Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 481: He Looks Sick

Chapter 481: He Looks Sick

When they saw Viserys and heard his voice, everyone present stood up to show their respect.

Rhaenys and Rhaenyra rose from their seats, both looking at their cousin and father with surprise. Viserys's appearance, dragging his heavy body, was indeed unexpected by most.

"Father, you sit here," Rhaegar said, helping Viserys to his feet and leading him around the long table to the empty seat between Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. That was the main seat at the banquet.

"No need," Viserys said, shaking his head with a smile. "I prefer this position." He then motioned for Aegon and Aemond to move aside, taking a seat on the other side of the long table. Once seated, Corlys was on his left, looking surprised, and Helaena was on his right, holding her nephew.

Aegon and Aemond exchanged glances, abandoning their original plan to sit there, and instead sat down next to little Daeron, bypassing Helaena.

Seeing this, Rhaegar felt a strange emotion and whispered, "Father, you haven't seen Aunt Rhaenys in a long time, and you can still hug Baelon."

"You sit there," Viserys insisted, explaining, "I can see all of you better from here."

Rhaegar looked around and realized that from Viserys's position, he could indeed see everyone at the table.

"Very well. I will tell the servants to begin the banquet," Rhaegar said, smiling, and walked over to Rhaenyra to take his seat.

The father and son took their seats, and the others followed suit.

Corlys nodded to Viserys, glanced at his face, and made a judgment. The assassination attempt at Yronwood had taken its toll on the king.

Despite this, Viserys was not saddened; instead, he smiled brightly and took Aemon from Helaena's hands to play with him.

Daemon, sitting across the long table, kept a close eye on his brother. He noticed that despite Viserys's labored breathing, he maintained a smile, an expression of surprise in his eyes.

Laena sat between Daemon and Rhaenyra, with the key figures all seated on one side of the table.

Soon, the hall filled with light music, setting a pleasant mood for the evening. The servants hurriedly served the dishes, and the long table was lit with large white candles, dispelling the dim light.

In this peaceful and harmonious environment, everyone became lively once again.

Corlys toasted Viserys and briefly spoke about the fortifications of the Stepstones. With the Triarchy to the east and Dorne to the west, the Stepstones in the Narrow Sea were crucial.

Viserys smiled. "Aegon is a good boy. He will take care of the Stepstones for his brother."

"I hope so," Corlys replied, glancing at Aegon, who was drinking non-stop, a hint of contempt flashing in his eyes.

On the other side, Rhaegar took Baelon, who was kicking his legs about, and smiled. His father's temporary presence would be a great help at tonight's banquet, like a towering tree supporting the realm.

Rhaenyra rubbed her aching wrist and whispered, "Is anyone still missing?"

"Who are you talking about?" Rhaegar asked, his eyes narrowing in a smile.

Rhaenyra glared. "Alicent!"

Scandals in the royal family were not to be made public. Alicent was still the queen, and it would be very rude not to attend the dinner.

"Mm-hmm," Rhaegar said softly.

Rhaenyra was puzzled, a hint of suspicion flashing in her brilliant purple eyes.

Something's fishy!


The door opened again, and the music picked up speed.

Rhaenyra glanced back.

Alicent walked into the hall, her head bowed in silence. Her eyes were red, and she looked as if she had just cried. She wore a red dress, a rarity for her, and appeared haggard.

Rhaenyra gave her a strange look and glanced sideways at the corridor behind Alicent. Two red-armored guards walked past, escorting a limping Otto between them.

Rhaegar leaned over to Rhaenyra's ear and whispered, "Otto is exiled to Myr to reclaim the wasteland. Before he left, he gave Alicent a reminder to keep her in line."

Alicent would be relatively easy to control. Without Otto's influence and the bonds of family, she would behave herself. It all depended on whether or not his father was willing to change her punishment.

Otto, however, was easier to deal with. The Oldtown faction was dispersed, and House Hightower had lost a lot of prestige. Exiled to Myr, Otto would spend the rest of his life cultivating the wasteland for the kingdom, a task he was already familiar with.

With Alicent's appearance, the atmosphere at the dinner subtly changed. Aemond's eyes widened in shock, and he almost stood up, unable to believe that his mother would actually attend the dinner.

"Mother!" Young Daeron, still a child, called out affectionately and rushed to Alicent like a swallow returning to its nest. Aegon only glanced up, then dropped his half-full wine glass. Helaena's eyes sparkled as she looked at Rhaegar and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Mother, I missed you so much," little Daeron cried, holding Alicent's legs.

He had always stayed by his mother's side, and Alicent's sudden confinement had especially hurt him.

"Don't cry, Mother will have more time to spend with you in the future," Alicent forced a smile, though the sadness in her eyes was hard to hide.

Judging from what had happened to her father Otto, it seemed unlikely that she would escape her dark room in the future. She feared her youngest son would not be treated as he should be.

"Mom, you sit with me," little Daeron wiped his tears and pulled Alicent to his seat. Rhaena gave up her seat and looked shyly at the mother and son.

"No," Alicent shook her head, taking little Daeron's hand and walking toward Viserys, who was watching silently. Viserys looked at her with a silent expression, a complex look in his eyes. This was his wife, although she often thought and acted irrationally.

Alicent saw Viserys sitting alone in a corner, where there was room for an extra chair, and said hesitantly, "Are you okay?" It wasn't really a question, just a simple greeting.

"Not bad," Viserys replied, looking away, his heart heavy. He called out to the servant, "Bring a chair for the queen."

The servant moved quickly. Alicent coaxed little Daeron back to his seat, then sat down and set the table for Viserys as she was used to doing. She lowered her head and said nothing. The couple looked left and right, as if they were strangers.

Rhaenyra, glaring at the scene, whispered unhappily, "Why don't we just lock her in the tower?"

"Alicent will be a problem again once she recovers," she added.

Rhaegar nodded slightly but said, "Father needs someone to take care of him, and no one is more suitable than Alicent."

They had been married for more than ten years and had raised children together. It was impossible to say that Viserys had no real feelings for her. Having Alicent back by his side would be more effective than a hundred Maesters and squires. His father had made sacrifices for him, and he would reciprocate.

The little episode soon passed. The cheerful tune ended, replaced by a more melodious piece suitable for a dinner party.

Corlys took a bite of the roast, his eyes growing deeper. He hadn't forgotten the purpose of the evening.


The knife and fork clattered onto the table as Corlys wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, breaking the silence. "Your Grace, I have a question to ask."

Viserys, enjoying Alicent’s attentive service, was slightly startled but managed a smile. "Tonight is a family dinner. We are all family here, so you can tell you anything."

He knew what was coming.

As expected, Corlys’s gaze swept over Daemon and Rhaegar, his words sharp. "Dorne has not yet submitted, and House Velaryon has sacrificed everything for this. I even lost my eldest son. Why is the Iron Throne negotiating peace at this time?"

He summarized the situation, then complained bitterly, and finally questioned the decision.

Viserys frowned. "Lord Corlys, peace is a good thing for the country and the people. The realm needs to recuperate."

"What about the balance of power with the rebellious forces in Dorne that have yet to surrender?" Corlys pressed.

Viserys shook his head. "Block all the passages to Dorne, and with the help of Prince Qyle, it won't be a problem."

Sunspear was in Targaryen hands; the overall situation was already decided.

Dissatisfied with the king's evasions, Corlys raised his voice. "Your Grace, I lost my only son in this war. If the conquest of Dorne is ended hastily, I cannot accept it."

"Are you threatening me?" Viserys's smile vanished. Though weak, he was not easily intimidated. "Lord Corlys, the Targaryens started this war, and the Targaryens will end it."

Don't think you're still the Sea Snake of ten years ago just because of your power and position.

Corlys, frustrated, shouted, "I lost my eldest son. Shouldn't the kingdom give me a reasonable explanation?"

Rhaegar watched quietly, feeding Baelon a spoonful of goat's milk. Someone will speak for him.

Daemon leaned back in his chair, his head tilted to one side, and mocked, "Laenor's lover killed him. You should go find that guy."

"Daemon, you have no say here!" Corlys was furious and shouted at him.

Daemon, unperturbed, smirked. He deliberately spoke in a slow, drawn-out voice. "This is my brother's kingdom, and there is always a place for me in his castle."

Viserys glanced at him but said nothing.

"You should behave yourself," Laena warned, pulling her husband's hand under the table.

Daemon ignored her, shaking off her hand, his eyes dangerous. "You don't want to give up the war. Are you planning to die with Dorne?"

His eyes bored into Corlys, daring him to respond.

Aegon, watching the show, couldn't help but laugh. "Haha!"

Corlys's face instantly turned cold, glaring at Aegon.

Aegon, feeling aggrieved, was silenced by Helaena's dead fish-eyed glare, signaling him to shut up. Aemond quickly poured him a drink and pushed it to his mouth.

'Don't act like a fool when Mom is finally out.'

Corlys snorted, dismissing the brat, and spoke solemnly. "I lost my heir on the battlefield and the future Lord of Driftmark. Can no one give me an explanation?"

He looked pointedly at Viserys and Rhaegar, repeatedly emphasizing the issue of the heir. The royal family must give him a reasonable solution.

Viserys said nothing.

Rhaegar, scooping up another spoonful of goat's milk for Baelon, remained silent. The Sea Snake's intentions were clear. But you can't always get what you want. You only get what you want if I give it to you, and you can't use coercion.

Tonight, I will take care of you, Sea Snake and break House Velaryon's back!

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