Gospel of Blood

Chapter 169: ------------------

Chapter 169: ------------------

T/N: I will put the chapter title at the end of the chapter if I feel like it directly spoils the content.


“There's an issue with the Castell silver mine?”

Charlotte’s heart stirred.

The silver mine is the cash cow of the County, and the precious mithril is almost priceless.

Although the revenue from trade has been taking an increasingly larger share of Castell's income in recent years, until the mithril mine is exhausted, the main source of income for the territory remains the silver mine, especially the mithril mine.

The timing of the depletion of the Castell family's associated mithril vein coincided with the old witch sending all the nobles around her away. Charlotte felt something was off when she learned about this, and now it seems... perhaps there really is something fishy going on.

With this thought, Charlotte instantly became more alert and asked seriously.

“What’s the issue?”

“Lady Charlotte, there might be some kind of terrifying monster hidden beneath the Castell mine!”

Luff said solemnly.

“A monster?”

Charlotte was taken aback.

She frowned and said.

“Explain in detail.”

Luff nodded and recalled.

“It all started when we first arrived at Castell…”

“About twenty days ago, after our Blood Wolf Tribe arrived at Castell, we headed straight to the renowned Castell silver mine.”

“I selected a few of my strongest tribesmen, and we entered the mine as hired workers. After about a week, we gained the trust of the mine’s overseer nobles and were allowed to work deeper in the silver mine, with our wages quadrupling as a result.”

“However, after delving deeper into the mine, I noticed some strange phenomena.”

“Strange phenomena?”

Charlotte’s curiosity was piqued.

Luff nodded.

“Yes, strange phenomena.”

“For example, despite the silver mine's emphasis on efficiency, there were very few strong miners like my tribesmen and me. Most of the miners looked rather frail.”

“That’s why the overseer quickly noticed us. But it’s odd because we’ve seen the main silver vein inside. Even if the associated mithril vein is depleted, the silver mine itself is not exhausted. I don’t believe the mine can't attract strong miners…”

“Moreover, after joining the miners, I noticed that the old miners looked at us strangely, so I became cautious and invited one of the old miners for a few drinks at the tavern to ask about my concerns.”

“At first, he was reluctant to talk, but after a few drinks, he couldn’t help but advise me to leave, to stop working in the mine. After pressing him further, he finally revealed the mine’s secret…”

“The Castell silver mine… there’s a monster inside! The strong miners who venture deep into the mine end up being eaten by the monster!”

A monster that eats miners?

Charlotte frowned even more.

“Does the mine management have any explanation for this?”

She asked.

“I’ve hinted at this question, but the mine management completely denies it, saying it’s just a rumor among the miners…”

“But among the miners, it’s an open secret. Not only do strong miners disappear, but some have also reportedly heard terrifying roars and strange noises from deep within the mine…”

“Apparently, these roars are deep and heavy, like the legendary dragon’s roar!”

“Therefore, some miners believe that deep within the mine lives a dragon that feeds on the veins and the miners!”

Luff’s revelation left Charlotte both amazed and puzzled.

A dragon?

Charlotte was completely stunned.

She had a feeling something was wrong with the mithril vein’s depletion, but how did an investigation into that lead to discovering a dragon?

“Are you suggesting… that the mithril vein was also consumed by this… suspected dragon monster?”

Charlotte asked.

This time, Luff shook his head.

“No, I haven’t seen the mithril vein. It has been sealed off. The mine’s official reason is that the vein is exhausted and at risk of collapse, so it’s off-limits.”

“However, I asked the old miners, and they told me there’s definitely something hidden in the mithril vein area. One miner sneaked in to get some mithril ore fragments…”

“You know, mithril is valuable, and even the ore fragments are worth a fortune. But after he went in, he quickly escaped, and when he came out, he was insane…”

“Later… he disappeared, and the mine management never mentioned this again. As for the miners… none dared to approach the sealed mithril vein anymore.”

“But the old miner had a theory. He said he once heard a legend about a type of dragon that lives in underground caverns and feeds on various precious metals…”

“He said that deep within the Castell mine, there might be such a dragon!”

Luff’s explanation left Charlotte both amazed and curious.

She was amazed to hear of a dragon in her territory.

Charlotte, familiar with various fantasy stories in her previous life, was no stranger to dragons. In many tales, the protagonist often had some unresolved connections with dragons, with some stories even featuring dragons as companions or mounts.

After transmigrating, Charlotte searched for related information out of curiosity and found that dragons did exist in the world of Myria and were incredibly powerful. Upon reaching adulthood, they had at least the strength of a Blazing Sun, and some old ones could even reach Legendary.

However, Charlotte was also puzzled.

She wondered, if there really was a dragon in the Castell mine as Luff suggested, why would the mine management suppress the news?

On the contrary, they would likely publicize it widely and recruit mercenaries to slay the dragon to prevent further damage to the veins.

But in reality, the mine’s overseer nobles simply announced that the vein was exhausted and sealed it off.

What’s even more surprising is that none of the other nobles in Castell seemed to question this.

If they had, someone would have informed her when she reconnected with the territory over the past year.

After all, even if she lacked authority, she was still the Count of the territory, the lord of the domain, and the nominal owner of the Castell silver mine. She would be a natural ally to seek support from.

Charlotte had even asked Baron Angus, a silent, socially anxious knight who accompanied her to Northport, about the mithril vein. He confirmed that the vein was indeed exhausted, and his son had even personally inspected it as part of a noble delegation.

Unless Angus was lying to her.

But she really didn’t want to believe that the only loyal noble who came to meet her and personally escorted her to Northport was also a traitor…

Or perhaps… Angus’s son was lying to him?

Charlotte’s intuition told her that there was a secret in the Castell silver mine, especially in the mithril vein area, which might hold a big secret!

“What do you think?”

After some thought, Charlotte looked at Sebastian and Nice.

These two, one being a long-lived elf and the other a mysterious extraordinary being, surely knew more than she did and might be able to infer something from Luff’s investigation.

“A dragon that feeds on veins, huh… I’ve indeed heard of such dragons, but I also know that dragons that feed on precious metals do not eat meat.”

Sebastian pondered and said.

Charlotte then looked at Nice.

Nice put down his greasy paw, reluctantly swallowed the food stuffed in his cheeks, and mumbled:

“I’m curious about one thing. If there really were a dragon in the Castell Silver Mine, even if it were just a rumor, mercenaries from Eastern Yunette Blacklands would flock here.”

“There have always been many people eager to make a name for themselves by slaying a dragon. They’d line up from Crescent Kingdom all the way to Coria!”

Luff nodded in agreement.

“Indeed, I’ve heard from some miners that there was a time when mercenary groups came because of the rumors. But... then nothing happened.”

“Nothing happened? What do you mean?”

Charlotte asked.

Luff explained:

“It’s just as it sounds—there were no further developments. No news of dragon slaying, nor any news from the mercenary groups involved. Some say the mercenaries left because they found no dragon. Others say... those mercenaries disappeared, just like the strong miners.”

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Charlotte fell into deep thought upon hearing Luff’s words.

It was clear that there was a significant issue beneath the Castell Silver Mine, one that was far from ordinary.

Mercenary groups confident enough to hunt dragons wouldn’t be weak. For such a group to vanish without a trace was indeed suspicious.

“I understand. Luff, thank you for your efforts. For your safety, I advise you and your people to stay away from the mine for now.”

Charlotte said.

Luff was moved.

“Lady Charlotte, are you planning to investigate this matter yourself?”

Charlotte didn’t hide her intention and nodded.

“Yes, that’s my plan.”

Luff hesitated but then sincerely said.

“Lady Charlotte, even though only strong miners have gone missing, the mine is still too dangerous...”

“Hey, Luff, don’t worry. What may be dangerous for others is no danger at all for our master.”

Sebastian said confidently.

Even Nice, who was busy eating, nodded, seemingly unconcerned about Charlotte’s safety.

Seeing their nonchalant expressions, Luff couldn’t help but want to persuade them further. But before he could speak, he noticed something—Sebastian’s wrist, once marked by a ghostly curse, was now almost clear, seemingly fully suppressed.

Luff had a sudden realization.

Could it be... that Sebastian has regained his strength?

“Don’t look at me like that. It’s not my strength that’s been restored, but don’t worry, there’s no safety issue here. If there is, it’ll only involve Nice.”

Sebastian said, seemingly reading Luff’s thoughts.

Nice instantly glared.

“What do you mean by me? Let me tell you, if something happens, I have plenty of ways to escape first! I’m much better at this than a certain someone who had to rely on our master to escape the pursuit of a Blazing Sun!”

Sebastian: ...

“Really? And yet you’ve become a servant chasing after a carriage for exercise?”

He retorted coldly.


Nice puffed up angrily, and his food instantly lost its appeal.

The cat and the dog quickly started arguing again.

Ignoring their bickering, Charlotte looked at the stunned Luff and smiled.

“Luff, is there anything else?”

Luff hesitated before responding.

“If Sebastian is confident, then there should be no problem.”

But he still looked hesitant.

Charlotte noticed and asked.

“Is there something else you want to say?”

Luff sighed.

“To be honest, yes. My people and I don’t plan to leave the mine just yet.”

“You don’t plan to leave? Why?”

Charlotte frowned, curious.

Luff and his people were her followers, though they were unaware of it. She didn’t want to see any of her precious followers perish.

Luff scratched his head awkwardly.

“The main reason is the income from the mine is pretty good, and we like it there. Moreover, we’ve made many friends among the miners. If we leave now, it feels like we’re abandoning them.”

“If possible, I’d like to stay until everything is settled and ensure the miners’ safety.”

“Don’t worry. As long as we stay on the outskirts and avoid deep areas, it’s relatively safe. Also... if possible, I’d like to accompany you down. I’m familiar with the mine and can guide you.”

Charlotte didn’t want him to take the risk, but seeing the determination in his eyes, she sighed and said.

“I understand.”


After talking with Luff, Charlotte decided to investigate the mine herself.

She wouldn’t go alone but would bring Sebas and Nice with her.

Moreover, she planned to disguise herself rather than enter openly.

Luff left the inn after finishing his meal, arranging to meet Charlotte later that night to avoid detection.

Leaving the inn, Sebastian accompanied Luff.

After walking a few steps, Sebastian suddenly said.

“The last thing you said to our master during the meal... wasn’t the real reason you insisted on staying in the mine, was it?”

Luff hesitated and then admitted.

“Lord Sebas, you see through everything. Yes, I did hide something. Some things... I don’t want Lady Charlotte to know.”

Sebastian’s expression turned cold.

“Luff, do you know what you’re saying? You’re hiding something from our master?”

“Don’t forget who saved your life—eight years ago, it was me; a year ago, it was Lady Charlotte. And Charlotte is my master!”

Luff’s expression turned complex.

“I know, Lord Sebas. We werewolves never forget our debts. I’ll always remember your and Lady Charlotte’s kindness.”

“But... there are things we werewolves cannot go against. I won’t betray you or Lady Charlotte, but we and Lady Charlotte are not the same. Some things can’t be fully shared...”

Sebastian was confused by Luff’s words.

“Wait... not the same? What do you mean?”

Luff sighed.

“Yes, we arrived in Castell a month earlier and heard some rumors from Borde. Lady Charlotte’s coming-of-age ceremony had divine manifestations. She is the chosen of the god Harald, a saintess walking on the mortal realm...”

“The people of Castell believe she’s here to spread the faith of the Holy Court.”

“But you know we worship the Bloodborne True Ancestor, and the Holy Court... was once the reason for the decline of the Bloodborne.”

“I did hide something because I met many demi-humans in the mine, slaves, and workers who live poorly and face discrimination.”

“Their strength comes from the Blood Totem. After regaining our Lord’s favor, I feel my long-stagnant power steadily growing.”

“I believe... they can too.”

“They were once part of us... but now, they’re lost in their faith. I want to bring them hope and the faith of our Lord. I want to contribute to our Lord’s revival.”

“You taught me how to gain the True Ancestor’s favor, so I know you’re not against our Lord. That’s why I’m telling you this.”

“But Lady Charlotte... she’s a saintess of the Holy Court!”

Luff sighed, conflicted.

Sebastian: ...

He didn’t know what to say.

Seeing Luff’s pained expression, torn between faith and loyalty, Sebas couldn’t help but suggest.

“Isn’t it possible... that our master, you, and I are all on the same side?”

Luff was stunned.



There is a dragon in the mine?

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