Canon Fodder



We were led to our own locker room. Changing into our costumes everyone was nervous once more. Even me. Not so much about the test but about Toga. I regretted not killing her again. She was too much of a wild card. Had killed many people before. Mainly boys, but still. I wouldn’t put it past her to kill another girl. I knew in the manga she had some obsession with Uraraka and Tsuyu, but I couldn’t remember if that was because Midoriya had a relationship with them or what. 

“You alright?” Todoroki asked.

“Uh yeah,” I said. “Different to actually be here.” 

“I hear you,” he said. More talkative than usual. 

“I noticed you using your fire side more during training,” I noted.

“Uh yeah, kind of realized I was being dumb about not using it,” he said. “A little eye opening when you beat me.” 

“Yeah, who cares about family stuff? We are here to fight and be heroes. Do our best, you know?” He nodded. “What about you Midoriya? I noticed you were using your legs a lot more.”

“You noticed that, huh? I call it my Shoot Style. I was limiting myself by only using my hands.” 

“Got your suit upgraded too I see.”

“Yep,” he said nudging the floor with his boot. “Have spring recoils in them. And steel toe now. Ida gave me some pointers on how to fight with my feet.” 

“Fun fun,” I said as we walked out of the locker room. We were soon heading through an underground tunnel into a large room. The other schools were mostly there already. UA gathered up together as we nervously waited. 

“What are there, a thousand kids here?” Red Riot asked. “What did Aizawa say the pass rate was? 1%?” 

“Less than 5%, Kirishima,” Pikachu said. 

Kirishima was Red Riot’s name. I mentally hit myself. Forcing my mind to remember his name this time I thanked Pikachu for saying it. If only someone would say his name. 

“Starting to get a little nervous,” Jiro mumbled. The earphone girl next to me she was one of the few girls I hadn’t interacted with much. 

“Want to hold my hand?” I asked. 

She looked at it and scoffed. I laughed rubbing the top of her head to mess up her hair. “Kirishima, what was that thing you were going to have us yell before that Shiketsu High guy jumped in.”

“Uh Plus Ultra?” He asked, confused. 

“Yeah that,” I said, playing dumb. “Let’s yell that or something.”

“That’s just going to get more people focused on us,” Momo growled. 

“Who cares. All these people are side characters, we are the main cast,” I said. “Come on, it’s UA’s calling card. Might as well get these people focused on us so we can beat them up and finish early.” I stuck my hand out. 

“You’re crazy,” Momo said with a laugh. Putting her hand on mine. Soon others did. 

“Let’s do it. Plus Ultra!” We yelled. I felt foolish but it made the others laugh and outsiders give us weird looks. 

“What the hell is plus ultra anyway?” I asked.

“It’s pretty much UA’s calling card,” Pikachu said. 

“No I mean, is it like a verb or an adjective? Can I use it in other instances? Like if I wanted to say bitch slap a bad guy, do I say it then?” I got a few nods. “What about if I-” I almost said came, but most of these people were virgins. “Do well on a test?”

“You can use it anywhere,” Momo said, rolling her eyes. 

“There’s so much about this heroing I have yet to learn,” I mused as someone tapped on a microphone at the front of the room. 

“Let us begin the provisional license…thing,” I tired voice said. From behind a podium he was on an elevated platform. A large TV screen behind him he looked barely awake. “I’m not much for small talk. Let’s get to it. There are 1,540 of you here, taking this exam. We will carry out an exercise to whittle down that number a wee bit.”

He sighed, his eyes drooping as he continued. “In this day and age, we are said to be living in a hero-saturated society. Ever since Stain, there are many who questions the current state of affairs with heroes. As an individual, no matter what the motive, to put your life on the line to save others, but not seeking anything in return, is he curse of the merciless society of today’s standards. In any case, many heroes have dedicated themselves to rescuing others and suppressing villains. From the beginning of an incident to the resolution. The window of time to apprehend and secure safety has shortened. All those who receive a license today will be plunged into the deep end. For those who cannot keep up with the speed, you will falter. Therefore what is being tested is speed. The first 100 examinees who achieve the required conditions will pass this stage of the exam.”

There were loud exclamations from the students. They were met with no answer as the man waited for them to calm down. “I am sorry for the hand you have been dealt. But this is the way of the world. Prove that you are worth investing a license in, by doing well today. Now, I will tell you about the passing conditions. These,” he pointed to the screen behind him. On it showed a human figure with 3 circular pads placed randomly on their body. “Are targets. Each examinee will place 3 of them on their bodies. Only exposed areas. No between the thighs, or under armpits, or at the soles of your feet. You will each have 6 orange balls. When the orange balls touch the target, they turn red. When all 3 of your targets are red. You are out. For those of you who want to pass. The first 100 people who have knocked the 3rd target of 2 opponents will pass.” 

“Well then,” the announcer said. “Once the expansion has completed. You will have 60 seconds after the balls and targets have been distributed. 

“Expansion?” A few people asked. The 4 walls and ceiling of the room we were in were retracted revealing we were inside of the arena. The tunnel we had traveled through lowered to become level with the now rocky terrain we were in. 

“Go to the tables at the sides to grab your targets and balls,” he said. “Good luck, and have fun.” The man walked away without another word and everyone was in a mad scramble to grab the targets. We had to give our names and schools for specific targets and balls. But there were enough people to pass them out. 

“Mind putting them on for me?” I asked Toru. 

“Where?” She asked after throwing hers all over her chest. 

“My back, straight up my spine,” I said. 

“Such a show off,” she mumbled but did so. I had wanted to try to get away with 1 target. But it was too much of a hassle, things were moving too quickly. “Good luck,” she whispered. 

“You’re not going anywhere,” I said, grabbing her. Kissing her cheek she pushed me away. 

“Time to get serious,” she said. 

“I am,” I admitted. “It’s time to reveal your ultimate move.”

“All targets and balls have been passed around!” A voice announced. “60 seconds until you may start.” 

“You think I’m strong enough?” She asked, getting the idea as we looked around. 

“Definitely,” I said, trusting in her completely. “Just a wider range. Gather up you guys!” I announced to those in UA around us. 

“I’ll see you guys,” Todoroki said. “Hard to go all out with people around.” 

“Same!” Bakugo growled. The 2 headed off in opposite directions. 

“Bakugo wait up, bud,” Kirishima and Pikachu were soon following them. 

“Guys, we should stick together,” Momo said. 

“Don’t worry about them, they’ll be fine,” I promised. 

“30 seconds,” the announcer asked as people scrambled away or tried to move away from us. 

“Question is, do you all want an easier win?” I asked. 

“What do you mean?” Midoriya asked. 

“Toru has been working on a move. It will make it so we can ambush everyone,” I said. “We could stick together for a bit. A few of us could pass, but you’ll have to trust her.” 

“15 seconds.” 

“Will it work?” Momo asked, she knew what was up. 

“I think so. If we cram together,” Toru said. 

“Let’s do it,” Tsuyu said. The others nodded and we were soon huddling together. 

“10… 5…1, begin!” The announcer yelled. 

“Get UA!” Someone yelled from behind some rocks. People ran out from behind rubble, running closer to us. I flipped them off as we disappeared from sight. 

Those in the group waited nervously as the groups stumbled and slowed down around us. “Are we invisible?” Midoriya asked in amazement. We all turned to Toru at the center of us. She was visible now. Wearing basically underwear it was cheap stuff she could throw away. Her costume was normally simple gloves. She kept the thin black bra and booty shorts just in case she needed to bring others into the fold.  

“Yes, but they can hear us,” she whispered. My greenish yellow haired girlfriend smiled at me. Her hands up in the air as she made all of us invisible. “I expanded my invisibility bubble. The light is bending around us.”

“So cool,” Mineta said as we stared at the other’s outside the bubble. 

“Head in the game. Time to take out some bad guys,” I said. People continued to get closer. There were a good 30 stupidly still looking for UA. “On 3 drop the bubble, babe.” Our classmates took out balls, readying themselves. “1-2-3,” I quickly announced. The bubble dropped and the group around us jumped. They were soon pelted with balls. 

“And our first 25 participants were knocked out at nearly the same time. All by UA students. Those who knocked out 2 people, your targets will now be green. Please head to the South exit,” the announcer said. 

We turned to see Mineta, Ida, the tail guy, the navel laser guy, Tentacle, Jiro, the sugar guy, Mina, and tape guy had passed. “Nice,” I said. “Almost half the class, already done.” 

“What the hell?” Tape guy, Sero I thought his name was, said. “You didn’t even throw.” 

“Neither did Toru,” I said. “Come on. You guys get out of here. We still have to pass.” I looked around, it was Uraraka, Midoriya, Momo, Toru, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, and I. 

“Feels kind of cheap,” Sero said. “Way too easy.” 

“It’s easy because we work and trust one another,” I said. “And they didn’t see it coming. Go on, I hear people coming.” The group grumbled but was soon on the way. 

“I’m guessing you don’t want to do that again?” I asked. 

“Not really,” Midoriya and a few others said. 

“Strip, babe,” I said. 

“You don’t have to tell me. Clothes are so restrictive,” she said, taking off the thin bra and booty shorts. Tossing them to the side she only wore her gloves, shoes, and the 3 targets. She could make them disappear, since she had so much control of her quirk, but short bursts was all she could manage with the big stuff. She had planned on showing it off during the finals test, but she had won without needing to. 

“Oh no, you’ve become a nudist,” I said. But then felt someone draw closer. “Heads up, we got people coming.” 

The group prepared themselves as a barrage of balls flew our way. Midoriya jumped up, kicking them away with the wind pressure of his blow. Momo created shields that she and Tsuyu hid behind. Tokoyami used his shadow puppet to slash balls away. And Uraraka flew out of range of them. One of the people from the other school pushed his hands to the ground and the Earth began to shake at our feet. 

An earthquake breaking the rocks around us, it was simple for me to grab and throw people to a collective location. From there we started a constant back and forth. My Haki at full range I was able to sense when people made a move. We made tactical plans to isolate people. Making our own mini-groups we ventured out. Person by person we passed. Until it was only Midoriya and I left. 

“See you soon,” I waved to Toru as she left. She left sadly, worried about me. “So, it’s you and me.” 

“It is,” Midoriya said nervously. By how he was acting, I was worried that he thought I was serious about hitting on guys. But he cut in, “Weston,” he said. “I have something to tell you.”

“Uhh kay,” I said. “I’m not into dudes.”

“Not that,” he said, blushing.

“Then what?” I asked. 

“You uh, you said that the League kidnapped you because they thought you were All Might’s successor…” 

“Oh, right. Don’t worry about it,” I said. 


“Don’t worry about it. I know you are,” I said. He looked at me shocked. “What? Bakugo didn’t shut up about you being quirkless when school started. Of all of us, All Might is always seen hanging out with you. Oh and every one of your kicks and punches you named after an All Might move. I mean, I know you’re a fanboy. But so is Bakugo, and he named his stuff differently. He has a huge explosion, and didn’t called it the United States of Smash? Come on.”

“Oh,” he said, laughing nervously. “How long have you known?” 

“A while?” I lied. I didn’t admit I knew the whole time. “Don’t worry about it though. Just because I was kidnapped and almost sold into sex trafficking to keep you safe.”

“You said they weren’t going to sell you for sex trafficking.” 

“Who can remember? I was delirious in fear,” I retorted. “Either way, good for you man. You’ve gone from quirkless to probably the 2nd strongest pretty quick. After me of course.” 

“Right,” he said, laughing. “You really aren’t mad?”

“No. But if it will make you feel better, you can owe me a favor,” I said. 

“Works for me,” he said. 

“I got it, you can be my human shield for the rest of the exam.” 

“Uhh no,” he said. 

I put on faux outrage. “Let’s see if I ever do you a favor,” I said. He laughed as we walked through the rubble. Both of us in a good mood as we walked. That was until I saw her. She appeared out of nowhere. Throwing a knife I pushed Midoriya out of the way of it’s path. Toga in the guise of the Shigetsu girl I noticed her targets were still black. 

“I found you,” she said, staring at me as Midoriya and I ran in opposite directions. But she went for Midoriya. An expert with knives she tossed another one. Stabbing him in the hand with the knife throw. Midoriya stumbled as I ran for them. She grabbed the knife, and kicked him off the ledge we were on. Midoriya tumbled off but lightning streaks covered him as he powered up.

“Toga, you bitch,” I spat. 

“You know me?” She asked, turning quickly. A wide smile on her face as I stopped a few feet away. My mind had been playing through scenarios of what should happen here. I decided on winging it. 

“Of course, you took my gift,” I said. 

“Your gift?” She asked. I walked to the ledge seeing Midoriya fighting against some other students down below. He soon had the last one hit and his targets turned green. 

“I’m alright!” I yelled down. He waved, concerned as he stared up at us.

“You sure?!” He yelled. I nodded and waved again. He reluctantly headed out. 

“Yes, my gift,” I said. “Do you not feel stronger lately?” 

“A little,” she admitted. “I thought it was your blood.” 

“It was in my blood. And now that you’ve tasted it. You have awakened a new power in yourself,” I said. 

“A new quirk?” She asked, amazed as she looked at her hands. 

“Similar, but different. Anything that affects quirks, won’t affect this power,” I said. Playing the ever wise vampire that granted special powers to his followers. “You can do amazing things with it. Strengthen yourself, walk on water…other gifts.”

“How?” She asked, almost desperate in her urge to know. 

“Training,” I said. “It’s not a switch. You have to learn how to manipulate it.”

“Okay, teach me,” she said without hesitation. 

“What about your silly little league?” I asked. 

“Fuck em,” she spat. “I-I never felt that way before. I thought I knew what love tasted like. But your blood.” She practically shook in excitement. I was starting to get more into this act. It might actually turn out to be in my favor. 

“No,” I said. “Roronoa will train you.”

“What?” She asked, perking up. 

“Roronoa, your friend. He has told me about you,” I said. “He can train you how to use it. He and I are partners in this undertaking.”

“Undertaking?” She asked, her eyes widening. “What are you doing?” 

“Well, one of us has infiltrated the heroes. The other has infiltrated the villains,” I said. “Huge plans are in the works, Toga. Plans spanning for years. We want to bring this current system down. From the inside. The heroes? The League? They are nothing to our real goals. And you, are now caught in the middle of it.”

“What do I need to do?” She asked, her eyes wide as she still wore the face of the girl from Shigetsu. 

“For now, train, and follow Shigaraki. Roronoa or I may come to you if we need something,” I said. “But you caught me off guard here. Why wasn’t Roronoa told about it?” 

“Shigaraki told me about it this morning,” she said. “I was supposed to get that green haired kids blood.”

“Any idea why?” 

“No,” she said without a thought. 

I nodded. “Fine, do what he says. But are you really mine so easily, Toga?” I asked. Surprised by how well this was going. 

She nodded quickly, but then shook her head. “Can I…try some more blood?” She appeared nervous to be asking. I really did feel like some vampire master then. Unsure what to do I pulled her to me. She giggled, biting into my chest. Toga moaned loudly as she drew my blood in. Almost orgasmic in her euphoria to taste me. All the while my face had a very disturbed look. 

Unsure if I made the right call I had no idea where this would lead. A crazy girl at my beck and call might be useful. Then again she could bite me in the ass. Only time would tell which she was. 

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