Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 150.6- Lone Wolf

[Vol.2] Quest 150.6- Lone Wolf

A second sun flashed across the city. That was one of the last things I saw.

“Come on! Come on!!” shouted Hermes.

The second was my god.

Clatter!! Clatter!! Clatter!!

Clatter!! Clatter!! Clatter!!

Clatter!! Clatter!! Clatter!!

“Shit!” He hides in the shadow and holds his captain in his arms.

She had lost her right arm from one of the suicide bombers of Evilus. Burns covered the right side of her body and blood was pouring out of her like a crushed pomegranate.

“L…lord Her-“

“Shush! Save your energy.” He said as sternly and quietly as he could. “Your losing a lot of blood fuck…”

He had a worried look on his face, it looked so foreign. I think this is the 1st time I seen him look this worried and it wasn’t because of money.

“Get…that shit lo…ok off you…r”

“Save your energy that is my order got it! Dammit why wont they leave already!” he said looking around.

“Lo…rd Her…me…s…I’m…ti…”

My eyes…feel really heavy…maybe I’ll take a little…

“Lydia? Lydia no! stay awake! Do you hear-“

I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t do this last or…what was I doing? I remember…hunting some people from Evilus in Daedalus Street?




“Lydia lets go!” shouted Asfi. “We got everyone in the area!”

“No! Double check it! I’ll handle these dam-“

Autolycus!!!” a loud shouted filled the area.

Out from the crowd of Evilus fanatics was one of their leaders. With white hair and yellow-green eyes he walked out with a white battle outfit  showing his torso.

“Tch! Vendetta.” Lydia said in distain holding up her weapons, spiked knuckle knives.

“I always knew you dirty little pocket thieves were not neutral!”

“I don’t know what you could possibly mean?” she said in a light hearted and patronizing tone. “Were simply doing what we were paid to do.”

“Bullshit!! What can a Familia of greedy capitalists do to stop us!!” he raised his hand and several more members of Evilus appeared.

Lydia darted her eyes counting as much as she can.

“…Asfi, as your captain I order you to run.”


“Did you not hear my dam order!! Go!!! Do the job-“

What happened next? Ah…I think I found a girl?



Thud!! Thud!!

Huff!! Huff!! Grrr!!” Lydia slowly gets back up from the explosion that sent her through a window. “Move!! Move!! Move!!”

She tried to run out the other side, but those fanatics chased after her.

“Raaaaahhhh!!!!” They shouted.

“Annoying fuckers!! (White of Black and Black of White. Steal the sheep of the wise goat. Exousía, Adorn: Erymanthian)!! [Ámorfos Lýkos]!!!”

A white and gold magic circle with a ram head at its center formed at her back. A shaggy unkept hide armor covers Lydia with a hornless boar mask.


Lydia strikes them with her knuckle knives taking a few with them who were in the line of attack..

“Grrr!!” she clenches her teeth in pain as she keep moving, “Cirrus! Hermes dammit!! Breaking your fucking arm!! Here I thought they were the only insane bastards here!” She quickly gets into the alleyways and took out a potion to heal her injuries on the move.

She kept moving as fast as she could, but Evilus was hot on her trail.



They shot out spells and arrows.

Fsh!! Fsh!! Fsh!! Fsh!! Fsh!!


“Gaaaah!! Dammit!!” an arrow and struck her in her shoulder.

She saw a door open up ahead ran for it.


Huff!! Huff!! Fuck! I should have spent more time in the dungeon and less time drinking!” she reached into her clothes and took out a flask. “Glug! Glug!” she slowly hobbles her way to the other side of the building as the ones chasing her break in. “Fuck!” She slams the door open and makes a run for it.

She kept going through alleyways and alleyways, she would hear the sounds of arrows flying over.

‘Dam archers! At least they can’t appear from above me-‘

Stepping out of the alleyway she shots a couple getting cut down before their child.

“Mommy!!!!! Daddy!!!!!” she shouted in tears.

“Do not fear child, all will be-Gah!!

With a knife through his neck he falls to the floor dropping his bloody sword before the brown haired and orange eyed girl.

“Come on kid! You need to leave-“

“Noo!! Mommy!! Daddy!!”

Lydia could hear and see more of Evilus closing in.

“Hide yourself kid!! Your parents don’t want you to die!”

“Mommy!! Daddy!!”

It wasn’t getting through to her.

“Fine!” She slung her over and ran.

“No!! No!!! Mom!!! Dad!!! Nooo!!!” She tried to break free but what could a child do to break free from a level 4.

Lydia could only grimace as the child screamed and clawed in her arms for her parents.






What are they saying? Ah I lost track where I-

“Lydia!! Lydia!! Open your dam eyes!!” shouted Hermes. “Hygieia!!! It’s going to be alright Lydia alright!! I promised you mother I’ll take care of you!! Don’t worry!!”

I never seen him this distraught.

“Tie her arm! She has lost to much blood!! Apply pressure to the wounds!!”

Who is this goddess? She has a snake tattoo that wraps around her arm, I cant see her from this light-light?…Ah that’s what happened next.


“Gaaah!!” Lydia rolls across the ground dropping the girl. “Ugh!” She opens her eyes while a ringing was in her ear as droplets of blood rain down.

“Hahaha!!” Laughed Olivas. “You should have left the kid!”

“Fuck Huff!! Huff! You!” she slowly gets up with some burn marks and faint drops of blood.

“…I think I’ll finish you off. But first I think I’ll crush that child’s head before your eyes!” he said walking towards her.

“!!” Lydia forced her body to move. She couldn’t use her magic as it was far, far to draining and having a mind down is a literal death sentence. If she was going to die she at least would go down swinging taking as many as she can with her. “Uraa!!!” she clenched and drew her knuckle knives and came at Olivas.

In the scuffle the girl gets up and runs back to where her parents were at. Lydia could see a Evilus member going for her.

A single thought ran through her head.

‘Oh how I wished you were as smart as Cirrus or Asfi.’


She went after the kid and as she turned the world went white, from that point onward everything was a blurry haze.

I…I got hit by a explosion. Was it the white flash? No…I wouldn’t be…

“Dammit!! Her pulse is dropping!!” shouted a nurse with her finger on her pulse.

Oh…I’m actually-

“Lydia!! ************”

The sounds of her god slowly fade off.

Ah…I hope that…kid…is still…alive.


I still…wan…ed…a…dr…nk…

Alone in a room with his child in his arms Hermes holds her close despite her blood dying his clothes along with his tears.

“…I’m sorry Chione. I couldn’t keep your daughter safe…” he hugs her tightly.

When the sounds of chaos stopped Hermes wrapped her up in a clean cloth and left the free clinic.

“Thank you for helping Hygieia.”

“…Take care Hermes. I’m sorry for not being able to save her.” Said the goddess in a white attire with a snake tattoo wrapped around her right arm.

He simply nods as he heads towards the adventure’s graveyard.

Along the way he practices how to smile and after a few minutes he made himself a good poker face.

Arriving at the graveyard he could see many other’s being buried.

“…” He doesn’t say anything and heads for a specific plot of land picking up a spare shovel.

He gently lays her body and begins to dig a hole.

“…There.” He engraves Lydia’s name on the grave next to a tombstone reading Chione.

He sits there in silence for a bit, taking in the solemn peace of it all.

“Fuck.” He says under his breath as he gets up. “…” He works on his poker face as he walks away holding back his tears.

Leaving the cemetery Hermes spots Demeter with a young girl with brown hair and orange eyes.

“Hello Hermes.” She said softly.

“Demeter!” He said in his usual cheery mood. “Who is this little one?”

“Her name is Kor-“

“It’s Persephone.” She said with buffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

“Ah! Well I need to get going! I need to find my kids! Have a good day Demeter!” He tips his hat and walks away,

Demeter watches as he walks away with a swagger, but she knew the truth. The blood stains on his clothes told her what happened along with the red eyes.

“…Take care Hermes.” She made a sadden expression. “Come Persephone, we can’t stand her for too long.”

She follows her goddess, but she looked back at the messenger god one last time before looking at the cemetery.

“…Sorry miss.” She does a quick bow and runs off after Demeter.

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