Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 480: The Greatest and Most Complex Family Dinner Ever

Chapter 480: The Greatest and Most Complex Family Dinner Ever


Seeing Otto lying on the ground and moaning in agony, everyone present reacted with shock and alarm.

Lyonel's face changed slightly, his eyes flickering between Otto and Dorys, and a visible anger began to form. As an adviser to the king, he could not stand by and watch his colleague be humiliated.

Dorys had already prepared an explanation. "This lord was caught trying to sneak out of the Narrow Sea by boat."

In fact, that was more or less the truth. But it wasn't his idea; he was just following orders.

Rhaegar looked down at Otto's pitiful state and frowned imperceptibly. He had been waiting for this moment.

Otto let out a gasp, and with all his strength, he pushed himself up, revealing a pale face that hardly seemed alive. Rhaegar glanced sideways, noticing his left leg, which was covered in dried blood. Otto also looked up, his numb eyes staring at the heir prince high above him, and a chill ran down his spine. It was unimaginable how much suffering he had endured at the hands of the Dornish people over the past two weeks.

Dorys grabbed him by the collar and said in a low voice, "There was an accident during the arrest. A stray arrow hit his leg, and he didn't have time to be treated." He then looked very apologetic.

Lyonel was furious, his fists clenched so hard they creaked, and he wanted to smash the Dornishman's head in with a single blow. If he hadn't realized Otto was in trouble, he would have taken it as a blatant provocation.

Daemon crossed his arms and smiled. "A missing leg shouldn't be a problem for a blood-sucking leech."

"Prince Daemon, you're as mean as ever," Otto laughed bitterly, reaching for his unconscious left leg and sitting up with Dorys's help.

Daemon smiled mockingly and watched the spectacle with pleasure. He was happy when Otto suffered. A man's happiness could be so simple.

Rhaegar's mouth twitched slightly, thinking to himself, My good uncle really isn't hiding anything. He's not showing any emotion on his face. "Do you have any solid evidence, Ser Dorys?"

"Of course, Prince," Dorys replied, calm and collected as if he had rehearsed it hundreds of times. He took a letter from his breast pocket and said, "This is a letter from the Lord and Prince of Pentos."

Otto's expression froze, and his breathing became labored.

Dorys didn't even look at him and continued, "I also captured some sailors and mercenaries, who can also make an identification."

The words were spoken calmly, showing extraordinary confidence.

Lyonel's eyes widened in surprise. He never imagined that Otto would dare to do so many "big things."

Lyman and the others in the hall stared at Otto in shock, their expressions full of mixed emotions. The queen had just been imprisoned, and instead of helping his daughter, Otto had set the High Tower on fire and fled?

"Clap, clap, clap."

Rhaegar clapped his hands, fixing his gaze on Otto. "Lord Otto, I have only one question. Did you set the High Tower on fire?"

"Cough, cough..." Otto coughed angrily, his teeth clenched. "Prince, what is the point of discussing this now?"

Of course he had set the fire, but it was never meant to kill his brother Ormund. Someone must have interfered.

Rhaegar pressed on, "As the royal adviser, why did you run away to Pentos instead of serving the kingdom?"

"My brother asked me to visit the Prince of Pentos to promote trade between our family and the Iron Throne," Otto weakly argued.

Rhaegar shook his head. "That's not a good enough reason. Dorys has produced overwhelming evidence that you murdered your brother and fled with the money."

Otto's lips moved, but he couldn't refute the accusation. The fact was, he had set the fire, and Ormund had let him go to Pentos to hide out.

Rhaegar announced, "You are guilty, Otto Hightower."

Otto looked at him deeply and then closed his eyes in resignation. He was innocent! 'I know you're innocent,' Rhaegar thought to himself. But what does it matter?

Rhaegar's lips curled slightly as he said, "Ser Dorys, thank you for returning Otto Hightower."

Dorys bowed. "It is my honor to serve the Iron Throne."

Their eyes met for a moment, and they both saw a satisfied smile in each other's eyes.

Rhaegar looked at Lyonel. "Otto has made a grave mistake. He should be imprisoned in the dungeons of the Red Keep and await judgment."

"Yes, Prince," Lyonel replied, though slightly confused, he followed the order.

The guards at the entrance of the hall entered and dragged the disheveled Otto out. Otto looked up at the sky, his pale face showing a deathly stillness. He had no thoughts of resistance; he was powerless.

The council continued for a while, ending in a harmonious discussion between the three parties.

Rhaegar stepped down from the Iron Throne and passed by Erryk, giving him a knowing look. Erryk understood immediately and followed him out of the throne room.

Finding a secluded corner, Rhaegar asked, "Where are Laena and her two daughters?"

Erryk recalled and replied, "The Princess is with Laena, and Baela and Rhaena are studying with Prince Daeron."

Rhaegar's eyes darkened, and he ordered, "Keep an eye on Lord Corlys' movements at all times. Don't cause trouble before or after the banquet."

Erryk paused for a moment, trying to grasp the meaning behind the command.

Rhaegar winked.

"Yes, I'll get right on it," Erryk responded, calling a group of guards before leaving.


A guest room in the Red Keep.

The two heads of House Velaryon were in the midst of a heated argument.

Corlys was furious. "Look at the mess you've made! The peace talks have been concluded, and now we're in a passive position."

"Corlys, are you letting your anger cloud your judgment?" Rhaenys responded calmly. "The realm needs peace. War isn't the only solution."

Corlys, his mind racing, retorted, "But it was our sacrifices that gave us the upper hand!"

House Velaryon had sacrificed so much—Laenor was killed, two of his "nephews" were lost, and half of the fleet was gone. Without an heir, they risked losing Driftmark entirely. Who would resolve his dilemma?

Rhaenys closed her eyes, silent tears welling up. Mentioning Laenor tore at her heart. He was the son she had carried for ten months. Laenor was killed, but who could understand a mother's pain?

Seeing his wife's tears, Corlys felt compassion and gradually calmed down. The couple sat on either side of the table, neither speaking.

After a long silence, Rhaenys regained her composure, wiped her tears, and said sternly, "Daemon must have been promised a reward for his betrayal."

"Nonsense! That uncle and nephew never do anything for free," Corlys fumed.

When Tyrosh was first conquered, it was agreed they would work together to divide the Disputed Lands with Pentos and Volantis, sharing the spoils. But Daemon had been too impatient. He occupied Tyrosh, drove out all Iron Throne forces, and claimed the land for himself. As a result, Pentos and Volantis distanced themselves from the Iron Throne, and House Velaryon missed out on territory beyond the Narrow Sea.

"Let's not dwell on that. Everyone has their own agenda," Rhaenys interrupted, catching an important detail. "Rhaegar's willingness to make peace with Daemon, despite their past differences, shows he's wary of House Velaryon and will make concessions to appease you."

House Velaryon had done a great deal. It made no sense to court Daemon and suppress the war heroes.

Corlys realized this and saw the clues. "This dinner is a negotiation."

"Exactly," Rhaenys nodded. "Instead of worrying about yourself, think about what's best for us."

"Hmph!" Corlys snorted. "No amount of tempting conditions can bring Laenor back."

If he could, he would give up everything to have his eldest son back. This put him in a dilemma.

After some thought, Corlys stood up. "I'll go talk to Daemon. He might have something to say."

He couldn't secure enough benefits alone; he had to ally with someone important.

Rhaenys, unconcerned, took a sip from her wine glass. "You could try leaving before the dinner."

"What do you mean?" Corlys frowned and quickly walked to the door, opening it a crack.

In the hallway, Erryk was leading a team of guards. Noticing Corlys's gaze, Erryk said respectfully, "There are guests at the Red Keep. I've been ordered to protect Princess Rhaenys and the Lord."

Corlys turned away, slamming the door shut. Rhaenys sneered, "Rhaegar won't give you and Daemon a chance to conspire. His duty is to maintain peace, not settle disputes all day."

Corlys's face turned completely black.


Soon, night fell.

The Red Keep was illuminated brilliantly, and servants bustled about, preparing for the grandest banquet the royal family had hosted in years.

In the banquet hall, two long tables were joined together, and people gathered around them.

At one end of the table, Aegon, holding a flagon of wine, chatted with Aemond, boasting about his exploits in the burning of Sunspear.

"You've had enough to drink," Aemond said, disgusted, subtly displaying his one-eyed dagger.

Helaena sat next to her brothers, half-lying on the table, laughing heartily. Across from her, young Aemon sat, his wide purple eyes giving her a warning look.

On the other side of the long table, Rhaena watched as little Daeron wrestled with her sister Baela. Daeron was losing.

Daemon and Laena stood nearby, watching the three children while discussing Tyrosh's renovation plans.

"I'll start by building a palace for the prince, modeled after Lys's perfume garden," Daemon said.

"You don't seem to have that kind of money..." Laena replied.

In the middle of the table, at the heart of the banquet, Rhaenys sat a seat away from Rhaenyra, who was playing with little Baelon. The aunt and niece exchanged glances now and then, only to look away again—a Queen Who Never Was and a former heir to the Iron Throne. Two women who had missed out on the throne, their interactions marked by an inexplicable awkwardness.

Corlys sat on Rhaenys' right, his face dark with displeasure, watching Helaena play with her nephew.

Everyone chatted casually, the tension of the long war gradually loosening. Servants moved through the hall, setting out the dishes.

Aegon slurped his drink impatiently. "Why hasn't the banquet started yet? Drinking alone isn't any fun."

Aemond was about to retort when Corlys intervened seriously, "I don't see any important people here yet. Just wait patiently."

"Tsk!" Aegon turned away. An old Velaryon riffraff. Do you really think the Red Keep is your home?


The door suddenly opened, drawing everyone's attention.

Rhaegar entered, his face expressionless, his long silver-blonde hair flowing down his shoulders, dressed in a solemn black robe. He was slightly bowed, supporting another person.

Seeing this, Corlys's expression changed slightly. He pushed his chair back and stood up.

"Welcome to this family dinner, everyone," Rhaegar announced.

Viserys walked slowly, leaning on his eldest son for support, his pale face breaking into a heartfelt smile. The family was finally gathered together.

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