Canon Fodder



Dusk set and a buzzer went out that echoed loudly through the area, letting people know that the 2nd phase was over. From what I remembered of canon we were supposed to jump into a ravine and get some weird spider egg. I much preferred this method. A nice scavenger hunt to help eliminate people. 

Only about 40 had succeeded in finding what they were assigned. Others were escorted away. Many had been found dead in the woods. Those that were left were given a portion of the food cooked in the giant wok. Denchi passed out filled bowls and we ate it hungrily. It had been a long time since I had eaten last, so I was starving.

The food was as good as she said it would be. Each scavenger hunt item was part of a larger recipe that came together to make a delicious meal Denchi had been tweaking over her entire career as a Hunter. Large portions of meat from hogs people hunted, a few other people had to gather different types of eggs, and it all came together in a giant hot pot. 

We ate happily in a large group. Even Hisoka who I couldn’t help see as something other than human had a smile on his face as he ate. I quickly looked away though when his eyes turned to me. I was still freaked out by the people that knew how to use Nen. I was physically strong, yes, but Nen was confusing. Until I could understand it, the power would freak me out. 

“Very well done,” an older voice said from the entrance to the building. We all turned to see an old man. He had large eyebrows, a bald head except for a top knot, and a goatee. Wearing clothes with long sleeves his hands were hidden as he walked toward us. “Finish up your food, and we can start on the 3rd phase of the Hunter Exam.”

People were quickly slurping up the rest of their portions. In the matter of a couple of minutes we were standing in front of the old man. “I am Netero,” the old man said. “The current Chairman of the Hunter Association.” There was mumbling from the crowd but he continued talking. “This 3rd phase will happen at a different location. You can all find space to rest on the blimp. Tomorrow morning we will arrive at the next testing grounds.” 

He turned around and headed outside to the large blimp. The motor at the back had started up. Some scrambled up the rope ladder, I opted to just jump up to the deck like many others. The blimp was rather large. At least 300 feet long, the top was a floating blimp that was painted to resembled an angry fish. There were propellers on the back, that would push us forward. Under me was a wood deck top. Below that was crew and passenger quarters, along with the bridge. Part of me wondered if maybe this was actually an airship, but I didn’t know enough about airships or blimps to distinguish them. 

A stairway beside us we headed inside to find what appeared to be a much larger cabin area than originally thought. 2 levels of deck, there were plenty of rooms down the halls. “There are no set rooms,” The old Netero said as he escorted us down the hall. “Sleep where you want. Each room has a shower. A buffet breakfast will be provided prior to landing. We should arrive at our destination at 8 am. Who can say when your next chance to eat will be,” he said cryptically. I had a feeling that it would be a while. 

“What do you think?” Jill asked as the group dispersed. 

“We need to rest while we can,” I said. “I need a freaking shower.” 

“Killua, you want to explore?” Gon asked excitedly. 

“Hell yeah,” Killua said, pretending to be a kid again. You know, not the psychopathic killer he could be…then again I was probably no better. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. 

“What about you 2?” I asked Kurapika and Leorio. 

“I’m finding a bed and passing out for a few days,” Leorio said. 

“Same,” Kurapika said. They walked away. I scanned the area trying to find a room that wasn’t being bogarted. 

“They make a cute couple,” Jill whispered as they walked away. 

“They’re both dudes,” I pointed out. 

“What?!” She asked rather loudly. “I thought Kurapika was a girl.”

“He is not, but I could see how you might think that. He is very androgynous,” I said as we walked down the hall. 

“Are you sure?” She whispered. 

“Positive, go ask him. I’m sure he won’t hate you,” I said. 

She frowned as we continued down the hall. Some people fought over the rooms, but most were too tired to do much more than move on. I eventually found a room that hadn’t been claimed yet. A large bed in the room there was a small porthole window that looked out to the sky. A small bathroom had a much smaller shower inside. 

“Care to join me?” I asked, my smile wide as I eyed Jill up and down. 

“You really have no shame, you know that right? What happened to guys and girls just being friends?” She asked, annoyed. 

“Not my thing,” I said with a shrug as I took off my shirt. Removing the weights they made indentations into the thick hardwood floor. “It’s called an invitation, Jill. If you aren’t interested you simply have to say no. But if so, you can’t be pissed if I make moves on someone else.” 

“Ha, like who?” She asked as I turned and dropped my pants. 

“Kiri doesn’t look half bad,” I said without shame as I walked into the small bathroom. The doorknob to the room was jiggled, but I ignored it as I turned on the water. I put Jill out of my mind as the water heated up. Letting out a long sigh I let the steaming water relax my sore muscles. 

The day had been long and stressful. I could have run faster, but there was really no point. This was a test of endurance, not speed. We were all currently in 1st place. I knew in canon Gon and Killua were challenged by Chairman Netero to a game of Keepaway, but I had no interest. I doubted that I was a match for the guy. I wanted to have a nice relaxing night for once. 

I had been awake for a long time. That morning I had sex with Aiko, Setsuko, and Jun, multiple times. Then I was ripped out of One Punch Man to fight my first challenge. I killed the guy and was already moving through the Hunter exam quickly. The 1st 2 phases done I thought there were 2 or 3 more. The other phases would take longer, and be far more dangerous, so I needed my head in the game. 

I could feel Jill pacing outside of the bathroom as I thought. “Just come in already,” I teased. I doubted she would. Stopping in her tracks I was about to get out to let her have a turn when she surprised me by stepping into the bathroom. She was nude now. I could see that much from the clouded glass. 

Turning to face her she had a deep blush on her face as she got the nerve to join me. I had done everything I could to lead to this. Helping her along, showing off my strength, and being her friend without pushing her. It appeared that my hard work was finally paying off as she stepped into the shower. 

My keen eyes looked her up and down. She was dirty. Having fallen in the swamp a few times, ran for hours on end, we didn’t get the best night of sleep the day before either. But she was still beautiful. Not much of a bust to speak of her pubes were thick and unruly, while mine were still shaved from my time in One Punch Man. Her pixie cut hair in disarray she practically shook in fear as she stood naked in front of me. Her arm in front of her chest, her other hand tried to hide her pubic area. 

I reached out and pulled her to me. “Fuck it’s hot!” She yelled as I moved her to stand under the shower head. 

“Relax,” I ordered, releasing some Lust Aura. She let out a long sigh as she got used to the temperature. I hadn’t really noticed the temperature, so I was surprised she felt that way.

Grabbing a bottle of shampoo I squirted it on her head and began rubbing it into her hair. Her hands moving to the sidewall of the shower she groaned as I rubbed her scalp. I had gotten pretty good at it by practicing on Mei, then Toru after she demanded the same treatment. 

I let her relax for a bit. Taking care of her head before I ventured down. More shampoo in hand I began rubbing it on her back. Kneading her shoulder muscles as she groaned louder. It wasn’t long until I was moving to her front. I took the lead as I rubbed her body. She gasped and shook as I moved over her nipples. Then moving down to her navel as my erect dick was sandwiched between the crack of her ass. 

“I’ve never…” she mumbled as my hand ventured down. My other hand moved to her neck, pulling her head to mine as we kissed for the first time. 

“That’s fine,” I whispered as we locked eyes.

I could practically feel her fear as my other hand continued down. Moving through her pubes she bit her lip as she continued to stare at me. Her short hair matted against her head she gasped as I began to move chakra to my hands. Legs spreading slightly I found her drenched slit easily. My thick fingers running along it she was no longer scared. Her body reacted for her. 

My hand still around her neck she tried to pull away from the feel of my simple touch. I held her firmly in place as I moved along her tight lower lips. Back and forth only a few times and she was cumming. “Fuck!” She grunted as her legs shook. I held her up, continuing to move my fingers along her pussy as her body convulsed. 

When the orgasm passed I let her lower half go. Letting her compose herself a little as I stepped out of the shower. Still nude I walked to the bed and laid down. Forcing my erection away she had been too scared to look at it. I didn’t want to scare her more. 

Eventually she came out of the shower on wobbly legs. I guessed from the stress of the day and from what I had done to her. Her eyes bulged as she noticed me still naked. Looking down to the ground I could see her internally fighting it, but she soon came to join me on the bed. Sitting on the edge as she zoned out while looking at the wall. 

I studied her for a bit. Letting her come to some conclusion. It took time, but she spoke. “I was in an arranged marriage,” she mumbled. I frowned, meeting her eye. “Ever since I was 4 years old. I was told that I would marry this man I never met.” She shook her head, laughing as she did.

“What are you, royalty?” I asked. I had originally thought she was dirty, but she had fairly tan skin. Looking her over again I noticed that she had no scars on her body. Her dark tan skin was fair, almost immaculate after the shower.

“Kind of,” she mumbled, chewing her lip. 

“Cool,” I said with a shrug. “What changed?” 

“The marriage was scheduled for my 16th birthday,” she said. “A few months ago.” Shaking her head I grabbed her hand. She fought me for a moment, but I pulled her to me. Allowing her head to rest on my shoulder as she gathered herself. It took time but she relaxed into me. Her leg naturally moving to lay on my upper thigh. 

“I met a Hunter once. They were contracted to be a bodyguard for a trip my family was taking across seas. I talked to them about the work and it sounded so freeing. So that’s what I dreamed of. Being free to do what I wanted. Going where I wanted.”

“Sounds about right,” I said.

“I escaped from my home country. Cut my hair. And never looked back. My money was stolen. I begged on streets and eventually found my way to the boat for the Hunter Exam,” she whispered. My hand still held hers as she spoke. “Then I met you.” 

“And your life has never been better,” I finished for her.

She laughed. “You could say that,” she said. Her hand released me and she ran her fingertips along my heavily muscled chest. “You are very strong. I can feel it. I don’t understand it, but I want this kind of strength.” 

“What kind?” I asked. “The kind to jump really high and punch really hard?” 

“Yes, the kind to not have to worry about if my family comes for me. I do not want to be the 12th wife of some 60 year old man,” she said. I almost laughed because that was probably what she would be to me. I wasn’t 60, but I had a lot of women. 

“So 11th wife of a 16 year old is fine?” I asked, hopeful.

She chuckled. “Yes, that would be fine.” 

I smiled wide. “I’ll hold you to that,” I said, sneaking a kiss in. I let out a long sigh. “I could help you, grow strong like this,” I admitted. “It would take time though. I have my own special…power. Like that Nen I talked about. I have a skill to awaken it in you if you want.”

“Would you gift it to me?” She asked, hesitant. 

“I would,” I said. “But it would require…invasive assistance.”

“How so?” She asked, intrigued. 

“Sex,” I said bluntly. “Before you say anything, yes I am serious. No I am not lying. I have a…ritual that would allow you to grow stronger. But it would require us to have sex.”

She bit her lip. “Are you-”

“Yes, I’m serious,” I said. 

She frowned. “How exactly?” I gave her the quick run down. Then showed her me how I could make water from my energy. That was enough for her. 

“So if you wanted to try it, we would have to do so when you aren’t at risk of…you know. That or try anal,” I said. I still hadn’t tried awakening a heart from that. Her eyes risked a look down to my flaccid dick. 

“I would like to try it now,” she said sitting up. Moving to straddle my legs she didn’t hesitate to grab my dick and begin to jerk it up and down. 

“Woah there, Jill,” I said. 

“Uh, it is Jularkentara,” she mumbled. “My um, full name.”  

“Ah, well, are you sure you want to do it right now? It will knock you out for a few hours,” I warned. 

“Yes, if it will make me stronger. I want to,” she said. Her grip on my dick growing tighter. 

I frowned but nodded. Allowing myself to get harder it quickly grew in her hand. Once it was at it’s full glory her eyes bulged as she stared at it. “Can this fit?” She asked in an accent. I guessed her original one, wherever the hell she was from. 

“It can,” I said. Grabbing her arms I turned her over. Laying on top of her she gasped as my hard dick laid across her abs. Her legs began to shake in excitement as I kissed her. This time it was a real kiss. Our lips caressing it wasn’t long until my tongue was in her mouth. She moaned, moving her hands to my heavily muscled arms as I took the lead. 

Her legs opening wider she gasped as the kiss became more heated. She was inexperienced but her body knew what to do as her lower half pushed up into me. Sandwiching my dick between us as my hand went to her ass. We lost time as we explored one another. Lust raising around me it was nice to explore the girl as she let out noises even she was surprised she was making. Grunting, her voice cracking, breathing in and out heavily as I led her through the act of exploration. 

When I thought she was ready I lined my dick up with her lower entrance and pierced her insides. “Weston!” She gasped as I came to her hymen and broke through. I continued on as she started to cum. Yelling out as her small chest shook with the power of it. Her eyes opening and closing I could tell she wasn’t used to the pleasure as her body accepted my full length. 

“You are filling me up!” She grunted as I sheathed inside of her. 

“You’re so tight,” I groaned as I felt her become tighter. Her legs wrapped around me, holding me there as I poured chakra into my dick. As she started to cum again I began to pound into her. Yelling my name over and over I put my hand over her mouth. She yelled into it louder. Her hands moving to the headboard, mine moved over top of them, holding them there. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as I continued to fuck her for all I had. 

The bed creaked with every thrust. She gushed out cum as her body continued to send pleasure through every corner of her. I didn’t bother with Endurance as I continued into her. Her tight cunt squeezing me the situation turned me on more as she wrapped her legs around me again. I lifted her lower half up with me and thrust down. Pressing her into the bed as she screamed in my hand. 

I released my cum into her with a groan. Large spurts filling her up as she ripped her hands away and pulled my head down to hers. We kissed deeply as I unloaded in her. Our tongues dueling with each spurt. 

“Holy fuck,” she groaned as I laid on top of her. “Is it supposed to be like that?” 

“With me, yes,” I said. Instead of pulling out I stayed inside of her. “Here it comes,” I said. She looked down to where our sexes met and began to scream again as the chakra formed in her. My mouth sealed hers as her pussy became tighter. More and more chakra formed in her, burning the Pathways into her body as she came harder. 

Long seconds it took for it to finish. When it did she breathed in and out heavily. “Did it work?” I chuckled and nodded. “Good-goodnight,” she mumbled and was asleep. I pulled out of her and she barely reacted. Still horny I opted to stay there just in case. I didn’t trust a blimp filled with mostly men. After cleaning us up I laid next to her and fell asleep. Ready for the challenge the next day.  

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