Full-time Artist

Chapter 27: Trembling cold

Chapter 27: Trembling cold

The next week.

The box office data of the movie "Dance of Fish and Dragon" continues to rise and the momentum is gratifying.

And as the impression song of the movie, "Big Fish" has become more and more popular and is liked by more and more people.

As a related institution, Qin Yi naturally paid attention to this song for the first time.

There are many discussions about this song in campus forums and small groups in various departments.

Especially the vocal music students on campus, they are particularly excited this time: "Have you seen, the importance of excellent singing to songs is also self-evident!"

Qin Yi is an art school.

The ecological environment here tends to be more professional, so the importance of composition has always been higher than that of singing. Before the "Summer Flower" fire, more than half of the school students were chanting

"Daddy Qu will fly!"

"Qu Dae Kerry!"

"A dog in a recording studio can be hot!"

Senior Sun Yaohuo, dont you want face!

Anyway, the vocal music students looked at these posts, trembling with anger, cold sweat all over the body and cold hands and feet on a hot day.

The grandchildren of the composition department are so superior.

When will their vocal department stand up?

Unexpectedly, the opportunity to fight back was so fast, it came!

It is also a work by Xian Yu, but this time "Big Fish" is not a song that anyone can sing. Jiangkui's voice is undoubtedly a bonus to this song. Therefore, Qin Yi's vocal music students It's dry!

The composition system is superior.

How can the vocal music department be arrogant?

Soon a bunch of posts came out against the vocal music department.

"Do you know what is official customization?"

"Do you know how wonderful the hook of this song is?"

"Do you know how rare it is for the melody of this song to fit the plot of the movie?"

"Did you know that for Daddy Qu, Impressions are custom-made songs, and the style is directly restricted. It is equivalent to dancing with shackles, but Daddy Qu wrote such a song in a small frame? The song is simply perfect performance!"


There are even more composition students who almost bet on their dignity and put their university knowledge to the fullest. From the technical level, they deeply analyze how good the composition of the song "Big Fish" is:

"The main part of the song "Big Fish" is mainly progressive, with mixed jumps. The first sentence uses continuous progression, which creates a strong impetus. The continuous progression span reaches an octave. The song part is a typical five-tone mode, simple but not simple, awesome!"

The vocal music department gradually declined.

The composition department discussed more and more enthusiastically.

"What I admire the most is that the melody development techniques used in this song are very rich, including strict repetition, change repetition, extension, thimble, and even mold advancement."


"In the climax part of this song, the proportions of many big jumps, such as mi-sol-do-si-mi, mi-re-do-la-do, re-mi-la, and the big jumps appearing in this song Some have reverse preparations."

"Singing is all ready-made music scores, but how many brain cells do these things burn to death?"

"The 4, 10, and 16 phrases of this song are the same melody segment, and the chorus part also uses a strict repetition method, so it sounds so beautiful, and when it comes to the harmony part, this song has been directly superb. Explanation."


vocal music department completely retreated.

Fortunately, the composition department is just to maintain the nobility of Qu Da.

After an analysis.

They also did not deny the bonus points for the singing part: "Of course Jiang Kui sang very well. Use a game to illustrate it. If the senior Sun Yaohuo lied and won last time, then Jiang Kui is the one who started the group this time. A good team was opened, but the victory of the team battle still relies on Qu's explosive output."

"If you want me to say that this song can be a success, the lyrics are also very important!"

Qin Yi has not only vocal music and composition majors, but also lyrics related majors, which can be regarded as the characteristic of Qinzhou, the country of music.

Now the composition department and vocal music department have killed the red eye.

How can students who major in lyrics be indifferent?

A student who majored in lyricism posted: "I'm afraid that you will fly away, that you will leave me, and that you will stay here forever. Don't you think this sentence is cruel? In just one sentence, Bai Longhe The delicate mood between the little girls fits the mood of the animated film, and it also writes the expectations of countless parents for their children. Think about how many parents want their children to fly high, but they are reluctant to leave themselves?"

"Poem-like text!"

A student who majored in lyricism added: The lyric picture required by the impression song is fully displayed in this lyric. It is rich and has no lack of moving details. The transition from the magnificent scene to the delicate emotion is full of our traditional blue star. Cultural beauty."

Music majors are so lively.

Even the Arrangement Department cant help but intervene: The lyrics, music and singing are excellent, but you must not overlook the importance of the arrangement to this song. The instrumental music and drumming of this song are matched. Without grabbing the ethereal part of the human voice, even the singers aura is matched with instruments, which is simply natural."

There is a saying in the Arrangement Department:

Arrangement is like a makeup artist, who is responsible for dressing up the song beautifully ~ A powerful arrangement can be like a top makeup artist, dressing up a person who is not beautiful.


Whether on Earth or Blue Star, the status of arranger is weaker than that of composing and singing. Someone once asked the master arranger Zhong Xingming when the arranger can stand up. Zhong Xingming's answer is: "It depends on our own efforts."

The sadness of the words is self-evident.

But after a discussion, a non-music student who watched the excitement couldn't help but say: "But you have discussed for a long time, except for the singing part, the composition, composition and arrangement of this song are all envy. Fish alone."

Music department collective: ""

So all the controversy disappeared in an instant, and everyones discussion focused on Xianyu: "This newly-emerged Qu Dad really has something to do with lyrics and music. I have published two songs in total. I didn't even miss the arrangement."

"This is the rhythm of the trump card, right?"

"The envy of the fish will be trump card in a few years!"

"Does this special need you to predict?"

A certain composition student sighed: "I started resisting Envy after finishing the test of "Sheng Ru Xia Hua" last time, but when his new song came out, I still blew up."

"Plus one upstairs."

"I'm different from you. Last time you hailed the envy of the fish, I was worried that he was just a flash in the pan. After all, everyone has a moment of inspiration, but this new "Big Fish" proves that his level is really good."

"Who makes Qinzhou the hometown of music?"

"Qinzhou music circle is full of talents!"

So, this sense of superiority has risen from the level of the composition department to the level of Qinzhou as a whole. Regardless of which major, I feel that I can do it again.

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