Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 335

[Episode 107: Opening Yang (2)]


Dark-red thunderbolts connect like tree roots to the hundred or so swords, reminding me of what happened at Fuse.

[You have finally awakened to enlightenment, the sixth of the Seven Noble Phantasms.] [It

is all thanks to you, Master.]

[How can your excellence in understanding be due to the virtue of frequency?]

[That is too much praise.]

Master is satisfied with me like this. He thought it was okay.

Neither I nor even Master could have predicted that Gaeyang, the sixth part of the Big Dipper, would be opened while on the Dohwaseon.

The sixth, Gaeyang, was a completely different ability than before.

Although it is not long, it has the ability to receive help from all swords nearby.

[Bindo calls this ‘the mind of the ten thousand swords.’]

It was indeed an appropriate word.

There are so many swords that resonate with me.

Master said that by combining the powers of Lee Gaeyang and Noebyeokcheondun, a long time ago, they killed a dragon that was causing harm to the world.

‘The power to harm even the alien being Gyoryong.'

I intend to exert that kind of power on Geumsangje, a semi-eternal being.

The teacher told him not to use this power on ordinary humans, but he has surpassed that limit and has reached the realm of monsters.

You fully deserve this.


He shouted at me in a voice full of anger.

Despite that, looking at his shaking golden eyes, he seemed to have realized that this would be difficult to handle.

But I have no intention of watching.

‘The 5th second type of heavenly sword lightning (天劍落雷).'

I extended the sword towards him.

At that moment, more than a hundred swords, connected by dark red thunderbolts like tree roots, all rushed like lightning striking Geumsangje.

-Shoo shoo shoo shoo! Pachichichichik!

The dark red lightning strike was truly spectacular.

Everyone watching this scene was in awe with their mouths open.


The ground caved in due to the tremendous power of the thunderbolt, and then penetrated further downward.

As a result, everything shook and the floor cracked, as if there had been an earthquake.

“What is this!”

“Do you really mean human power?”

“Everyone get back!”

Surprised by the aftermath, the Jinui committee members and eunuchs quickly retreated.

It was only when the lightning strike ended that the ground cracked and shook.

A large, black hole that shows how much it has sunk in.

Dust rose from there.

In my opinion, it was so powerful that it could almost be considered a miracle if one survived.

I think I understand why Master warned us not to use this on humans at least.

At that time, I felt a faint sensation from behind.


Someone ran to where I was, and it was King Gyeong.

If you look at the fact that he survived even after the Daejeon was destroyed and the chaos, he is truly an amazing person.

I guess it is true that the emperor comes from heaven.

I let out an exclamation as I saw the surroundings, where King Gyeonggi was almost in ruins, and the huge hole that had caved in the ground right in front of me.


I don't think he could have predicted this outcome either.

The face that had been tense and despairing was gone, and King Gyeong looked at me, showing his gums wide and saying.

“As expected, he is Jim’s comforter. Jim firmly believed that Yeonsaeng would win.”


I snorted inwardly at those words.

Even in Daejeon, he was a man of deep contemplation.

But I can't hide my joy like that, as if I've completely forgotten that.

But I think I know why he likes it so much.

“Are you a counselor to His Highness King Gyeonggi?”

“Then, is that female comforter named Yeonsaeng?”

“Um...a person with such monstrous inaction is Your Majesty’s counselor?”

“Isn’t he the best expert in the world at this level?”

The voices of the Geumwiwi and eunuchs heard around them.

Just by hearing this, I can understand what King Gyeong's intention was when he praised me greatly, calling me his comforter.

It's amazing that you're finding truth in the midst of this.

While I was sticking my tongue out, I asked King Gyeong in a whispering voice.

“But Your Majesty, the other people in Daejeon...”


I turned my head without continuing.

And then I looked at the deep cavernous hole where the smoke was gradually disappearing.


I thought that beyond cutting off the head, the entire body would have been destroyed by lightning.

However, I could feel energy from underneath, albeit very faintly.

It is truly a tough vitality.

“Why are you making such a serious face?”

“He’s not dead yet.”


King Gyeong was dumbfounded by my words.

It seemed like it was hard to believe that there was still a lifeline attached to that cave-in hole, as if a natural disaster had occurred.

“I will have to kill you completely.”

You shouldn't give him even the slightest leeway.

The lesson learned from the vigilante incident is that complete extinction is the only answer.

I tried to jump down the cave-in.

Then I heard someone shouting.


At this, I turned my head.

In the direction of the collapsed Daejeon, a middle-aged man with a long, dusty beard was standing holding two women.

They were the adopted daughters of the Empress and the Divine Mercy.

“Mama Empress!”

When the Jinuiwi and the eunuchs saw this, they went into an uproar.

The mother of the Yan Empire was captured and held hostage.

‘I managed to survive.'

In fact, even King Gyeong survived, but it was strange that an expert under Geumsangje could not escape, no matter how much he could not use his inner strength.

But they were not the only ones who survived.

From Daejeon, someone else walked out, holding two people by their necks in both hands.

“Your Majesty!”

It was a person with a bandage on his face.

I recovered my strength, but there was no way I could get out of that situation.

I was so focused on killing Geum Sang-je that I had erased their safety from my mind in the first place.


It is far.

No matter how much my light skills are like the wind, it is impossible to save all four people from this distance.

There are sure to be casualties.

“Yeonsaeng. “There are many eyes watching.”

King Gyeong gave me a small warning.

Just as he said, there were hundreds of people around him, from Geumuiwi to eunuchs.

From King Gyeong's point of view, if he gives up on someone in front of them, he will be criticized even before he becomes emperor.

‘Would it be better to put everything to sleep?'

I think it would be better to silence the watching eyes.

So that you don't know what happened afterwards.

Just as I was thinking about it, Mongju shouted at me.

“If you let him go, I will spare them.”


I snorted at that guy’s words.

Are you thinking that I will let go of the guy I barely caught because he is a hostage?

Mongju shouted at me next.

“Nod your head if you accept.”

Are you telling me to show through movement that I can't hear?

It may be desperate for you guys too, but I have no intention of leaving any trouble behind.

Even if I had to pay the price of resentment....

At that time, I heard someone's signal in my ear.

[Look here.]

Look here?

I turned my eyes to the person sending the message.

He was none other than the one with his face bandaged.

Why did he, a master who overcame walls and a subordinate of Geumsangje, call me like this?

While I was wondering, the guy's voice continued.

[You may not believe it, but Nobu is on your side.]

[On my side?]

[Even though he looks like this now, Nobu is the one who is called the 10,000-pounder in the martial arts world.]

At that moment, I almost showed it.

Let's beat each other.

He was one of the Eight Great Masters and an acquaintance of his father-in-law, Wolakgeom Samachak.

I knew from Seolbaek that he, like Seobok, was being captured by Geumsangje, but I never thought it was him.

While I was surprised, an electric sound continued.

[They believe that they brainwashed Nobu with poison, but Nobu's German martial arts technique, Janghyeonnoegong (長賢腦功), can even change the blood vessels in the head.] ‘Ha!

This was a completely unexpected situation.

The person who was said to be the smartest person in the world, along with his father-in-law, one of the five great evildoers, thought he had been wronged by the enemy in vain, but he had infiltrated the inside and held on like this.

[I was looking for an opportunity, and I'm glad you took down that monster.]

With those words, he nodded and pointed to Mongju and the hostages in front of him.

And then he sent me a message again.

[No matter how much of a world expert you are, there is a distance between them, so Nobu will save them. Just buy me some time by pretending to follow what he says.]

I smiled at his words.

[There is no need for that.]


The situation is different if the hostage is only held by a man named Mongju.

I made eye contact with Mongju, who was staring at me intently.

At that moment, his eyes went blank and he soon let go of the hostages he was holding.


Then he cut off his own head.


I ended up committing suicide.


Manbakja Dugong, who was covering his face with a bandage, couldn't help but be surprised at the head of the guy rolling around on the floor.

In the first place, it was possible to use Jeongyo Hwanui-gyeong with just sight, even if it was not sound.

However, since the emperor and the God of Everything were captured and the situation was not favorable, a hasty attempt to save them could have backfired, so he was just looking for an opportunity.


The empress and her daughter-in-law, who were held hostage, sat down as if their legs had lost strength.

Dugong, looking at them, clicked his tongue and sent a message to me.

[That's amazing. You are so good...]

It was before he could finish his sentence.

I raised my head as I felt a huge energy coming from above.

A dragon fist wind was created so large that even the clouds were swirled, and soon it rushed from the sky at an incredible speed.


I urgently stretched out my hand and pushed King Gyeong out of the air.

But it seems like it won't be able to escape the scope.

I hurriedly soared into the air and swung my sword at the dragon fist wind that was trying to cover the area.

-Okay! Pachichichik!

Then, the huge dragon fist was split in half by a sword strike filled with dark red lightning.

This scene seemed so amazing that exclamations erupted from all over the place.

But my nerves were elsewhere.

‘Biseon Noong!'

All the power was put into the strike just now, but this was just a trick.

When I looked down, I saw Biseon Noong supporting the bloody Geumsangje who had crawled up from the floor.

Emperor Geumsang muttered something, then pulled out the royal seal from his chest, applied force to it, and broke it.

Then Biseon Noong placed her hand on his body.

‘no way!'

Without even having time to think, I fired my weapon at the guy.

Geum Sang-je was glaring at me with burning anger.


‘You can't miss it.'


Dark red thunderbolts sparked in my flying footsteps.

However, his body was already being sucked into the pulsating space.

* * *

Chaoyang, north of Hubei Province.

A hidden house surrounded by cliffs.

Someone stumbled into the blacksmith shop located inside the house, accompanied by a gasping sound.

He, whose entire body was covered in blood, was none other than Geumsangje.

The blacksmith inside was startled and embarrassed by his appearance.

“What happened to this.....”

“It’s none of your business.”

“I think I need to treat the wound...”

No matter how you look at it, it was not a normal condition.

Blue flames were flying from the area that appeared to be a wound, and it looked extremely serious.

Geumsangje roughly grabbed the blacksmith by the collar and said.

“The sword...what happened to the sword?”

“Even so, I finished it before the early half hour.”

At the large incense burner that the frightened blacksmith was pointing at, there was a sword with a complicated pattern that could only be seen as a blood demon sword.

Geumsangje put down his collar and approached the sword.

Then someone called him.

“The wound looks serious. “My lord.”

Geumsangje shook his head and turned.

A middle-aged man with a generous look was standing at the entrance to the blacksmith shop.

He was none other than Brain, one of his three henchmen.


“It looks like the wound isn’t healing well. “No matter what happens, I think it would be better for you to rest now.”

Hearing these words from the brainmaster, Geum Sang-je pulled out the blood demon sword with a distorted expression and said.

“There is no time to wait for recovery.”


“We have to go there right now.”

Hearing Geum Sang-je's seemingly urgent voice, Noejang's eyes became strange.

It was only a very brief moment.

Soon, Noejang, who erased that look in his eyes, bowed his head politely to Geumsangje and spoke.

“If you do, I will take care of you.”

* * *

The tomb of King Ping of the Chu Dynasty in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

The space inside the stone chamber hidden deep inside the tomb trembled, revealing two human figures.

They were Geumsangje and Noejang.

Geumsangje, who was still limping because he had difficulty moving, spoke to Noejang.

“He might come, so go outside and guard him.”

Hearing his words, the head of the brain obediently took his hand and went out of the stone room.

When he left, Geumsangje pulled out swords one by one from the five scabbards on his back and inserted them into the intaglio of the sarcophagus standing in the pentagon-shaped stone chamber.


The sword was completely adhered to the groove by strong magnetic force.


Then the engine mechanism moved, and black liquid soon flowed from the floor of the stone chamber.

The black liquid that flowed out drew a curve on the floor.


Following the Geumsangje, swords were inserted into the engravings on other sarcophagi in turn.

Each time the swords were inserted, the engine mechanism moved and black liquid rose from the floor of the chamber, drawing more curved patterns.

It was gradually taking the shape of a map.


Now all you have to do is insert the last sword.

Geumsangje approached the sarcophagus to the north and placed the sword, the Sword of Death, into the intaglio.

-Clap! Grrrrrr!

When the last sword was inside, something surprising happened.

The ceiling opened, revealing a small hole.

There was a luminous beam in the hole, and the light from the luminous beam was heading in a straight line and pointing somewhere on the map completed on the floor.


It was that moment.


Someone stabbed Geum Sang-je in the heart.


Even though the injury is serious, there are not many people who can fool him and stab him in the back.

A voice came from behind him as he fell forward, got down on one knee, and placed his hands on the floor.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Geumsangje turned his head with difficulty.

The person who stabbed his heart was none other than Brainzang.

“Did you betray me?”

To Geum Sang-je, who was trembling with anger, he pulled out the sword stuck in his heart and held it to his neck.

“Betrayal... That kind of thing can only be accepted if you have shown loyalty.”


The head of the brain raised the corner of his mouth and said.

“I thought I wouldn’t be impressed because I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, but it feels good.”

“what? I'm feeling good?”

“Ah, how could it not feel good to keep a promise with a friend?”

“What on earth are you talking about.....tsk!”

Noejang smiled and said to Geum Sang-je, who was in pain.

“Kyeong-jeong wanted to cut your head off with his own hands. However, things in this world are not easy. “That friend who lived for the greater good died in vain and you lived a long life.”

Geum Sang-je’s expression hardened.

“Could it be that you...were you and that guy from the beginning?”

“Now that you realize it, you’re dumber than I expected.”

A scoffing brainiac.

Geum Sang-je seemed at a loss for words at the sight of his hidden side and could not open his mouth.

Then he spoke in a voice full of anger.

“Did you intend from the beginning to betray me and gain immortality?”

The head of the brain burst into laughter at his question.

“Hahahahaha. “Why are you talking about me like that?”

The head of the brain shook his head as if he was foolish and spoke in a mocking voice.

“In a way, you also suffered for him, so I will answer your questions before you die.”

It was said kindly, but the intention was different.

The last thing I wanted was to see him in misery after learning the truth.

I wanted to see their reaction when they realized that all their hard work for 300 years was meaningless.

“listen carefully. “The ‘thing’ you’ve been struggling to get until now is to resurrect my teacher, Demon Sun.”


“He is the savior who will correct this turbid and dirty world.”


Noejang could not hide his satisfaction at the sight of Geumsangje looking so energetic.

By hiding this truth, I have endured and served under this bastard for over three hundred years.

The end of watching this foolish being trying to satisfy its own self-interest is now over.

The head of the brain gave strength to his sword and said.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t get to see him cleanse the world with his blood, but I think that’s the end of your greed.”

Geumsangje, whose body is trembling.


Satisfied with his appearance, the brainmaster applied force to his sword.

It was right then.


Geumsangje held the sword blade with his hand.

The brainmaster grinned.

“It’s your last struggle. But with your physical condition... huh?”

-Blah blah blah!

Before he could finish speaking, a crack appeared near the sword body that Geumsangje was holding.

Thinking that he had some strength left, the master took his hand off the sword and tried to stab him between the eyes with the sword.

At that moment, Geumsangje grabbed his neck like lightning.


Then, they pushed him out of the stone chamber and pinned him against the wall of the cavity.



Nojang could not hide his bewilderment at the unimaginable aerial power.

‘What the hell is this?'

Unless he had a magic awakening, he should have been a bit more superior to him in terms of internal strength.

But it didn't make sense to be pushed back even though I was injured.

Geumsangje said to him.

“That was the purpose.”


“The whole thing, including the attempt to stab Vigilante by inserting it into the sword of death, was to resurrect that demon ship.”


Noejang's eyes shook at Geum Sang-je's words.

The latter was something he said with his own mouth, but the former was a fact that Geum Sang-je did not know.

At that moment, the head of the brain noticed something strange.

“.......What the hell are you?”


As soon as he finished saying those words, Geumsangje's face suddenly began to change and bulge.

Then it changed into someone else's face.


He was none other than Jin Woon-hwi.

“How are you?”

The brainmaster who recognized this was momentarily at a loss for words.

There was no difference whatsoever in his golden eyes, his knowledge of the location of the hidden base, and his usual speaking style.

But what on earth is this?

Jin Woon-hwi spoke to him in a mocking voice.

“Did you think I would just let you have your way?

? Hanzhongwolya

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