Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 109- Upgraded Magic

[Vol.2] Quest 109- Upgraded Magic

“Haaa!!! It's been a long time since I’ve been down here!” Cirrus said down on the 27th floor.

‘Yup! It's rather nice being back down here!’ Nox said.

‘Mmm… why did you bring me!?’ shouted Circe.

“Because you should test out new ways to use your magic. Nox does it.”

‘Don’t you just blind them? How is that fighting?’

‘I do so Cirrus could fight them and gain experience, seeing as if I’m forced to fight it really has gotten serious, so let's see what you can do!’

‘I can do nothing! I’m more barriers and illusions!’

“Then make a barrier and crush that monster.”

Cirrus points at a Blue Crab, a crab with a metal exoskeleton with one of its claws abnormally bigger than the other.

‘You should be able to crush it. With Cirrus being your power source, your magic should be a cut above what you normally could.’

‘Haaaa…. fine.’

Circe flaps and lands on a stalagmite and a faint dusk-like smoke came off her.

‘(The stars of the night interrupt their course.) [Atéleio̱tos Voyage]!!’ her feathers glowed in a pink hue around her wings. ‘Uwah! I-I didn’t think it would be this strong!’ she said, surprised.

“Fire it at that crab.”

She flaps her wings at the monster and feathers of pink light at the monster, piercing it through its tough shell.

“… Huh? that’s pretty handy.” Cirrus said.

‘Y-yeah! Nox, why don’t you show me what you can do?’ Circe then went and perched on Cirrus’s shoulder.

‘Fine, watch this.’

They follow Nox as she finds another monster, a Light Quartz, a rather odd monster considering it’s a walking crystal that shoots lasers.

‘ (Grow little starlight of liquidation)! (White Night)!’

Little fragments of white appeared around Nox and as she flapped her wings, they shot at the Light Quartz. They came at it in a homing barrage, shattering the monster into pieces.

What remained was the earth glassed over from the heat that some specks of white struck.

‘Look at that! It’s pretty good!’

‘That's cause you’re a more battle-orientated sprite! My chant has way fewer verses!’

‘Yes, but you have more variety in offense and defense, so a more balanced sprite!’

“Mmm… interesting… well, we should get to the 28th floor. It's been a long time since we checked in on the hideout.”

‘Hm! right!’ said Nox.

‘Is it as nice as the one on the 18th floor?’

“Uhh… not exactly.”


Reaching down to the 28th floor, they arrive at their hideout hidden far to the east of the floor, hidden behind a waterfall, and dug into the wall.

“Hmm…. it's dusty as hell.” Cirrus said as touching the table left his finger covered in dust.

“I’ll start cleaning up.” Nox said, getting some clean towels.

“I’ll help too,” Circe said.

After a while of cleaning, Cirrus went outside to finally test his magic.

“So you think it's different?” said Nox, resting her head on her right hand.

“Is that why you never used your magic until now?” Circe said.

“Part of it and seeing as I have monsters to test my magic on, it’ll be a good way to adjust myself now.” Cirrus holds out his hand and his magic circle appeared behind him. “(Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)!!!”

From the magic circle came out something new. Nox could see how different the armor became, as it looked more like an actual piece of light armor. The Hagoromo and white cloth were not like streaks of long rays of white that would flap in the wind coming from a light fur armor. The mask looked more refined, but the antlers were more twisted like that of an Antelope but still enough for Nox and Circe to perch on them.

“Oooh! You look so cool!” said Circe, checking his armor out.

“Hm! hm! it looks more for battle than what your armor previously looked like.”

Cirrus bends down and takes out a mirror from his shadow and see’s for himself.

“… I don’t think Antelope are in the family of deer? And I look really like a demon with the horns, don’t you think?”

“Well, you were called the Golden Horned Demon after all.” Said Nox.

“Come on! Come on! I wanna see your other armors!” said Circe.

“Fine, step back.”

As Circe steps back, his magic circle appears again as his armor evaporates into the air.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Erymanthian)!!!”

But nothing happened.

“… Huh? that’s odd?”

“Try a different chant?” said Circe.


‘Is my Erymanthian armor gone? I only managed to discover it from my skill having Nemean Lion in it so… how about another tough labor Heracles did.’

“(Exousía, Adorn: Cretan)!!!”

A snow-white armor appeared and wrapped around Cirrus. it had far more bulk or more precise patting than the Erymanthian armor did as when the armor equips itself Cirrus really does look like he is wearing armor made from a bull as its color also changed. Keeping its white appearance with various black designs around it, and now its horn was red.

“Whoa! You look pretty damn tough!”

“And fluffy!” Circe said, hugging Cirrus.

“Hmm… seems I can't move it around anymore.”

“Seems this armor isn’t as flexible as the other.” Nox said. “Next armor!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Circe backs off as the armor disappears again.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian)!!!”

The appears and wraps around Cirrus. Its feathers are now more colorful, like Circe’s blue with the edges of the wings having a red look to them. The mask had a more knife-like appearance, as the lens was white. The armor also gave him hook-like gloves. His talons were sharper and red.

“This one… looks kinda like me in my falcon form!!” Circe said proudly and looking at all the features.

“Hmm… seems the armor is more to Circe’s liking.” Nox said, a bit glum.

“Of course, it was my contract that made this possible!”

“Let’s see, (Exousía, Adorn: Lernaean)!!!”

The armor disengages, but nothing happens.

“Seems Lernaean is gone as well.” Said Nox. “Sucks, that armor was pretty damn good for stealth.”

“Mm… (Exousía, Adorn).” As his magic circle appeared, he could feel a light tug on his right shoulder. ‘The tattoo?’ putting together where he got the tattoo, he figured why not try her name, the Amazonian queen whose sash was taken either by force or given. “(: Hippolyta)!!”

It first came out white but as it wrapped around Cirrus in a black and gold color with a style of soft cloth and leather having a snake design on the clothes. The tattoo on his shoulder began to grow across the body in a red pigmentation, a detailed female mask with a crown adorned on the side of the head. His overall appearance looked very much like an Amazoness, if it was more defense practical.

“That’s… that’s pretty… unique?” said Circe.

“Hmm…” Cirrus moves around a bit to get a feel for the armor. “Let’s see.” Cirrus puts on the mask and walks to the shade. The black of the clothes quickly spread to him like a casted shadow. When he returned to the light, it returned to normal. “I need to test this armor out more.”

“Now and last, the Cerberus armor.” Nox said, waiting to see what comes next.

The armor disappears and the tattoos return to normal.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Cerberus)!!”

Much like before when summoned, it’s pure white, but the armor was now more… like a knight.

As the armor slaps itself on, the clanging of metal quickly became apparent to Cirrus as when the armor was finished his first thought of it was.

“…the Berserker Armor?”

The armor has a very striking appearance to the armor of the Struggler, aside from not having an underjaw. It does, however, have 2 dogs on the shoulders with loose chains with spikes at the end of them.

Cirrus could feel something off about the armor, but he couldn't put his finger on it at the moment.

“That’s pretty cool!” Nox said, checking the armor out.

“Yeah, like a dark knight!” Circe said.

He moves around in it a bit and he could feel himself craving violence.

'This armor... I need to do more testing with it.'

“… Tomorrow we’ll start to go down faster into the dungeon. I’m a bit curious about what these new armors are capable of.”


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