Canon Fodder



“So why the hell didn’t you just grab Ash and escape?” Marco asked. He was the first mate of the Whitebeard pirates. 

“Why the hell didn’t any of you do that shit?” I asked back. “Why did you take on the Marines head on?” He didn’t have an answer for that. “Luffy and I infiltrated Impel Down. And we got lucky. Everything turned out fine. We spit in the eye of the world government and no one important died.”

“My first mate died!” One of Whitebeard’s sub-captains yelled. 

“Like I said, we got lucky,” I said. We were standing on the deck of the Moby Dick. Whitebeard sat at the center connected to a bunch of machines and tubes. Showing how frail he actually was. There were a couple of hot nurses attending to him. 

“Not what I expected to happen,” Whitebeard’s voice rumbled, quieting the chatter around the hundreds of people on deck. “Ashley, I am sorry you were put through this.”

“Pops no, I’m sorry I went after Teach. You told me not-“ Ashley tried to say but was cut off. 

“You did what you were supposed to. Going after Blackbeard was justified. He killed a crew mate. Which is an unforgivable sin,” Whitebeard said. 

I remembered the drama then. Blackbeard had killed a crew mate for the Darkness Devil Fruit. He wanted the power for himself. Ac-Ash went after him. To kill him for killing a crew mate. But Blackbeard beat up Ash instead. 

“Which reminds me,” I said. “Luffy, was Blackbeard at Impel Down?” That caught some people’s attention. 

“Yeah, that bastard was,” Luffy said. 

“He was imprisoned?!” Ash asked. “I thought he turned me in to become a Shichibukai.”

“No, Blackbeard was walking around the prison like he owned the place,” Luffy said. “It was after we found you. You were up top trying to secure a ship.”

“Right,” I said. “Blackbeard went to the bottom level to recruit for his pirate crew.”

“What?!” Ash asked angrily. “But there were some bad people down there.”

“Yeah, you were,” I said. She flipped me off. “Blackbeard wants to make a crew to rival the new world. He plans to become an emperor with his devil fruit. It allows him to steal devil fruit powers.”

“What?!” Ash yelled. 

“Oh my god. Stop with the yelling,” I said. “Luffy, control your sister.”

“I couldn’t even tell you how to start doing that,” Luffy said.  

“Luffy, I’m going to kill your crew mate,” Ash said, cracking her knuckles. 

“Enough,” Whitebeard grumbled. His voice sounded like thunder. We stopped fighting looking at the old man. He was breathing in and out heavily. Sitting down it took him a minute to continue. “I have an announcement.”

The people worriedly eyed one another. No one was sure what to say as the giant man continued to catch his breath. “I consider everyone here my family,” he said. “I did not expect to be able to have you all gathered in one place. So I will say it now. I am dying.”

There were shocked and loud exclamations from the crowd. It took time for them to shut up and let the old man continue. “I expected to die in this war against the marines. So you all deserve to know. I have 6 months to live.”

“That can’t be!” “Pops” “Old man, are you sure?” People yelled. But Marco and those higher up in the crew weren’t too surprised. Jimbei above all looked the most shocked. Standing near Luffy and I, I could see he worried about the state of Fishman Island if Whitebeard wasn’t around to protect it with his name. 

“It is. They said I would die a year ago,” Whitebeard laughed. “But finally I am ready to accept my end.”

“What will we do?” Ashley cried. Trying to hide some tears. “Pops, what…”

“You’ll live,” Whitebeard said with a smile. “Continue on with your own pirate crews. And one day one of you will find One Piece.” There was stunned silence all around. 

“But pops, why? Why would we go for One Piece? Is it even real?”

“Of course it’s real!” Whitebeard yelled. His voice booming in the crowd. “I heard about it from the Pirate King himself. It’s out there. Ready to be conquered.”

“Then why didn’t you go after it?” Someone had the balls to ask. 

“Because that wasn’t my dream,” Whitebeard said. “This here was my dream. I only cared about my crew. Finding people around me that I could choose to keep by my side. People I would risk it all for. But One Piece is out there. That dream of the world's greatest treasure is there. Waiting for one of you.”

“Yosh!” Luffy yelled. “For me. I’m going to be the Pirate King!”

“You said it, captain!” I laughed as we drew the eyes of some of the strongest men and women on the oceans. “You all just give up on it now. We will be the first ones there.”

“What?! Fuck you rookies!” One of the captains said. “We will be the first ones to it.”

“What are you like 80?!” Luffy yelled. 

“Yeah, you had your chance. One Piece is a young man’s job,” I said. 

“You wanna fight?!” Another captain yelled. 

“Yeah, we do,” Luffy said. Balling his fists. “Weston, summon your ninja turtles. I bet they could destroy this ship.”

“Captain, stop announcing my moves. People will expect them,” I said. 

“Eh crap, forget I said that,” Luffy said. 

We stared at the captains, ready to fight, but the old man’s laugh boomed around us. At first it was a chuckle, then it built up to a full blown belly laugh. Luffy and I lowered our guards. Others soon joined in the laughing and it turned into a laugh riot. 

But it ended when someone yelled, “Captain! Enemy ship approaching!”

“Who is it?” Whitebeard growled. His good mood ruined. 

“The Kuja Pirates!” 

“Let them come!” Ash and I yelled at the same time. She looked at me oddly but we both moved to the side of the ship. The Kuja pirates ship was small in comparison to the Moby Dick. 

Some of the captains dispersed from the deck. Discussing next moves. Whitebeard told people he was retiring. People asked for blessings on forming their own crews. Whitebeard didn’t deny anyone. 

By the time Hancock’s ship was next to ours, other ships had already dispersed. Ready to take a break or go on a new adventure. 

I wasn’t overly surprised to see the man on the Kuja Pirates ship. He looked just like when I’d seen him last. He didn’t wait for a rope ladder to be dropped down. Jumping up to the deck he landed in front of Ashley. 

She didn’t know him, but he had tears in his eyes. Without hesitation he moved forward and wrapped his arms around her. She tried to turn into flame, but he was one of the masters of Haki. Rayleigh held onto her easily. 

Fighting against him she yelled, “who are you old man?!”

“Rayleigh!” Whitebeard yelled. “What the hell are you doing on my ship? Want to fight?”

Ash stopped fighting to get away from the old man. Looking up to the ex-first mate who openly cried while holding her. Eventually he pulled away. Staring down at her with a wide smile. “You look just like him,” he said. 

Ashley stared up into his eyes. Not fighting it for once. Then Rayleigh turned away looking to Whitebeard. 

“Whitebeard, you old bastard, you’re still kicking I see,” Rayleigh said. 

“For now,” Whitebeard mumbled. “What do you want? Your face makes some old wounds ache.”

“I want your daughter,” Rayleigh said without hesitation. “She got herself captured. Looks like she needs some training. I’d be doing my old captain a disservice if I let her stay weak.”

Whitebeard eyed him but nodded. “Aye, you would. Fine with me.”

“Pops!” Ash yelled. “What about-“

“What about nothing,” Whitebeard rumbled. “You’re still my family, right? Well as your pops I’m telling you to go with this old bastard. I couldn’t leave this world knowing you weren’t ready next time.” 

I turned to see Hancock make it up the rope ladder. Her eyes scanned the area but she locked onto me. We were moving toward one another quickly. I was slowly but surely getting to her height. Day by day I had been using my Epitome chakra to make myself taller. I’d be taller than her soon enough, but for now she was the bigger one as we embraced. 

“You did it,” she said, a wide smile on her face. “I was so scared.”

“You did it, you were amazing,” we kissed deeply. “Sorry to worry you. Anyone suspect you?”

“No, Sengoku was too shocked. Garp couldn’t stop laughing. They let us leave soon after you all escaped.”

I laughed, picturing it. “Well it worked. So thank you. Couldn’t have pulled it off without you.” My hands kneading her ass I was ready to take her, but I could feel eyes on my back. Turning around I found Ash aflame. 

“What the fuck is going on, Hancock?” Ash asked. 

Hancock stared at her confidently. “I told you I was with someone else,” she said. “Weston and I are getting married.”

“To him?!” She yelled angrily, her hand flames increasing in volume. “Not him. He’s-he’s a scumbag!”

“Don't talk about the man I love that way,” Hancock spat. “He’s the only person who knew how to save you, Ash. Risked everything to save you. He took your place on the execution platform without hesitation!”

“Thanks babe, but it’s alright,” I said, patting her rear. “I didn’t tell her about you and I. So I’m sure it’s a shock. But that doesn’t matter for now. We have to keep going.” I turned to Luffy who had found a stash of meat somewhere. 

“Captain,” I said. “We aren’t ready to go back to the Archipelago yet. We need to get in touch with our crew. Train ourselves before we go to the new world.”

“Yeah,” Luffy said standing up. “I’m starting to agree. What do you think?” 

“I think we should go back,” I said. “Back to Marineford and make a scene.”

“Back?! Why would you do that?” Hancock yelled angrily. 

“Because they wouldn’t expect it,” I said with a smile. “Here’s my idea…”

We were almost back to Amazon Lily when we got the newspaper. It depicted our second attack on Marineford. One of the Whitebeard pirates lent us a ship, we used that to find a Marine ship and upgraded to it. Then using the Marine ship we got back to Marineford. 

The rebuilding after the big fight had already begun on the headquarters. Marine ships had been dispatched. After the marines were seen to be weak, people became more bold. A new pirate age was called. One to challenge the marines. 

Me, Luffy, Ashley, Rayleigh, and Jimbei took the marine ship, fighting the other marines left at the Ford. Doing a lap around it we then went to the center square on the island. Luffy, Ash, and I each rang the Oxbell there, 16 times each. Some reporters there we did an interview saying we were ringing the bell in honor of those who died in the short war that the Marines started. 

I then let all Marines know that we would not be going after their sons and daughters for the sins of their parents. Though the marines felt that children should pay for the sins of their fathers, us pirates felt that children were sinless. Despite the rape, murder, and enslavement the marines let happen on their own doorstep. The reporters ran with it, calling out the marines' hypocrisy. 

We paused for a solemn picture in front of the ox bell. Luffy had ‘3D’ crossed out on his arm, and I had ‘2Y’ circled on mine. I assured him it would be enough to let everyone know to meet back up in 2 years instead of 3 days. Along with the news on our 2nd attack of Marineford we got updated bounty posters. 

“Damn,” I said, handing Luffy his. “Mine is only 350,000,000 berries.” 

“Ha! 400,000,000 berries,” Luffy laughed. 

“I’m catching up to you,” I said. 

“Psh, you were only 15 million away back when we first started. The gap is wider,” Luffy said.

“Ugh, I hate it when you’re right,” I said. But also happy with the amount. “Dang, our crew is worth over a billion now. We better get stronger or this is going to be a bitch.” 

“Speaking of,” Rayleigh said. “Are you going to be joining the training?” He had offered it to Ash and Luffy. They both agreed, Luffy far less reluctantly. 

“I would like to,” I admitted. “But Kuma sent me to an island for a reason. I’d like to find out why. Join up with you guys when I come back in 7 months.” 

“7 months?” Luffy asked. 

“Yeah, Hancock is pregnant with my kid,” I said with a smile. “I plan to be there for the birth.” 

“Ew, no kids on the ship,” Luffy said. 

“Don’t be like that, you’ll be a great uncle,” I said. 

“Uncle?!” He asked excitedly. 

“Yep, so yeah, Rayleigh, I would like to join soon enough.” 

“It’s always open,” Rayleigh said. “Jeez, having a kid, already? You’re just like your old man.” 

“Oh yeah?” I asked, pausing, hesitant to ask more. “What was he like?” 

“Walters? He was a bastard,” Rayleigh said. He eyed me up and down. “I guess a little information won’t hurt you.” He leaned over the railing looking out onto the water. “The Leton royal family has a very odd ritual. On the next heir's 18th birthday they lose all of their memories.” 

It took me longer than I would like to admit to understand what he was saying. “Are you saying I am royalty?” 

Rayleigh nodded. “Well your dad was. He was a jackass. We had just finished a tour on the Grand Line. Oden had joined our crew. We turned around to start over at Leton, but your dad came to our ship. Said his 18th birthday was in a few days. He needed a ship to take him back to Leton for their ritual.” Rayleigh laughed. “We said no. He threw money at us, so we said yes, planning to drop him off once he lost his memories. You see, Leton doesn’t want a weak king. The founders of the country were settlers back in the day. They traveled the Grand Line. Decided to make Leton their home. One of the last stops before Raftalia. The kings wanted to keep their roots. So the next in line would lose his memory at 18 and was expected to make his way back to Leton before his 21st birthday. No memories, make it on his own.” 

I was floored by the information. “That sounds hard to do.” 

“It is, which is why your dad was the last Watanabe,” Rayleigh said. “He lost his memories, we tried dumping him, but there was a drive in him he couldn’t understand. He begged his way back on. Proving his strength to us more times than I can count. Instead of getting off on Leton though, he joined us to the end of the line. Only going back once Roger was executed. I saw him when you were 4 years old. But after that I heard he left Leton. Never to be seen again.” 

“Jeez, crazy,” I said. “You hear that Hancock? I might be royalty.” 

“I did,” she said with a smile. “What will you do, husband?” 

“Stay the course,” I said. “We have 2 years. Need to train. Get stronger. Meet my kids, marry you. A lot going on. But once that’s over I’ll look into my past. Worry about it then.” 

“So we are still marrying?” She asked, a blush on her cheeks. 

“Of course,” I said. “If you still want me anyway.” 

“Always,” she said. The heavy chested woman moving closer. 

“Oh my god, do it somewhere else,” Ash barked. The woman annoyed whenever we were within arms reach of one another. 

“Someone needs to get laid,” I mumbled. 

“What was that?!” She barked. 

“Nothin,” I said, but the fight soon started. Me with my Jitte in hand she started throwing fire at me, and the training had begun. 

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