Canon Fodder



The week passed quickly. I spent 14 hours a day training. Half of that was my quirk and the other half was my body. Sparring the other students one at a time we were all dead tired by the end of the week. 

I was looking forward to the weekend since Midnight already had me booked. I broke my promise though. I couldn’t help but tell Toru the truth. 

She couldn’t believe I was expected to do such a thing. But she too got excited thinking of me seducing Midnight. Sleeping with someone I shouldn’t was apparently another kink I had awakened in her. 

Rather than focusing on the other girls in our class she was more turned on than usual. Able to go multiple times a night we didn’t spend much time apart from one another. 

“You do all the work,” she groaned, laying her hands and legs on the bed. 

“I always do all the work,” I said as I laid on top of her. My dick hovering over her pubic mound. 

“I’m sorry,” she groaned. “I’m just so exhausted. I don’t know how you keep going.”

“It’s fine,” I said, kissing her. I began to slide into her. “Fuck you’re tight.”

“You’re just gigantic,” she panted as I kept pushing in. “I think Tsuyu and Momo are starting to suspect. They asked me today about weird noises coming from my room.” She gasped, covering her mouth as she began to cum. I started humping into her, making her lose her voice. 

“What did you tell them?” I asked. 

“I clicked a popup and it brought me to porn,” she said quickly as she started pushing herself up into me. “I almost told them the truth. That you fucked me till I passed out.”

“Like every night,” I said, sealing her lips we focused on one another. Lifting her ass up I humped into her hard. She grabbed her tits, squeezing them as she stuck her tongue out at me. Begging me to cum in her. 

It wasn’t long until I was unloading in her. Dropping us to the bed she wrapped her legs around my ass as I laid on top of her. “I fucking love you,” she grunted. Kissing my neck as I continued to try to push further into you. 

“I love you,” I said. “That enough? Or should we go again?” 

“How long do you have?” She asked looking at the clock. “5 minutes. Make it quick.” I laughed. Nodding, I started up again. Flipping her over I humped her hard into the mattress. Making it creak loudly so others could hear. 

When I unloaded in her again she leaned back. “Kiss,” Toru ordered. I kissed her lips. “Stay safe. Come to bed when you’re back.”

“Yes dear.”

“Wake me up early. I want to hear the juicy stories,” she said. 

“Will do,” I promised as I put on my Hero Costume. The black hoodie littered with Watanabe hearts felt like home for me. Jumping off of her balcony as I draped myself in dark chakra I made my way to the school. Taking a back entrance I was surprised to see Principal Nezu waiting for me. 

“Mr. Watanabe,” the mouse man said. “I’m glad you could join us.” I noticed Midnight next to him, I almost didn’t recognize her. Long blonde hair she wore a red nightgown that didn’t show any skin. Sleeves up to her wrists the skirt of the gown stopped just below the knees. 

“Of course,” I said. “Mid-Ms. Ishio,” I corrected. Trying to remember my role. She has been giving me extra lessons lately on certain ways to act, to help educate me for my role. I needed to remember not to let her hero name slip. 

“That’s right, but it would be better to call me madam,” she said with a smile. I doubted she was joking. 

“Yes, madam,” I said with a bow. 

“Good,” Midnight said. “A couple of formalities. Principle Nezu needs you to sign a few documents before this becomes official.”

“Yes, this is a little unorthodox, but not unheard of. Usually a few 3rd years are selected for undercover training. Never a 1st year. But I understand you have already made a name for yourself.”

“Uhh I’m not in trouble am I?” I asked nervously. I really hadn’t thought I’d be found out. I was glad they hadn’t mentioned Nejire or Toru yet.  

“With this we will consider all transgressions forgiven,” Principal Nezu said. “We have some liability waivers we need signed however.” He soon had me sign a stack of papers. Initialling and signing about 2 dozen times as he walked me through the papers. 

Basically they said I wouldn’t sue the school if things went south. I was doing this under my own will. I couldn’t talk about anything that happened. But it would be noted on my permanent record. Normally that was a bad thing, at least in America it was. Here it was pretty much a resume. When heroes considered hiring you they were able to look at these sorts of records. Listing accomplishments that not everyone knew about. There were code names for course, so people didn’t know exactly what you were a part of. But it was better than nothing. 

“Alrighty, anything else?” I asked. 

“Your costume,” Midnight said, pointing to a suitcase. I walked over to it, excited. Opening it to reveal the red chest armor, magenta wasn’t really my color, the black pants, and brown trench coat I quickly disrobed and tried it on. The chest conformed to me perfectly. The pants were normal but had hard plates throughout them and large pockets in them. The trench coat was long and perfect. I had a pretty good set of Gambit cosplay gear now. 

“Looks good,” Midnight said. “What about your face?”

“Oh right,” I said. Pretending to pull something out of my pocket I turned around and did a transformation jutsu. Making my face a little different. More angles and adding a handlebar mustache I revealed my look. 

“Very good,” Midnight said. Not hardly questioning the transformation. 

“Good luck,” Nezu said as if he were a parent sending a kid off to their first day of school. We went out a side door into a garage. Inside was a black Mercedes. It was easy to tell the vehicle was expensive. 

“You know how to drive by chance?” She asked. 

“I do,” I said, growing excited. Without another word she tossed me the keys. 

“Would be bad if I was seen driving myself around,” she clarified. I ran ahead, opening the back door for her. Giving me a smile she sat down, putting her hand on my arm as she did so. “Very good reaction. A girl could get used to this treatment.”

“You act like you already are,” I noted. She laughed, her blonde hair making her look very different. I shut the door and moved to the drivers seat. The engine revving loudly I opened a garage door and we were soon on our way to wherever the hell we were going. 

There was a large LCD display in the dash. An address already entered in I followed the directions as Midnight spoke. 

“Remember, call me madam or Ms. Ishio. Open doors for me. Stand behind me 1 step at all times. You don’t go anywhere without my express order.”

“What kind of order?” I asked. 

“You may need to fight, but that’s rare,” she admitted. “These bigwigs like to show off their new pets. They take it as a source of pride to have bigger and stronger guys following their orders.”

“Why do you need me again? Sounds like you can fit in easy enough,” I asked. 

“These people like to win. If they do want to challenge you they will probably help dope their bodyguard. That will give me a good segway to ask where they got the drug and hopefully lead me to the source,” she said. That made more sense. 

“Also…” she added. “There has been a complication with my identity.”

“Someone know you’re Midnight?” I asked. 

“Ha no,” she said. “For years I’ve been on television during the Sports Festival. Would you recognize me?” I looked in the rear view mirror, and honestly had trouble seeing it. “That’s what I thought. No, I’m not worried about that identity. I’m more worried about the Ishio one. My parents know what I do. But they’re retired now. My dads businesses aren’t as good as they used to be. A couple of the young entrepreneurs have approached me offering to assist my fathers companies.”

“Marriage?” I asked. She nodded. 

“Yes, though not doing well, they are still very profitable and name brands. They hope to swoop in, marry me, and take control.”

“None interest you?” I asked with a laugh. 

“No, I hate these rich assholes,” she said. “I grew up with them. Their fake smiles piss me off. Spouting about heroes not doing enough while they have ex-heroes and villains at their beck and call.”

“Villains too?” I asked. 

“Oh yes. Some of them get off on having a killer behind them. They usually have their records sealed. Another loophole they got passed into law after enough bribes.”

“Jeez,” I said. “So what should I watch out for?”

“Everything. You order my drinks. I don’t take anything unless it’s from your hand. You watch everyone around me. Fights have broken out in the past before.”

“You sure are putting a lot of trust in a 1st year,” I mumbled. 

“What can I say? You impressed me,” she laughed, locking eyes with me through the rear view. 

“And I won’t get in trouble?” I asked. “If I use my quirk?”

“No,” she admitted. “Someone could be beat so bad they have to go to the hospital. But no police would come. You don’t need to worry about anyone besides you and I knowing what will happen here.”

I nodded. It wasn’t long until we were pulling up to the address. Just a carport I parked and was opening Midnight’s door. I had been trained to take on roles back when I was expected to seduce the Mizukage. Scanning the area I quickly took on what I assumed a bodyguard should do. 

Midnight led us to an elevator. Taking us to the base level there was another elevator next to it that hadn’t been above. She pushed a card against the button for this elevator. It dinged and opened. Pushing the down button we slowly descended. 

“There are secret spots like this all over. Be careful. We are always on camera,” she whispered, eyeing above. I noticed 2 cameras pointing at us. Small and discrete. 

It took time but the elevator dinged and opened. We were met with 2 bodyguards in suits. I put on my stern face and followed Midnight to another elevator. People nodded her way, but didn’t check to make sure she belonged there. I guessed she was a regular. 

We stepped out of the elevator to a much more lavish display. There were waiters with trays of champagne and fancy hand food moving through the crowd of rich people. The rich people were easy to identify. Elegant gowns that matched Midnight’s style. Suits that cost more than my house. And with each of them a bodyguard. 

Some of the ex-heroes and villains wore suits like their masters. Most wore costumes. All were strong. I could feel it in the room with my Haki. Spiritual energy was in everything, especially the strong. In a room full of weak rich people and strong bodyguards I could distinguish them with my eyes closed. Simply using Haki to guide me. 

Midnight walked into the throng of people and was soon one with the crowd. Grabbing a glass of champagne I guessed it was fine since we just arrived. But I’d have to get all of her future drinks just in case. My eyes scanned everyone as she led. Ready for anything. 

“Nemuri,” a woman said, waving us over. 

“Ema,” Midnight said as she made a beeline for her. Ema was an older woman with a crowd of younger women.

“So good to see you,” Ema said as they kissed one another on the cheek. I eyed her and the few guards around them. They weren't too much of a threat. I scanned the area around us as they talked. 

Behind the women was a long wall of glass that was obviously a 1 way mirror like in Okayama. Like the other underground arena there were stands for normal bystanders and a ring in the middle. Instead of a chain link fence there was a glass enclosure. A man and a woman fought in the ring but it was easy to see the woman would win. 

I turned my gaze back around us. Noticing 3 different sets of eyes on Midnight I discreetly turned to them. Their bodyguards were strong. I’d have to watch them. 

“And who is this strapping young lad?” Ema asked. 

“Oh right, this is my new bodyguard?” Midnight said. 

“A bodyguard? You? But you’ve never bothered with one,” she said haughtily. 

“What can I say? He caught my eye,” Midnight said with a wink. I kept my stoic look on. 

“I recognize you. You’re that Gambit fellow from Okayama a few weeks ago,” one of the women said. I guessed that they had traveled together since a few of the other women nodded. 

“How did you snake this one? I heard a few people asking about him,” Ema asked. 

“Got lucky,” Midnight said. “Besides, with Shimura and Jiro becoming pushy I thought it was a good idea to-“

She stopped as I grabbed the hand reaching for her. Squeezing it there was a girlie yelp let out as Midnight turned. I was crushing the hand of a very handsome man. Slicked back black hair, high end suit, and big bodyguard that made a move for me. 

“Stop,” Midnight said as if she expected everyone to listen. They surprisingly did. “Gambit, release.” I did. I was enjoying the name too much. It was like I was roleplaying a Marvel hero. Way too fun. 

“Shimura,” Midnight said as I stared the guy's bodyguard down. The man was a good 8 feet tall. Muscles layered on muscles he wore a stainless steel mask that reflected my face back at me. “What can I help you with?”

“I simply came to say hello,” Shimura said, nursing his hand. I had not gone easy on him. Without my weights on I was moving a little too easily. I might have to tone it down. 

“Hello,” Midnight said. “Goodbye,” she added, turning around and dismissing him. I could see now why her hero costume was reminiscent of a dominatrix. She appeared to enjoy ordering people around. Back in conversation with the other girls she proceeded to ignore him. 

I did not. Eyeing them up and down Shimura had hate in his eyes. For me and Midnight. I looked at him as if asking him to try something. He tsked and turned around. His bodyguard eyed me through his mask from small eye slits then followed. 

I turned back to Midnight and continued to be her bodyguard. Searching everyone that came too close people left or joined the group as more came in. 

They talked about boring stuff. The weather, amazing places they had been, new companies they were trying to acquisition, husbands, wives, and my favorite part, the gossip. 

“Did you hear that Helen was caught with the gardener?”

“Is that why she hasn’t been around?”

“Yep. Her husband beat her. She went for a ‘spa week’.”

“Oh my god. I heard he was sleeping with his secretary.”

“That little slip of a girl? She’s barely out of school.”

“That’s what men want, child.”

“That reminds me. My ex-husband still hasn’t coughed up that factory.”

“You’re still bleeding him dry?”

“If that young thing he’s banging won’t bleed him dry, then I plan to.” The girls guffawed and laughed. It was hard to not act interested. It was my own personal soap opera. 

They continued like that for a good hour. Midnight acting like someone else the entire time. Her body language was no longer flirtatious. It was all business as she held her own hands. Her jokes were no longer crude. More judgy. The glances she gave me no longer saw me. They passed through me as she scanned the crowd for other people to socialize. It was easy to see she really was a professional. I didn’t know which the real Midnight was. I surely liked my teacher a lot more. 

“Nemuri,” a voice said from behind. I turned to see a man a few paces away. He was younger than the last supposed suitor. His hair was long. Down past his shoulders in a ponytail. He was tall and well refined. Not sparing me a glance I turned to his bodyguard. 

This one was shorter. About my height she was all muscle. Her arms bulged out of her tight shirt. Her chest was pure muscle, no boobs whatsoever. Thick thighs I couldn’t help but think she could pop my head like a melon if I ever got between them. Her head shaved she had dark skin. We eyed one another over then she ignored me. 

“Jiro,” Midnight said as if she was actually happy to see him. One of the stories I overheard was Jiro had a thing for bedding the daughters of business rivals. I doubted she was happy to see him. “How can I help you?”

“I simply wanted to say hello,” he admitted, then eyed me. “But I see you have a bodyguard. Interested in a little bout?”

“Hmm,” Midnight said, thinking as she tapped her chin. “I don’t know. He’s rather new to the circuit. Tell me Gambit, any issue with fighting a woman?”

“Which one?” I couldn’t help but ask, pointing at Jiro and his bodyguard. His hair was very feminine. 

Her group guffawed and laughed. Midnight expertly hid a smile. “The Bolivian Bullet, of course,” she said looking to the woman bodyguard. I guessed that was her name, and a hint at what her powers were. 

“No problem with me, madam,” I said. She smiled wider. 

“Good, let’s make it official,” Midnight said. “A wager perhaps?”

“You must have a lot of trust in your guard,” Jiro noted. Not outwardly showing his annoyance with my joke. “Gambit was it? You beat Momentum, correct?”

Turns out I was an idiot. That fight was more talked about than I thought it would have been. “You beat Momentum, what? 3 times?” He asked his guard. She nodded. “He stopped challenging you after that. What do you wish to wager?” 

“I’m thinking simple terms. You don’t talk to me for 6 months if I win. And if you win, I’ll give you that date.” I let out an annoyed breath. I had been hoping to hear a yacht or something crazy expensive wagered. 

“Oh, now that is something I can get behind,” Jiro said. Actually getting excited by the idea. I guessed when you were rich money wasn’t exciting. “Shall we?”

He bowed slightly and Midnight walked confidently. I followed but didn’t risk talking. Jiro and the Bolivian Bullet followed. The group quieted around us, apparently all knew what was about to happen. 

“We would like to squeeze in for the next match,” Midnight said to an attendant behind a desk. 

“Of course, Miss Ishio,” the attendant said. “Gambit and Belia the Bolivian Bullet?”

“Yes,” Jiro said. 

“Would you care to place wagers?”

“We have already set our own terms,” Midnight said. I inwardly cursed but didn’t let it show. 

“Of course,” he said. He typed in his computer. “They will be up next.”

“Perfect,” Jiro said. Growing excited with the prospect of a fight. Or perhaps winning. Midnight soon dragged me to the elevator closing it before Jiro could join. 

“Sorry,” she whispered. “I couldn’t help it.”

“Don’t be. It’s why we are here.” 

“I doubt he will dope. But if you win others might challenge you. They definitely will. Think you can win?”

“She strong?” 

Midnight nodded. “All foreign fighters are strong. And usually on the run too. She is able to push the air in front of her fists as quick as a bullet.”

“A bullet huh? Yeah I should be okay,” I said. 

She eyed me, a smile on her lips. “You know, I considered taking one of the 3rd years. I doubt any of them would be as confident as you.”

“What can I say? I’m much stronger than I was during the sports festival,” I said, giving her a wink. Anyone would be stronger after training with Evey and Angiea. 

“I hope so. I don’t want to go on a date with that asshole,” she mumbled as we got off the elevator. She led me to a small waiting room. There were sofas and TVs inside. 

“You going to be okay without me?” I asked. 

“Yep, this room is locked down tight. I’ll watch from here.” Relaxing on a sofa she turned in the large TV to show the fight going on currently. 

I took off my brown trench coat and sat opposite her. “Ever done this before?” I asked. “Have a bodyguard fight for you?”

She frowned but nodded. “Back when I was a kid,” she admitted. “We had an ex-hero guard. She went by Glory. My dad introduced me to this when I was young. I let Glory fight for me a few times. I thought it was exciting. But she got beat up one time. I felt bad and she started teaching me what it meant to be a hero. Why she had done it. She had never made the top 10 so she didn’t make any money. She worked for us to help pay for her son’s operation. I stopped going to these after that.”

“What happened to her?” I asked. 

She admitted, “took a bullet for me during a botched kidnapping. Lodged in her back. She never walked again. But she did it with a smile on her face. Glory was my hero.”

I nodded. Unsure what to say. I couldn’t picture what it was like to grow up like that. All the money in the world but needing a bodyguard because someone could backstab you. I had a little more respect for Midnight. Giving it up to slum it with students. Most likely in honor of a late hero that changed her life. Trying to do her best to take down or hurt the rich people she grew up with. 

We sat quietly until the fight ended. When it did a ding sounded from an intercom. Midnight and I stood in unison. Her dress not showing any cleavage. I frowned, disappointed. 

“Goodluck,” she said, giving me a once over. 

“No kiss?” I asked disappointed. 

She smiled widely. “If you win. How about that?” 

“Deal,” I said, getting fired up. 

“Good. Follow the green line.” I nodded and was out the door. Below the bleachers I walked down the hallway following the green line. It took me down a few halls until I came out to the arena. 

People cheering I walked up to the glass cage. Finding a door I stepped inside as Belia did. She wore a chain mail hero suit. It covered her chest but stopped at her dark and muscular abs. Then continued onto her legs. The chain mail went up her arms until they made gloves on her fists. 

She had a sneer on her face as she studied me, but no big change. I doubted she was on any drugs.  

“A rare treat,” an announcer said. “We all get to see Belia the Bolivian Bullet back in the ring. Going up against the super rookie Gambit!” 

The crowd grew louder. I stretched, throwing a few punches at nothing. “Are you fighters ready?!” We both nodded. “Begin!”

I almost missed it in my Observation Haki. A distortion in the air left her fist. I dodged out of the way feeling the air move passed me, barely missing. 

“Oh the first one missed. Let’s see if he can keep it up!” The announcer yelled. I did a somersault backwards dodging another. The crowd went wild as I landed and ran at her. Rolling to the side she sent another 3 hits my way. They were getting faster and stronger as I closed the distance. Feeling the wind roar in my ears as it narrowly missed my head I saw why she was dangerous. 

I came within 10 feet of her, skidding to halt to miss another blow I decided to use it as training. Closing my eyes I focused on her Haki. She was like a deep ember in my minds eye. Strong and hard to miss. The power of her fists was like puffs of smoke in comparison, but I could feel them. 

So close she aimed for my chest and face. Dodging, dipping, and diving I was missed by every blow as I closed the distance with my eyes closed. She roared in anger jumping at me. I took the hit and was thrown back by the force of it. 

Spitting up a little I dodged another thrown punch. This time I kept my eyes open as I closed in. When I was 2 paces away I poured chakra into every part of me. Pushing forward she didn’t see me move as I appeared behind her. Twisting I kicked her at the back of the head with all I had. 

Belia slammed face first into the floor of the arena. Bouncing off of it with the force of my kick. The room quieted for a split second as it happened. Then the cheers started up again. Much louder than before I breathed in and out heavily as I was announced the winner. 

Turning Belia over she was bleeding from a broken nose but was breathing. Knocked out, I left her there as I headed out of the arena. People cheered my name around me as I left. Following the green line it wasn’t long until I was back at the room I left Midnight in. 

“Holy shit, kid,” she said as I opened the door. “I expected you to win. But not that quick.”

“Fights that take forever only happen in the movies,” I said, still sweating as I put my trench coat back on. “Please tell me we are leaving?”

“Yeah, it’s poor form to gloat,” Midnight said. “But I might need to make some appearances other than fights now. I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of invites for dinners and lunches. They’ll expect me to bring my new bodyguard.”

“Keep with the promises of kisses, and I’m all yours,” I said, flashing her a grin. 

She barked a laugh, showing her true self once more. Walking up to me she waved me down. I followed. Turning my head she kissed me on the cheek. 

“Jeez who do I need to beat up for some lip action?” I asked. 

“We will see,” she said. “Come on.” We were soon on our way. She assured me Jiro would stick to the bet so we didn’t need to see him. I was driving her back to UA soon enough. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.