Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 108- Love Or Infatuation?

[Vol.2] Quest 108- Love Or Infatuation?

With a devilish smile forming on her perfect face, she speaks.

“Ah~ smart as always.”

She got up to meet Cirrus’s gaze. They both stood 5’7 (170 cm). During the 4 years on the island, Cirrus grew considerably. He had thought it was because of his skills [Anthos Adonis] and [Skiés Voí̱theia] having played a part in it.

Even Ouranos, who was the first one to give a Falna, didn’t know, as these skills were, as far as anyone was concerned, truly unique and it could have hidden effects. He is checking his height every week to find he is still growing.

“So, what is your plan? Lady Freya.”

Her devilish grin grew slightly wider as she opened her mouth.

“I wanted to ask you to join my Familia.”

Cirrus knew she wanted something, but always pushed away the thought of it being him. After all, who would think a goddess of such renown and beauty would want a kid?

Cirrus could feel Nox getting angry, but he held up his hand to say to her it's fine.

“Is there anything in particular? Aside from my battle potential, I would bring to hold Orario in the palms of your hands. Or maybes it was how you could easily learn who I am when I was not wearing my mask?”

She walked around Cirrus, moving her hands around his shoulders and whispering into his ears.

“It was your soul, your beautiful radiant soul♥,” she said in a low sultry voice as she continued to walk in a circle around Cirrus, her words were laced with affection. “Your soul is something truly special. It’s like a cornucopia of colors! A pure white.” She said, glancing at Nox before returning her attention to Cirrus. “A valiant gold, a bold red that tapers off into a soft glow of blue and pink like that of twilight. I could see it flicker as you move through the city’s back streets, popping up in places like hidden gems. That is why I.” She stops in front of him and glares into his eyes. “Want.” She leans into his ear. “You♥~”

Hearing her say that made two things pop into his mind. One was how much of a boost of confidence he had that a goddess like her wanted him, a male or anyone for that matter would have the confidence of a white Wall Street stockbroker doing cocaine, a confidence that would let one try to conquer the world.

The second thing that popped up was Ai.

Cirrus had enough time to sort out his feelings. If he didn’t know what the characters on his charms were, then he could at least learn flower language and connect it with past actions he put together.

He decided to see where it further goes with her. As cringe as he admits, his heart is telling him Ai.

Cirrus smiled as he took a step back.

“I very much appreciate your offer, Lady Freya, but I must decline.”

Her eyes and perfect face wavered for a second.

“Oh? May I know why?”

“This wanting? How would you describe it?”

Cirrus then paced around Freya as she did to him.

“How to describe it? Hmm… I didn’t think too much about it, but… I would say it was an intense love to have you as one of my children.” She said flat out.

“An intense love… tell me, is it love? Or…” Cirrus stops pacing and stands next to Freya. “Is it infatuation?”

Freya stood there thinking about how to respond.

“Define them in your words?”

Cirrus walked to be behind her.

“Love is knowing the good and bad of someone and still loving them all the same.” he then walked in front of her. “And infatuation is when you first see someone that you are attracted to and immediately feel there is a connection based on that.”

“I see. So you think I have a mistaken infatuation with love?”

“Yes. It’s something that most gods of love have in common. They are always so insightful about everyone else but themselves.”

“Hmmm….” She sat back down and pondered. “Can I ask you a question?”

“I’m all ears.”

“How would one go about finding love as a goddess of love?” she asked.

“… If I were you I would look for one who is not affected by your charm, that way you may know them as who they are, their love is genuine and in turn, you will have to put in the effort to claim their heart.”

A smile grew on her face as she gets back up and looks closely into Cirrus’s eyes.

“… Thank you for your advice. I hope we can at least be amicable?”

“Of course, Lady Freya,” Cirrus said with a gentle smile.

“Ah~ how I envy the Sunny Saint, to think she would see that kind smile every morning.” She said before turning to Ottar.

“…” Cirrus kept his gentle smile, but his eyes had a slight edge to them.

“Worry not. I won’t do anything.” She said as she made it to the door. “You may have declined to be my Odr, but…”

“I’m sure he’s out there somewhere. As a goddess, I’m sure waiting a few years wouldn’t be that hard.”

She slightly raised an eyebrow before smirking.

“Fufu, make sure you make her happy or else I might come in and snatch her from you for rejecting the love of a goddess.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Freya leaves with Ottar right behind her, and Cirrus sits back down.

“So… you like Ai huh!” Nox said, poking him.

“Quit teasing… I’m sure you already knew; your flaps are rather easy to hear considering the city only has 2 owls and a hawk. "

“Sorry about that, but I wanted to see your rather stoic-ishness face soften up a bit.”

“And… has it?”

“Hmmm, maybe a bit more work is needed, but it’s getting there.” She said with a big smile.


They woke Lili up when it was time to go back on stage, and the rest of the banquet went off without a hitch.

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