Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 148- Alfia, The Silence

[Vol.2] Quest 148- Alfia, The Silence

Southwest of Orario.

“What are you doing?” asked Riveria.

In front of her was a woman in a grey and silver lined cloak. Around her are several unrecognizable bodies.

“I could hear disgusting noises but thankfully it’s melody is one I never have to listen to again that I’ve been subjected to. It’s my way of giving my appreciation to sound and praying at the same time. You really do realize the importance of things when you’re about to lose them. I guess that’s what being human is…no?”

“You’re no human…from what you have done what do you think your stepping on right now?” Riveria said in a calm manner holding her staff tightly.

“Shit known as corpse of people who will never amount to nothing, utter garbage.”

“Fine.” Riveria’s magic circle appeared under her. “Just disappear and atone for your sins with your life! (Blizzard, the three severe winters-my name is Alf!) [Wynn Fimbulvetr]!!!

As stream of ice came at the lady but she didn’t move just said.


The attack then simply stopped, losing all momentum.

“Offsetting magic!? no-nullification!!”

Coming from above Gareth comes and swings down at her.




“Aaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!!!” Gareth was blown away.

“Always so noisy. Nothing has changed in the 8 years that I left.”

“This magic…I didn’t want believe it…” said Gareth.

“This broken, one-of-a-kind superpower…I didn’t want to think it… but it was you…” Riveria said with pain in her voice.

“Guess the jig is up.”

She throws off her hood showing her appearance.

“Alfia, The Silence!!” shouted Gareth and Riveria.

“The woman loved by talent itself! The very personification of skills and a demon of talent!” Gareth shouted.

“And a member of the mighty Hera Familia! I…I can’t believe you were still alive!”

“I am, do you not see my feet are here, not a trace of transparency, did my attacks knock a few screws loose?”

“B-but why! Why all of this!!” shouted Riveria. “You were this city’s protector!!”

“Ah that…I guess now is a better time than any to give you my reason for doing this…its simply just an extension of my disappointment. That's all.”

“D-disappointment? That’s your reason for this death and destruction!!”

“That’s ridiculous!! What in the hell are you disappointed with!?” said Gareth.

“Everything, including Orario’s very existence. That’s all…well there are two exceptions.”


Breaking through a wall with a crushed Evilus member in hand, Ai howls again.


She looked to meet Alfia's mismatched eyes.

“That’s one.”

“Ai!?” shouted Riveria and Gareth looking at her blood-cover body.

“YOU!!!!!! YOU KILLED HER!!!!!!!!!”

She  swings the blood off in a elegant and swift motion sheathing it back into it's sheath. She then quickly covered the distance between her and Alfia, but Alfia kicked up a sword and met her attack.

Ai draws her blade as Alfia's cuts through the air to meets Ai's.




The force of the attack blew through the street.




Hearing the click Alfia was confused for a second before remembering a similar situation back in December, just enough for Ai to land a hit.



Alfia was blown back, the sword she just acquired was now cut clean in half and her left arm was cut.

“Beastification…I wonder what in the world caused you to go into this frenzy?” Alfia said tossing the sword and getting a new one from the bodies on the floor. “No matter your noise has gotten so revolting. (Gospel)”


Ai charges headfirst into the attack when a man in a white and gold overcoat with fur lining along with a mask and ram horns came down and wrapped Ai up.


All that remained of the attack was a bundle of white and gold.

“And here’s the other exception.” Said Alfia with her senses sharpened to face him.

“LET ME GO!!! I NEED TO KILL THEM!!!!” Ai screamed in a coarse voice. “CIRRUS LET ME GO!!!”

While in the bundle Ai was desperately trying to get out but Cirrus held her tightly.

“♪Eyes like the wisteria

Hair like the freshly laid snow. ♪ “

A sweet loving song filled the heavy blood and burnt scented air of the war.

“NO!!! DON’T YOU SING THAT SONG!!!” Ai shouted.

“♪ I feel like I’ve been living life half asleep

Love so strong it makes me feel so weak. ♪”

“CIRRUS!!! PLEASE THEY NEED TO-Ahhhh!!! Ahhh!!!”

Tears began to fall from her face like a broken dam. Her cry’s mixed with the song.

“♪I feel like I’m dreaming when I’m with you

So let me show you how much I love you. ♪”

Her grip softened and she dropped her weapon and began to cry into his chest.

"Hic!! Hic!! Hic!!"

“I will take it from here.”

He pops his head to look at Alfia, Riveria and Gareth.

“For the first time I actually wished to hear more.” Alfia said.

“Sorry this song is not for your or anyone’s ears but hers. You should treat it as a lucky bonus for ever hearing it.” Cirrus said carrying Ai in his arms. The experienced tired her out physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Alfia could feel his emerald eyes cutting into her. For some reason Alfia felt nostalgic from it.

‘Those eyes…I never got a good look at him but those dam eyes…they remind me of someone?’

“Cirrus! She’s Alfia, The Silent!! A level 7 of the Hera Familia!!” shouted Riveria.

“Hera... Familia?” The air suddenly changed. Cirrus held out his hand. “(Nox) take Ai somewhere safe.” His gaze was even sharper now.

His magic circle appeared, and a White Owl emerged from it.

As it flapped it’s wings it begin to grow big enough to carry a person in its talons. They saw Cirrus ride Nox when he fought the Hecatoncheires, but they never saw it in person. They all knew what it was but nevertheless it was an impressive sight.

“Keep an eye on her for me.”

Nox nodded her head, and she took Ai who fell asleep crying from his arms and flew away.

“So you can summon your “Owl” huh?” Alfia said still on edge.

“…Riveria said you were in the Hera Familia, correct?” Cirrus’s armor then faded into the air.

“That’s right, have you heard of me?”

“Somewhat, I simply thought you died fighting the Black Dragon.”

“Unfortunately, I lived. So are we going to fight or stand here?” She readied her blade.

“…I wanted to ask you some questions but…it seems the line has been drawn. That's a damn shame. (Exousía, Adorn: Cerberus)!!”

As the armor adorns him he could feel a rise in his anger. Glaring at Alfia he could even feel his bloodlust that he worked to keep bottled up began to try and fight it's way out along with every other negative emotion he bottled up.

‘What a fucking hungry armor.’

The armor pulsates ever so unnotably slowly cracking that bottle.

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