Canon Fodder



“I’m not sure what’s going on exactly,” I told the girls. They were sitting on the couches as I stood in front of the TV. “From the notes of the dead doctor. He was obsessed with emotions. He did CAT scans and all types of tests on us. He had plenty of research concerning what happened to the brain during different emotions. His goal was to learn to make people stronger with emotions. I think he mostly succeeded.”

“Mostly,” Setsuko asked. 

“Each of you has been going through episodes. I’m not sure what’s been triggering it because I’ve been gone. But I come back and you’re all in an almost…trance. Afflicted by the emotion he was trying to assign you.”

The girls looked at one another. I had warned them, but most ended up forgetting about the incident. “Jun, you’ve been extremely scared. Setsuko, you laugh at pretty much everything. Aiko…you at least started to remember what happened.” 

She gave me a wide smile and wink. I woke up that morning to her riding my dick. Wet and ready to go in the morning we fucked twice before waking the other 2 up. She leaned back on the couch, her legs wide as I was sure my cum leaked out of her. Soaking into her thin thong.

“What’s the problem?” Aiko asked. “It’s not like it lasts long.” She admitted to waking up after she started masturbating. I came in soon after that. 

“It’s bad because it worked,” I said. “When you’re inflicted by these emotions. You’re all unnaturally strong.”

“What?” Jun asked, her eyes wide. 

“Yeah, you’re all super strong and I think a little psychic. Jun and Setsuko, I’ve seen you both pull something from across the room to you.” 

“What about me?” Aiko asked excitedly. 

“No, your hands have always been busy when you had your episodes,” I said. She frowned. 

“What about you?” Setsuko asked. 

“I had an episode when I…killed the doctor and his assistant. I got angry and blacked out. It wasn’t a pretty sight when I woke up. I haven’t had one since, but I have pretty good control of my emotions. I worry what could happen if I do have an episode. So if I’m not responding or acting weird. You girls leave me alone, alright?” 

I hoped that my chakra was helping me. But I guessed it was mostly my training. I was fairly mentally strong. You had to be to put up with daily pain and anguish when getting beat up every day during training. 

“What do we do?” Jun asked, worried as always. 

“We need to learn to control it,” I said. “Not only so we don’t black out and do something we will regret.” I eyed Aiko, she blew me a kiss. “But also so we can use the power. I don’t know about you, but I would feel better if you could grow stronger at will. Protect yourselves.”

“That sounds great, how do we go about that?” Aiko asked. Getting serious as she leaned forward. 

“We need to figure out what triggered you,” I admitted. “What’s the last thing you remember last night? Other than me putting you to bed.”

“You put them to bed too?” Aiko asked, anger in her voice. 

“I tucked them in after walking them to bed,” I assured. She let out an annoyed huff. 

“I was watching TV,” Setsuko said. “Uh that new game show. I started laughing at something and couldn’t stop. That’s the last thing I remember.”

“I uh was watching this uh thing. With muscles. In my room,” Aiko admitted. Blushing as she closed her legs a little. 

We turned to Jun. She took a bit to answer. Barely a whisper she said, “it was getting dark and Weston wasn’t home.”

“Was it because it was dark or because I wasn’t here?” I asked. She blushed, looking down. “Sorry. I’ll do better about calling.” Pacing back and forth I thought about how to approach this. The situations were obvious, but there was also another matter. 

“Setsuko, yesterday you laughed a bunch at breakfast. When Aiko admitted to not knowing grapefruit was a real thing.”

“Oh my god,” Setsuko giggled. Aiko blushed, cursing her under her breath. 

“See that’s what I mean. Jun you got scared from that horror movie commercial.” I lifted my shirt to reveal my chest. The 3 girls stared. 

“Damn,” Aiko said, licking her lips. 

“See, you aren’t blacking out,” I said. “My guess is it’s a timed thing. Maybe once a day? Or when you’re tired at night. Maybe you lose control of it a little.”

“What are you getting at?” Aiko asked. 

“I think it’s time we go out in the world. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you 3 have kept yourselves here,” I said. “We need to go back into the world. I know it’s scary,” I told Jun as she began to squeeze into herself. “But we need to. I’ll be there the entire time. I have no plans for the day.”

“Are you sure?” Setsuko asked. 

“I’m sure.”

“I’ve left,” Aiko said. 

“You haven’t left the hotel,” I said. She frowned but nodded. 

“Okay. Get out of your pajamas. It’s time to go out,” I said. It took some more prodding and way longer for them to get dressed than it should have but they soon followed me out. We got in the elevator and Jun grabbed my hand. Shaking a little I could tell simple stuff was scaring her. I patted her head.  

“It’s going to be fine,” I said. 

“What are you wearing?” Aiko asked. 

“My hero costume,” I said. The black hoodie and black pants had the Watanabe pink heart on the corners. 

“What the hell, you’re a hero already?” She asked. 

“I told you last night. I passed my hero test.” I explained to them what was expected of me. I had to walk around in the costume to be seen. Make a name for myself somehow. 

We got a taxi, the entire time Jun never let go of my hand. We went to a shopping plaza and all 3 were scared. So many people around, they were all hesitant. Setsuko and Aiko were within arms reach. The 4 of us taking comfort in one another. It took time and a few stores for them to feel well enough to not be within arm’s reach at all times. 

Eventually they got more comfortable. Venturing away a little further and further they started joking around. Even Jun began to giggle. I knew there was something between us. Something that affected us without the emotions. Making us more comfortable with one another.

“What about this one?” Aiko asked, stepping out of the changing room. She wore a black shirt split down the middle. Her large chest revealed I gave her the thumbs up. She made a motion as if she would blow me and nudged her head toward the small changing room. I got up but Jun stepped out then. Revealing herself in a long skirt and button up shirt she twirled happily and Aiko was complimenting her. 

I found a few changes of clothes for me as well while they kept going. I was stopped as I heard yelling outside. Dropping the clothes I stepped out to find a large rock man. 

“I’m Stoneman!” The man yelled. “I fell off a mountain. The rocks around me attached to my body. During my time there I learned that you people are ruining our planet! How dare you use these precious rocks to make your shopping malls! I will destroy you and-“

I jumped up kicking the 15 foot tall man in the face. A huge chunk of rock was broken off from his chin as he toppled over. Landing on the ground I leapt up and hit him in the gut. He spit up rocks and let out a long drawn out sigh, knocked out. 

I was soon on my Hero Association phone. “Hey, it’s me. Class B- Rank 2. I just took down some rock villain. I don’t think he broke anything. But he was about to.”

“Very well, please wait for authorities,” the voice said. 

“Make sure to send a truck. This guys big.”

“Affirmative,” the person said. I hung up and hung around by the guy. 

“Who are you?” Someone from the crowd asked. 

“Me? I’m a new hero,” I said with a smile. 

“A new hero? What’s your name?” Someone asked. 

“Uhhh I hadn’t thought of that,” I admitted. I didn’t want Frostwave, that was for sure. It was good in MHA to pretend I could only use my quirk. Here people didn’t care. 

“What’s with the hearts?” A kid asked. I looked down to the lower left corner of my hoodie and upper left corner of my pants. The hearts were scattered across it. 

“My symbol.”

“Blackheart,” someone said. 

“Ooo yeah I like that,” their friend said. It was soon taken up and I guessed I got a hero name. I had been thinking something like Berserker. But Blackheart was better than Caped Baldy. 

“Weston!” Aiko yelled from the front door of the clothing store. I waved at her. Jumping up she saw me over the crowd. “What the hell are you doing?” She asked. “What the hell?!” She saw the villain's body behind me as she pushed through. “What the hell did you do?”

“Aiko, I told you I was a hero now,” I said walking up to her. “I have to wait for the police. Tell the girls I’ll be in a few minutes.”

“Jun is freaking out,” she said. “Not an episode. But close.”

“Well bring her out here. I’m stuck with this jackass for now,” I said. 

“Alright. You really beat him up?” She asked, eyeing the big guy. 

“He did. It was awesome,” a kid said from beside us. 

“Jeez, you are strong,” she said, reaching around to pinch my butt. I stopped her. 

“Go get Jun, we can continue that stuff later,” I said. 

She frowned but nodded. Heading in, the police arrived. “Holy shit, that thing is big,” one said as he moved through the crowd. “What damages did he cause?” A few people that were there from the start walked him through what happened. Jun walked out and I stood next to her holding her hand. 

“It’s okay, Jun. You’re safe, you know that. Don’t you?”

She nodded. “Sorry, you weren’t there. I uh,” she started crying. “I’m sorry I’m so useless.”

“You’re not useless. We all have strengths. What are you good at?” I asked. She didn’t answer for a bit. “Come on. What did you enjoy before all this crazy stuff?”

“Video games,” she admitted. 

“Good. Let’s go to a game store after this. Get you something.” She slowly nodded, leaning into me. 

The police were taking statements from more people. I patted her head as she slowly relaxed. Eventually I had to give my statement and show my hero ID. A truck came but they had to get a crane to lift the guy onto it. I ended up picking him up and throwing him on the truck bed. 

I remembered Saitama always running into stupid people like this, but I didn’t think it would happen on my first day as a hero. Plenty of excitement for the girls. We bought our clothes, stopped at a game store, and then were on our way back to the hotel. 

“Sir,” the concierge said as I walked passed. “There have been many adult videos rented from your room. I was told that your credit card was declined for the last one.”

“Fuck,” I cursed as Aiko blushed. “Okay, we will be staying the night and leaving tomorrow.” I told the girls. After paying the tab, the girls were nervous as we walked back to our room. 

“What are we going to do?” Setsuko eventually asked. 

“What?” I asked. Turning to them, they were all quiet. Shyly studying me as we stood in the elevator. 

“If we are kicked out. What will we do?” Setsuko asked. 

“I don’t know. I thought we could go apartment hunting,” I admitted. “I assume we are still sticking together?” 

I looked at each of them. Setsuko nodded quickly, a smile on her lips. Aiko thought about it for a second and nodded. Jun took a bit to answer. “You don’t mind?” She whispered. 

“Of course not,” I said. “We are a team aren’t we?” She smiled slightly and nodded. “Cool. Let’s master our powers and make our own fighting force as heroes. We can be Glitter Squad Hearts.”

“What? I’m not doing that,” Aiko said. 

“Come on. Is it the name? Glitter Heart Team. Glitter Sparkle Team 8. Glitter Heart Sparkle Haven Lockheart.”

“Oh I like that one,” Setsuko said as we stepped out of the elevator. 

“No Glitter anything,” Aiko growled. “Need something dark. Gothic Requiem.”

“That’s pretty sweet. But it’s not going to match your costumes. They’re bright pink with skirts and plenty of cleavage showing.”

“You did not order costumes,” Aiko said. 

“They’re in the mail. We just need a sweet name. Glitter Action Squad Heart Attack.”

“No Glitter!”

“Sparkle Hero Force,” Jun whispered. 

“There we go. Even Jun likes the idea. But I feel like we need some catch phrases too. Like when you defeat the bad guys. Setsuko you should say something like, ‘Laugh on that.’”

“That doesn’t make sense,” she said as we dropped the bags. “What should we have for dinner?”

“Pizza?” I offered. “It makes perfect sense. Once you harness your powers you’ll obviously be able to make people laugh until they pass out. Your hero name could be Laffy Taffy.”

“I’m feeling Chinese,” she said. “Laffy Taffy?”

“Of course. It will go great with our Glitter theme.”

“No Glitter!” Aiko growled. “I want Indian food.”

“Can I be a Fear Monger?” Jun asked. 

“Oh I like that,” I admitted.

“More like Scaredy Cat,” Aiko said. Jun surprised me by sticking her tongue out at her. Aiko laughed. “Come on. I’m starving.”

“Let’s just order from them all,” I said. “Whoever’s delivery driver gets here first gets to name our team.”

“Deal” “I’m in” “okay” the girls said. We were soon calling local places on our new phones. We had decided to get the cell phones so they could get in touch with me more easily in case they felt an episode coming up. 

Jun’s sub sandwich place ended up winning. “So what will our name be, Jun?” I asked as we sat around the coffee table as we dug into one another’s food. Comfortable with one another as we didn’t mind stealing the food.

“The 4 Emojis,” she said. “You have the hearts. My costume can have the scared face.”

“Mine can have the laughing one with the tears,” Setsuko said. 

“Oh I’ll have the O face,” Aiko said. 

“Exactly,” Jun said. 

“Damn, I kind of like it,” I admitted. 

“Me too” “me three” “me four” the girls said one by one. 

“Guess we should get to training,” I said. 

“After we find an apartment,” Aiko said. 

“Right, I have an idea where to look but it will be hard to find a 4 bedroom.”

“That’s fine. We can find a 3,” Aiko said. “You and I can share a room.”

“That’s no fair,” Setsuko said. “I’ll join you. You know, to make sure Aiko doesn’t try anything. We’ve been lucky she hasn’t attacked you.”

“Yeah, lucky,” Aiko said, giving me a wide grin. 

“I’m fine staying in the same room with you all,” Jun said. “We don’t need a 4 bedroom.”

“Well dang. How about a 2 bedroom? I doubt I could keep my hands off you girls if we were in the same bed.”

“Yeah, me either. I like girls too,” Aiko said, giving Setsuko and Aiko a wide grin. I laughed as they blushed deeply. 

We did end up sleeping in the same bed that night. Aiko and I in the middle. The girls fell asleep watching TV. It was cramped but none of them had an episode. Maybe it was really about making sure we stayed together. There was something going on between the 4 of us. I felt as close to them as I did Toru and Hancock, and it had only been a few days. 

I was worried that my mind was altered somehow with whatever the doctor had done to us. My Berserker Mode still a mystery. I needed to keep my eye on the prize as I navigated this world. It was easy to get sucked in. Instead of leaving like I normally would, I turned my brain off to fall asleep. 

Until Aiko began running my dick of course. Then I was up as we stared into one another’s eyes. Her fingertips moving up and down my shaft slowly she stuck her tongue out whispering lewd things until I was good and hard. Then she stopped, snuggled up closer and fell asleep. 

Rolling my eyes I forced myself to calm down. We had a lot of work ahead of us. I’d be sure to get her back later. 

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