I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.123 Hey! Let’s Start Over…

Vol.0 Ch.123 Hey! Let’s Start Over…

Wina was rushing to her room.

*Open! SLAM!*


She immediately opened her door, closed it behind her, and leaned on it.

She was panting after running to her room. Her heart was beating rapidly and her legs were trembling.

"T-That was close..." Wina whispered as she gulped.

She looked at the door and then looked at her hands. She couldn't help but notice that they were trembling.

"Jeez! I need a shower!" Wina exclaimed as she walked to her wardrobe.

She stripped naked in her room and carefully hid her assassin belt under her pillow before heading to the bathroom door.

Wina stopped in front of the door for a second. She couldn't help but look down at her body.

'I've never been attracted to men before. So, why is he so appealing to me? Maybe taking a shower in the fae bath will clear my head,' She thought while thinking of Mathew.

She felt her chest tighten as her body began to heat up.

She couldn't help but remember the feeling of Mathew's body under her fingertips.

As she walked into the bathroom she couldn't help but smile.

She walked up to the bath and turned it on when she used her mana on the crystal.

"His muscles! Those hard abs and his firm body!" She said while fanning herself.

Wina sat on the edge of the tub with a dumbfounded look on her face.

She was in total shock over what just happened. She was so attracted to Mathew's body that she completely ignored the danger she was putting herself in.

'Why did I do something so foolish!? I can't believe I was so close to being caught!' Wina thought in fear and panic.

She felt her heart skip a beat when she thought about how close she came to being exposed.

The water was warm enough for her to get in. She submerged herself in the tub to calm her nerves and sat there while sighing as the warm water relaxed her body, but her heart was still racing.

'Dammit Wina! If you got caught, you know what they do to assassins. Mathew would have to chain me up so I can't move. And he would tear open my dress in order to find my hidden weapons,' she thought as she sank lower into the tub that the water started to reach her neck.

"He would probably demand me to tell him who hired me. But I wouldn't tell him anything. He'll need to torture me first before I'll say anything," She whispered to herself while a shiver ran down her spine. Her heartbeat began to race more at the thought of how Mathew would torture her.

"H-He probably grab my hair and pull my head back as he pins me to a wall and threatens me with a knife while he nibbles on my ear-" Wina stopped as she felt her face heat up.

She realized what she was thinking about and shot out of the water—splashing it everywhere.

She frantically got out of the tub while quickly drying her body and then wrapped a towel around herself as she rushed back to her room.

"That's enough of that!" Wina said as she rushed back into her room and put on her nightgown.

"That was close!" She whispered to herself as she hid the towel in the wardrobe.

She went to bed.

But instead of sleeping, she kept replaying the events in her mind. She couldn't believe she let her hormones control her actions.

"Ugh... Why am I like this!?" Wina said with annoyance.

She looked at her hand as she remembered how Mathew's body felt under her fingertips.

'How can a man be so pleasing to the eyes? But he is nothing more than an enemy...' Wina thought as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

And instead of sleeping she tossed and turned as she couldn't help but think about how Mathew's muscles felt under her fingertips and soon she started fantasizing about Mathew capturing her as a assassin. How he would need to bond Her arms together and would bring her to a room that had no windows and sit on a chair. So he could question her.

"P-Please... I didn't do anything... Why have you arrested me?" She pleaded in a soft voice.

"Miss Wina Daz... You can stop with the act. I know you are an assassin. So tell me who hired you," Mathew whispered in her ear as he sat in a chair in front of her.

"N-No! I'm not an assassin! Where would you get such an idea!" Wina replied while shaking her head.

"Miss Wina, can you tell me what this is?" Mathew asked as he showed her a dagger that was in a sheath and an assassin's belt that had small vials of different poisons attached to it.

"I-It's a- I don't know what that is?" She replied as she shivered in fear.

"It's a dagger and assassin's belt that I found in your room. Do you have any other items like this in your possession?" Mathew asked in a cold voice.

"N-No, I've never seen those before and I don't have anything like that on my person! Someone must have put them in my room while I was away," Wina replied while shaking her head.

Mathew then stood up and started walking around her, "No... I know it was you... I saw this belt laying on the ground when you were sleeping," Mathew said in a deep voice as he got closer to her.

Wina gritted her teeth when he mentioned seeing her with her assassin's belt next to her when she was sleeping.

"S-So? What if I did have this? You think I am an assassin because of those?" She asked while staring at him in defiance.

"Yes, I know you're an assassin," Mathew said as he moved his hand to under her dress and slides it up her left leg.

She gasped as his fingers slid across her bare skin, causing Goosebumps to form.

"I-If you think I'm an assassin, then why would you touch me this way?" She asked with a shaking voice.

"I'm going to strip your mind of the lies that you've told and reveal your true self. And?" Mathew's fingers came in contact with her other assassin's belt and unbuckled it.

"M-My true self? I-I don't know what you're talking about," She replied while shaking her head until she felt him taking her assassin belt off.

He started to lift her dress up revealing her legs.

"S-Stop! Please... Don't take my belt!" Wina pleaded as she tried to stop Mathew by kicking her feet.

"Well, look at that... More poison..." Mathew said as he lifted her dress up higher while pulling out her other assassin's belt.

She tried to stop him by kicking her legs but his body was much stronger than hers and he was able to lift her dress higher exposing her black panties.

"Hmm? I wonder if you're hiding anything else on you, Wina. Because from what I've seen, you are an assassin and not a lady..." Mathew said while smiling as he looked down at Wina.

"I-I'm not an assassin! I swear I'm not!" She pleaded as she started to get frustrated.

"Well, what if I do this?" He asked as he ripped her panties off of her.

Wina blushed as he exposed her.

"I hear that female assassins can't feel pleasure from sex. I guess that means you need to prove me wrong," Mathew said with a cold voice as he knelt between her legs.

Wina couldn't help but moan as Mathew spread her legs open and started licking her clit. She was panting as she felt his strong tongue poking and prodding her.

"Y-Yes... Yes... That's right! Female assassins vaginas are mutilated on the inside! You'll find that mine isn't..." Wina replied as she felt a warm sensation building up inside of her.

Mathew stopped and looked at Wina with suspicion.

"That's funny? I didn't know that was the reason assassins couldn't feel pleasure. If you aren't an assassin how did you know that?" He asked while grinning at Wina.

She blushed as she let an Assassin's Society secret slip out of her mouth.

"I-It's something I heard! I just knew!" She replied as she blushed in shame.

"Well, I guess there is one way to test it out," He said as he continued to eat out Wina.

"I-I've told you... I'm not an assassin... Aaahh... S-Stop..." Wina moaned out as she felt the warm sensation building inside her.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to see how truthful your words really are..." Mathew replied as he stood up and grabbed her long curly brown hair and pulled her head back.

"AUNH! I'm not lying! I-I'm not an assassin! Aaaahh!" Wina moaned out as she felt the pleasure wash over her.

She felt the warmth spread throughout her body and it made her hips buck involuntarily when she felt her hair being pulled.

"Who hired you, Wina? The Kingdom of Marn?" Mathew asked as he pinched one of Wina's erect nipples with his free hand while his other hand held her beautiful mane of hair tightly in order for him to look into her hazel eyes.

"N-No! I can't tell you!" She cried out as she felt her climax approaching. She was so used to being the one to dominate people but right now she was on the receiving end of it and it made her feel helpless, weak, and fragile.

And it was turning her on so much that it was making her lose her focus and she was struggling to keep up the act.

"Why not? Who is it, Wina? Is it the royal family of Marn? It was them that hired you to kill Prince Quinus wasn't it!?" Mathew asked while tightening his grip on her hair.

"I-It wasn't the Kingdom of Marn!" Wina replied as she struggled to free herself from Mathew's stunning green eyes.

"But you've just admitted that you were hired. If not them then who hired you?" He asked with a grin.

She blushed as she thought of how to lie her way out of it. But the itchy feeling inside her pelvis was getting worse and she could only come up with a half-assed lie.

"I-I was hired by the Adventurer's Guild," She replied weakly.

"I don't believe you, Wina. You're too beautiful to be hired by them. Who really hired you?" Mathew asked with a serious expression.

"B-Beautiful? Y-You think I'm beautiful?" Wina asked as her face heated up and she looked at Mathew with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, since the first day I saw you. I wanted to make you fall in love with me. But you wouldn't do it. I thought I had to seduce you into being with me. And then when you came to my room today, I couldn't help but want to make you mine," He replied with a warm smile as he gently rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

"Oooohhh.... Mmmmh..." Wina moaned out as she felt herself on the edge.

"But you're an assassin... and I can't trust you if you won't be honest with me..." Mathew said as he moved his hand down and grabbed her breasts.

He squeezed them and Wina couldn't help but feel another wave of pleasure wash over her.

"M-Mathew..." She moaned out while looking into Mathew's eyes.

"I guess that means it's true then. Wina, you're an assassin and not a lady," He said as he moved his face close to her ear and nibbled on her ear.

"I-I want to be a woman! Aunh! I don't want to be a tool anymore!" Wina cried out as she felt her body going numb and her mind goes blank as a powerful sensation washed over her.

Her whole being went limp and she couldn't control her body anymore while her legs opened wide as she climaxed with a powerful orgasm.

"Then tell me Wina... Tell me who hired you? And I'll make you mine for life. I'll never let anyone hurt you. I'll keep you safe and happy. If you tell me the truth I will be yours forever," Mathew said while gently squeezing her breast.

"D-Duke Alaric! Duke Alaric hired me!" She cried out as she came down from her high and felt the warmth inside her recede.

She felt relief wash over her body as she realized that she confessed her secret to the one person that she had fallen in love with.

"Thank you Wina, I love you," Mathew said with a gentle voice as he brought his lips down to hers and they shared a kiss.

The scene faded away and Wina woke up in her bed.


The sun had just risen up from the eastern horizon and the warm light shined into her room as birds sang in the trees outside.

She looked around in confusion as she thought her dream was real. But when she realized it was only a dream she was both disappointed but also relieved that her dream ended the way it did.

"I'm finally free..." She whispered to herself as she stretched her arms.

Her right hand felt wet for some reason and she looked at it. She gasped when she realized it was wet with her fluids that had leaked out from under her nightgown as well as her breasts being exposed to the warm sunlight.

"I can't believe I had a sex dream about a person I barely know... A-And I cracked and told him my client's name... Thank the gods that it's only a dream," Wina said as she rolled off her bed and put on her slippers as she fixed her nightgown before heading to her bathroom to get cleaned.

'Why is this becoming the hardest mission of my life?' She thought to herself as she entered the bathroom and took a cold shower.

She finished cleaning herself up and dressed in her royal wet nurse uniform before heading down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

And right as she came out the door she ran into Mathew who was dressed in his royal knight's armor.

She blushed as she was reminded of the dream she had that made her conflicted between wanting it so badly to be real and dreading that it would happen.

"Good morning, Wina." He said with a smile.

"G-Good morning Mathew." She replied while blushing.

"I had some strange dream last night. I was talking to a beautiful lady with hazel eyes," Mathew said while smiling.

Wina blushed when he mentioned her eyes.

"S-So you were dreaming about me? What kind of dream?" She asked with a red face.

"I can't really remember sadly... It was a blur, to be honest. All I remember is I wanted to be with you. How about you? Did you have a good dream as well?" Mathew asked as he smiled at Wina.

She looked away from his face and blushed, "Y-Yes, it was a good dream. It was nothing important though."

"That's good... Hey Wina? I-I know things started off weirdly between us and I fear that I make you uncomfortable when I'm around you," He asked with a nervous expression as he stared at her with his green eyes.

'Huh? Why is he suddenly talking about this? What's his angle,' Wina thought as she gave him a confused look.

"I-I can't deny that I am usually off my game when you are in proximity to me," She replied with a nervous laugh.

"That's what I thought. So I propose this, I want to be your friend and I like to get to know you better. How about it? Would that make you uncomfortable?" Mathew asked with a serious expression.

"I-It's not that... But why would you want to be friends with me? I will leave here once the prince is old enough to eat solid foods. And once he's grown enough, I will move on to a different kingdom. So, why would you want to be my friend?" Wina asked as she looked up at him.

"That's a simple answer. I want to be your husband," Mathew said as he looked into her hazel eyes and grabbed her left hand with his own right hand, and rubbed his thumb on her soft skin.

She gasped and blushed when she felt his strong hand grab her own small soft one.

"M-Marry me!? How does being your friend make you want to marry me!?" She asked while blushing as she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Well, my father always told me that there are many beautiful women in the world but finding the ones that become your best friend is the one you need to find and hold on to. If I'm going to become a knight I want to find the one woman that can become my wife and help me become a great knight," Mathew said with a smile.

He continued, "And I find you very attractive. But I don't want to treat you like a tool that's meant to be used. No one deserves to be treated like that and I hope that we like each other beyond are good looks."

'He doesn't see me as a tool? I was wrong about him! And I like him as well. If he keeps talking like this I think I can trust him. And I could have my first best friend! But still, there is a problem with my job... Aahh... I don't know what to do anymore! But he is so nice and handsome...' Wina thought as her face heated up.

"So, what do you say? I'll wait until after the prince is old enough to eat solid foods. But once he's able to eat food on his own I'll marry you," Mathew said as he gently rubbed her hand.

"Well, if you say so. You know, I have never had a best friend before..." Wina replied with a red face as she looked up at Mathew and noticed he was taller than her by a few inches.

"Well, there's a first time for everyone. So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Mathew asked with a gentle smile.

"I enjoy reading. Do you enjoy reading as well?" She asked.

"Sadly, I can't read as much as I used to when I got Knighted. Always on some type of guard duty. But I enjoy training. I train and spar with the other knights. And sometimes I go hunting to get my meat for dinner. How about you?" Mathew asked as he grinned.

"Hunting is good for the soul. I also enjoy hunting sometimes when I'm out traveling. But I enjoy cultivating plants and herbs. I'm good at identifying poisonous plants," Wina said as she smiled at Mathew.

"Cultivating is a hobby of mine. My father taught me how to cultivate when I was a young boy. I enjoy making potions and teas for people. It soothes the soul when out on the battlefield and heals wounds faster." Mathew said as he let go of Wina's hand.

She looked down at her hand that Mathew held just a moment ago and wished he would have held it longer.

"I-I was going to go to the kitchen and get some breakfast before my shift starts. W-Would you like to join me? Or should I make breakfast for you?" She asked nervously.

"Sure, I would love to have breakfast with you. Hopefully Ben is making his cornbread. I can't eat anyone else's after having his. You may take the lead, my Lady," Mathew said as he placed his right hand on his chest and placed his left hand on his right hip.

"Alright follow me," Wina said while she headed to the kitchen with a spring to her step that she never had before as Mathew followed closely behind her.

Once they entered the kitchen they were greeted by the other servants that were getting ready for their workday.

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