Canon Fodder



“Weakness Eliminator,” I mumbled to myself. My eyes widening I wondered if it was what I thought. Was it something that could Eliminate the Weaknesses of powers? There was an age restriction on the Titan forms. I still wasn’t exactly sure how to use my Berserker Mode. Or best of all…a devil fruit. Could I finally get rid of the weakness where you couldn’t swim after eating one?

All the possibilities played through my mind. There was the chance that it was a Bonus, eliminating my body's weaknesses like some cultivation manhwa. But still, this sounded too good to be true. 

“Are you okay?” Mizuki asked. I looked up to see her and Snek staring at me. 

“Uh yeah, we done here?” I asked. 

“Yes,” Snek asked, then focused his eyes on Mizuki. A lecherous gaze in them now he asked her openly, “Would you care to go for some dinner? I could explain a few pointers for you, Ms. Mizuki.” 

She frowned but I said, “Sure. Where are we going?” 

“Not you,” he hissed.

“What? But I could use some pointers,” I said. “You’re buying, right?”

“I’m not inviting you.”

“But you’re looking at me,” I said. “Make up your mind, dude. Fine, Mizuki, shall we?” I asked as I extended my hand to her. She hesitated but took it as I pulled her up. “Are we going to dinner?” I asked Snek. 

“Not you,” he hissed again.

“Whatever,” I said. “Fine, I’ll treat you to dinner. How about that?” I asked her as I walked us out. Mizuki followed me as I pulled her along. When we were outside the room I heard Snek curse but ignored him. Releasing her hand I said, “Sorry. You can go with him if you want.”

“Uh no,” she said, her muscles flexing. “I have somewhere to be.” 

“Too bad,” I admitted. “I was hoping we really could have dinner.” I gave her a nod and headed down the hall. 

“Wait uh,” she said hesitantly. “Can it be quick? I um, need to be home before my mom leaves for work.” 

I looked at the time on the phone. It was only 5 o’clock. “I don’t see why not,” I said, continuing to walk. She jogged after me. “Mom?” I asked. “Sorry you seem much more mature. You aren’t still in high school are you?” 

“No, I’m 20,” she admitted. “I live with my mom and have to watch my younger siblings.” 

“They know you’re testing to become a hero?” I asked as we walked out of the building. This was before aliens had destroyed the area so there were plenty of businesses around. 

“They do, kind of,” she admitted. “They think I’m trying out for a scholarship.” 

“A scholarship?” I asked. 

“Yeah, the Hero Association will sponsor people through school if you are an active hero. It’s a new program. We couldn’t afford for me to go to college. I lost my scholarship when…my dad died. I had to stay home with my siblings. Things kind of snowballed from there.” 

“That’s too bad,” I said. She looked down, a little nervous. I was surprised she was being so open. “My parents died from a monster attack back when I was a kid.” She looked up at me surprised and sad. I cut her off before she could try to apologize. I never understood why people said sorry for someone’s loss. As if they had something to do with it. “The fact that you’re helping your family is pretty admirable. It’s good to enjoy who you have left.” 

She stared at me for a bit but instead of saying anything she smiled and nodded. We found a little ramen place close by and were soon ordering food. I told her I would buy and she didn’t hesitate. Ordering appetizers and a family sized bowl of ramen she ate at it hungrily. 

“Sorry, I’ve been so nervous about the testing. I haven’t eaten in forever,” she said, slurping up some ramen. 

“It’s fine,” I said while studying her. She was strong and beautiful. It was hard to take my eyes off of her. “Eat all you want. Hell, take extra to your siblings.” 

“No, I couldn’t,” she said. 

“I mean it. I have money. Don’t worry about it,” I said, pulling out a stack of cash and setting it on the table. I still had plenty of money. It was nice being rich. “She will have another couple of those to go,” I said to a waiter passing by. He looked at the family sized bowl and nodded. 

“You really don’t have to,” she said, waving her hands.

“You said your mom is struggling. Let me help a little. There’s enough for your family to eat for days. Or you for a day,” I said. She blushed but stopped denying it. The waiter was soon at the back ordering the cook to make another huge portion up. 

“You’re um being way too nice,” she said, picking at the veggies in her bowl. 

“I am,” I said. “What can I say? I find you very beautiful. I am a sucker for strong women.” I wasn’t shy about eyeing her. She blushed more deeply. Eating more slowly as the conversation quieted. 

“So, you’re not becoming a hero for some noble cause?” I asked, breaking the silence. 

“Maybe a little,” she said. Quieter than before I could tell she was nervous now. I needed to break her out of it. “My dad, he tried to be a hero. Stepped in when he shouldn’t have. Got himself killed.” 

“Too bad,” I admitted. “Someone has to be the hero in this messed up world of ours.” She nodded and our date devolved into idle chatter. We talked about her high school days. Mizuki had been a star athlete. Always strong, she trained for hours on end. A few weeks ago someone tried to beat someone up for some money. She stepped in and knocked the guy out. Thinking that maybe her strength could be useful she decided on trying to become a hero. 

“What about you?” She asked, already finishing her bowl she looked as skinny and muscular as when she started. “Was that guy serious about you being trained by King?” 

“Yes and no,” I said, trying to come up with some in between lie. “I met King-” I stopped as they walked in the door. I recognized them immediately. Black suits, white undershirts, they wore sunglasses inside the ramen shop. Looking around the room they focused on me. Stepping away from the door a tall beautiful woman walked in.

In a dark green dress that showed off her curves. Her hair was a darker green, much like Midoriya’s from MHA. Wearing a white fur coat on her shoulders she looked like some yakuza boss as she walked in. Her eyes scanning the room she settled on me. 

“Seriously, already?” I asked as she walked toward us.

“What?” Mizuki mumbled as Fubuki sat next to her. 

“You should go,” the cult boss said to my date. Mizuki stiffened, studying her. She looked back at me. 

“It’s alright, just some hero hazing,” I said. “Take your food and head home. I’d hate for you to be late.” 

“Are you sure?” She whispered, though Fubuki could hear her. 

“I’m sure,” I said. “Thanks for the dinner date. Hopefully I’ll see you again.” She hesitated but picked up the 2 large orders of food I had ordered for her. Slowly walking out the men by the door let her pass without issue. “What do you want?” I asked, rolling my eyes at the woman across from me. 

“I assume you know who I am,” Fubuki said. “Did King tell you?” I could tell the idea excited her. 

“King has no idea who you people are,” I said. She frowned, but caught herself, putting an indifferent look back on her face. 

“I am Fubuki,” she said. “I run the Blizzard group.”

“I am not interested in any cults,” I said. 

“We aren’t a cult,” she hissed through gritted teeth. Her fist clenching I felt like I knew best how to handle a girl like her. I had bedded Hancock. Fubuki would prove a challenge, but I wanted her. She was too beautiful not to try for. Indifference was my best bet until I made my move. 

“What are you then?” I asked, bored. 

“We are the higher ups in Class B,” she said. “Rather than working separately we thought it best to work side by side. I hear you made Class B-Rank 2 today. Quite the feat. But as a student of King I would expect nothing less. So, here I am. Showing my respects. Offering you the chance to join us.” 

“With you at the top?” I asked. 

“Of course me at the top,” she said. “I will have you know, I could easily pass into Class A. But I prefer to stay here. With my people.” 

“Big fish, little pond,” I said.

“What?” She asked. 

“You’re a big fish in a little pond,” I said. “Too scared to go for Class S? Or do you hate your sister that much?” She stiffened, surprised that I knew about her sister. “How about you and I raise up the ranks together? You could be my queen, Miss Blizzard of Hell.” 

“How dare you,” one of her men said, moving behind her. I doubted they were dating, but they were loyal subordinates. 

I felt the hair on my skin stand up. “Stop,” I ordered her, raising my hand. I pulled money out and set it on the table. “Outside if we are going to do this.” She eyed the money then me, then nodding we got up in unison. 

She followed me outside as her lackeys led me through the doorway. Once outside we set up in the middle of the street. There were only 4 of her people there. 3 men and one woman. I could tell they weren’t overly strong by their Haki. They eyed me nervously. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” Fubuki asked. “We could do much together.” 

“We could, Fubuki,” I said. “Join me. Become my partner. Not an underling like you’re offering me. A legitimate partner. You can still run your group. We work together to raise up the ranks. Class B would only be the beginning.”

“I don’t even know you,” she said with a frown. “All I know about you is that you were trained by King.”

“You believe that?” I asked with a smile. “I met King yesterday.”

“But I heard-” One of the lackeys said but I cut him off. 

“You heard what I wanted you to hear. I didn’t have time to hang around Class C. Playing silly games,” I said. And with that I pushed her lackeys away. Grabbing the water in their bodies with chakra I threw them to the sides. Fubuki raised her hands up ready to use her psychic powers but I was already next to her. A knife at her throat as I stood next to her. Her eyes widened as her hands shook slightly. 

“It was nice meeting you, Fubuki,” I said as I made the knife disappear up my sleeve. “I hope our next conversation goes better.” I walked straight ahead. Water poured out of my hands, it pooled at my feet and I jumped on. Raising up in the air I flew away. 

Fubuki would need much more convincing than that. But I knew she respected strength. This was the best idea I could come up with for her. Show her strength, and hopefully I could break her out of this obsession with staying in Class B. She was right, she was strong. I caught her off guard. Maybe next time I wouldn’t be so lucky. 

I flew to the balcony of the hotel to find the girls inside. I had expected a warm reception but I found them going through another episode. Jun was huddled in the corner rocking back and forth. Setsuko was watching the TV, laughing loudly as a reality show played. 

“What’s going on?” I asked, weirded out a little. 

“I-I-don’t-know,” Setsuko said in between laughs. She was wiping her eyes of tears as she changed the channel to a cartoon. It was an old one. She laughed louder as a rice ball hit a man in the face. The slapstick humor affecting her more, she struggled to breath as she held in her side. 

“Jun,” I whispered, walking up to her. She practically jumped as she stared at me. Fear in her eyes. 

“Don’t come any closer,” she said, waving her hand. I felt the wind from her simple hand movement a few feet away. A woosh of strength sounding from her she didn’t appear to notice. “Just stay away. I-I can’t,” she sobbed. “There’s too much. We are so high in this building. I need to be on the ground. I need-” 

I rushed to her, bending down I pulled her head to my chest. “You need to calm down,” I whispered. “Nothing is going to hurt you. You are okay, Jun. Remember, we talked about this. I will protect you.” I pulled out the folder from my waistband. “See, here, I became a hero today,” I said, pulling out the official document. 

Leaning back I handed it to her. She took the paper in her hands with shaking fingers. “Class B-Rank 2. That means I’m strong. You’re okay, Jun. I’m here with you.” 

She stared at the paper for a long time. Tears streaming down her cheeks they slowed down a little. It took time but as she read the paper over and over again. Eventually the high schooler looked up into my eyes. The fear mostly gone. “What happened?” She asked in a daze. 

“I don’t know. You got scared again,” I said. I reached out my hand. She took it slowly and I helped her up. “This one was worse.” 

“Worse?” She asked. “How?” 

“I don’t know. I think you got stronger?” I admitted. “Go rest. We will figure it out tomorrow.” She numbly nodded as I led her to her room. I threw the covers over her and she was soon asleep. I headed out to the main room. Setsuko was still laughing her head off. This time it was a cooking show that wasn’t even funny. 

“I passed my exam today,” I said, cutting in. She didn’t appear to hear me. “Class B-Rank 2.” 

“That’s great,” she said. Extending her hand a bottle of water flew from the kitchen counter into her hand. “Good for you. Shut up. I’m watching this.” She said each sentence between bouts of laughter.

“I went on a date too,” I said. “It was a cute girl I met at the exam.”

“What?” She asked, tearing her eyes from the TV. I smiled from her obvious anger. 

“Yeah, she was some sports star,” I said. “She did pretty well. Then I met this lady from the Blizzard group.”

“Whose that?” She asked. No longer laughing as she studied me. 

“I’ll tell you about her tomorrow. Come on, let’s get you to bed,” I said, grabbing her shoulder. She let out a wide yawn. Blinking as she looked around, confused. 

“What-what happened?” She asked. 

“You uh started laughing again,” I said. “It was a lot more than before.”

“Fuck,” she mumbled, getting up. “This is messed up. I keep losing time.” She started walking to her room. “This is freaking me out.”

“I know. We will figure it out, okay?” I said putting my arm over her shoulder as I walked her to her room. Helping her get in bed I threw the covers over her. 

“I’m-thanks,” she decided on saying. “You’ve been a huge help, Weston.” I leaned over kissing her forehead. 

“Night night.” I whispered. She snuggled up in her blanket, yawning again. 

“Night night,” she said as I shut the door and headed out. I turned to the last door. There had been some noises coming from it. I frowned and walked over. Opening Aiko’s door it was her alone. On the covers of her bed the only light on was from the TV as she masturbated to what was playing. Her fingers digging into her cunt she locked eyes with me as I stepped in. 

“Finally,” she said. “Help me.” I frowned. Walking over she had been watching porn on the TV again. 

“You remember yesterday now?” I asked. 

She bit her lip, nodding. A hand released her breast reaching out for me. The other hand furiously fingered herself. “Don’t give me that pussy ass excuse of not being right. I want your dick today.”

“You sure? You passed out pretty quick from my hands,” I teased. 

“Weston, fucking fuck me,” she ordered. Almost desperation in her voice. “It’s so much worse today.” She gasped as my hand moved to her pussy. She released herself. Hands going to the headboard of the bed. My hand coated in chakra, she came instantly. Her legs raising her waist up she squirted almost violently on my hand. Soaking my sleeve. 

A short stubble of hair on her head she was still beautiful. Huge DD tits she admitted to being a high class hooker. Working hotels like the one we were staying in during big events. Now that she was talking to me it was hard to deny her. The day before she had been masturbating in the dark. Almost bestial in her desperation to cum. Now she seemed almost lucid. 

Her orgasm ended and she let out a long sigh as her butt dropped to the bed. “Holy fuck that’s good. Come on. Don’t chicken out on me,” she moaned as she licked her lips. “Or are you really a virgin?”

“I’m not. Mentally anyway,” I said as I undid my belt. She came closer ready to feel a real dick. I thought better of it and removed my shirt. Revealing my chiseled abs and thick chest she moaned. Sitting on her knees she began to kiss my chest. 

“Fucking masterpiece,” she moaned. Her fingers running along the veins in my arms. I dropped my pants as she was distracted. It took her a bit to notice. Her hand moving down she grabbed my thick shaft. Eyes widening she looked down. Steam almost coming out of her mouth as she breathed in and out hotly. She didn’t hesitate. 

Aiko’s lips were on my glans instantly. Sucking the tip she played with my balls with both hands. Looking up at me her eyes were filled with tears as she descended down. A professional, she took it in halfway, gagged and took it in the rest of the way. 

Not stopping until her lips were wrapped around the base she moaned loudly as her tongue twirled around the bottom of my dick. I groaned as my hand went to the back of her head. Pulling her deeper as she started moving back and forth an inch. Her throat glugging with each movement it made it hotter. 

When she pulled out she took in deep breaths. “This thing is huge. I can’t wait. Shove it in,” she said, jerking me off. Aiko looked up at me with pleading eyes. I groaned but nodded. 

“Yay,” she clapped as she plopped down on the bed. Her chest shaking I didn’t hesitate this time. My hands wrapping around her ankles I dove in with a thrust. 

She came as soon as I was fully in. Squirting again she started raising her hips up to meet me as I started fucking her. Her hands grasped my shoulders, nails digging into my skin. Much stronger than anyone else had dug into me, she was starting to draw blood. 

I sped up as I jack hammered into her. She let me go grabbing her tits. “Tear me up, Jesus Christ I’ve never felt this way.” She started cumming again. Her pussy tightening around me like a vice. Again, tighter than anyone before. 

“Cum in me,” she ordered. “I need it. Fuck my naughty pussy, you young stud. So full-oh my god. You're in my stomach. Holy fuck. Cum cum cum. Now do it.” I groaned, speeding up and came in her. She gasped, wrapping her legs and arms around me. Holding herself to me to prevent me from pulling away. But I couldn’t pull away as she started cumming again. Her cunt tightened further. It was so strong I couldn’t have pulled out if I wanted. 

“Every day,” she ordered. “Fuck me every day. Morning noon and night. This is like a magic dick.”

“Fine, but no other guys,” I chuckled. 

She frowned. “We aren’t dating,” she said. 

“I know. But if you sleep with someone else, we are done,” I said. 

“Fucking misogynist,” she mumbled. I increased the chakra touching her. She gasped as her eyes fluttered. “What are you doing?”

“I can make you cum harder,” I said. Kissing her lips she kissed me back. “Shall I make you pass out?”

“Good luck with that. I could do this all day,” she teased, kissing my neck and chest. 

“I could do it all day and night,” I said. “Shall we see who has more endurance?”

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll show you what a professional can do.”

“I look forward to it,” I said as my chakra made her cum again. My lips on her nipple I sucked it deeply. Stretching it out to its max she cried out louder. 

In her stupor I pulled out. Flipping her over I slammed in from the back. She yelled out, widening her legs as she grasped the blanket. “Fuck you. That things dangerous. I’m gonna fuck-cum again!” She gasped. I began pounding into her again. Slapping her ass she was at my whim as she became more and more into the sex. 

It took time but she gave up around midnight. She came countless times. Yelling my name out. Even I was a little tired. She really was a professional. I felt a little bad taking advantage of her state. But I held off for a full day. That was longer than most. 

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