Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 151- Aftermath Of The Longest Night

[Vol.2] Quest 151- Aftermath Of The Longest Night

Down in the Room of Prayer.

“F…Fels…A…Ai…” Cirrus said quietly after regaining some rationality back.

“Shush! Conserve your strength.” Said Fels as they hold up the staff Cirrus made for them. “Ai make sure he doesn’t move!”

“I got it!” she said having him on her lap.

“I’ll pour the potions on him!” said Circe.

A magic circle appeared under Cirrus and Ai.

“(Pius' staff, Pione's light. Intersect with the authority of healing and heal everything.) [Dia Panakeia]!!”

Several spheres of light appear and fall onto Cirrus’s body along with several high class potions. His body slowly began to feel better and heal, his injuries were great so it will take a while for him to fully recover without his own magic alongside that were his exhaustion still plagued him.

“Cirrus nod if you feel better!” shouted Nox.

“…No.” he said weakly as he tries to move his arms as tears began to trickle down. “I…remember…again.”

This was what she didn’t want, those old scars reopening.

“Sleep.” Ai said covering his eyes. “Don’t worry I’ll be here okay?”

He slowly goes to sleep but the tears don’t stop. They could see him shaking from the nightmares.

“Hold him close.” Nox said. “He is having nightmares. Dammit."

“Hm!” she holds him close in hand and the shaking slowly goes away.

“Nox.” Said Fels. “What do you know of this…” Fels looks to their son and even without flesh to convey emotions they knew what they were saying. "How long has he been having these nightmares?"

“…That is not up to me to tell you. All I can say is that he has been getting them from his time in the desert.”

“B-but he wasn’t like this on the island!” Circe said.

“By that point he had already gotten use to living with it and it didn’t impair him but on some nights he would occasionally have a nightmare or two.”

“…I should have known.” Said Fels. “I averted my gaze and ignored the stories from the Kaios Desert because I didn’t want them to be true but…I can’t no longer do that. He was suffering inside, and I didn’t know it.”

“It isn’t something you or anyone could do.” Nox said. “As much as I would like to help him he will need to work it out on his own.”

“Can’t I help!” said Ai. “He is my boyfriend!”

“…” Nox looks at her and he could see she genuinely wishes to help. “Then be there for him as I was for him. Become a pillar that he could rely on incase he ever falls back like what he did for you in your lowest point. Do not worry he is smart enough to know not to use you as a crutch.”

“I will.” She slowly picked him up onto her back. “I can’t let him be the one to only save me, it goes both ways.”

“Ai.” said Ouranos in his booming voice. “When he wakes up tell him if he wishes to talk I am here if he wishes for it.”

“I can say the same.” said Fels.

“Hm.” she nods. “Nox, Circe what are you guys going to do?”

“I am going back out to tend to the wounded.” Said Circe walking up the stairs.

“And I will be by his side.” Nox turned into a owl and landed on Ai’s head.


“As much as I would love to be there for him and it…greatly pains me very, very dearly after I said I would be there for him... I have faith you will do a better job than I.”

“Fels…You don't have to be hard on yourself."

“Go, I have things I need to attend to.”

“…Alright.” She turns heading to the secret passage. “I will be taking him to Lenoa’s incase you change your mind.”

As Ai left through the passage with Cirrus on her back and Nox on her head, Circe going up to tend to the injured in The Guild Fels looks to Ouranos.

“Is the dungeon truly been acting up?” asked Fels.

“Yes. Since Erebus sent up several gods there has been some odd movement.”

“…I will go and help the Xeno. If it is part of some Evilus plan I wish to learn and if possible stop it.”

“I wish you luck Fels.”

Fels nods and disappears into the darkness.

Back on the surface.

“Quick! Put out the fire! There are still those who need help!” shouted Shakti.

“Get the mages!! We need people! Anyone!!!” shouted Asfi.

“Help! There are people buried underneath the rubble!!” shouted Alise.

“Don’t just stand there you fool! Call the healer!!”

“Call the Dian Cecht and Miach Familia’s!! Or anyone!! Just bring someone!!” shouted Kaguya.

Evilus had left when morning came as to spite more and humiliate those who fought for justice to waste their energy salvaging the city and its people from the destruction they had brought.

“How….how many have died???” said Ryuu as her mind was nearing her breaking point. “How many of them got killed!?!?”

“Lion…” said Astraea.

“Lady Astraea…I have a question…” Ryuu wanted something, something she could hold on to a lifeline for her to cling to so she wouldn’t be awash in this sea of blood, anger, and misery. “What’s justice?? Is it the righteous order that we’ve been seeking so nebulous that evil can just take it for their own just like that??” she was crying but she did not notice.

“….” Astraea remained silent. She didn’t know what to say.

Waaahhhh!!!” Ryuu fell to her knees crying in frustration and anger. “I couldn’t protect anything!! I couldn’t save anyone!! Ardi!!!Ardi!!”

Astraea knelt down to comfort her with a hug. She didn’t want another of her children to reach their breaking point.

“Let it all out. Cry till you can cry no longer…there is still many who need your help.”

Ryuu looked to Astraea, and she hugged her tightly and cried onto her shoulder.

Ryuu would cry a bit more before getting up and continuing to help as much as she could.

Back at Central Park.

“Wait! Finn!” shouted Riveria.

“Stay in bed Riveria. You have been healing people all morning.”

“I don’t care! And you shouldn’t jump the gun! It’s far too early for…I understand it’s an emergency, but you have to stay focused on making the right judgment.”

“…Riveria. Is it me or are you not the one not able to make the right judgement because of personal feelings? I’m afraid we don’t have much choice. I’m sure you know what’s best to do in this kind of situation.”

“!” she made a pained expression.

“We have passed the point where we can hide our “Final Ace.” Now stop being a “mother” at times like this.”

“But Finn! She’s still…”

“The enemy is going to keep playing offensive, and we need more firepower. If you need someone to hate then hate me with all of your guts. I hope you prepared Ais.”

Walking up from the morning fog was Ais in her black and blue armor.

“I am…I will fight and defeat the enemies.” She takes out a Jagamarukun. “Nom!” and eats it.

Somewhere in Orario.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

“Zald stop tapping your finger.” Alfia calmly said.

“Sorry…” he folds his hands. “I was just thinking of where Cirrus has gone. With the state he was in he should be-”

“He is not dead.” Alfia cut him off. “The captain's son has proved he is more of a monster than her and more bloodier then ten of her.”

“Scary thought. That magic of his…to think it could match your [Genos Angelus] and even reached the damn moon.”

Zald was impressed he was that formidable at such a young age.

“As I said, he’s a more of a monster than his tyrant of a mother.” Alfia unintentionally snaps the handrail of her seat in anger.

“Seems your more worked up about it than me.”

“Of course I am!!" She shouted with anger. "That damn woman was the bane of my existence!!! Both her and Hera!! And to think she abandoned her son to some damn orphanage!!” she got up in a fury, pacing back and forth. “Not only was she a tyrant she was also a horrible mother to boot!! That woman was--” noticing her anger slipped she calmed herself down and sat back in her seat. “But…” Alfia had a bit of a solemn expression for the first time. “It explains those last few years perfectly…always staring out the window and walking around Orario.”

“…Well what’s done is done, we are in to deep now to have cold feet. He is ready to kill us, he has shown us that much. The future of Orario will be paved with us as the material."

“…I know…no going back.” She opened her mismatched eyes and looked into the darkness hearing the noises of the Evilus members. “I wished I could have heard him sing more.”

“Oh? He sung? And you liked it!?” Zald said surprised.

“Yes, when he saved that Renard…who I think was his lover?”

“Hahahaha!!! At such a young age!! Even Zeus would be impressed!” Zald begun to laugh boisterously to himself.

“And just like Zeus he picked a fireball.” Alfia said touching the cut she got from Ai.

“Is that so?” said Erebus walking in the room. “Maybe I should-“

“Don’t.” said Alfia looking sternly at Erebus. “You saw what he did. I don’t want to think about what will happen when-Cough! Cough!” Alfia gets a cloth to cover her coughing. She looked at it to find blood. “Dammit he pushed me too far.”

Her chronic illness had begun to slowly take its toll.

“Don’t worry I won’t do something like that. Seeing that demon I fear what I would give the world something even more dangerous than the Black Dragon or even the Flame of Heaven.” Said Erebus. “Zald, how are you holding up?” He looks to him to find a few empty special antidotes.

“Good enough to manage for now. But seems it’s starting to fight back a little more now with all this action.”

“That is good. The time is almost upon the city, just a bit longer.”

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