Canon Fodder



My Roronoa clone ended himself soon after I got settled in my dorm room. Shigaraki had gone on a rampage, making a building we were teleported to turn to dust. We watched the news as the Villain Slayer beat All-For-One. Shigaraki added the Villain Slayer to the kill list. Since most of the League were Stain fans they were all for it. 

Toga woke up a few hours later. Unsure what exactly happened when she awoke chakra. She hadn’t been all over Roronoa like usual since then. Which was good in my book. I hoped she didn’t change her attention to my main body though. 

The League of Villains holed up in another warehouse after that. Simply training and thinking up our next move. Some went out to recruit. I opted to hang around. 

There was fighting and discontent but most of the villains didn’t have anywhere else to go. We stuck together as Shigaraki planned how to enact the original goal. When Roronoa noticed his allotted chakra getting low he ended his existence and I sent a new one of him to join up. We made plans to stay in touch and I would send a new clone every couple of days. Since I would get experience for the training he was going through, it was a chance to add another layer of training like Naruto had done with his shadow clones. 

Dorm life was pretty good. I started training with everyone. They had been hesitant at first but soon the small training room was packed with the other students. I got to learn my quirk evolution better and I was getting more confident with it. 

I stopped by Mei’s workshop daily. She used the excuse to take a shower and a nap. Repeating our fun she didn’t bring up our 3 day breaks. I was the reason for her to take time away from her research. Mei promised she was getting closer to figuring out how to replicate the suit, but for now I was content forcing her to take care of herself. 

Toru was typically there as well. Watching me clean Mei then put her to bed after a long sex session. Then Toru would want to shower. A couple of times she dragged me back into Mei’s shower. The excitement of possibly getting caught by Mei made it all the better for her. 

I was in Toru’s room each night. Climbing on the outside of the building it was simple enough to get to her balcony. We would have sex and she would fall asleep with me. 

A lot of times I thought she was all talk. But more than once she stayed up talking about how I could seduce Momo or someone else from class. But Momo had been standoffish since it came out Toru and I were dating. I didn’t blame her. My other close target was Tsuyu. She hadn’t said anything about our kiss, and she had originally been very quiet around me when we started living together. She was slowly getting back to her normal self. 

Now that we were living on campus, the teachers decided we could start school early. Ending our summer break a good 10 days early. I was considering when to do a World Escape. I had a little over 2 months until my supposed Challenge. I needed quests and rewards. I hadn’t mastered my new evolution, but I was understanding it better. 

Since we lived together now I had expected the talk to be quieter, but we were more raucous and loud. Comfortable with one another now that we lived together it was hard to get a word in. 

“No, the Sports Festival only happens once a year,” Momo corrected Red Riot. 

“Oh man, but there’s gotta be something fun this semester,” he said. 

“An upperclassmen said we should be doing work studies soon,” Toru said. The upperclassmen was Nejire of course. I had snuck Toru and I into her dorm more than once. She was understanding chakra more each day. Getting close to sensing her own. And we also had a lot of sex. Her class was mostly male so she had a floor almost to herself. 

“Again? I thought that was just an after festival thing,” Tsuyu said. 

“No, apparently it’s a semester thing for 1st years. Then more of a part time job as we intern in the 2nd and 3rd year,” Toru explained. 

“Jeez, I haven’t hardly met any upperclassmen,” Mineta said. “They keep us pretty separated. Who did you befriend?”

“One of the Big 3,” Toru said. “Nejire Chan.”

“Big 3, what’s that?” Mineta asked dutifully. 

“They’re the 3 strongest kids in school,” I said. “Can’t remember all of their names though. I met them all a while ago. There was this one guy-” I stopped talking as the door opened to reveal Aizawa. The chatter died down with the appearance of the teacher. 

“Class,” Aizawa said standing behind the podium. “I am happy to see that some time off hasn’t made you lax in your discipline.” He was a stickler for making us quiet down when he walked in. “Couple of announcements today. I know we kept it under wraps, but I am sure a few of you know that the Provisional Hero License test will be held in September. You have a few weeks to train for it. I recommend using every bit of the time you have aimed at that goal.”

The class whispered to one another about it. Aizawa let it happen as he acted like he was reading from some paper. “The hero license, in essence, grants you permission to intervene directly hen people’s lives are at stake. This qualification carries an immense weight. I doubt I need to say it, but the examination is strict. You will need to use every bit of knowledge you have learned during your time here. It is a provisional license, but even having said that the pass rate is less than 5%.” 

“5%?!” More than 1 person exclaimed. I didn’t bother with that worry because I had received a new quest. 

My Hero Academia Quest* 6:

Pass the Provisional Hero License Exam



Full Heal (1)


That sounded like too good of an item to pass up. If I had a challenge coming up, it might be worth using up one of my Challenger Slots for it. I chewed my lip thinking as Aizawa continued. 

“In the meantime, we will be working on ultimate techniques.” With that Cementos, Midnight, and Ectoplasm walked in. 

Cementos was a man that resembled a whale. But he was more like a concrete brick with eyes and a mouth. He could control cement and was probably the reason they had built the dorm rooms so quickly, as well as all the cool buildings UA had. Ectoplasm was the creepy teacher Tsuyu and I had fought against before camp. Midnight was my crush for a teacher. Wearing a black corset she didn’t wear much else. She didn’t teach many 1st year classes, but I still saw her now and then. She noticed me and gave me a wink, surprising me. I smiled wide as Ectoplasm spoke.

“Special moves are the techniques you need to make that will help assure your victory.” His mouth didn’t move as he spoke, just sharp teeth showed. “These skills must be deeply ingrained in who you are. Techniques that do not satisfy that requirement will not be focused on.”

Midnight spoke up next. “These techniques become symbols of who you are as a hero. Nowadays heroes without their own special moves are like an endangered species.” 

“We don’t have to name them, right?” I asked. I was not some Japanese anime protagonist yelling my moves before I used them.

“Of course you have to,” Midnight said, almost outraged. “How else will your fans know what to call it?” I frowned, annoyed. 

“We will go into specifics with you all shortly. Go change into your hero costumes. We will meet at Gamma Gym,” Aizawa said, bored. 

We were soon excitedly leaving the classroom. It appeared we wouldn’t be doing real school work that day. After dressing we walked the short distance to Gamma Gym. A large new addition to campus, it was recently dubbed the Training Dreamland. 

Cementos explained, “This place is my own devising. Here I am able to prepare terrains and training objects personalized for each and every student.”

“Sensei!” Ida yelled. “Why are special moves necessary for obtaining provisional licenses?”

“These special techniques will be a focused effort on your part. Using everything you know about your power, and trying to do something new with it,” Aizawa explained. “Accidents, disasters, calamities; as heroes you will be called to any and everything. Our camp was cut short, but the focus of it was on strengthening your quirk in a way you know. Now you will be using that knowledge and experience to develop something new. All of your quirks are evolving as you grow. We need to know your capabilities now so that when the exam takes place you don’t have to question what you can do.”

“Trust us, you will need all the tricks you can come up with,” Midnight said. 

“Not all special moves are offensive,” Ectoplasm said. “For instance Ida’s Reciproburst allows him to move at intense speeds. That is not offensive or defensive, simply a part of his arsenal of skills.”

Cementos pushed his hands against the ground making a large rock-like cement terrain appear. “During this time before real school starts. You will be training with us to help you develop your special moves,” Cementos said. Ectoplasm spit out a silvery liquid, clones soon forming out of it. 

“Because our camp was cut short, we will be doing this bootcamp instead,” Aizawa said. We were soon being split up. Given our own canyon platform we all had our own Ectoplasm clone to help us with the training. 

Originally my goal had been to train short range Give and Take. Then after a few days I had planned to work on a mid-range attack. It was time to do that training. I pulled cool air from me in a wide area. Focusing the energy into my hand I pushed it out causing a wave of heat. I frowned, this of course was not what I wanted. I was trying to make a laser. I had a lot of training to do. 


I was slowly understanding how to actually make a laser. My initial intake of energy was too low. Raising how much energy I took dropped the temperature around me and heated my body up. The air wasn’t cooled enough though. So I had to spread that energy out around my body to limit how much I heated up. 

Drawing more and more power in I then focused it on my palm and fired out. The invisible beam of heat melted the Ectoplasm clone, but they weren’t too hard to kill. I wanted to be able to focus more. Make the beam smaller and make a real laser. 

Another Ectoplasm clone jumped up to my platform but Midnight waved it off. “Let me help for a bit,” she said. “I have some ideas for Weston.” Ectoplasm breathed in and out as he stood near the edge of the concrete pillar. “Alone,” she clarified. 

The clone looked at me for permission. I shrugged. He looked back to Midnight and turned into a silvery mercury-like goo then slithered away like the T-1000 from Terminator. 

“Now that we are alone…” she looked around. “Wait, can't one of you guys hear easily?” 

“Tentacle and Earphone Jack,” I said pointing to the 2 further away. 

“Then let’s keep this quiet,” she said with a smile. Her high heels clacking as she walked over I studied her further. So close I remembered in the manga she had a skin tight white suit underneath the corset. This version just had the black corset, leather strap whips, white skin-tight pants, and black high heels. The corset showed off a very ample bosom. I guessed DD-cup but that may have been the wonders of the corset, pushing them out further. 

“What do you know about me, Weston?” She asked in a whisper. Her eyes staring at me from between the thin large openings of the red mask she wore. 

“I know you teach art history. Your name is Nemuri Kayama,” I admitted. “And you're the XXX hero.”

“18+ hero,” she corrected. 

“Whatever,” I said as she stopped a few inches away from me. Her leather strap whip slapping my side she put on a wider smile. 

“Normally when I’m this close to a student they stammer and step back,” she noted. Her breath hot against my face. 

“Why would I do that? Hell, I want to move closer,” I said. Flashing her a wolfish grin she laughed. 

“You are dangerous,” she whispered as she moved away. “Identities at UA are sacred. My name is Nemuri Kayama. But I also go by another name. Nemuri Ishio.”

“Ishio as in-“

“The business magnate,” she said with a nod. “That’s my father. Kayama is my mother’s name. I’ve been going by that for some time now.”

“And you’re trusting me with this information because…”

“Because I happen to think you look sexy with a handlebar mustache,” she said with a laugh. Before I could deny it she lifted the back of my costume revealing a long scar that I received from Kuma’s test. 

“I wasn’t positive it was you fighting in Okayama,” she said pulling out her phone she showed me a picture. It was from a distance. But it had my back and half of my face in it. The long scar was obvious. “It helped that you used an alias I recognized from one of many you suggested when picking your hero name.”

“You were in the high roller stands,” I said, deciding to roll with it. 

“Yep, that’s me,” she said. “Hero teacher during the day. Hero during the night. And daughter of a billionaire on the weekends.”

“So what? Gonna get me in trouble?” I asked. 

“I could,” she said. “Very illegal.”

“How’s that?” I asked with a smile. “I didn’t use my quirk. It was all my own strength.”

“That is a gray area,” she noted. “Beating Momentum without your quirk? Quite the feat. He was in the top 5 of the fighters that night. Until you took him down a peg anyway.”

“Yeah, I left soon after the fight.”

“Good call, he is a notorious sore loser. I heard he has been looking for this supposed Gambit,” she laughed. 

“Bring it on,” I said as she locked eyes with me. 

“Very interesting indeed,” she said with a smile. “I find myself in need of a bodyguard like you.”

“Like me?” I asked, confused. 

“Yep, someone I can actually trust. And can help me gather information for a bust I have been working on,” she admitted. 

“Why not another hero?”

“I need a no name,” she said. “No face. You made a name for yourself after one fight. If we change your face up a little no one will recognize you. Especially with the mustache.”

“It is my calling card,” I said, running my fingers over where it would be. “Why me then?”

“Because you appear adept,” she admitted. “You won the Sports Festival, got kidnapped on purpose, escaped. Ignored orders to stay put and went to one of the most expensive hotels in Japan for a week without anyone knowing about it. Show up at an exclusive club. Sign up for a fight that night. Make friends with a Muirk team?”

“Jeez, doing some research on me?” I asked. 

“Money talks,” she said. I nodded in agreement. “This would be only now and then. I would expect you to represent me in fights. Get closer to some of the fighters. There is a quirk doping drug going around.”

“Quirk doping?”

“Oh yes. Quite popular in those sorts of circles. There’s an American drug that doubles the power of your quirk for an hour. But a local one that’s becoming more popular since it’s so cheap. It can more than double your power for a shorter burst of time. And there’s another that completely eliminates your quirk for an hour.”

I knew the drug. It was made by someone I really wanted to kill. But for now I needed to act indifferent. 

“Anyone else going to know about me being a part of this?” I asked. 

“Nezu,” she admitted. “The principal has final say on these kinds of extracurriculars. Other than that, I will need your discretion.”

“So what? Am I your sidekick now?” I asked. “We get matching suits?”

She laughed loudly, caught off guard by the joke. “I would love to see that, but no. This is my true self,” she said pointing at her outfit. “My rich girl persona is my mask. I look very different. I doubt many would take you seriously if you were in leather sub gear. No, I will talk to one of the support staff and have something made for you.”

“I have a suggestion for that,” I said. If I was going to continue with the Gambit name. Might as well look like him. 

“So I take it you’re on board,” she said. Almost excited by the idea of it. 

“Yeah, what can I say? I like a little danger,” I admitted. “And it would give me ample time to hit on you.”

“You are very dangerous,” Midnight said. “But I don’t kiss on the first date.” She patted my rump and walked away. Ectoplasm was soon back up with me and I was practicing once more. I was starting to look forward to my weekends if I got to spend time with Midnight. My dream of having the teacher might actually come to fruition. 

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