Canon Fodder



“Hey! You!” A woman’s voice yelled as I walked away from the apartment building. I turned to see a very beautiful woman. Long light blue hair, her skin was immaculate. Perky breasts she showed off some cleavage in what appeared to be a loli dress. Black lace, it reminded me of something Misa from Death Note would wear. 

“Yes?” I asked as she closed the distance between us.

“Are you Blackheart?” She asked stopping a pace away. 

“Some know me by that name, but the beautiful ones can call me Weston,” I said as mysteriously as I could muster. 

“Right, whatever,” she said in a huff. “My brother and I have been trying to get a hold of you.”

“About my car’s extended warranty?” I asked as I started walking down the street. 

“What? No,” she said, catching up in very loud high heels. “You were just promoted to A-Rank. We like to meet everyone that has made it this far.” 

“And you are…” 

“Sorry, I’m Sugar and Spice,” she said quickly. 

“You’re a Powerpuff girl?” I asked skeptically. I couldn’t remember one with blue hair. 

“What the hell is that? No, I’m the hero, Sugar and Spice.” 

“And Everything Nice, I get it,” I said. “Still have no idea who you are.”

“I’m Class A-Rank 7,” she said. “My brother is Sweet Mask.” Saying the words like it was obvious I slowly nodded. 

“Oh that ass hat?” I asked.

“What?!” She blurted as we continued on down the street. Crossing the street as I patrolled somewhere different today. 

“That guy, the Class A-Rank 1 guy, right? The one that likes to act as the gatekeeper to Class S. To keep it sacred or whatever. Like he’s something special,” I laughed. The guy had pissed me off in the manga. Always acting high and mighty like he deserved to be Class S-Rank 1. I was pretty sure he pissed himself when going up against the Monster Association. After realizing he wasn’t as strong as he thought. 

“How dare you,” Sugar and Spice said. 

“Listen, Sugar Tits,” I said. Her eyes bulged but I ignored her. “I’m sure you and your brother have noble somethings. But let me guess, you’re a model too.” She frowned but nodded. “Thought so. I do this as my day job. I am a hell of a lot more serious about it than you 2 that do it to become more famous or whatever. If you or him got a problem with me, I say come fight me. I’ll kick your asses and send you on your way. Other than that, I have no interest whatsoever in what you have to say.” 

“I have never-” She stopped as a scream was let out ahead. My eyes focused and I was soon running in the direction. As I did a quest appeared. 

One Punch Man Quest 4.2:

Defeat the Monster Bee Hive



Venom Resistance


It struck me as odd since I had just been thinking about Poison Resistance the day before, but I ignored it as I picked up speed. I came around the corner to see a woman being accosted by a giant bee man. The bee man was at least 9 feet tall as it hovered over her. Unlike a fluffy bumble bee it was a muscular man with a huge stinger. His wings buzzed behind him as he hovered down toward her.

Moving quickly I got in front of her. Channeling water chakra I sent it into the Beeman in a huge arc. He surprised me by moving out of the way. But I waved my hand and the water followed after, cutting him at the section of where his muscular chest and thick lower body met. He dropped to the ground with a yell as I heard another scream. 

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

“Yes, thank you Blackheart,” she said. I heard another scream. 

“Get inside, now,” I ordered. She quickly nodded and ran to a building next to her. I jumped up to the top of the building easily. Seeing multiple flying Beemen I created ice bullets. Sending them at the men it didn’t kill from that distance, but caused some pain. They were soon flying toward me. 

“What are you doing?” Sugar Tits asked. 

“Drawing them to me,” I said. “Are you helping?” 

“Of course,” she said. Pulling out some brass knuckles from her purse she dropped the ornate handbag as the Beemen drew closer. 

Once they were in range I began to throw ice bullets at them. About half of them dodged, but they continued for me. Jumping out to meet one I pulled my Seastone Jitte out. Spinning it in a wide arc I used it to polevolt my way to another. Sugar Tits was set on by one but she began punching it. Breaking the stinger with a firm hit as the monster dropped to the ground. 

It was messy, but as I killed them one by one their bodies fell to the ground. A few more showed up and eventually it was only 1 left. He and I stared at one another for a time. Then without any emotion he turned around and flew away. 

“Hey! Get back here!” I ordered. 

“Leave it alone,” Sugar Tits said. 

“Fuck no. What were they doing? Why were they trying to grab people? These are questions heroes should be asking,” I said. I ran across the rooftop and was jumping away. The bee not going overly fast I went a leisurely pace as he left the city. 

“Fucking slow down!” Sugar Tits yelled at me. I noticed her a building behind as she ran after me. I slowed down but the Beeman was running faster than her. Grabbing her side I threw her on my back and ran after the guy. “What the hell are you doing?” 

“I thought you wanted to come with!” I said angrily. 

“No, why the hell are you chasing it?” 

“Because it has a home,” I said. “Look, there are more.” I pointed ahead and there were more bees flying in the same direction. These were holding onto bodies. “Something is keeping these guys busy. Wait no, beesy.” 

“Oh my god, you’re an idiot,” she mumbled from my back. 

“Yes I am,” I said. “So what the hell did you want to talk about?”

She was quiet for a bit. The wind roaring in our ears as we exited town. Coming upon a large forest. The bees were still flying so I kept running. Jumping to the top of a tree I easily jumped from one to the next as I kept them all a safe distance away. 

“My brother and I are sick of these weak heroes,” Sugar Tits admitted. “These people that are all talk. No strength to speak of as the rise through the ranks with subterfuge and tricks.”  

“Like who? Pretty sure most of the S-Class are strong.” I ignored the fact that King was in there somehow. 

“That’s because of Sweet Mask. He is the gatekeeper. People always try to move up. He or I test them. See if they’re worthy.” 

“Yeah, well doing an awesome job. There’s someone weaker than a normal person in the S-Class.”

“What?! Who?!” She growled in my ear. 

“Doesn’t matter. But they’re there.” I continued jumping from tree to tree. “I guess you guys are doing some good work. So what? Came to test me?” 

“Kind of. More like to see how serious you are about saving people,” she said. 

“Not really my thing. Saving people is boring.”

 “But you saved that girl,” she huffed. 

“Oh yeah. I’ll save people if I’m there. But I do it for the chicks and the challenge,” I said. “Gonna dock me for that?”

“I guess not,” she said. “Look, they're dropping.” I jumped up high. Seeing the Beemen descending they headed into the side of a large dirt mound. A cave open near the top I guessed that was their hive. 

“Let’s go,” I said, kicking it into gear. Sugar Tits yelled, holding on tighter as I sped up. 

“Slow down!” She yelled. 

“I thought you wanted to save people?” I asked as we got to the base of the mound of dirt. Running up to the hill, it was much larger than I expected. But people were dying. I had to move. Pouring chakra through my body I sped up again. Jumping high, Sugar Tits screamed as we dropped into the butthole of the beehive. 

We crashed through Beeman after Beeman as we dropped down. Crushing them as the hole simply kept going. Sugar Tits continued to scream as body parts flew past us while I fell through the bees. 

Light leaked in from somewhere showing the massacre of the humanoid monsters. We landed on a big one but I sliced through it with a wave of my hand. Then the floor came up. Landing hard I absorbed our momentum as Sugar Tits still screamed from my back. 

She wasn’t the only person screaming and yelling though. I scanned the room. Humans were being sealed up in honeycomb-like tombs. The Beemen that had captured them were spitting up some hardening agent over their bodies. 

I shrugged the screamer off and rushed in. Kicking through the first Beeman I made quick work of the distracted monsters. When no others were in sight I made 5 clones. We began freeing people. 

“It’s alright. You’re safe now. We will get you out of here. There’s nothing to worry about,” my clones and I assured as we helped those in front of us. They cried as we broke the cement worthy liquid away from them. 

“You’re Blackheart,” a small girl said. 

“I am. You’re safe now. Don’t fear, because I am here,” I said. Seeing for once why it was so important to learn what I did in My Hero Academia. Before, I had treated this sort of attitude as a chore. But now I smiled to help show them how little fear I had. In this dark tomb where they thought they would die I was smiling and laughing. 

“You first, honey,” I said, picking her up. I moved over, passing her to one of my clones. He poured water out of him and was soon flying he and the girl up through the hole we fell through. There were other floor levels in the hive but my clones could handle the bees easy enough. 

People cried and thanked me. Some tried to ask questions but I quieted them. “There are still plenty of bees here. I will be going down into the depths to try to find the queen.”

“What about us?” A young man said, tears in his eyes. 

“You will be taken out one at a time. These are my clones. They are almost as strong as the real me,” I said. My 4 clones came up and began taking people one at a time. The one that had left would stay to guard those they dropped off. 

“What about you, Sugar Tits?” I asked my passenger. 

“Stop scaling me that!” She yelled. Her words echoing in the large room. 

“No, coming or going?” 

“Coming,” she said, grinding her teeth. 

“Perfect, I prefer to make a girl cum,” I said with a smile. Raising my arm up I channeled chakra and hit the hard substance at our feet. It busted apart and I dropped through the floor. More Beemen swarming me water poured out of me as I slashed through them with reckless abandon. 

Sugar Tits jumped in after me. Punching and kicking a few Beemen as she fell. When the mass of them were dead I punched through the floor again and again. The bees getting bigger as we moved down. 

We eventually came to the largest room yet. Dropping down for long seconds as giant bees the size of buses attacked us. I had to get serious then. Grabbing Sugar Tits she latched onto my back as I poured chakra into every muscle. I punched through the face of the first huge Bee making his head explode out. 

Then another jumped on me as water poured out of me. Sending a torrent toward him it cut the bee in half and I lost myself in the fight. Over and over they came. Dozens of them trying to attack me at once. But I kept moving. Sugar Tits voice in my ears she gasped as another popped up. Holding onto me she was smart enough to not talk. 

We kept going. Moving closer to some destination that the Bees were coming from. All the while they got bigger until one was as big as the huge cavern we were in. I kept on. Punching and kicking him as his huge meaty paws tried to grab me. 

I called upon my Haki and chakra. Empowering me further as I finally made it to his head. His face exploded out as I pummeled him over and over. His body twitching as he fell even I was out of breath from the fight. 

“What the hell,” Sugar Tits whispered. “You’re really strong, aren’t you?”

“A little,” I said as we landed on the big bee's body. Walking over it I used my Observation Haki and felt a much stronger power ahead. But this one wasn’t giant. It was smaller. 

“Shit,” I mumbled. “Get down.” She released my neck and dropped to the body. 


“There’s another,” I said, facing toward the spiritual energy. “Stronger.” I peered into the darkness and she walked out. As tall as any normal girl she was smaller than I imagined. 

“Who is this that disturbs the Hive?” Her voice echoed loudly. She stepped up toward us. The body of a small girl, she had thick black wings at her back. A large chest it appeared to be a part of some carapace. Reminding me of the mosquito girl Saitama killed. 

I actually became a little scared facing her. Saitama could beat everything with one hit. But I couldn’t. I had paced myself, fighting people I felt confident I could at least scratch. This was an unknown. For all I knew she was as bad as the bugs in Hunter x Hunter. 

But I had a challenge coming. Someone I would need to go all out against to keep doing what I was doing. It was time to go beyond. Time to go Plus Ultra. 

I focused on the water around me. Calming myself I felt my body connect to it as I shifted into Kame Mode. My body replenishing it’s stores I was near 100%. I poured chakra into my limbs. Water leaking out of me as I felt my power return. Swirling it around me I sensed everything around me with Observation Haki. 

Sugar Tits as she dropped to her knees. Scared of the monster ahead of us. The leaking blood of the monster I killed. The feel of the air against my skin. Everything played around me, focused on making sure I wasn’t caught surprised. 

I didn’t want to hear some villain story. I was sure she was some being evolved by whatever god hated this world. Harvesting blood to make some messed up honey until another hero came along. 

My foot pushed off the body, breaking the hard shell from the force as I propelled toward her. Her hand moved slowly, meeting my fist as it collided with her. But she was surprised. Pushed back by the one blow I threw another as my hand glowed red. 

Open palm striking her it seared into her as she yelled out. Her hand turning into a claw she slashed at my wrist. I pulled it away just in time. Forcing the water orbiting around me to begin to freeze I threw bullets into her. 

The small projectiles almost breaking the sound barrier in the short distance they cracked her hard husk but didn’t break through. I kicked her, throwing her back. 

“You are stronger than I expected,” she said, taking in deep breaths as she began to grow. “Time to get serious.”

“Time for the 2nd stage,” I whispered as I went back at it. This time I began to get angry. 

I had been messing with it now and then. The trick was to keep it simple. I thought of the time I got a parking ticket. My strength increased slowly. My fist pounded into her bigger body. It didn’t move back this time. I thought of the time a movie I liked really sucked. 

But it wasn’t enough. I had to think of something that made me really angry. I tried to think of my old life, but there wasn’t emotion there. I needed something more. 

I pictured Luffy literally eating the food off my plate. I imagined Naruto’s obsession with Sasuke. I pictured how I felt killing Kurono in Gantz. Seeing Nami get hit on by someone else. Mineta ogling at Toru when she became visible. 

With each thought my hits became stronger. Chakra and Haki used at all times my strength grew with the anger. I held onto consciousness as I poured all I had into fighting the queen. 

She turned into a 3rd stage. Her body becoming larger still. I yelled, punching her harder. Throwing the ice at her. Melting through her thick exoskeleton with my quirk. I felt it all and I only became angrier as I pictured my first kill. 

The teacher in High School of the Dead was so long ago. But it was still fresh. That was my first failure. I failed to save people that I could have. Then I pictured Landslide. He had killed my mother. No shame or remorse. Killing my mother and unborn sister without a thought. 

I became stronger still as I punched the Bee queen’s face. It exploded out and black goo shot coated my fist. She stood there for a moment. Her body shaking. Then she dropped to her knees then to her side. 

I landed on the ground. Strength leaving me as I felt my exhaustion take over. I had given my all. Used every skill I could think of at once. Combining Haki and Chakra and a little of what I thought was my Berserker Mode. I hadn’t blacked out since the first time. But it was there. Giving me strength based off of my emotion. 

“That was amazing,” Sugar Tits said. I had been laying on the ground taking in deep breaths. When I felt well enough I sat up. Closing my eyes I switched into Kame Mode. Strength restoring I guessed I was at 50%. 

Getting up with a groan I was very sore but alive. “I’m amazing,” I said. 

“And modest,” she nodded. 

“Oh I’m sorry. I forgot to mention your amazing accolades during that fight. You were a great cheerleader, Sugar Tits.”

Her nostrils flared. Staring at me I expected a tirade. Instead she said, “It’s Sayuri.”

“Good to know. You’ll always be Sugar Tits to me,” I said. 

“My god you’re impossible. I was trying to praise you,” she said. 

“Do it more. I like it,” I said with a smile. Looking around I added, “looks like the big boss is dead.” My quest completed and I received Venom Resistance. I guessed she had some sort of venom in her stinger, but never got a chance to use it. 

“Yeah, where the hell did these guys come from?”

“No idea,” I said. “Come on. My girls are probably worried about me.”

“You have kids?” She asked. 

“Something like that,” I said. “Jump on. I’ll fly us out.” She took her spot at my back and we were soon out of there. No bees attacked us on the way out. We met up with the hostages and soon had them heading back to town. 

I got an ear full from the girls when I got home. Especially when I came home smelling like another girl. That turned into another session with the three of them. Overall a very eventful day. 

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