Canon Fodder



I walked into the South entrance. Toga finally dislodged herself from me after I made sure she understood this was all a secret. I found 2 kids easy enough after that and ended their chances at advancement.

Going down a short hallway I found the others sitting around a waiting room. Some food and drinks littering a table I piled a plate up and made it over to the rest of my group. 

“Finally, what took you so long?” Momo asked. I sat between Tsuyu and Toru as I stuffed my face. 

“I went for a leisurely stroll,” I said in between bites. “People kept throwing stuff at me.” 

“I bet. You barely made it, you’re number 89,” Toru said resting her head on my shoulder. 

“Damn, I tried to time it to be 69,” I grumbled. 

“Predictable,” Mina said. “Will you ever change?” 

“Nope,” I said, chowing down. “We missing anyone?” 

“Just Bakugo, Kirishima, and Denki,” Jiro said. 

“Denki?” I asked. 

“Pikachu,” Toru explained. 

“Right, Denki, Denki, Denki,” I repeated trying to get it right this time. 

“We have been together for months, and you don’t know people’s names?” Sugarman said. 

“I am a method actor, my good man,” I said in a British accent. “I think of people as their hero name, so that out there in the shit I am not accidentally calling them by their everyday names.”

“Oh,” he said. 

“He’s lying,” Toru said. “He still calls Ojiro, Tailguy.” 

“It’s Tailman,” the guy said in a huff. 

“I’m not the best at names,” I admitted. “I apologize for any transgressions. Just know that I consider you all my best of friends. And leave it at that.”

“And with that all 100 students have passed the exam,” an announcement said. We nervously waited until the last 3 walked in. Bakugo, Kirishima, and Denki received a standing ovation from the group as they walked through the winner’s circle. 

“Shut up you bunch of nerds!” Bakugo growled. The trio was soon grabbing food and heading over to our group. “When the hell do you all get here?” 

“Hours ago,” Mina said. “Been hanging around doing nothing.” 

“Should have stuck around,” Ida said. “Toru had this move that made it a walk in the park for us.”

“Don’t tempt me. We fought this guy that turned us into flesh blobs.”

“Did you turn back?” I asked, eyeing them skeptically. Bakugo growled as he munched on his food, flipping me off. The group laughed as we joked around for a bit. 

“As the arena is altered for the next stage of the exam, please make yourselves comfortable. We will start within the hour,” an announcement went out. We sighed and sat around. Toru leaning on me, we relaxed as the others talked. People discussed cool quirks they saw. Todoroki was quiet as per usual. Bakugo was loud. Midoriya was nervously sitting next to Uraraka. 

“What do you think the next test is going to be?” Ida asked. A few looked at me.

“I don’t know,” I laughed. 

“I don’t believe you,” Momo admitted. 

“Hmm, I might have an inkling,” I said. 

“Of course” “Why am I not surprised” “Let’s hear it” they said. 

“Alright alright, hold your horses,” I said. “So, why are we here?”

“For our pro-” 

“No, that is irrelevant. A symptom of the fact. We are here to become heroes,” I said. “What is expected of a hero? Provide aid and fight villains, perhaps?” I eyed the group. “Let’s say our last test was the fighting of villains. That means that our next step will be to prove we know how to…”

“Provide aid in case of an emergency,” Midoriya said. 

“Exactly. What did that last area have? I was in the rocky area for most of it. But there was an industrial zone and commercial district. Where people tend to be and villains strike. If I’m right,” which I knew I was. “The next step will include us helping to assist people.”

“Like providing first aid?” Momo asked. 

“That or rescuing people from rubble. Providing assistance to citizens during a time of crisis,” I postulated. “Thus, Bakugo, it sucks you will have to fail this part.”

“What?!” He growled. 

“What? I’m saying what we are all thinking. You have zero bedside manner. You’re more likely to help blow up a daycare than help a little old lady across the street,” I said, meeting his angry gaze. 

“I can help people!” He yelled. 

“Oh yeah, prove it,” I challenged. “No fighting. Just simple kindness. Oh yes ma’am that is a deep gash. Don’t worry. It will be alright. Shall I carry you and your puppy while I take you to the first aid station? Oh your groceries too…sure, whatever you need. I’m a hero, that’s my job.”

“That doesn’t happen,” he said. 

“It very much does,” I said. “Not everything about being a hero is blowing stuff up. You my friend, need to learn to be kind and courteous.”

“I can be courteous!” He yelled. 

“Prove it,” I said. “In the next challenge. If I’m right, and you have to actually help people. You have to show a smile the whole time. And be nice to people.”

“I’m not doing that!” He yelled. 

“A bet then,” I said. He liked bets. That quieted him down. 

“What kind?” He asked, intrigued. 

“You set the terms,” I said. 

“Fine,” he said. A smile on his lips. “You can’t talk for 24 hours. My choice of the timeframe.” 

“That’s a gift for all of us,” Momo noted. 

“24 whole hours?” I asked, nervously. “That’s a little excessive.” 

“Those are the terms,” he said, a wicked grin on his face. 

“Fine, but you have to pass the exam,” I said. “You lose, you can talk, but it can’t be over a whisper.” 

“That’s impossible!” He yelled. “I don’t talk in whispers!” 

“Exactly,” I said with a laugh. “It’s perfect.” 

“Fine,” he growled, extending his hand. We shook and the group made fun of us. I put my arm over Toru’s shoulder and she relaxed into me. I noticed Toga in the guise of the Shiketsu girl. Eyeing Toru with daggers in her eyes, but I glared back at her. She soon blushed and ran off. Eventually another announcement went off. 

“Now for the final test of the exam,” the announcer said. The TVs turned on around the room. On the screen was the view of buildings toppled over and fires raging. “This will be disaster relief. A terrible earthquake has struck this city. Crumbling buildings and trapping innocent people. You will all act as bystanders at the disaster site. You will be conducting rescue maneuvers. Providing aid and assistance to those afflicted.”

We stood up staring at the screens. “You will not be acting as ordinary citizens of course, but people who have acquired actual licenses. We will test your ability to adequately carry out rescue operations.” The screens changed to show people in the rubble. Looking around confused. Scuffed up and covered in debris. They appeared to be children and the elderly. 

“These individuals have gone through all sorts of exercises. They are part of the ‘Help Us Company’. Professionals trained in the art of training heroes to provide the needed assistance when disaster strikes. The injuries they have sustained will be fake, but remember to act as if they are real. It could affect your score during the last stage.of this exam.” 

People exclaimed their surprise and worry. I waited for final instructions. “Please make your way to the South Exit you all entered when finishing the first stage. In 10 minutes the doors will open to the disaster zone. Provide aid and good luck.” 

“What should we do?” Mineta asked. 

“I didn’t expect this,” Midoriya said to himself.

“There’s got to be a way to win this,” Momo mumbled. Other students who had passed soon made their way to the entrance we were at. All mumbling worriedly as we waited. 

“What do you think?” Toru asked. 

“Depends on if we are sticking together,” I said, eyeing Todoroki and Bakugo. “They said we are bystanders caught in the middle. I’m curious if this was real, would we stick together, or separate like the last test.”

They didn’t have an answer. I let out a sigh. “Guys, we have had 3 separate classes on this exact scenario. I know it was last semester, but still. You know the answer. What did Aizawa recommend?”

“Save those easy to get to first,” Midoriya said. 

“No, establish a safe area to bring bystanders,” Momo corrected. 

“Exactly. Establish a safe area out of the disaster zone,” I said. “Assess the damage. Save those easy to get to first. Create a grid pattern from your starting location. Search every little bit of each grid to ensure everyone is taken care of.” I eyed my classmates, they all looked to me. 

“We will need stretchers,” I pointed at Sero, the tape guy, and Momo. “Looked like there was a lot of rubble. Uraraka, Bakugo, you would be indispensable moving that stuff. I saw some fires. Todoroki should be in charge of those. Tsuyu has a good nose as do you Tentacle. Earphone, you can listen for people. We will need people to run others back and forth to the safe area. Plenty of stuff all of us can do to help.” 

I eyed Todoroki and Bakugo again. “Doing this on your own this time?” I asked.

“I guess not,” Todoroki said. 

“Fine,” Bakugo growled.

“Perfect,” I said. “One more thing. Don’t forget to smile.” 

“Smile?” Midoriya asked. 

“Of course. These people are scared. They don’t want to see that scared look on your faces. They want to see someone as confident as All Might, right?”

“Right,” a few said. We ironed out a few more details and were soon running out there. A mad scramble was done as people streamed out of the hall. They had already revamped the arena to the disaster area. Plenty of room to work with we decided on the safe zone being by the door. It wasn’t long until we had our first customer. A little old lady, Momo made us a stretcher. Toru and I ran her back to the safe area and were soon heading back out there. 

It became a constant stream of work as we found more and more people. The rescuers commented on a few attitudes and recommendations on how to administer needed first air right there. Sero provided tape, we sealed them up and were moving on. About 10 minutes in a wall was blown out and Gang Orca with a bunch of henchmen came to the scene. With his deep voice he took responsibility for the earthquake. 

“Todoroki, Bakugo, Denki, Kirishima, take care of that asshat!” I yelled. The 4 of them stood up, and nodded. Soon running off to fight him. Todoroki making a big wall of ice while the other 3 attacked Orca and his crew directly. 

“Minus points for cursing,” an old man said that I had been helping. 

“Whoops sorry,” I said, laughing. 

It wasn’t long until the buzzer rang and it was announced, “The last civilian has been saved! Please drop what you are doing. Points will be tallied and winners will be announced soon enough.”

The old guy I was helping stood up. Pulling a gray wig off he groaned as he walked off. Other bystanders leaving us in much the same way it took us all a moment to remember there really wasn’t a crisis. 

“That was weird,” Toru said. “Now I feel like we need to keep saving people.”

“Yeah, got in the zone there,” I said. Bending down, I picked Tsuyu up. Setting her on my back she patted my head as we walked to a large screen where attendants were gathering. 

“You did a good job taking charge there,” Tsuyu said. 

“I’m surprised they listened,” I admitted. 

“Same,” Toru said. “Think it helped?” 

“Well Bakugo and his posse finished the last test after over an hour. We finished this in what? 20 minutes? I think we did a pretty good job,” I said. 

My classmates soon gathered around, waiting to hear the results. Most too nervous to talk as we waited. But it wasn’t terribly long until someone came out with thick folders. People were announced one by one. Alphabetically of course, so I was one of the last. But I got it. And completed my quest as I received the Provisional Hero License. It was a thin piece of plastic. It had some information about me. My name, hero name, picture, issue, expiration date, what school I went to, contact information, and a barcode. As I held it my quest finished.  

My Hero Academia Quest* 6: Complete

Pass the Provisional Hero License Exam



Full Heal (1)


As I looked around I noticed that all of my classmates got it. Even Bakugo. Instead of being nice to people he just shut up, which worked well for him. He flashed me an evil grin. I rolled my eyes but nodded. Content for a little bit I felt accomplished. But then that creeping feeling made my gut ache. 

That fear that I wasn’t ready for the coming challenge. I wanted to stay here longer. Things were moving along with Midnight’s investigation. Roronoa and the League would make moves soon. And there were still people I had to kill. But right then I needed to become stronger, as fast as possible. I let out a sigh. Kissing Toru on the cheek I said, “World Escape.” 

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