Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 156- Your Path

[Vol.2] Quest 156- Your Path

Walking up the south main street he could see the white shawl and red kimono of Kaguya and Lyra’s pink hair fighting when a cloud of smoke covered them before dispersing revealing Alfia.

Cirrus could feel the rise in his emotions, but he quickly calms himself down. He does not wish to repeat his past mistake and slip up.

“Calm yourself, keep your head.” he whispered to himself.

Cirrus kicked off the ground and ran rooftop to rooftop. When he arrived at the scene he found Kaguya, and Lyra beaten badly with Alfia bearing down Lyra.

Cirrus takes a deep breath and focuses.

“Here we go!” Cirrus draws Gram and throws it.

At the scene, a few minutes ago.

“From your skill’s you’re a level 2…I did go easy on you, but I admit I must praise you for escaping instant death. You’re a very sneaky coward. Zald would have thoroughly enjoyed playing with you but unlike him I don’t play with my food. Now time to go to sleep.”

Lyra on the ground bleeding looked up to see Cirrus coming towards her.

“You see…I maybe tiny and weak but it was my policy not to say no?”


“I’d disguise myself as a dead person, and I’d make explosive with some help. I have been doing everything I can to keep up with my allies. That is why I have learned one crucial thing when dealing with prideful people like you.”

“And that is?”

Lyra made a smile.

“They love to hear themselves talk and a cute tiny girl with wits can make for a dragged-out decoy!”


Just then Alfia felt a chill run down her spine, she jumped back immediately.


A ruby and emerald sword crashed down separating Alfia from Lyra and Kaguya,

“T-that sword!”

Coming down was Cirrus taking the sword out from the earth and back into its sheath.

“Did the monologuing thing work?” Cirrus said looking sternly at Alfia.

“Like a dam charm! We even used your appearance to get a good hit in on her!”

“!?” on her forearm she sees a cut bleeding.

“And you said I had my mother’s arrogance? From what I see a level 9 should have that right after all she did what no one else could.”

“Hah! Some invincibility!” mocked Kaguya barely getting up with wobbly feet.

“…Erebus lets us retreat for now.” Alfia said.

“Oh?” Erebus and Vito raised an eyebrow.

“That’s surprising.” Said Erebus. “Are you afraid to fight him?”

“No but I am from that sword of his.”

Erebus looks at the sword, but Cirrus blocks his view.

“I don’t want your sick beady little eyes on it.”

“…Very well, let’s go Vito.”

“…Alright my Lord.”

The three of them retreat. Cirrus would have pursued them, but he wasn’t sure if he could handle managing his emotions while in combat.

As they retreat through the back-alleys Cirrus turns to Lyra and Kaguya.

“Haa seems you two are fine, well not you Kaguya.” Cirrus holds out his hands. “(Exousía, Adorn)”

            The armor quickly heals several of Kaguya’s injuries before disappearing.

“No healing for me?” said Lyra.

“You’re in better shape than Kaguya, right now your about on the same level of fucked up.”

“You say that but your somehow more haggard then the last time we talked??” said Kaguya getting back on her more steady feet. "What did I say! You let Alfia run away!"

“Yeah you also weren’t wearing your armor.” Said Lyra.

Cirrus slouches over and stretches.

“Honest to Astraea I’m exhausted as hell. My mind is fucking fried.” Mentally he was just done for the day after dealing with Gram and picking a fight with Alfia would only worsen his mood. He did not want to take the chance that he would lose control of his temper. Even with Gram in hand he did not want to risk it.

“Well you’re going to explain to us why you were in Melen for far longer then you were needed to do.” Said Kaguya.

“Maybe I can tell you when-“

“Kaguya! Lyra! Cirrus!” shouted Ryuu running up to them. “I heard explosion and I came to-Bonk!!” Kaguya bonks Ryuu on the head with her sheathed sword.

“You dam stupid elf!! We have been searching for you for 2 days!! Come! We’re going back home!” Kaguya said grabbing Ryuu’s hand and walking ahead.

“Do you need help?” asked Lyra to Cirrus.

“Not now, people could be watching.”

“…Does it hurt?”


Arriving at the Astraea’s Familia home Cirrus puts his sword down next to him and lays on the couch.

Ahh~~ a soft surface…”

“So Lion mind telling us where you been!” said Kaguya also taking a seat.

“I was…trying to find an answer to justice…or more like trying to find someone to validate my justice…” she said gloomy.

“You stupid elf you could have done that without running off on your own!” Lyra shouted getting Cirrus a cold towel and potion.

“Um…what’s wrong with you Cirrus? You seem fine a moment ago?” asked Ryuu.

“I’m tired…I haven’t had sleep in 2 days with exhaustion and pain plaguing me from something really fucking stupid and well…you know what I don’t have the energy to explain it all. I’m going to sleep and don’t touch my new sword.” Cirrus moved the towel over his eyes and went to sleep on the couch.

“Um before you can go can I ask you on your-“

“Ryuu if you fucking ask me about justice again I’m going to put you through a fucking wall, if you really want to learn about justice then fucking read books on morality. There are plenty of them in my room.”

“You have a room!?” shouted Lyra and Kaguya.

“It’s the room next to Astraea’s.”

“What!!” said Lyra and Kaguya.

“I thought no one had that room to give Lady Astraea some privacy!” said Kaguya.

“Well its mostly filled with books I have no room for in my home. Now can I sleep?”

Both Kaguya and Lyra got up.

“Lion we will discuss this later for now we have a room to check out!” said Lyra.

“Stay right here!” shouted Kaguya.

The two leave, leaving behind Cirrus and Ryuu.

“Can um “it” really be learned from a book?” Ryuu said taking a seat.

“Yes and no.”

“…You said before that the ones in the end that win are “it” but…I don’t like that as the definition…that means anyone can claim to be “it”.”

“That is how it works.”

“But…it’s so…” her voiced sounded lost.

“If you desire is to never hurt anyone then be my guest, but it has to be your own choice and not someone else’s. Know that if you fight of your own free will then the resulting sins or punishments will be of your own making, bearing it comes with that decision. There must be a reason to fight, and that reason must never be an ideal, if you fight for ideals then all you could ever achieve is saving ideals…that’s all, you won’t be able to help anyone, a desire to save something or someone stands out as a reason to fight or at least it does for you, right Ryuu?”

“…” A frown grew on her face as she silently listened.

“Pursuing someone else’s ideal will only end up destroying you in the end. So… find ideals of your own, Ryuu. Make sure the path you take is one you set for yourself. I fight for the ones I love, those who have been with me for years and for a city where a child doesn’t need to know the sensation of killing another. I save people not because it is my ideal but because that is what I want to do. Every action I take is something I accept.”

“…” Ryuu remains quiet for a second. “Then I will find and follow my own ideal! I will fight for the peace of the city! So no more death can occur from these evil acts!” she clenched her fists in resolution. “I will save my friends and Familia! and save as much of the people as I can! Should they oppose me I will not hesitate to stop them myself!”



Far out in the distance explosions could be heard.

“Well go on, prove your justice to that shitty dark god.”

“YES!!” Ryuu immediately left the home in a hurry.

After a few seconds Cirrus spoke up once more.

“…You can come out.”

Out from the shadows were Alise and Astraea.

“This is the first time in a while I saw Lion so full of energy.” Alise said. “Maybe you should be captain instead of me?”

“Nope. If you wanna get some sleep now is the best time. A captain needs to be strong in order to lead her followers.”

“Hmm~~” she said with a smug smile on her face. “So your my follower huh!”

“Shut up and leave me to sleep already.”

“Fine! fine!” Alise said wandering off.

“That was quiet a fib Cirrus.” Astraea said. “I know your motivations are more selfish then they are from the goodness of your heart.”

“Does that really matter if other’s interpret my actions as out of good will and righteousness?

“You are quite right. So…What did you do to leave you in this state Cirrus?”

“It was that sword.”

Astraea looks at the sword and feels something off about it.

“Where did you get this sword?” she asked as she sits down near to him.

“…I met her.”

“Hm? who?”


“!?” Her face stiffens for a second. “…And how was she?” She said a bit concerned.

“…She looks exactly like her…she had a different kind of air to her but…she is something. She is ki-well I would say kind-ish…I mean she is very vain and prideful along with that personality of hers, I can see why not many like her.”

“Hm, hm seems about right…what happened to your earring?”

“Lost it.”

“Well…it seems from your words she has changed a bit since last I saw her; most would wish to beat her with a club or rip out their own ears from how prideful she is.” She slowly began to stroke his hair.

“No…I think it was because I was her grandkid, she still had that royal pride with Poseidon but with me…I can kind of feel her trying to hold back her even worst parts of herself but some if it…” He remembers what she did with the earrings, and he calmed himself along with Astraea helping sooth him. “Still rears its ugly face around.”

“Well… at least she is kind to her grandchild at least a bit. Do you want me to update your status?”

“Yeah…but I’m really tired right now.”

“Hm, I’ll put it under your pillow.”

“Thanks…” He turns his back, and he slowly goes to sleep.

“Sweet dreams my Little Lone Star.”

Cirrus closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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