Gospel of Blood

Chapter 170: I am really cute

Chapter 170: I am really cute

When Sebas returned to the hotel room, he found Sherry applying makeup to Charlotte.

Without turning around, Charlotte could see the flame elf entering through the mirror and smiled lightly.

"Done talking?"

"Yes, we are done."

Sebastian nodded, instinctively glancing at Charlotte, who was sitting at the dressing table with her back to him.

This glance left him stunned.

Charlotte had replaced her noble attire with a patched-up commoner's outfit. But what was truly surprising were the furry wolf ears on top of her head and the wolf tail somehow fixed behind her. Her hair color had also been changed to the same gray as the werewolves.

Sherry continued her work carefully, sticking werewolf-like fur onto Charlotte's cheeks.

Sebastian was speechless.

"How do I look? Do I resemble one?"

Charlotte signaled Sherry to stop and turned to smile at Sebastian, revealing a pair of red eyes.

Those eyes were the only part of her that wasn’t disguised.

Sebastian, momentarily dazed by her sweet smile, couldn't help but say:

"You look very much like a fallen noble lady of the werewolf tribe… and the outfit is quite authentic."

Charlotte rolled her eyes at him.

She looked back at the mirror, pondered for a moment, and then told Sherry.

"Make my skin rougher and duller."

Sherry nodded and continued her work.

Sebastian marveled at how Sherry’s hands seemed to fly over Charlotte's face like magic, rapidly transforming her appearance.

As he watched her become more and more like an ordinary werewolf girl, Sebastian couldn't help but remark:

"Sherry's makeup skills are as good as a magician's."

Charlotte laughed.

"Of course, Sherry is a professional maid."

After saying that, she looked at Sebastian through the mirror, thought for a moment, and asked.

"I noticed during dinner that Luff seemed to have something on his mind?"

Sebas's expression became strange, and he nodded.

"Yes, he does. He just told me everything."

"Does it concern me?"

"Yes, it does."


"Thanks to the 'miracle' at your coming-of-age ceremony, he truly believes you are a saintess of the Holy Court."

Charlotte was speechless.

"Even Luff thinks so. It seems this label is sticking more firmly than I imagined."

Charlotte said helplessly.

She had indeed planned to use the title of saintess to make her actions in the territory more convenient.

However, if it became too widespread and conspicuous, it could backfire.

On one hand, it meant she became a target representing the Holy Court, potentially leading to misunderstandings or even harming her allies. On the other hand, it could draw the attention of the Holy Court's higher-ups.

Charlotte wanted to benefit from the situation, not get herself caught up in it.

"Indeed, the rumor of you being a saintess is spreading more widely than we expected. Moreover, it seems to be even more intense in the Castell territory. Someone must be fueling the fire behind the scenes."

Sebastian said.

Hearing this, Charlotte narrowed her eyes.

"It must be those nobles who oppose me. Let them have their fun for a few more days."

Then she changed the subject.

"Tonight, you and Nice will come with me. We will pose as new miners. You will be my brother, and Nice will be my pet."

In the Castell silver mine, strong miners mysteriously disappeared, so most of the miners were actually old, weak, sick, and disabled, with countless child laborers.

Of course, for non-humans and beastman, even child laborers could have the strength of slightly weaker adult human males.

The wages for the old, weak, and sick were certainly lower than those of ordinary miners, except at night. The Castell silver mine operated day and night throughout the year, with miners working at night as well.

To earn more money, many child laborers chose to work at night.

However, many non-humans naturally preferred nocturnal activities, making them more efficient at night.

This information was all provided to Charlotte by the werewolf Luff.

Charlotte felt a bit conflicted when she learned about the large number of child laborers in the mine.

After all, the Castell silver mine was nominally her property, meaning she was the one exploiting child laborers.

However, she also saw it as an opportunity to inspect the mine's conditions.

"What do you think, Sebas, my brother?"

Charlotte turned her head, wiggling her fake ears, and smiled brightly at her butler.


Sebas couldn't help but gasp, standing straighter and feeling both pressured and oddly satisfied.

"What? Is there a problem with 'brother'? How about 'big brother'?"

Charlotte tilted her head cutely.

Seeing her adorable expression, Sebastian swallowed and, with a spirited look, said.

"Brother is fine. No need to use names."

"I feel like you’re actually enjoying this."

Charlotte teased.

"You misunderstand. I’ve always wanted a lovely… um, beautiful sister like you."

Sebastian blushed, straightened up, and respectfully replied.

He almost said 'cute' but changed it to 'beautiful' to show respect to his 'goddess'.

Charlotte didn't mind.

She knew she was indeed very cute.

Every morning, she would look in the mirror and admire her stunning beauty, thinking, "I’m really cute," which would keep her in a good mood all day.

It was a way of self-consolation. Although her gender had changed, many people would love to become such a beautiful and cute bloodborne with powers and wealth, but couldn’t.

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After Charlotte finished her makeup, Sebastian also got his done.

Soon, a pair of fresh werewolf siblings were ready.

The only issue was that the sister was much shorter than the brother, making them look more like father and daughter.

Charlotte’s body seemed to develop late. Even at fourteen or fifteen, she looked twelve or thirteen. After becoming a bloodborne, she stopped growing.

But Charlotte was satisfied.

Except for her height, she wasn’t burdened by her fully grown true ancestor form.

When they were ready to leave, Nice was already prepared.

He seemed to have gotten fatter, especially with his round belly, indicating he had been eating while everyone else was busy.

"Meow! Lady Charlotte, you’re finally ready! When do we leave?!"

Finally being able to accompany the great "God" on a mission, Nice appeared very excited and sprang to the front of Charlotte, his cat tail held high.

However, Charlotte looked at Nice, whose weight would surely prompt a vet to say, "Your cat is severely overweight and needs to lose weight, or it might develop arthritis, heart disease, and have a shorter lifespan," and quickly fell into deep thought.

"A pair of impoverished werewolf siblings wouldn't have such a fat pet cat, right?"

She asked, glancing at herself and Sebastian in their patched-up clothes.

"No, unless it's their food. After all, werewolves eat meat."

Sebastian replied with a smile.

Nice was speechless.

Charlotte sighed, squatting down to pat Nice's chubby head.

"Nice, you really need to lose weight."

With that, she walked past the black cat and headed out.

Sebastian also patted Nice's head, sighing, "Sir Nice, did you hear? Master hopes you'll lose weight. After this mission, you should walk instead of taking the carriage. Get more exercise."

Nice remained silent.

Despite Nice being as fat as a pig disguised as a cat, Charlotte decided to take him along. Not as a pet to be carried but letting him follow behind under the cover of darkness.

With his black fur, he would be practically invisible at night without lights. The mine's overseers were human nobles, not demi-humans with night vision.

The Castell Silver Mine was located east of Silver Mine City, spanning inside and outside the city.

This wasn’t the original mining site; the initial site was elsewhere. Over centuries of continuous excavation, the mine grew deeper, and the main mining area moved here.

Castell’s underground vein was vast, divided into the southern and northern districts. The southern district, the largest, belonged to the Crescent Royal Family, while the smaller northern district was owned by the Castell family.

The two districts were connected, and managed together by the Castell Mining Workshop, under the Castell family's jurisdiction.

Originally, the main Castell family owned the entire mining workshop. However, after centuries of division and interest allocation, the main family now held less than 50% ownership, with the remainder scattered among other noble families of Castell.

Notably, the Crescent Royal Family did not participate in the workshop's operations. They only collected silver and mithril, with 1,500 supervisors and soldiers stationed there.

This puzzled Charlotte. If there was a dragon in the mine, why hadn’t the royal supervisors and soldiers reacted?

Only extraordinary individuals, at least Silver Moon, were appointed as supervisors and guards by the Crescent Royal Family.

As for the army, Charlotte had witnessed the kingdom's regular troops escorting the Third Prince Philip on her way to Castell, demonstrating their considerable strength.

A dragon might be formidable, but the Crescent Royal Family could easily muster forces to slay it, unless it was a Legendary dragon.

But a Legendary dragon wouldn’t allow humans to mine under its nose.

Or perhaps there was no dragon in the mine, but something else?

Charlotte pondered.

With these questions in mind, Charlotte met with the werewolf Luff outside the mine at the agreed time.

Seeing Charlotte's appearance, Luff was visibly taken aback.

"How do I look? Do I resemble one?"

Charlotte asked with a smile.

Luff nodded, looking emotional.

"You look… very much like one. If I didn’t know it was you, I would have thought you were a tribesman from afar."

"From afar? So there are still flaws up close?"

Charlotte caught the key in Luff's words.

Luff scratched his head, hesitating to speak.

"Go ahead, it's alright."

Charlotte encouraged.

After a moment of hesitation, Luff said.

"It might only be noticeable to werewolves with keen senses. Humans probably wouldn’t notice..."

He looked at Charlotte cautiously.

"You smell too good."

Charlotte was speechless.

Luff's words made her realize a problem. No matter how well she disguised herself, she was still essentially a noble who bathed daily.

The local Myria nobles weren’t as hygienic as she was, let alone werewolves who did various laborious tasks.

True, bloodbornes excel at concealing their aura, but that hides magical energy, not scent.

Charlotte couldn’t help but look at the black cat Nice. As a sensitive, extraordinary creature, she doubted he missed this flaw.

Feeling uncomfortable under Charlotte’s gaze, Nice cleared his throat and said.

"Ahem... Lady Charlotte, we haven't entered the mine yet. I’ve prepared a scent-concealing spell."

Satisfied, Charlotte nodded.

"With Lord Nice’s spell, there shouldn’t be any problem."

Luff said.

Nice cast a scent-concealing spell on Charlotte and Sebastian, and then they followed Luff into the mine.

At the mine's entrance, about twenty miners were waiting, all demi-humans with beast-like features and human-like appearances.

Most were werewolves, both male and female, young and old. Charlotte even spotted a werewolf boy who seemed her age, dirty, thin, and weak.

Given her appearance, she seemed younger than her actual age. Considering demi-humans lifespans, he was likely a twelve or thirteen-year-old child.

The leader was an elderly werewolf, hunched over, with a wine flask at his waist.

Seeing Luff, he frowned.

"Why are you late today?"

He then looked at Charlotte and Sebastian behind Luff, puzzled.

"Old Logan, these are my tribesmen, Barce and his sister Resa. Tanan and Roka had matters to attend to tonight, so they volunteered to fill in."

Luff said solemnly.

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