Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 129- Child of The Wind

[Vol.2] Quest 129- Child of The Wind

The next day.

Walking down the snowy streets and alley, Cirrus stands in an alleyway before the Loki Familia’s home.

Haaa…” a white breath leaves his mouth.

‘It’s pretty cold huh!’ Nox said while on Cirrus’s head.

“Well, you could be in human form to lessen this coldness.”

‘Sure, but then I couldn’t be on your ADULT head!!’ She lightly jumped up and down as if to pat his head.

“…” Cirrus would continue to ignore her teasing. He walked towards to the Loki’s Familia front gate. “Hey, I’m here to see Finn and the others.”

“Y-yes sir! I’ll go inform them you arrived.” The guard then quickly left, leaving one to guard the gate.

Cirrus walked onto the property and made his way to their main office.

‘They seem to have more members now, huh?’

“Yes, they have grown considerably.”

As he was approaching the hallway leading to the office, the guard appeared.

“They are informed, sir! Just walk in!” he then left, returning to his post.

Cirrus walks down the hall and turns the knob; he opens the door to see the executives of the Familia and their goddess Loki.

“Hey kid!” said Loki. “So mind telling us where you’ve been these last few days?”

Cirrus simply walked up and sat on the chair, crossing his legs.

“Well, I was in the dungeon, seeing as they are strong and skilled enough to fight me without taking it too seriously.”

“It is very interesting that there are people who could do that. Which is why we asked to speak with you more in detail.” Finn said.

“Yes, such as any notable things about their appearances, skills, or magic?” asked Riveria.

“Yes, the woman was a mage, a powerful one at that, she could wield a great sword just like her male partner as if it was nothing and use the same movements as him, her magic was also strong enough to get through my more durable armor. I heard her also say Gospel as a chant.”

“Hmmm…” Riveria and a disgruntled face. “I hope it isn’t really her. Does she have Silver hair?”

“She did. You know who she is, Riveria?”

“A clearer idea now, but… I will need to confront them to make sure.”

“And the man?” said Gareth.

“He was tall, about the size of Ottar in black armor, wielding a great sword. A rather skilled swordsman with great strength to hold me down.”

The Familia all looked at each other in contemplation.

“… Seems you know who these people are?”

“Maybe.” Said Finn. “For now, if you see them again, could you try to get a name or even see their faces? And not to give you more orders, but could you make sure you signal the city if they show up again?”

“Sure thing, I’ll fire off a bolt of lightning into the sky in the shape of an X.”

“You can do that!” shouted Riveria.

“Sure can why do you think I can shoot lighting in the shape of a dragon? It’s for the style!” he said with a happy expression. “Well, I gotta get going. I still need to see Freya, Ganesha, and Susanoo.”

“Be careful with that love goddess!” shouted Loki.

“I’ll be sure to take care.” He waved his hand.

He turns the knob and—


Slamming the door open was a golden-haired child. She fell back from slamming into Cirrus.

“Ais! We told you not to slam open doors!” shouted Riveria.

She rubbed her head and looks up to see Cirrus.

“I want to fight you!” she said, holding her sword up with a stern face.

‘Brave kid.’

“Sorry, kid, but I have things to do.” Cirrus brushed past her.

“I just got to level 2, you know! So fight me!!” she drew her sword and came at Cirrus. Bara quickly stopped her.

“Ais, that is enough.” She said, putting her hand on her head.

Cirrus looks back at Ais. He could see Ais was actually ready to fight him.

“… Pointing your sword at anyone will get you nowhere. Listen to you Familia.” he turned and walked, and Nox turned her head 360 degrees to look at Ais when a breeze went past her and Cirrus.

“Fight me!! [Tempest]!!”

A strong wind surrounded her, and she lunged at Cirrus.

‘A Spirits wind!’

This immediately set Cirrus off as he, in reaction, drew his weapon.

With a single slash, he cut through the wind and broke her sword.


Ais fell to the floor.

“Ais!!!” they all shouted, running to cover her.

Cirrus returns to the room and closes the door, locking it.

“Ais, was it?” he said.


They could see the curiosity in his eyes as he sheathed his blade.

“Y-yes!” she said, getting up.

“Tell me… why do you possess a spirit's wind?”


Everyone in the room stood still. Cirrus could tell this was a secret they had planned to keep.

“H-how do you know that?” said Riveria.

“Oh, I didn’t, she did.”

Nox flapped her wings, and a bright light covered her. She then took on her human form and glared at Ais.

“Y-you!” they all shouted.

“Yoru! You were a spirit!” shouted Loki. “I knew I found you really odd, but I didn't think you were a spirit!”

“My name is Nox, and I want to know.” She approached Ais, and an air of tension grew with each step she took. “Why do you have a spirit's wind?” her inhumanly white hair emitted a faint glow.

“I-it belongs to my mother! Aria!” she shouted as bravely as she could.

“Aria…” Nox closed her eyes and tried to remember the far reaches of her memory. “Tell me, did she ever mention a wind spirit by the name of Vento?”

“Yes! My mother told me he was my uncle! But I never met him..."

“I see… Spirit of the wind god, Aeolus, and younger sister to Vento, the Spirit of the Golden Breeze.”

“Do you know my uncle?” she shouted with excitement.

“Of course, I knew him. He was on the run as well when the Spirit Hunt began.”

“S-spirit hunt?” they all said, but Loki who was sweating bullets.

“You can’t be from that time!" Loki said. "Then if you were being hunted, then you are—“

“Correct. I was amongst the first spirits to graze the earth, and seeing as your mother is Aria, she can only be a 2nd generation spirit."

“H-how! Spirits can’t have children!” shouted Riveria.

“We can’t all, but the 2nd generation could. They were created to be more… human-compatible and thus weaker, in a sense. While my generation was closer to the gods in their creation, the 2nd was closer to humanity. They could still easily dominate a battlefield, but it would take at least 10 of them to barely make up for 1 of my generation. But even so, they can’t just have children with anyone. It must be with their contractor, and only a few survived in such a harsh and cruel time from what little information I know.”

“D-did you know my father? Or what the Black Dragon did to—“

“No, I was too busy being chased across the continent by Zeus’s spirits for years until I was sealed away."

“… And my uncle?”

“Don’t know, most likely killed helping me and many others escape as he was the oldest amongst us, but seeing as your a 2nd generation spirit's daughter I’m curious… how did you make it to this era?” Nox takes a few steps closer to Ais.

“…” Ais remained silent on the subject.

“Seems she won’t tell.” Said Cirrus.

“… That’s fine,” Nox said, taking a few steps back. “It’s nice to know some more spirits of my time are running around, even if you're half of one.” She said with a smile that lighten the mood.

As she turned around, she was covered in bright light and perched back on Cirrus’s head.

“Let’s keep this to ourselves,” Cirrus said, re-opening the door. “A little mutual assurance between us.”

“… Of course.” Said Loki. “On my word, what happened in this room will stay in this room.”

“Wonderful! Well, I must be going. I still have some Familia to get to.”


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