Canon Fodder



“I think we should all have sex,” Aiko said bluntly. It was the day after the girls had been kidnapped. The apartment was back to how it should be. We had to replace the coffee table and some other minor things. We added a lot more locks to the door but we all stayed in the same bed the night before. 

“Sex?” Jun whispered shyly as she blushed. 

“What brought this on?” I asked slowly. We had just finished lunch where we all pitched in to make something we were good at. Which was a mix of rice, different meats and veggies, and some black concoction Aiko made up. 

“I don’t know. It’s been building up for days for me. I can’t get it out of my head,” Aiko admitted as she leaned onto my shoulder. She got quiet as Setsuko and I shared a look. We gave the outspoken Aiko a worried look as she blew a raspberry. 

“Look, I didn’t have the best childhood,” she admitted. “Or teen years, and I’ve kind of been a shit at the twenties too. But with you 3 I feel so…complete?” She sat up looking at me then the other girls. “It’s like I missed a piece of me all my life. And now that we are together I’m like, oh, yeah, these 3 idiots.” 

“Love you too,” I said, rolling my eyes. 

“I mean it,” she whined as she grabbed onto me. Pulling herself into my arm as she tried to kiss my cheek. “I know you feel it too. This isn’t normal. But I don’t care. I want to be with you 3 all the time. I don’t feel right when we are apart.” 

“And the sex?” Setsuko asked. 

“I just like sex,” Aiko said, shyly. “It makes me feel powerful. Weston has been giving it to me good, but I keep having dreams about you 2. I guess I could be the only one.” 

“Oh no, I’ve had a lot of sex dreams about the 3 of you,” I admitted. “There was this one where-” 

“Stop,” Setsuko ordered. 

“Go on,” Aiko said, grabbing my knee. “It feels right to me. Whatever was done to us has obviously changed us. Instead of turning away I want to go into it. Take it further. See what happens. I love you 3 dearly. With all my heart. I know we’ve only been together a short time but my mind always asks, what is Jun doing? I haven’t seen her in a while. So I sit in her room and watch her play her games and I just think about how sexy you look. Maybe it is the Passion or whatever, but I want it out there, that I would love to take us all to the next level in our relationship.” 

I studied the other 2. Jun blushed fiercely. Setsuko bit her lip, thinking as the silence dragged on. “Thank you for sharing Aiko,” I said. Pulling her in closer to me. She let out a long sigh as she cuddled up to my shoulder. “I seriously don’t know what is going on with us. But I suspect you are right. Whatever changes we went through makes us rely on one another. I too…would like to go further. But that could be just because I’m a man and you are 3 beautiful women. Whatever you both decide will be perfectly fine with me. We can leave things like they are. I would not and could not stop loving any of you. You are a part of me. If that’s some guy tinkering with my brain then so be it. I feel a hell of a lot better with you than without you.” 

I stared at the duo as they sat side by side. Doing my best to convey the seriousness of my words. In other worlds I lucked on women over time. In this one they were thrust upon me. I would do anything for them. I was sure of it. Like they were a part of me. Some piece to the puzzle that was me. I wasn’t whole until they were close by. 

A part of me ranted and raved that we needed to be training. Preparing for what was to come, but a bigger part couldn’t bear the thought of being away from them. When I was away from them I thought of them always, and when I was close it was a struggle to pull myself away. The part that felt whole while they were near kept other stay thoughts away. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Jun raised her hand. “I would like to,” she whispered blushing furiously. “Do it.”

“Really?” Aiko asked excitedly as she got up and moved to sit next to her. 

Jun blushed more but nodded. “I um don’t know…I’ve never done anything like that. But I too feel happier with you. Happier than I ever thought possible.” She quieted as Aiko began to stroke her hair. “My parents weren’t very happy I stayed in my room so much. And I keep thinking I should play more, it’s what I used to love. I keep trying to latch on to some normalcy from…before. But then I worry you guys left me here alone. Then I come out and you’re here and you’re so happy to see me.” She started to cry, staring down at her hands as she clasped them together. 

“I’ve never felt this way before,” Jun said more strongly as she grabbed Setsuko and Aiko’s hands. Staring at me as tears filled her eyes it was the most she had talked in a while. 

“And the sex?” Aiko asked. That was all she really cared about.

“I too…have had dreams,” Jun said. “And when I saw you with Weston that one time…I got jealous and angry. But mostly angry at myself, because I didn’t know what to do.”

“I can show you,” Aiko said with a wide smile. Her hand running along Jun’s ear, she kissed the schoolgirl slowly. Jun stiffened but didn’t fight it. Obviously inexperienced, the kiss was more of a peck, but Jun let out a long sigh as it finished. “We can take it slow too.” Jun slowly nodded, a smile on her lips as she looked back down to her hands. 

“What about you, prude?” Aiko asked Setsuko. 

“I want to laugh,” Setsuko said. “And cry.” Tears moved down her cheeks. “It’s so good to know I’m not alone in feeling this way. But you all know this isn’t normal, right?!” She looked to each of us as we nodded. “At least we all know we are crazy,” she laughed. Scoffing, she looked back up to us. “Fine. Fuck it. I don’t care. I love you 3. My world has been turned upside down. I might as well sleep with all of you and get it over with.” 

“Don’t make it sound bad,” Aiko said with a frown. Getting up she moved over to sit between Setsuko and Jun. Her hands on their knees as she continued. “Sex is primal. It’s an act between people that love each other. We aren’t related, so it’s obviously the next step. I don’t want to hear any bull crap about boys and girls being friends. They can’t be friends. There is always the question about what if, or maybe we could give it a try? Me? I like girls too. You 2 are the most beautiful women in the world to me. Setsuko, I could fall asleep to your laugh. It’s the highlight of my day when I come out here and you are laughing at an egg you cracked that happened to look kind of like boobs.” 

“It did,” Setsuko defended. “There were nipples and everything.” 

“It did not. You perv,” Aiko said. “And Jun. Your voice is so sweet. And you’re so funny when you want to be. All I think about is taking a nap next to you and feeling you beside me.” Jun leaned over her head on Aiko’s shoulder.

“But of course there is Weston,” Aiko reminded. “The stud to our little family.” I smiled big. Excited that this was finally leading somewhere. “Fucking lucky bastard. I’ve slept with some men in my time. But he takes the cake. I don’t know if it was what was done to us or not, but you girls have to try it. I don’t feel right hogging him all to himself.” She blew me a kiss. “And he’s a chick magnet. You saw those 2 psychic girls yesterday. Practically all over him. We need to rock his world and show him a good time before he starts attracting others.”

“I didn’t think of that,” Setsuko mumbled. “You wouldn’t leave us, would you, Weston?” 

“I’d never leave you 3,” I said without hesitation. “We are family.” 

“That’s not an answer,” Aiko said. 

“Yeah it is,” I said, giving her a hurt look. 

She ignored me. “He is insatiable. And so big. I’m hoping you girls can help me keep him home every night. Now that he is a big strong hero, girls will be flocking to him. So we need to keep our man locked down and happy.”

“I am happy,” I assured. 

“Happier,” Aiko clarified. “I want him in heaven. Nothing can keep him away from us.” She patted the girl’s knees as she stood up. “Who is with me?” Extending her hands down Setsuko and Jun eyed them but grabbed them and were pulled up. “Thatta girls. No time like the present.” Pulling them to her room I hesitated but soon followed. 

“How do we-” Setsuko tried to ask but Aiko cut her off. 

“Pick a partner and explore,” Aiko said, grabbing Jun and pushing her to the bed. I felt a little sorry for the shy girl but as Aiko laid on top of her they were soon kissing deeply. I frowned, turned on and upset it wasn’t me. But I moved to Setsuko. I was a little lost in a situation like this. Usually I took turns with the girls. This time it felt more like a free-for-all. 

“She is so weird,” I told Setsuko. Ignoring the girls as they kissed. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know. I want to,” Setsuko admitted. Her brown hair still growing she looked up into my eyes as her hands smoothly moved across my chest. “I-I want you. I don’t think I’m interested in that.” She nudged her head toward the girls full on making out and heavily petting one another. “I love you so much.” 

“I love you,” I said, kissing her. “And despite how crass she can be. Aiko is right. We all have something special. I love you all the same. I’m not the best at showing it. But here in the bedroom, I feel confident I can.” 

She blushed, looking at her fingers as she struggled to undo a button on my shirt. “Then show me,” she whispered. Her eyes looking up I could see some fear there, but mostly excitement. I knew that she wanted this for sure now. I leaned down, kissing her deeply and it was so much better than the day before. 

Our kiss was everything I needed in life. My chest swelled with joy as our tongues met. Moving along one another slowly as we began to undress one another. Setsuko shivered as her hands ran along my chest. Pulling into me as my dick pushed against her.

“Holy fuck,” she gasped in deep breaths as she pulled away. “You’re so strong.” 

“You felt something too, huh? I felt joy from you while kissing,” I said. 

“I felt something,” she mumbled. Looking down her shirt was unbuttoned all the way. Blushing she eyed me then opened her shirt to reveal her perfect breasts. C-cups they bounced as she threw her shirt to the side. I smiled widely and did the same to my shirt. Taking off my pants she moved into me. Kissing me as I undressed myself and then her. Pulling her skirt down as I turned her to the bed. Setsuko giggled as we laid on the bed. Ignoring the other 2 next to us as we focused on one another. 

Our hands all over her, I learned her body. Feeling the joy bubble up inside of her as it leaked into me I guessed those were what she felt all the time. Ecstatic for every little thing as she moaned in my mouth. Eventually her hand reached down to my dick. Grabbing onto it she moaned louder. 

“I can’t look,” she mumbled. “You feel so big. Stick it in before I lose my nerve.” Sometimes I was a gentleman, waiting until they were ready, but I wasn’t at this moment. Lining myself up with her I slid in slowly. She moaned louder, her eyes closed as she let me go in further. I began to coat myself in chakra as she gasped. Her hymen breaking, she came loudly.

A wide smile splitting her face she laughed as she came. Simple and weak, like she had been scared over nothing sort of laugh. Her eyes opening she pulled her to me and I descended inside of her. Making sure to go slow our tongues met again. Moaning loudly as I sheathed myself fully. 

When our crotches touched she came again. Squeezing me harder somehow she opened her eyes to look down. “Holy fuck I thought you were going to be poking out of me,” she gasped. 

“Not that big, but close,” I teased. Kissing her she moaned as I began to fuck her. Hands going to her legs she held them up in the air. Feeling intense joy and pleasure with every thrust into her I had a smile on my face as she came over and over. Tight and perfect I felt like I was at home with her. 

“I love you,” I groaned into her ear as I sped up. 

“I love you!” She yelled out. “Holy shit. Cum in me. I want it so bad. I can feel it building. You are so strong. I want all of you inside me.” She moved her hand to the back of my head, keeping it there beside her ear as I sped up further. I decided to do something I had been holding off. Pouring chakra into my dick I came in her hard. Groaning as I gave her my Mark. 

She took it all happily. Holding her legs up as I pushed into her she came again as the chakra/semen coated her insides. Taking every last drop with a smile on her lips as we finished our first of many sessions. As I calmed down and the mark formed on her body I pulled out. Studying her. 

“What?” She whispered. 

“Just wait. There will be more,” I said.

“Like?” She asked but then it exploded in her. Chakra pouring throughout her body she closed her eyes as her arms and legs stretched out. Pathways forming inside of her she yelled my name as the orgasm grew. Power forming in her that had never been there before making her feel every little bit, it took time. Eventually she let out a sigh and stopped stretching. Her body relaxing as she fell asleep. 

“What the hell was that?” Aiko asked as she looked up. 

“Just some strength of mine. I gave it to her,” I said. 

“What about me? I want to feel that,” Aiko said. Her makeup messy from kissing Jun. 

“I will,” I said. “After.” I looked down to Jun. She was in her panties only. Blushing, she cracked a smile as we locked eyes. 

“Oh I see how it is,” Aiko said, getting up. “You prefer the dick too, huh?” 

“You are a very good kisser,” Jun whispered. 

“Yeah yeah. Hurry up. I want it next,” Aiko said as she moved from over top of her. She started undressing herself. Apparently she had been taking Jun’s clothes off piece by piece, but Jun had been too shy to reciprocate. 

“Come here my love,” I said to Jun. She blushed but turned over. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself of the blood and juices from Setsuko and was soon kissing Jun. 

Where Setsuko had been joy and happiness, Jun was hesitation. I didn’t want to say fear, it was close though. As we kissed that hesitation lessened, but it was still there. In the back of our kiss. I felt like I had to protect her from it. My chest pressing against hers the smaller girl moaned in my mouth. 

Slowly I moved to slide her cute kitten panties off. Her whole body shivered, bringing the fear back, but my lips were then back on hers, pushing it away. We stayed like that for a long time. Kissing one another as we learned what the other liked. She had learned much from her session with Aiko. Happy to use her tongue and explore me she slowly opened her legs. 

Without a word I moved down into her. She came as soon as my glans touched her lower lips. Jun’s body shook. Shaking as if she was having a seizure but I plowed in. Pushing through her hymen she came again and again. Yelling out my name as I buried myself deep inside her. 

Loud smacks sounded in the room as I pounded her. She took it all. Crying out my name as her legs did the splits. I couldn’t help but grow more into it as the smaller girl took everything I had without complaint. Her pussy gushing out liquid with every thrust it wasn’t long until I was ready. 

Building up more and more chakra I poured it into her as I began to cum. She cried out. Her back arching, feet curling, hands grasping the blanket as my dick emptied huge amounts of cum into her tight cunt. 

When I finished she let out a long sigh. Pulling out I waited and the chakra exploded in her. Sending her into further throes of pleasure as the power spread throughout her body. I kissed her chest, licking her nipples as she felt it all. Happy to give them some of what I could do. 

As the process ended and she fell asleep I looked up to see Aiko. She had been playing with herself as she watched. Her perfectly shaven pussy drawing my eyes she was soon up and off the bed. Grabbing the towel she gripped my still hard dick and wiped it off. 

“Look what you did to them. I wanted to play more,” she groaned. 

“Sorry, thought we could use all the help we can get,” I said.

“Where do you keep getting these powers?” She asked. “Did the dead doctor give them to you?”

“Nope, all me,” I said. “You want it too, I assume?” 

“I guess,” she said. “If it puts me in that state I’ll try anything.” 

I laughed but grabbed the back of her neck. “Thank you for this,” I said. “You are the glue of this family.” 

“No, I am the fun aunt,” she said. “I’ll buy you beer and porn and tell you how the world works. You are the glue. Me? I would have skedaddled as soon as I was awake back in the day. Left you all to rot. Because that’s who I am.”


“A chicken,” she mumbled. 

“You are not a chicken,” I said. Grabbing her thighs I picked her up easily. Lifting her high I plunged her down onto my dick. “You are exactly who I need you to be,” I said, kissing her. She moaned as I did. Her arms wrapping around my neck as she began to rock back and forth. “You are mine, Aiko. Ours. No leaving, got it?” She smiled and nodded. Her lip quivering as she sped up. 

I channeled chakra into her and she began to cum. Her large tits pushing into me as our sexes collided over and over she was just as desperate now to have me as before. Setsuko was joy. Jun fear. Aiko was pure unadulterated passion. 

We hungered for one another when together. Never whole unless we were showing the other how much we cared by fucking the other’s brains out. But today it was my turn to win. Laying her between Setsuko and Jun I plowed into her faster. She squirted up my abs again and again. Taking it all as she talked dirty.

“I’ll wake you up every morning with a blowjob. All 3 of us. We can swallow your cum. Beg you for another load inside of us. I’ll lick it out of the both of them. I’m so desperate for you. Fucking fuck,” she said as her voice cracked. Cumming again her whole body shivered. “Take my ass. Take everything, Weston. You’ve already made me yours. I just want you inside me.” She came again. I sped up. Pushing through as her body latched onto me. 

Our lips locked as I began to cum in her. Giving her the mark she came just as hard as the others. Passing out between them she had a smile on her lips as her body continued to twitch in her sleep. I looked down at the 3 of them. Curious how I got so lucky. 

Grabbing hips I turned them over and they instinctively held onto one another. I went out to the main room. Still only around 1 o’clock it was time to do a patrol. I showered and changed clothes. Leaving a note for the girls I jumped off of the balcony to the streets below. 

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