Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 155- Worth A Gram

[Vol.2] Quest 155- Worth A Gram

Holding Gram by its black and silver sheath Cirrus holds it in Hera’s garden.

“So the curse activated when I hold by its handle and draw it right?”

“Yup, several of my children tried to wield it much to my warning and well…let’s just say they were not a good fit for it…by that I mean we made fun of them for thinking they were tougher than they were. But you’re a cut above the rest! You have the blood of my daughter! My pride and joy running through your veins!!”

“…You and Odin are kinda fucked up.”

“I’ll let that pass honey for what you do not know and for what your about to do.” She puts on some sunglasses and pours herself another of her drink while sitting down under the shade.

As Cirrus grabs the handle and draws it.

The blade of the sword was of a ruby and emerald together in a symmetrical design with ruby on one side and emerald on the other with runes engraved on the spine. Under the light of the sun it gleamed bright red and green.

“Huh? so far so good-!!!!!” he felt as though every wound her received had come back with even more intensity, he could feel the sounds of his body slowly breaking and his guts twisting and turning. Cirrus falls to the ground in agony. “Fucking shit!!! I’ll kill that one-eyed fuck!!!” he let go of the sword from the pain.

“Painful huh?”

Haa! haa! fine then! So be it!!! (Exousía, Adorn)!!!!”

As the armor equips itself to Cirrus, he grabs the sword and the pain rushed up his arm.

In his agony Hera saw something odd about the armor.

“Cirrus are you feeling better?”

“Somewhat!! Gaaah!! It’s like when I was a kid, I kept breaking my arms due to the armor I used!! But like waaaay worse!!!”


Hera looks at Cirrus as he rolls around the ground in pain as she drinks sangria.

“Tell me what can the armor do?”

“Ahhhh!!!! W-well! It can fuck!!!! Heal wounds incredibly fast! God fucking dammit!!!! Block magical and physical attac-fuuuuck!!!!!!”

“Hmm…interesting, I’ll be back.” Hera walks up and leaves.

After about 10 minutes of rolling in pain Hera came back with a red dagger.

“Fuck!!! Shit what-fuuuck!! Why do I keep-shit!!! making stupid choices!!"

“You get it from your mother now hold out your empty hand.” She said with the dagger behind her back.

“Gaaah!!!!” Cirrus holds out his left hand. “What are-“

Shunk!” Hera stabs him.

“Ahhhh!!!!! Fuck why!!! I’m already in pain!!!”

Hera watches as the wounds closes itself up almost immediately.

“Seems your armor can also negate curses.”


“Yes.” She cleaned the dagger and sat back down. “168 minutes left.”

“Gaaah!!! Fuck!!!That's nice to-fucking-know!! But why stab me you dam cold blooded harpy!!!"

“Hahaha!! You are like your mother when your angry! Keep it up! Insults are just bold complements to me!”

“What the fuck do you think-Gaaaah!!! Fuck!! Fuck!! That is-shit! A lot to unpack there!! Shit-fuck! Ever think on some-fucking!! Introspection??”

“Introspection? Sorry I'm more busy drinking to do that. Oh by the way I want to see your cute little lover.”

“Fuck!! No!!!” He glared at her.

“Well if you don’t then I’ll just have to go to her.” She glared back with those now terrifying swirls of madness that keep trying to suck him in. “And I am a very persistent woman.” She downs a bottle of wine.

“Grrrr!! Fucking fine!! Gaah!! But after that you don’t try and hunt me down!!”

“I promise you on my name!” She said delighted much to how little Cirrus wanted her and Ai to meet.

1 hour and 13 minutes later.

‘Oy! Cirrus! Where are you? Your supposed to helping out!’ Said Nox.

“Y-yeah um about that gaaah!! I’m uh…I’m going to be busy for umm oooh….”

"95 minutes left sweetie! And you’re doing great!” Hera said as she returned to her gardening.

“95 minutes!”

’95 minutes?? What the hell are you doing that you need 95 minutes??’

“I’m ah fuck! Okay I um fucked up on thinking of doing what I’m doing but um yeah 95 minutes and um I’ll be back in Orario! Better then ah fuck!!”

‘…Your gonna owe me for this.’

“Yeah fine! Anything you want!”

‘I’ll hold you to that! I’ll tell Ai you’ll be in Melen for a bit.’


“I assume that was Nox correct?”

“Yup! Fuck!”

“You’re getting better at managing the pain, I’m a bit sadden of the life a 15-year-old had to take to endure this level of torture.”

“Well fighting Age of Hero monster it’ll-fuck!! Shit! Fucking dammit!”

“At least we know once an hour passes a part of the runes light up.”

“Yeah, it increases the pain!”

“Say did you really plan on holding the sword for 3 hours while dealing with stuff in Orario?”

“Yeah! wh-fuck!!”

“Well you shouldn’t worry too much, it’s still day out, knowing Erebus and Evilus they want the people to be at their weakest before coming out causing a ruckus and leaving just to humiliate the adventures.”

“Yeah! I figured the-fucking shit! They could have easily-shit! Sent more gods to heaven.”

“Oh when your done I want you to tell Alfia something.”

“Gaaah!! W-what is-fuck!! It!”

 Back in Orario.

“So yeah, um Cirrus said he’s busy at the moment.” Ai said in a room within the guild.

“What is he doing?” asked Finn.

“He didn’t say.” She looked at Nox and she shrugged. “He just said that he screwed up and will be in oh…let’s see it was 45 minutes ago? So in 50 minutes he will be back in the city better then when he left.”

“Considering he helped evacuate several of the citizens to Melen on his own his wounds must have reopened.” Said Gareth. “How are yours Ottar?”

“Fine enough, but I wasn’t the one that stopped an attack that slew the Leviathan, nor go through several explosions and another blast of Alfia’s magic.”

“Well for now we will prioritize defending the central area. Guarding outside the city is to taxing on the adventures we have on hand.”

“Got it, I'll inform everyone.” Ai set getting up.

“Ai are you still in good health?” asked Gareth.

“I am, I’m just tired like everyone else.”

Ai leaves the room and begins to leave the guild.

Haa…I’m exhausted. The day has been so exhausting…” Ai was mentally and physically exhausted. She had been helping around the city with as much help as she could provide but it was never enough.

Nox pats her head with her talons.

“Are you trying to cheer me up?”

Nox nods her head.

“…I bet your saying something I would pluck your feathers for aren’t you?”

Her eyes widen before she shakes her head.

“Good, now let’s-“

She suddenly stops as she hears a melody coming from the back.

“…Nox is that?”

Nox nods her head.

“…I wonder how he feels about the situation.”

Ai goes forward and follows the song to the path to Ouranos’s Room of Prayer. She slowly walks down the stairs as the song slowly lulls her to sleep but Nox keeps slapping her with her wing until she was before Ouranos.

“…Ai, what brings you here?” he asks in a booming voice.

“S-sorry I just wanted to hear Cirrus’s music…where is Fels?”

“Here.” Fels said emerging from the shadows. “I have barley returned back with information from help from our eyes within the dungeon. Lord Ouranos, Ai, it seems Evilus has caused the dungeon to spawn a creature.”

“W-what!?” Ai said surprised.

“Hmmm…” Ouranos closes his eyes and focuses on the dungeon. “It’s slowly climbing up, it’s on the 59th floor.”

“I’ll go inform everyone about that!” As Ai turns Ouranos speaks up.

“Before you leave Ai, deal with the rat spying on our conversation.” Ouranos said.

“!!” Ai quickly turned to up the stairs to see a guild employee running away. “You dam rat!!” she quickly kicked off the ground and chased after her and it didn’t take long to do it.

“Kyaa!!” she screamed.

“Ai!” shouted Royman. “What are you doing to our employee!”

“She was the mole that leaked our plans for the raid!”

“H-how do you know that!”

Ai holding the employee tightly brought her up and whispered into Royman’s ear.

“She was listening in on my and Lord Ouranos’s conversation.”

“!?!?” his face was shocked but then anger filled it in. “You!!!” he said screaming at the employee. “You leaked the plans!!!” he shouted ever so loudly. “Do you know how many good people were killed because you!!! Take her to the jail cell and chain her up!!!!”

“Y-yes sir!!” the guild employee’s shouted.

“Rose send word to Finn that we caught the rat! He shouldn’t have gone too far!”

“Got it!” said Rose a red-haired werewolf.

“Ai…I don’t know what you were doing down with Lord Ouranos, but I must thank you.”

“No problem. I need to hurry and inform every one of the plan and something else.” Ai quickly left the guild and inform the other Familia’s. “Tell Cirrus what we just learn Nox!”

Nox nods her head.

57 minutes later at the south gate.

“Make sure that gate is locked and secure!” said a Evilus member.

“Sir what if Kirin comes again!” said another.

“He’s in Melen! I’m sure he’s resting there for the day eating and sleeping! With how banged up he got he must be taking it slow!”

“B-but he is a level 7! Even Ottar is back up and running!”

“Shut up! just hurry and seal this gate and-!!”

A chill runs down their spine as they feel a dangerous monster breathing down their necks.

They turn to see the horns of the demon, Cirrus. He simply looked at them as his armor faded.

“S-shit!! It’s him!! He’s back!!”

“You said he won’t be back till tomorrow!!”

“I thought he wanted to rest!! Dammit! Everyone get ready!!”

As they all get ready to charge him Cirrus draws his blade from the back of his hips that enchanted the eyes of those who saw it. a beauty ruby and emerald blade the gave off a brilliant yet enormity appearance making it seem cold and inhuman.

“What spendo-Spurt!


They see the head fall off and that Cirrus had already swung his sword.

Fuu~ nice and easy.” Cirrus takes a breath to calm himself. “The sword is a bit to light.”

Runes on the sword then glow and fade away.

“R-run!!!!” they shouted.

“Where the fuck do you think you, all are going!!! RAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!”

Once all of them were taken care of Cirrus looks at the gate that has been halfway sealed and slashes it open. He takes out a couple of health and magic potions and drinks them.

Haaa…I’m too fucking tired to fly, using Gram takes time to get used to.” He then walks back into the city through the gate as he sheaths Gram back. “Hey Nox, I’m back in the city. I also have a sword to deal with whatever is crawling up the dungeon.”

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