How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 62

Chapter 62. Dia Leki (4)

“I came here to repay the favor I received from Arel. So never back down.”

“... I've been curious about it before. What is that grace? You have no idea whatsoever?”

If I did something and completely forgot about it, that would be a pity to her.

But Dia said no.

“You said it was grace, but I think it’s one-sided.”


What grace is that?

“Can you tell me about that?”

Surely you won't tell me it's a secret now?

I'm also curious.

It's good that she follows me.

However, receiving unilateral neutering without knowing the reason is difficult to accept.

.... I'm sorry, but I can't help it even if I think I'm suspicious.

If you don't know, I can't understand either.

When I asked, Dia nodded quietly and started talking about why she followed me so much.

* * *

“I was taken to the Mage Tower when I was young.”

It is said that Dia was an orphan.

It's a good story, but it's not an unusual story.

The plague just rolled around and the village was almost wiped out.

I did.

‘... It's nothing special.'

In the meantime, I have seen many horrors that have occurred due to all kinds of causes.

The most terrible of these is when a village or city is engulfed in death by an epidemic.

no one comes

It is such a terrible hell that only corpses multiply on the streets and no one will tolerate even if they try to escape.

“I managed to get out of town, but I had nowhere to go. After wandering around like that, the place where I picked me up was the magic tower.”

In the Mage's Tower, orphans who have lost their place will not be reaped without reason.

Maybe Dia had a talent for handling mana, and she thought it was a waste and collected it.

Buying orphans to secure talent in the Mage Tower or... No, let's not talk about this.

Because it has nothing to do with the present.

Anyway, I already know that much.

“However, I, who was raised in the Mage Tower, was not treated very well.”

The problem with the Magic Tower is that it doesn't properly manage orphans after they've been taken away.

They pick up children who seem to have talent, and if they don't, they just leave them in the Mage Tower.

Even though Dia was picked up, it seems that Dia didn't meet the expectations of the Mage Tower either.

I had no talent.

It could accept mana, but could not create more circles.

“It was a clumsy talent.”

Maybe it's a talent I'd rather not have.

Naturally, Dia was treated as a loser even within the Mage Tower.

can't be kicked out

He could have done odd jobs in the mage tower for the rest of his life.

“???? you?”

After hearing that explanation, Arel couldn't quite understand it.

The current Dia belongs to the excellent side as a wizard compared to her age.

Of course, it's not to the extent of a genius, but isn't it normal to be treated as a genius?

“Because it was class 1 until two years ago.”

“???? what?”

Arel gave out a suspicious voice without realizing it.

“for a moment? 1 class until 2 years ago?”


“Nonsense. You are now in class 4.”

That said, it means that in just two years, or in a shorter period of time, if you consider the actual period, you jumped up to the 4th class.

No one will believe it's a lie.

Because even I can't believe it.

“I want you to listen a little more.”

It seems that there is an opportunity to rise steadily in two years.

Dia took a moment to catch her breath before resuming her story.

“Anyway, it seems that I had a difficult constitution to manage mana with just the theory of the Mage Tower.”

That's why Dia himself was practically giving up on his future as a wizard.

Then Dia happened to get it.

“This book.”


the theory of Aura practice in an article I wrote.

< A Knight Who Can Become a Dog or a Cow, Intermediate Edition > Come to think of it, that's why Dia didn't know me, right?

“.. no way?”

Only then did I get a sense of the identity of the ‘grace' that Dia spoke of.

As if my guess was correct, she nodded.

“yes. As a test, I tested mana management as described in Arel's book. Then Oh my goodness.

Surprisingly, I became a 4th class in 2 years.”

“no? There’s no way that could happen just by reading that book?”

Do you know that the theory book I wrote is a magic book that makes my class go up just by reading it?

It's just a basic theory anyway.

It was nothing more than a modification of the method of accumulating and efficiently circulating mana in the body.

If the theory had that much power, it would have sold like hot cakes by now.

Maybe I'll become the continent's greatest billionaire.

“It is true.”

Dia said calmly without changing a single expression.

‘Let's wait.... If Dia is true...

I seriously verified the theory once again.

Dia said it was a constitution that could not circulate mana according to the theory of the magic tower.

Then my theory is... that technique accidentally hit Dia's body?

It's not impossible for her to grow based on my theory, just as there's no problem with using magic using the skills I've accumulated.

‘But I can't grow like that with that.'

Unless you're a reincarnated person like me, it's absolutely impossible.

Does that mean...

‘Coincidentally my theory was correct and I was a genius enough to grow at a high speed?'

If it wasn't because his mana control was exceptionally precise compared to other wizards, it was simply because he was meticulous.

.... It means that he was a genius who would never have been revealed to the world if the conditions had not overlapped.

‘... What a ridiculous coincidence?'

That means that if I hadn't published a book, Dia might have had to do chores in the Mage's Tower for the rest of her life.

It's like a cow backtracking and catching a mouse... No, maybe a genius was awakened by a book written by a pro in the previous life without thinking.

“Is that why you said grace?”

“yes. To me, Arel's very existence is salvation.”

He is making such an embarrassing sound without changing his complexion.

But if you think about it, does it make sense to think that way?

If it wasn't for that coincidence, Dia would have to live as a loser in the mage tower for the rest of her life.

Or die of starvation from neglect.

“Salvation. Not to that extent. It's just a coincidence.”

I know why Dia has such a special respect for me, but I can't easily admit that fact.

It's just a coincidence

In the first place, I had no intention of doing that.

“I am free except to feel the grace of Arel.”

“... You're also quite stubborn.”

I understood what grace Dia was claiming.

“But didn’t you stop me when you came out of the Mage Tower?”

“Of course I stopped, but there was no reason to stay there. So I came out confidently.”

He answered without hesitation.

Also, the tone is a bit bitter.

You really seem to hate the Mage Tower.

“Of course, the self-appointed teacher was very angry.”

“Are you the self-styled master?”

“Nothing I learned was useless.

After I became 4th class, I talked about it as if it were self-recognition.”

For some reason, I think I know what kind of person he is.

You are definitely born with the wrong environment.

Unexpectedly, I learned a part of the Mage Tower's current state.

“So as soon as I entered the 4th class, I came out without hesitation. Not too long ago, I searched for Arel-sama's place.”

“I don't think you came right away for that?”

It may have been a few months ago, but you can find out where I am by asking around.

“... I went to the other side by mistake.”

It is said to have descended to the southern provinces.

In addition, I lost my travel expenses and suffered quite a bit until I came up north again.

It is often the hardship of a new wizard who has just entered the world.

And she, who had just reached the royal capital, volunteered as soon as she heard that I was selecting an exclusive magician in Pahilia.

It is said that it is a brief process to get here.

“The one who made me a real wizard is none other than Arel-nim. So Arel-nim is my real teacher.”

.... Well, there is a saying that you are a teacher even if you are taught a little.

But I never thought I would hear something like that here.

The wrong words... isn't it?

Actually, while she was staying here, I gave her various advices for the purpose of theory confirmation and testing.

Is that why Dia didn't show any dislike while taking care of me?

“I was convinced after actually meeting Arell-nim. He is a better person than I thought.”

For that reason, she seems to think that this is where she really needs to be.

“excuse me? Wouldn’t she understand if I told Kania-nee about that fact?”

My sister is weak in affection, so if she finds out why Dia is exceptionally following me, she might admit it.

“no. I cannot remain by Arel's side with that kind of sympathy. You will definitely be recognized for your skills.”

But Dia's stubbornness doesn't allow it.

“And I’m a bit ashamed to say such things…


Is that the real reason?

“So, if possible, I want only Arel-nim to know about that fact.”

“... I'm not going to be able to tell a story like that anywhere.”

To say that the theory I wrote accidentally saved a dropout from the Mage Tower...

No matter how thick-faced I am, I'm ashamed to brag about this.

“So I will definitely be recognized for my skills.”

“okay. cheer up.”

All I can do is watch.

Before going to bed, I picked up the communication tool I had left by my bedside.

Normally, I use this to contact my mother, but today I plan to contact someone else.

When I operated the communication port, an old man's voice was heard from inside the communication port after about a minute had passed.

“What are you doing at this late hour'?”

This is Fian, the person I often buy magic tools from.

“Which magic tool would you like?”

And he is an old man who has recently grown extremely strong.

Who do you consider to be a god's disciple?

“I called because I wanted to ask you something.”

“Are you consulting with this old man?”

“I just said I had a question.”

How much have I bought for you in the meantime? Can you give me this kind of service for a while?

Pei'an also considers me a valuable customer, so even if I contact her at this time, she doesn't show any displeasure.

Also, the loyalty of money is not strong.

“What are you curious about?”

“It's nothing special. Is there any case of being promoted to Class 4 in 2 years in the Mage Tower?”

I don't feel sorry for Dia.

Thoroughly verify whether or not there is a fact.

that's my personality

“… you mean Dia Leki?”

At once her name came out.

Fei An was a 7th class mage, right?

That he only knew the name of a youngster from Class 4.

Are you quite famous?

As a result of checking, what Fei An said was not very different from Dia's story.

It's not a lie.

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