just please don't hurt me!" Gram begged as he cried on the ground.

"You better lap dog. And I suggest you don't waste my time. I'll finish my mission when I can. And I don't rush things. Understand?" Wina said as she lifted her foot up and Gram nodded as he cried why'll Sebastian was just watching in shock.

"I'm off. I'll give you an update in a couple of months from now," Wina said as she turned and walked away.

"I-I understand! I'll tell the Duke not to worry," Gram said as he watched her walk away.

Wina then had the dark fog surround her as she disappeared into the shadows.

The two footmen looked at where Wina disappeared and then looked at each other.

"The next time you want to try and get yourself killed. You can leave me out of it. Understand?" Sebastian said with a serious look.

"Shut up! I-I was testing her! Nothing more!" Gram said as he tried to get back up.

"And you call me useless. I'll never understand you, Gram. That assassin was ready to kill us," Sebastian said as he shook his head.

Gram then stood up and shook off the dust and dirt before he turned to leave.

"Come on we need to give our report to Belial. But let's avoid telling him about her overpowering me," Gram said as he put away his weapon.

Sebastian shook his head as he followed Gram out of the garden.


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