Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 149- Empyrean

[Vol.2] Quest 149- Empyrean

Back to Ottar and Zald’s fight. A few minutes had pass since their fight began.




The sound of their blades crashing into one another was then accompanied with the sound of thunder filling the battlefield.

“Seems Alfia was his target huh?” Zald said with not even a sweat on his brow.

Huff! Huff!” Ottar was breathing heavily but luckily only gotten a few scratches and a few deep ones along with some bruises.

“Come we should follow. We can’t let a woman and child take the lead.”

“Alfia…of the Hera Familia…heh…he-hahahaha!!!” Ottar couldn't help but laugh out loud.

“Laughing at your defeat, Freya’s kid?”

“No…I’m laughing that he would be fighting a child of Hera of all things.”

“…I don’t quite get it- Boom!!!

Crashing through the houses and landing next to Zald was Alfia, scuffed and a bit beaten up.

Huff! Huff! Zald do you have a great sword to spare?” She said with her eyes pointed at the direction she crashed from.




From the building came out a person in black armor covered head to toe with chains swirling around him. From the dust they looked like a villainous knight with the helmet’s appearance reminding them of a black dog along with viscous-looking dogs on the shoulders. In his right hand was a two-handed great sword pulsating with a green fire with vein-like lines coming from the spine of the weapon with small flickers of electricity dancing off it.

“Zald, son of Zeus. Alfia, daughter of Hera…I’m so blessed.” As he speaks the armor pulsates again. His anger rises ever so slightly below the surface.



Cirrus slowly walks next to Ottar.

‘Nox, Circe, get as many citizen’s out the area.’

‘Got it!’ they both said.

“Did this kid really do you this bad Alfia.” Said Zald getting into a stance.

“He’s stronger than before…impossibly so for a level 7.”

“Impressive kid, not anyone can make Alfia here give a complement.”

“Of course, uncle.”

“Now let’s…huh?”

Both Zald and Alfia frozen in confusion.

“Are you going to tell them?” said Ottar.

“This could be my only opportunity to do so. What better time than now.” He takes a step forward.

“Uncle?? Sorry kid but I have no brothers.”

“Of course your my uncle. Your father married my grandmother.”

“…” the look on confusion only got worse.

“He’s messing with you Zald, he’s as tricky as they come.” Said Alfia.

“I’m hurt but not as much as you being in Evilus, aunty."


Cirrus could see the slight anger in her face rise up.

“You are not my sister’s child.” She said sternly as though to refrain from letting her anger get the best of her.

“Of course not, I am related to you not through blood but through the bond shared by the Queen of Olympus. Your fellow sister and captain.” Cirrus removed his helmet to show his face once more, combing his hair back to make it as clear as possible.


“Those emerald eyes…those brows…and hair…it’s like hers.” said Zald having a chill run down his spine.

Cirrus makes slight grin. He wished they would have met in a far more different situation but they walked their path and he walks his own.

“Allow me to introduce myself uncle Zald, aunty Alfia. I am your nephew through the Falna of Hera and her marriage to Zeus! I am the son of the Empress, Nephele Kutaisi!! Cirrus Zephyr!!!” he swings his great sword into a spear causing silence to befall the area.

“S-son!!!” shouted Gareth.

“T-the blood of the tyrant still lives!!!” shouted a Evilus member.

“Hera’s legacy!!” shouted Valletta.

The air in the battlefield quickly turned as the blood of the world’s only level 9 flowed through the cities strongest adventurer.

“Now I can see it…the reason why I wanted to rip those damn eyes out of you…their hers.” Said Alfia. “You even have her arrogance.”

“I’ll have to take your word on it, the only memory I have of her was her beautiful, sorrowful face as she abandoned me. The scent of light lily’s in her fresh soil-like hair and emerald eyes looking down at me…well that’s enough reminiscing. I wished to ask you about her, but I doubt based on your words you know less about her then me. Ottar are you good?”

“Yes.” He gets back up.

“Then lets return to killing each other. Diplomacy has long gone thrown out the window.” He looks around to see death and destruction.

“...” Alfia looks at Cirrus sternly and couldn’t help but want to rip his eyes out. He really did reminded her to much of Nephele. “Zald I will be finishing this.” Alfia’s magic circle appears under her.

Zald noticing got in front of her.

“I will defend you as best as I can.”

She smirks at him.

“You better not let that tyrant’s son get the better of you. (Blessing of the root of evil, curse of birth. My original sin that devoured half of my body. Not hard. There is no purification. There is no salvation. The resonance of this heavenly sound is my sin. The trumpet of gods, the lyre of spirits.)” she chanted quickly.

“Cirrus she’s going to use her magic that slayed the Leviathan!” shouted Riveria.

“(Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!”

Holding out his spear to the sky the already cloudy black sky rumbled as his magic circle appeared in the air.

“This magic! Alfia!!” shouted Zald going to cover Alfia.


Three Swords of thunder crash down upon Zald.

“Gaaaah!!!” It brought him almost to his knees but he was as tough as he looked.

“(Melody of light, the seal of the sin. Loved by the miniature garden, my destiny is shattered. I hate you.).”

The lighting ended and Zald quickly rushed Cirrus and used his own magic.

“(Father god, forgive me. For I am going to eat the last supper of gods. Greed, tongue of prison flame. Eat, scorching fangs.)!! [Rea Ambrosia]!!!" He chanted nearly as quickly as Alfia but it was fast enough.

An intense fire quickly covered the battlefield.

“Come (Circe)!!”

From his magic circle a pink-blue hawk emerged and began to emit smoke.

(A myriad vapors obscure the light, The stars of the night interrupt their course. Astonished rivers retreat to their source, and even death's god trembles in the dark. But though the earth is shaken to its core, Love is not to be commanded in this way and the wintery fields come back to life.) [Atéleio̱tos Voyage]!!

A powerful barrier was erected around the battlefield cutting off the fire from spreading.

"ZALD!!!!!" Ottar roared as he came down with a crashing overhead swing.


The ground beneath him broke from the force.

"Grrr!! damn piglet-Clang!!"

Coming from side Zald barley caught glimpse of Cirrus's spear having rose his shoulder to block it but it was sharp and fast enough to dig deep into his shoulder.

"Cirrus stop Alfia!!" Ottar commanded. "I will-"

"No you damn won't!!" Zald shouted with a powerful roar.

"!?" Ottar and Cirrus immediately felt his strength solidified and body became steady.

"It takes at least 6 to 8 hours for the food to digest!! And I eaten a lot!!" Zald then moved with a speed to nearly match Cirrus in his Ceryneian armor.

Zald flings Ottar back with full strength while tightening his muscles to keep Cirrus's spear in place.

"(Swords of Damocles)!!"

Zald could see the magic circle form and the electricity running up the spear. He loosened his muscles and swung with the flat of his blade.


"No you don't!!" Zald's muscles bulged keeping the blade as it was.

The large slap of iron came at Cirrus. His focus was as sharp as a razors edge as the flat blade came he got as close to the ground as he could nearly doing the splits dodging Zald's strike.


A strong gust of air rushed over Cirrus' head.

"Hecton." He gently whispered.

Under Cirrus Hecton's hands quickly pushed him up before quickly disappearing in his shadow.

"!?" Zald was confused how quickly he came right up. Zald to make a comeback tossed blade with the throw struck Cirrus with a full body shoulder bash.

"!?" Cirrus was amazed once more by a man of Zald's build being this fast.


Cirrus was struck a good feet away.

“Tricky bastard!!” Shouted Zald as he gets behind Alfia. “Let’s see if you can survive what your tyrant of a mother couldn’t!”

“(The compensation is here. Destroy everything with a proof of my sin. Cry, holy bell tower.)!!” a massive of light began to collect and condense into a fine sphere of light.


Several of Cirrus chains came out and he spread them to the remaining people in the area and tossed them out of the barrier.

‘Cirrus you can’t be thinking of taking it out on your own! I can feel a massive pool of magic! It can destroy this entire section of the city!’ said Circe outside the barrier.

            ‘Summon me Cirrus! With my magic I can overpower it!’

“No, you stay where you are and save as many people as you can, Disengaged.” His armor disappeared. “If that magic did slay the Leviathan then I’ll take on the attack!! Full on!!” his magic circle once again appeared behind him. “They are the spearheads of this whole thing, if i take their strongest attack they are fucked!! (Exousía, Adorn: Chimera)!!!!!!!”

The mismatch of armor all came together in an amalgamation of powerful armor’s and abilities creating this nightmare of a foe. He bears the slights armor pieces of the Cerberus Armor with the fur of the Cretan armor, wings of the Stymphalian armor, and flowing cloth of the Ceryneian armor along with the tattoos and crown, topped off with the golden horns of a ram. Chains and cloths flowed behind him as the color slowly turned to black and gold lining.

“(Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.)!!! [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!”

The electricity covered him, and the armor slightly move to readjust itself, but the horns and crown seem to merge into one pointing upwards as if to scrape the heavens.

“He’s actually insane! Not even Zeus would recommend this foolish act!!” said Zald.

“Just as gun-ho as his tyrant mother! So be it! [Genos Angelus]!!!”

The ball of condensed magic and light goes up into the air.


Cirrus manipulates the chains and feathers into a funnel shape with Brilliant Nightmare rotating faster and faster making it into a railgun and he was going to fire his weapon.

The condensed ball of magic and light finally stopped and burst. The light fire began to rain down to the earth.

“(Sing your Vespers, Sword of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!!!!!!!”

His magic circle started to go through the weapon. A massive amount of thunder and lightning started to spark off the weapon as it formed a sword of thunder. Air was quickly being charged from the build-up. The sparks coming from the tunnel has started to even melt the ground around Cirrus.

The chains spanned and spanned, faster and faster till eventually the electricity was no longer jagged.

This what Cirrus's own supreme technique he made, using physics and magic to their logical extremes for one sole purpose, to slay monsters like Hecton. He named it-

“[Empyrean Spear]!!!!!!!!!!!"

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