Full-time Artist

Chapter 26: New thigh

Chapter 26: New thigh

Some are happy and some are sad. Baidu search, read more good-looking novels for free.

While Lao Zhou was rejoicing, Zhao Jue was a little anxious. She sat in the office alone, walking around uneasy.

Last week.

She sent "Inflammable and Explosive" to Zhao Yingge.

I thought that as soon as this song came out, Zhao Yingge, who was also named Zhao, would immediately agree to sign the star!

But seeing that a week passed, there was still nothing on Zhao Yingge's side.

This made Zhao Jue anxious.

It shouldn't be. Even non-professionals, Zhao Jue can hear that "Inflammable and Explosive" is a good song.

When she listened to it the first time, she was firmly grasped by her ears. After listening to it several times, the feeling of this song made her remember.

So Zhao Jue thinks...

With the quality of this song, it should be enough to impress Zhao Yingge!

However, Zhao Yingge didn't respond for a long time, which made Zhao Jue start to be suspicious.

Did this song fail to impress each other?

Or is it that Zhao Yingchrome has already signed other companies?

While anxious, Zhao Jue's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was the call from Zhao Yingge, whom she was thinking about.

Is this calling to reject me?

Zhao Jue frowned and answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Yingchrome's voice rang with determination: "I agree to sign with Xingmang. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Zhao Jue was stunned.

Didn't you refuse me?

She quickly recovered, and she was very surprised for a while. In the competition of the three major companies, Astral has won another victory!

"It's okay."

She spoke generously: "A decision can be made only after careful consideration. We are willing to wait. Then when do you plan to sign?"

"I'm free anytime."

Zhao Yingge said seriously: "Just follow the contract you made before, but the song "Inflammable and Explosive" must be released as my first single. I hope the company can help promote it. Baidu search, more What a nice novel to read for free."

"This is for sure."

Zhao Jue smiled and said: "We are a very efficient company. If you are free, you can come to the company to sign in the afternoon."

Zhao Jue didn't want to have many dreams at night.

"no problem."

Zhao Yingge directly agreed, and after thinking about it, he added: "I liked the song "Inflammable and Explosive" the first time I heard it. This song is really suitable for me..."


Sure enough, it wasn't a problem with the song, so I said, Lin Yuan's "Inflammable and Explosive" is so high in quality, how could it be missed!

"Then you are ready to go."

Zhao Jue's mood has completely changed at this moment, and he has returned to his vigorous and vigorous side: "I will let someone pick you up downstairs, and the contract will be drawn up before you arrive."

There said: "No problem."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Jue was finally relieved.

She was sitting in a chair, planning to take a break, but before her **** was hot, someone knocked on the door outside.


"Sister Zhao."

The person who came in was a male agent under Zhao Jue.

But at this time the agent's expression was a little excited: "Qi Zhou called and said that he wanted to invite Jiang Kui to participate in the movie promotion of "Dance of Fish and Dragon"!"


Zhao Jue was taken aback for a moment.

The agent explained: This is a newcomer to me. She was not picked by Teacher Xianyu some time ago and sang an impression song created by Xianyu specifically for the Qizhou animation film "Dance of Fish and Dragon". Today, the song was released on the whole network, and the network response was very good, so Qi Zhou wanted her to sing for the movie promotion as a singer."

It's Lin Yuan again!

Zhao Jue just remembered that Lin Yuan had had a newcomer with himself before, saying that he wanted to record a song, and Lao Zhou also said before that Lin Yuan had completed an order from Qizhou, and it seemed that he was talking about this impression song. .

"What is the name of the song?"

Zhao Jue has opened the player.

The other party replied: "It's called "Big Fish"."

Zhao Jue nodded and typed in the three words "called big fish". Thinking about what was wrong, he changed it to "big fish" calmly and found the song.

Then she put on the headphones and listened to the song again.

After listening, she was silent for a long time.

The agent couldn't help reminding her: "Sister Zhao."

Zhao Jue returned to his mind and smiled bitterly: "Lin Yuan wanted to record this song before. I didn't take it to heart. I directly gave him a string of newcomer information. At that time, I really didn't expect that the song he wanted to record was actually "Fish" is such a good song."

"Everyone didn't expect this."

The agent smiled and expressed his understanding, and then said: "In addition to Qizhou, many brands that have long-term cooperation with our company have also called and said that they want to invite Jiang Kui to participate in their activities. And she was asked to sing the song "Big Fish" when she was called, so I want to ask you what to do."


Zhao Jue looked up: "Jiang Kui is on fire?"

The agent nodded, excited and sighed: "Judging from the enthusiastic invitations of various businesses, Jiangkui is indeed hot, otherwise a young newcomer who remembers her name, she has caught up with Teacher Xianyu Dongfengs effect is no less effective than that of Sun Yaohuo, a newcomer who made her debut with the help of No. 1 on the Emerging List. You can rest assured that I will take her well in the future and will not waste the opportunity given by Teacher Xianyu."

Zhao Jue is the chief broker.

The chief agent takes care of the company's brokerage affairs. Basically, there are no artists. Zhao Jue can bring him personally, either a big name or a newcomer that Zhao Jue is very optimistic about.

And below Zhao Jue, there are many small brokers,

These little brokers are basically newcomers, and newcomers have a difficult start, so these little brokers have a difficult time.


Every small agent hopes that the newcomer he brings will become popular, because the artist he brings is popular, the agent can make money!

"it is good!"

Zhao Jue stood up.

Today is double happiness!

First, Zhao Yingge agreed to sign a contract with Xingmang; then, a newcomer was inexplicably fired under him, and he skipped the newcomer season and became popular in this way!


These two happy events are all because of Lin Yuan!

This child is simply his lucky star!

"Let the Propaganda Department follow up immediately."

When newcomers are getting hot, the company will definitely have to push it. This kind of opportunity can't be grasped, and Xingmang has become one of the three major entertainment companies in Qinzhou.

Saying "ask for instructions" is an excuse.

The little agent in front of him is looking for himself. The real purpose should be to win Jiangkui's support in this respect, but Zhao Jue will not break it. Everyone is for their own artists, so it is understandable.


The goal was achieved, and the agent smiled brighter and brighter: "Thank you Sister Zhao!"

"In addition..."

Zhao Jue said: "Jiang Kui must give priority to Qizhou's schedule. "Big Fish" is a work customized by Qizhou with money. We have to serve it to the end, otherwise it will affect our company's reputation. Here are some orders."

"no problem!"

The broker agreed.

Zhao Jue was suddenly a little annoyed and said: "Actually, I regret letting Lin Yuan go now! Let him stay in the artist ~You said that we can't afford him in such a large department. For nothing, that old fellow Zhou Ruiming took a huge advantage!"


It's not his turn to interrupt in matters between the bosses.

However, Zhao Jue is just making a comment. She wants to hold on to such a composer with great potential in the artist department, I am afraid that Lao Zhou will go to the boss to sue her.


The agent moved in his heart and thought to himself:

This seems to be the new thigh of the composing department... First, he reached the top of the cutting-edge list and made Sun Yaohuo... Then he made his own Jiangkui... It's only two months after entering the job... Has been popular in succession Newcomer...

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