How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 61

Chapter 61. Dia Leki (3)

“....What is this? ‘Return Diareki to the Mage Tower?' Did he leave this behind?”

It was absurd.

Why is he fucking with our mage?

This isn't even worth seeing.

Of course, they don't accept this straight away either.

However, Dia's name cannot be mentioned in the letter the assailant left behind for no reason.

“Did you show this to Dia?”

“yes. But there was no answer.”

“There was not even a hint of agitation.”

So, isn't it simply a ploy to slander this side?

Of course, they seemed to think so too.

“I bet you don’t believe that too, do you?”

“Cania-sama didn’t believe that either.”

“But even in our opinion, Dia’s behavior is a bit unnatural.”

However, it seemed that they were bothered by something for other reasons.

It's unnatural.

“Why is she accepting Arel-sama's fooling around so much?”

her excessive loyalty.

was suspicious of it.

“No matter how you think about it, it makes no sense.”

“... Maybe it's because I'm so attractive?”

A man with fatal charm enough to inadvertently be pampered, isn't that me?

“Arell? Are you serious?”

When Asha speaks with a flower-like smile... It's scary.

Certainly, it's no wonder that Dia's excessive loyalty is considered unnatural.

Is it common sense to be suspicious?

“Normally, don’t think that if you pamper yourself excessively like Arel-nim, you’ll be beaten in three days.”

Seina.... You talk harshly without thinking.

But even when I look back, I have no words to refute because I was too spoiled for D.A.

Damn, you're just telling the truth.


“The attitude of not answering even when asked why is also questionable.”

Dia's strange attitude just now further fueled their suspicions.

Is excessive kindness rather suspicious?

You sensed that you were hiding something.

If you have only one doubt, you will think that there is something if it is a coincidence or several things overlap.

That's why Kania-sister, who was suspicious of this in advance, first consulted with the two knights without me knowing, and somehow tried to find out what was suspicious about Dia.

Even my older sister, who seems fierce except for the sword, doesn't believe that people will follow someone for no reason.

First of all, since he is a member of the royal family, that aspect must be more difficult than anyone else.

can't blame it

In the first place, I would have had the same doubts even if I was in my older sister's position.

“Then, is it possible that your sister kept making you do nonsensical things because she was trying to find an opening by embarrassing Dia?”


yes no

I almost saw my sister again.

“Ugh. Doubt. That doesn't seem like much.”

However, it is difficult for me to somewhat agree with their thoughts.

Because if Dia has any ill intentions or ulterior motives, I have to find out first.

But from what I can see, she is purely loyal to me.

It's really pure emotion without any selfishness.

That's why I decided that there would be no problem with D.A. by my side during the interview.

.... Even so, it's true that I can't guess the reason.

In fact, I haven't yet cast a spell on Dia like the female knights.

Since wizards and knights have slightly different abilities, I tried to cast spells after understanding them more clearly.

In that regard, there could be a possibility that Dia might have some ulterior motive, but there was no sign of it.

Also, something doesn't make sense.

The problem is, I can't tell them to understand this...

The intruder issue also bothers me a little.

More than anything, convincing my sister seems like a problem.

“Also, it seems that Kania-sama thought that if Dia continued to be next to Arell-nim, Arel-nim would be ruined.”

Is that also the cause?

OMG. I really have nothing to say about that.

“First of all, I know why Kania-nee is like this… Um… Can you postpone your judgment on that?”


” It's okay. I'm trying to figure out the Dia problem on my own. So, you guys, dry your sister in moderation.”

The two female knights seemed to hesitate, but in the end, they couldn't resist my request and nodded.

* * *

I headed straight for Dia's room.

Do I really need to go back and find out? You can't ask yourself

Coincidentally, she was in the room, so when I called, she obediently opened the door.

He was dressed in casual clothes, probably because his work was over.

Unlike when she covered her body with a robe, the outline of her body was visible now, so it felt different.

On second thought, maybe she's the biggest of the people in this castle... no, that's not the point right now.

‘...But I don't have any real stuff.'

Maybe it's because it's been a while since I came here, but the scenery is strangely desolate.

Only minimal furniture and a few books are visible.

They would give you any supplies you need on request.

I don't know if it's frugal or not.

“I’m sorry for putting you in a troublesome situation.”

“it's okay.”

Dia shook her head slowly.

I've even heard him talk about his qualities a while ago, but he doesn't seem to care much.

“It is a reasonable point. As an exclusive wizard, it's only natural that you have doubts about your abilities. In order to become Arel-nim's exclusive, I think you need to consider your qualifications.”

no it's not that tricky

Anyone who hears it will know that you are taking care of a picky old lady.

“And wizards always do.

Many people have little confidence in magic.”

That's why Dia claimed to be used to it.

In particular, knights and wizards do not get along particularly well.

i know that too

“No... I don't think it's because our knights, including your sister, don't trust you.”

Just because they're magicians doesn't mean they're cold to Dia.

I hope you don't make that mistake.

I smiled bitterly as I roughly figured out why it had come to this point.

The origin of the story in the first place is that I led an indolent life relying too much on magic.

Dia's excessive loyalty is partly due to her sister's doubts, but there were other reasons that led to that.

That's why I didn't tell the female knights.

“Any other reason?”

“My sister doesn’t like wizards very much.”

When I said this, Dia hardly seemed to understand.

“In Kania-nee's case... originally, I didn't really like having an exclusive mage. I guess I should say that I don't understand why a wizard is necessary.”

The actual cause was an attack by a warlock in the past.

Because of that, my sister seemed to harbor some unknown anxiety and sense of crisis about the profession itself.

Actually, I didn't strongly oppose it, but when I wanted to hire a wizard, he was very reluctant.

“I already know the case about the warlock.”

“Did you hear from your sister?”

“no. There were quite a few rumors in the Mage Tower at the time.”

It is known that the Mage Tower did not spare any cooperation at the time, as the case of the black magician's attack on the royal family was regarded as an event that would diminish the status of magic within the royal palace.

“In fact, due to the influence of that time, there was a hint of distrust of wizards by nobles, so even in the Mage Tower, ‘Warlocks are enemies and our enemies!'

“… I really?”

It sounds like a joke, but are you serious about it?

well that's pretty good

Anyway, my sister doesn't trust wizards too much.

Wouldn't it be a feeling close to anxiety?

It is borderline because of that.

The two female knights only put Dia on the line of suspicion because of the possibility, but there is no ill feeling.

Of course, I can't tell you the truth, so I have no choice but to mediate in circles.

“don't mind. If anything, I'll try to convince you again later.”

okay. After a little while, if I talk to you separately, you will be able to somehow cover up what happened just now.

“no. You don't have to.”

But Dia came out resolutely.

I lightly tapped the floor with my cane, and unlike usual, I could see a strange will in her eyes.

“… Diareki?”

“My ability as a wizard was questioned. Then, of course, you have to prove it.”

For some reason, it seems to have caught fire.

Did it hurt your ego that much?

“I learned it at the Mage Tower. If anyone doubts magic, I told them to prove their strength by any means.”

“I think you learned that wrong.”

Even though I don't know the course of the Mage Tower at all, I don't think I would have taught such nonsense.

.... Unexpectedly, he has a back-and-forth personality.

Even so, if you really go to fight, it will be difficult.

“I want you to stop worrying. It will be recognized as fair.”

“For me, it doesn't matter as long as there's an opportunity for Kania-nee to understand.”

I had no intention of persuading you in this way in the first place.

Originally, he tried to prove and acknowledge the achievements of wizards.

Hmmm... they're not the type to make something up to keep Dia away.

As time passes, the doubts will be resolved, and the knights will convince my sister first.

Because I asked you to do it too.

“Are you really going to be okay if I don’t stop you?”


“Then I don’t even know if the real department is transferred?”

“.... No problem.”

He hesitated for a moment.

They are full of motivation, but I can't say anything.

Then I'll watch it in moderation.

“But why do you insist on being my exclusive mage?”

Come to think of it, even when I first appointed Dia as an exclusive, Dia showed a rare joy for her quiet personality.

Didn't he say that he volunteered here because I was there from the beginning?

It was only then that I realized that she had paid attention to me from before, but it is difficult to understand Dia's enthusiasm with just that.

Above all, I can't guess.

Just because you're a fan of my theory?

Will it come this far with just that?

Something is missing.

When I questioned her, Dia seemed to hesitate a bit, then started speaking slowly.

“... It's because I feel the grace of Arel.”


Come to think of it, I think I said something like grace before.

That's right, there is no corner to point out.

Of course, I had Dia test my own magic theory, but is it that important?

Or maybe it's not a grace related to eating?

You can't give up your seat right now because of rice, right?

However, Dia slightly averted my eyes and said nothing else.

“I have no intention of giving up Arel’s exclusive mage position to anyone else.”

“Yeah, be nice…

I nodded my head at her strange spirit.

.... Is it really okay not to dry it?

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