Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 128- Graduation

[Vol.2] Quest 128- Graduation




The two were now dressed, but the scent of what they did still lingered on their skin.

“So…" Cirrus brakes the awkward silence. "That wa—“

“S-sorry!” Ai said out loud while bowing. “T-this feeling grew like a fire a-and I just kissed you thinking the fire will go out b-but it just grew out of control and um, um…” her face was red as a tomato trying to find the words to say next, her tail sways quickly to further indicate it.

“Well…" Cirrus thinks back on the flow of events. "I was surprised by how sudden it was.” He said, slowly walking up to her. "You were also surprisingly aggressive."

Cirrus remembered how Ai's body felt. He quite liked her midriff, it was rather nice with a descent amount of fat but when he held her with his hand he felt very strong and packed muscle. Along with her soft and tender thighs with a perfect amount of fat he would always want to lay his head on them whenever the chance occurs.

“U-um I-I’m sorry again!” she bowed again. “It just exploded and then I couldn’t stop!” She looked back up to find Cirrus in front of her face. “Wha!” She flinched back a bit.

Ai also remembered how Cirrus felt. She liked his muscles, they were denser than she thought, along with them were his scars that added to his masculinity. But she liked his eyes the most, they way they filled with emotions that were directed her lit a fire in Ai.

“There is no need to be sorry, I also couldn’t stop once the ball got rolling… So the next time it happens I hope it isn’t so sudden, alright?”

“R-right!” she said, blushing.

“Good, now shall we pack up? We have a long way to the surface. Oh, if you do get um… you know.” He pats his abdomen. “I’ll respect your decision if you—“

“I-I um!” Her face was bright red. She turned her gaze from him. “I… um… t-took the pill b-before…”

“… Oh?” He made a slight grin. “Did you… plan on this to happen?”

“Mmm!!!” Ai knew he was teasing her. “It was…” She was looking away with a flushed face. “A… p-possibility!”

“My your really are bolder, huh?" He scratches his head. "Well, let’s finish packing and get climbing. I don’t feel safe with a sly fox here.”

“It wasn’t planned, it just happened!!” She shouted, still red with embarrassment and shyness.

“Help! Help! A fox is going to eat me!!” he shouted, running away with a teasing smile.

“Cirrus!!” Ai chased after him, flustered.

"Oh, right, before we go, I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" He stopped to look at Ai. Ai now stood before him. "I was rather rough on you?"

"I am fine!" She lightly smiles and nods her head. "If a little sore." Ai rubbed her hip and lower back.

"What about your waist? I hugged you pretty tight." He glances at her waist.

"Their fine Cirrus." Ai calmed down, the redness began to die down. "I should ask if you are fine as well. I bit and scratch you a few times."

"Ah that." Cirrus reaches and grabs her hands to hold them.

"!" Ai's face once more was stained with a fluster. "W-what are you doing?"

"I am holding your hand. Oh and I used a potion to clean up the bites." He looked her in the eyes and smiles. "Some of them I left as a memento of our moment together and to remind me of a side of you I didn't think you would have."

"I-I should tell you that Aisha did give me pointers!"

"She asked you to leave love bites? I am sure she meant hickey."

"She said love bites but what are hickeys? Are they different? She didn't elaborate on it."

"A hickey is what I left on your neck and breasts."

"!" Ai's eyes widen. "D-do you have a mirror!"

Cirrus lets go of her hands.

"Here." He reached into his short and gave her a small mirror. "A few pats with a potion will clean them up." He then reached in and pulled out a potion and a small piece of cloth.

After everything was packed and stored in Cirrus’s shadow, they walked their way back.

“…Um Cirrus.”

“What?” he said, looking forward.

“You’re not gonna write a song about me, are you? Lord Susanoo said bards sing about their loves.”

Cirrus stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Ai.

“… Why would I write a song about you?” He said in a disingenuous tone.

He could see the anger flare up in her eyes.

It amused him to see her get angry.

“I’m joking when the song I already made about you should only be sung to you and only you. Do you wish to hear it? I wrote it when you first stole my lips.” Cirrus said in a calm and charming voice, along with a slightly mischievous smile that easily made Ai be taken aback.


“No, it was actually on the way here.” he reached into his shadow and pulled out his guitar. “Unless you're too embarrassed to hear it?”

“N-no! I’m not embarrassed!”

Cirrus strums a few cords and clears his throat.

As they return back to the surface the two young teens grew even closer. They would keep their carnal appetites for nighttime.

Two days later, back on the surface.

"Hah~" Cirrus lets out a warm white breath. "You think our family and friends will notice?" He asked Ai next to him.

"I don't think so." Ai shakes her head. "I made sure there is no more of... um lewd scents on our clothes. Your magic really is handy in getting rid of smells."

"I got better at using it but yeah. I trust your nose. We even mixed in others scents to mask ourselves."

"Then..." Ai walks a bit forward and looks back at him. "Until next time?"

"Hm." Cirrus nods. "Until next time."

Both of them went on their own way back to their respective homes.

Walking through the back, Cirrus enters his home.

“I’m back.” He said as he walks to his room.

Everyone turned to look at him.

“H-hey Cirrus um…” said Nox nervously with a blush. “You and Ai um… you guys didn’t… do something, right? We kinda cut our connection from an, um... very intense surge of emotions?"

He could see the nervousness on Nox’s face. He glanced over at Circe, and she looked away, turning her focus on the book she was reading.

“… I’m not going to answer that.” He decided to ignore that he shares a connection with his spirits.

Cirrus turned to walk upstairs. A seed of nervousness is planted well in him.

“Now hold on,” Lenoa said. “Come here.”

That seed quickly began to grow and spread.

“What?” he said, coming down towards Lenoa. "I just wanna go and rest."


He lowers himself, and she grabs his face.

'Please say nothing! Please say nothing! Please say nothing! Please say nothing!' Cirrus thought as he calmed himself as much as he can with a heart that wishes to beat out of his chest.

“Hmmm… Sniff! Sniff!” she pulls back his face and stares at him some more. “So you’re a man now, huh? Ki-hihihihihihihihi!!!!! You two owe me 20 thousand Valis!”


“L-Lenoa!!” both Circe and Nox shouted.

"We agreed to not bring it up!!" Circe shouted.

'God! Jesus! Whoever reincarnated me please shoot me down!'

"Uwaaah!! I said I would protect your purity!!" Nox said in disbelief.

"You guys placed fucking bets!!" Cirrus shouted, offended.

"It's not what it looks like!" shouted Circe.

"No, it's exactly what it looks like. Me, being 40k richer!" Lenoa said with a big smile.

"Come on, don't be mad, Cirrus!" said Nox, quickly changing gears to tease him. "You're a big man now!"

“I’m going to my room!" Cirrus' face was bright red. "I'm not gonna deal with your shit!!” he shouted quickly, going up the stairs and slamming his door. Cirrus opened the door again to shout. "I wish I had my own house!! Slam!!" He slammed his door again.

“It’s a good thing Lili is out getting stuff for us, Lenoa.” Said Circe.

“Yes, her young ears are too innocent to learn of adult matters… Ki-hihihihi!! What a rare expression he made, didn’t he Nox? This is also the first time he ever slammed his door."

“Hm…” she said with a warm smile. “He acted like his age… guess love does that to people… we are going to keep teasing him some more, right?”

“Of course dearie!”

Sigh… I’m so sorry, Cirrus.” Circe said under her breath.

“Oh, by the way!! The Astraea, Loki, Freya, Ganesha, and Susanoo Familia wanna talk to you!!” shouted Nox.

“What!! Why!?” Cirrus shouted from his room.

“They said they wished to talk more in detail about the people you guys fought!”

Back at the Susanoo Familia’s home.

Sneaking in Ai jumps over the wall.

“Oof! Now to—“



A chill runs down her back as she turns to see Kushida.

“U-um hi Lady Kushida!” she said with a smile.

“Ai, Lord Susanoo, and Lady Kaguya have been worried sick about you.” She said in a calm, stern, and worried tone.

“I-I was in the dungeon! W-with Cirrus…”

Kushida tried to look Ai in the eyes, but she averted her gaze.

She walked up to her and held her head in place to look at her.

“Ai… what are you not telling me?” she used a sterner voice as her eyes were beginning to frown and narrow.

“N-nothing! It has nothing to do with—“

“You think I wouldn’t notice?”


Ai made a surprised expression as a feeling of embarrassment rose.

“Ai, I have known you since you were 5 years old. I know you more than your own family. I have seen you grow from a small child who couldn’t even hold a sword properly to a beautiful young girl and now…”


Kushida made a gentle smile as she hugs her.

“A beautiful woman.”

Ai was a bit surprised and confused about what to do. She expected Kushida to lecture her.

“Lady Kushida—“

“You can call me Kushida. I would have preferred if you were more mature, but in these times I guess growing up quickly was inevitable.”

“So um… could I go now?” Ai wanted to go to her room and cover her face with her pillow and hide under the blanket.

“No.” She grabbed her tightly. “You must tell me how it went. I am curious about how it went for you. Was Cirrus the one to start, or was it you?"

“W-w-w-what!?!?” she shouted.

"Ah, it was you I see?" Kushida said, surprised.


From the bushes came the rest of the Susanoo Familia, who were all female.

“Ai-chan you graduated before me!” said Kamu.

“Our little Ai has grown up!” said Maka.

“So you got to tell us everything!” said Samira.

“U-um!!” Ai’s head swirled around before Kushida held her.

“Don’t worry! So long as you tell us everything that is! Oh, and before I forget the Familia’s, you spoke to wish to hear a more detailed telling of the two you faced.”

“I told them as detailed as I could!”

“Saying you fought a man in black armor and a woman in a black veil is not the most detailed of things.”

“And also we want to hear your boyfriend's account as well,” said Kamu.

“W-what!?!? Why—how do you know!?"

Ai doesn't know what 6th sense they have to find her out, but they embarrassed her through the whole ordeal.

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