Canon Fodder



I would like to say that a lot happened on Amazon Lily. But it didn’t. Chiyo came by, thankful I had kept my promise about returning. We announced we were getting married, which shocked her quite a bit. But it would be a secret wedding. A Shichibukai couldn’t be seen to marry a highly wanted pirate. Since she worked for the government they might revoke her Shichibukai status. 

I knew that my relationship with Robin and Nami was in question, but I had to grow up if I had a daughter on the way. That was quite the surprise as well. Apparently the women from Amazon Lily naturally only gave birth to girls. So at least we knew the gender. Chiyo said there was no rule that the leader of the Kuja pirates couldn’t have kids. A nanny would raise the child as she voyaged out with the pirates, something I understood because I still had work to do as well. 

Luffy spent the few days we were there eating and interrupting our sex sessions. They weren’t as long as the first time, but they happened often. Simply relaxing in her room, learning more about one another usually ended up in sex. Our relationship became a little more defined. Hancock re-established that she didn’t care about other girls, but I couldn’t have children with anyone else. Which was fine with me. She even asked me if I would like an official concubine, but I declined. Too weirded out by the offer. 

By the end of the 2 days we waited for the marine ship we were both comfortable with one another. Venturing out of her room Luffy rolled his eyes, annoyed with our activities as he walked around the island, partying with the other women. He became a big hit with his rubber powers and childish behavior. 

We left Amazon Lily on the Kuja Pirates ship. As a Shichibukai, Boa Hancock was required to help the marines fight the war against Whitebeard that would start if they executed his underling, Firefist Ash. Hancock hadn’t planned on going. She had admitted that seeing her ex-lover die was not something she felt like participating in. Risking her position as a Shichibukai. Chiyo was all for my plan to help save her life if it kept the Kuja Pirates protected from the World Government. 

Traveling across the Calm Belt, Luffy and I got to know her crew. I knew a few from the 3 days and nights I spent pulling their boat. Even her snake drivers recognized me. It had only been a few months so it wasn’t a big surprise. They all took to Luffy pretty quickly too since he never knew a stranger. A few hours with the guy and you were ready to fight by his side for whatever he believed in. 

“You really think he will be the Pirate King,” Hancock noted as Luffy grabbed one of the cabin girls. Way up on the mast his hands hung down, grabbing them and swinging them way out over the water. 

“I know he will,” I said. We were standing next to one another, doing our best to keep our hands off one another where the crew could see. 

“You have no interest?” 

“No,” I said. “I think I would be happy with you. Maybe learning my own history. But for now. I’m enjoying the journey.” 

“And where does that journey end?” She asked. 

“Well, if you’re going to be my wife…probably ending all of the Tenryuubito,” I said. She eyed me. “They did something bad to my wife. I don’t think I could stop until they are no more.” 

“And how will you do that?” She asked, annoyance in her eyes. 

“Bringing to light the void century,” I said. “That or stopping the world government completely. I don’t care, but they marked you.” My hand moved along her back. “I won’t stop until no one else has to wear that mark again.” She shivered. Grabbing my collar she dragged me to her quarters. 

“You are stupid,” she said in between kissing me. Pulling my shirt out of my pants as she moved to undo the buckle. “Don’t you dare challenge the Tenryuubito.” 

“Why are your actions different from your words?” I asked. Lifting up her long dress to get at her.

“I don’t know. But don’t you dare,” she said, pulling my dick out. She lined herself up with me, moving forward as my dick parted her lower lips. Letting out a sigh as I filled her she moaned happily. “Don’t challenge them. Because I will die fighting your enemies.” 

“I won’t die,” I promised. Grabbing her chin to stare at me. “Even if they report me dead. Don’t believe it until you see the body. I won’t die, because I wouldn’t risk your life.” Her eyes sparkled with tears but she nodded. And our 5th session for the day began. 

Pulling into one another we took comfort in our passion as I pulled in and out. She came constantly. Biting and clawing at me as if she needed to know I was really there in front of her. Moaning my name as I took her for all she was worth. Emptying another load into her we didn’t pretend to go back outside but moved to the bed. This session more loving than the last. It was slow. Almost a new experience with the woman I had learned every inch of. 

“Only you may come onboard, Boa Hancock,” Vice-Admiral Momonga said. He was a tall man with a mohawk that turned into a ponytail somehow. He was strong though. I could feel his strength while I was hidden on his ship. A chakra shadow all around me. 

Luffy was currently inside Hancock’s robes. Hidden from view. Normally I would be offended someone was touching my woman, but with Luffy it was like being offended when a eunuch was near them. He literally couldn’t care less about the opposite sex. Hancock was offended by it, but she understood the need. 

“I understand,” Hancock said walking across the gangplank between her ship and the marine’s. The other marines stared lecherously at her as she stepped onboard. Something that I knew would happen, but still annoyed me. Since she had the Love Love Fruit she was more beautiful than any other woman. And anyone that looked at her with lust could be turned into stone by her devil fruit power. 

“So all you wish is to meet with Firefist Ash?” Momonga asked. He was a stoic man that actually took the job seriously. Unbothered by her beauty. I had worried what I would do if someone of his level made a pass at my future wife, then again she could take care of herself. 

“Yes,” Hancock said. “I wish to talk with her…to say goodbye.” She looked around to the men around her. “She and I were lover’s once.” That made the men around her freak out more. She craned her neck cutely, playing into the sorrowful lover. Wiping an invisible tear. “Do they allow conjugal visits at Impel Down?” 

Momonga pulled at his collar awkwardly. “No,” he said. “You’ll be set up in the main meeting room. Your privacy will be guaranteed as all of the windows have been…” He explained further as he escorted her to a large room at the center of the ship. I made it there before they did. Triple checking the room. 

As Luffy disconnected from Hancock I announced, “There were 3 listening devices, and 2 peepholes into the room.” 

“Fucking hell, you scared me,” Luffy spat. “Damn your ninja powers. I want to learn.” 

“Sorry Luffy, I don’t think you can,” I said. 

“Quite intriguing,” Hancock said, walking over to me. “I know Haki, but I still could not sense you.” 

“You do? Interesting,” I said. “Well we have 3 or 4 days of travel…together.” I nudged my head at Luffy. Hancock frowned. She knew that meant we probably couldn’t have sex. “Maybe we can train.” 

“Train what?” Hancock asked. 

“I uh,” I noticed Luffy already off looking around the room. “I gave you some of my power. What I can do. I would like to train you in it.” 

I explained chakra to her. And how to start circulating it. She had noticed the heart, but thought it was another bruise from our lovemaking. So we spent the days relaxing in the room. At least 3 times a day one of the marines would try to take a peek at her. Hancock would turn them into stone, but it didn’t deter anyone from trying. Over that time I was able to explain the uses of chakra and she became quite intrigued. Trying to manipulate it to thicken her pathways so it could be used. The ability to walk on water would be a godsend to anyone with a devil-fruit power. 

Luffy was pissed off of course. I explained to him that it was a magic that chose the wielder. If he continued to work hard, maybe the magic would choose him. He started talking to invisible faeries after that, to see if they would gift it to him. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. Perhaps I could learn to gift it without sex in the future, but for now it was locked to me and my women. 

When we got to Impel Down, the marines maximum security prison, Luffy attached to Hancock and I stayed in the shadows. Unseen as I hovered near Hancock. 

“You will need to wear seastone shackles,” Momonga said. “If you want to go to the bottom floor of Impel Down to meet Firefist Ash, we have certain security measures to follow. Before that we will have a woman do a full body search of you.” 

“That’s fine,” Hancock said. I had walked them through that happening already. The wide wood doors opened to reveal the Vice-Chief of the prison. He was a tall man with a pitchfork, no shirt on, a black kilt, and what looked like a pharaoh headdress around his head.

“Welcome to Impel Down. I am Hannibal. The Chief is on the 4th level, so we will meet him there. My assistant, Domino, will search you before that.” He pointed to a beautiful woman in what looked like a tight stewardess outfit.  

The beautiful blonde motioned to a side door. “This way please.” Hancock followed with me in tow. Once the door was shut the woman said, “Please disrobe. A denden-mushi is watching at all times.” I noticed the small camera snail and had made sure to not let my shadow get near where it was pointed. 

“I was told that there were no conjugal visits,” Hancock said. Putting her hand on Domino’s. Her normally bored face put on a heated look. Implying much with the lust filled gaze. “Is that true for the staff as well?” The woman blushed and stammered. Hancock used her Love-Love beam causing Domino and the denden-mushi to turn to stone. 

“Too easy,” Hancock noted, putting her bored look back on her face. 

“You’re beautiful and dangerous,” I said. She jumped only a little as I appeared in front of her. 

“I want to learn that skill,” she said as Luffy dropped off of her. He stepped away looking around. 

“Later, my dear,” I promised. “First business. Okay Luffy and Hancock, I have held a little back from what I told you was going to happen.” They both looked at me, angry. “Right now we are supposedly 33 hours from Ash’s execution. This is a lie. The execution will take place a little sooner. I don’t know how much sooner. Luffy, you will still be working your way down through the prison. Hancock, I will be staying with you. I will stay on the bottom level where Ash is. When they try to take her out sooner, which they will. I will take her place.” 

“What?!” Hancock said. “That wasn’t the deal.” 

“I know, which is why I left this part out. This is the only way I can think of to save her. I will hide her in the jail cell with Jimbei. Remember the guy I told you about, Luffy? The big blue fish guy?” He nodded. “I will take her place. You grab her. Then you come and save me, alright?” 

“Weston…” Luffy said slowly. “I don’t think I can ask you to take this risk.” 

“Which is why I am offering,” I said. “Hey, I could be wrong. You might get down there sooner than I expect. But if not. I will take her place, then you save me, got it? Unless you don’t think you can save me,” I teased. 

He smirked. “Fine, I’ll save you.” 

“That’s my captain,” I said. Turning to Hancock she had an angry glare focused on me. “What?” 

“This was not the deal,” she said. “What if he doesn’t make it? What if there are-” 

“What if a million things, Hancock. Come on, believe in your future husband, alright?” I asked. She blushed. I kissed her quickly. “I will do everything I ever said I would. We don’t die here, alright?” She frowned but nodded. “Luffy, hide. Be sure to dodge the camera when you leave. Try to keep it quiet for a few hours. But remember, yell for Ivankov randomly. And be sure to tell her who your dad is.” I had changed enough in canon. I didn’t want to risk him not saying his dad was Dragon. 

“Seems kind of cheap to use his name,” Luffy said. 

“I thought you wanted to save me?” I asked. He frowned but nodded. Jumping up to the ceiling he hid himself in the rafters. “Let’s go, my love,” I said to Hancock. She blushed again, enjoying being called that more than she liked to let on. I poured dark chakra out of me and moved to the corner. 

She let Domino and the denden-mushi out of the petrified state and was thoroughly searched. The seastone bracelets put on I watched everything in rapt attention, worried we would be caught at any moment. But it didn’t happen. I followed behind the girls slowly. Keeping my distance as they met back up with the Vice-Chief and Momonga. 

I didn’t think any of them had Haki, but I didn’t risk getting too close. We passed through the first floor of the prison quickly, stopping at a large lift. I latched onto the ceiling. Staying in the shadows. The Vice-Chief annoyingly kept hitting on Hancock. I let my anger go. He was an ugly man anyway. 

We got to the 4th floor and met with the warden. He was a large devil looking man named Magellan. He had eaten the Poison-Poison fruit. So he was poison. His breath was poison, his everything was poison. At his office on the 4th floor the Chief got a call about an intruder already. I cursed but Hancock put on the charm. Asking to see Firefist Ash right away. The Chief stammered and agreed immediately. Leaving the intruder to his underlings. 

Getting back into the lift Magellan looked back to me for a minute, but then turned around. Ignoring me. I sighed, trying to make my presence as small as possible. I wasn’t terribly scared of him. I had survived the Kage Killer and devil fruit users were weak to my skills, but I would be damned if Hancock got in the middle of it. We moved down and down. The air got colder as we kept going underground to the lowest level of the impenetrable prison in One Piece. 

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