Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 334

[Episode 107: Gaeyang (1)]


The pillars of Daejeon were broken and there was no chaos.

Geumsangje and Biseon Noong were thrown away with a soaring red thunderbolt.

King Gyeong, who had been in despair only a moment ago, was astonished at the sight.

‘What does that look like…’

The appearance of Yeonsaeng as seen by King Gyeong was no different from an alien being.

-Shoooooo! Pachick!

Blood-red hair was fluttering upward, steam was rising from the heated skin, and red thunderbolts were spewing out from the whole body.

It's so amazing that you wonder if Ashura would look like this.

‘Can Yeonsaeng handle Biseon Noong?'

King Gyeong knew that Biseon Noong, the hidden power of the imperial family, had protected the imperial family for hundreds of years.

It was still questionable whether Yeonsaeng could handle such a monster.

But just looking at the momentum right now, it didn't seem like they were going to lose.

‘There's a reason why I told you to survive on your own.'

I didn't know that it would be dangerous to get caught up in this fight.

King Gyeong looked at the throne.

The emperor, Zhou Jinbok, was standing with a blank face, and a man with a bandage on his face was tightly guarding him next to him.

‘Have you given up on trusting your Majesty in all things?'

It's completely understandable.

If you get caught up in their moves here, you will even lose your life.

If that were the case, he would have given up the hostages and chosen his own safety.


They weren't the only hostages.

At the entrance to Daejeon, there were the empress and the adopted daughter of God of Mansa.


They seemed to be as intimidated by Yeonsaeng's appearance as they were themselves.

Otherwise, there was no way I could even look away like that.

As King Gyeong expected, those guarding the hostages at the entrance were equally agitated.

“What does that look like...”

“I’m sure my lord is not being pushed back, is he?”

Of course, not everyone was worried.

Mongju's eyes, unable to hear any sound after giving up his eardrums, were unwavering.

He had seen Geum Sang-je's true skills.

Because it surpassed human limitations, I was confident that it would never be defeated by the descendants of Geomseon.


In Mongju's eyes, he saw Geumsangje walking between the broken pillars.

He seemed fine and didn't seem to be in much shock.


I did not betray my faith.

However, contrary to his beliefs, Geum Sang-je's mind was turning complicated.

‘You don't care about everything and only deal with luggage?'

Those words did not sound light.

The current situation was overwhelmingly in his favor.

He also held on to the trust he desperately wanted, and was even able to move the secret power of Noong, who could be said to be the hidden power of the imperial family, as he wished.

‘A cornered mouse bites a cat. Is he coming out like that now?'

Maybe so.

If he were in the same situation, he would have resolutely abandoned the hostages.

The key was whether or not he was deceiving himself.

If so, you can test it to see if it actually happens.


Geumsangje raised his hand and signaled to Mongju.

It meant killing the empress and the adopted daughter of the god of all things.

If that happens, the God of All Things will resent Geomseon's descendants and will never help him.

Mongju nodded and went to cut down the hostages.

‘What will happen...?'

It was that very moment.


Isn't it the descendant of Geomseon who is throwing a new weapon at himself?

The speed was so fast that it was beyond imagination.


Are you really giving up the hostages?

Geum Sang-je could not hide his inner doubts about that choice.

‘Are you just as human as Jim?'

In that case, the tactic of using hostages in the first place was meaningless.

The only tactic was to kill him directly.

Geumsangje's golden eyes looked straight at the descendants of the Swordsman, which was advancing at incredible speed.


These eyes can perceive the entire flow of energy.

The sword sword that the descendant of Geomseon was trying to wield was a sword with a thuggish spirit, excluding miscellaneous sword techniques.

‘They only want to target Jim.'

Geum Sang-je’s eyes became sharper.

He had been training himself and practicing martial arts for over three hundred years.

Although he was an emperor, Emperor Geumsang, who had a natural talent for martial arts, did everything he could to wash away the shame of that time.

‘I have acquired the best martial arts skills regardless of political affairs.'

He has learned and mastered hundreds of martial arts.

Based on this, Geum Sang-je even created his own German martial arts and the Emperor Geomgyeong, which he prides himself on as the strongest martial arts.

‘The Emperor's Sword is invincible.'

Although he was not completely immortal, it was no exaggeration to say that his martial arts skills were complete.

I tried to complete immortality in order to achieve complete victory, but it is not necessary at this moment.

If you kill him, it's all over.

Geum Sang-je held the sword soldier tightly.

‘Jim, who had the greatest talent, worked hard to kill you all.'


Geumsangje's new form turned towards the descendant of the sword that was reaching towards him.

Now is the time to show off your strongest capabilities.



As he swung his sword, the air was torn apart and the space shook.

Due to the enormous power generated just by swinging it, the floor of the main hall beneath my feet caved in nearly three times, and soon a storm-like wind pressure was created.

‘Emperor's sword, brutal murder!'

It was a sword that cut down everything in front of it.

I had no doubt that I would cut him down in one fell swoop...

-Chaaeaeaeaeang! Quaaaaaaaaaaa!


Before I knew it, Geumsangje’s sword was up.

Geum Sang-je’s eyes trembled.

The entire ceiling of Okhyeon Palace’s main hall was blown away, making the night sky look clear.

‘Block Jim's blow?'

It meant nothing more than a whistle from inaction.

The descendant of the Swordsman, who had thrown away his sword, was throwing a kick at his own head.

In that brief moment, Biseon Noong blocked it in time.


Biseon Noong's new brother, who blocked the kick, was pushed back nearly three steps.

‘He's more powerful than Biseon Noong?'

Geum Sang-je hurriedly launched the new model backwards.

And he attempted to unleash another herbivorous attack of the Emperor's Sword on the descendants of the Swordsman.

At that moment, the number of new descendants of Geomseon suddenly increased.

-Shoo shoo shoo shoo!


The new model has increased to eight.

This was without a doubt the Fengyeong Eight Style of Jinseongbaek, the Heartless Wind God, the lord of the peerless castle.

He had never expected that he would even be familiar with the seasons of peerless nature.

-Shoo shoo shoo shoo!

As if performing self-immolation, the number of Shinhyeongs increased to eight, four of which were directed at Biseon Noong and the remaining four were directed at himself.

However, each and every one of them was a world-class martial art that could never be inferior to the Emperor's Sword Technique.

‘They are not martial artists of the Poongyeong8 style.'

Geumsangje’s guess was correct.

They were world-class martial arts skills learned from the Eight Masters of Dohwaseon.

Geum Sang-je divided into four groups and urgently unleashed a martial arts defeat that boasted the best defense in the Emperor's Sword Technique against Jin Woon-hwi, who was pressuring him.

-Choo! Chop! Chop!

His swordsmanship created a dense net with numerous remnants.

However, the moment Inyoung, who is among Jin Woon-hwi's alter egos, stamps his sword on the ground

- Pachichichichik! Crumbling!


As a thunderbolt like lightning erupted from the floor, his electrocuted body became slightly dull.

It was only a slight difference because I was forced to endure it, but in a match between world-class experts, that slight difference can change the outcome.

Geumchangjingyeong's spears burrowed like snakes through the small gap that appeared in the search.

Then he cut off the right hand that was holding the sword.


His precious sword falls, cutting his right hand.

The moment I got cut, my hand recovered quickly, but at this moment, there was no time to wait.

Geumsangje hurriedly pierced the chest of Jin Woon-hwi, who was spreading the spear with the sword of his left hand.


But it was only a remnant.

The test strip passed through my body and dispersed like fog.

And through that gap, Jin Woon-hwi's knee hit Geum Sang-je's face.



My nose was broken and my neck was tilted back.

Although it was painful, Geum Sang-je flicked out the memorization of Pallyeonsae that he had hidden in his sleeve and aimed at Jin Woon-hwi's head with a bullet.


‘Is this also an alter ego?'

The tanji psychic power passed through Jin Woon-hwi’s body.

The gold award system was so absurd that it was ridiculously fast.

‘Where is it?'

If the three clones were gone, there was definitely one left.

Then he heard a sound above his head.

“You said you were the only one to kill, right?”


Jin Yun-hwi's sword rose upward, sparking red thunderbolts and taking the form of a large sword.


That red lightning sword was extremely dangerous.

It seemed impossible to stop it in its current state.

In a split second, Geum Sang-je gritted his teeth.

‘........No way Jim is making me use this.'

The head of the brain gave him something that he said was the secret art of an old sage.

The name of that secret art is Magic Awakening.

If this is unfolded, the aerial power will increase beyond imagination.

However, if you increase your power that much, you could be exposed to danger because the side effect is exhaustion to the point that your whole body becomes lethargic.

‘I guess I have no choice but to trust Noong Biseon and that guy.'

If he only killed Geomseon's descendants, there would be no one to stop him anyway.

Geumsangje decided to do this and launched a magic awakening.

Evil energy surged throughout his body, and his skin turned black.


The power of the air has increased so much that it cannot even be compared to before.


The corners of Geum Sang-je’s mouth rose.

With this power, I was confident I could topple even a small mountain.

Geumsangje flew his divine form upward and fired a half-moon shaped black sword towards the red lightning sword that was coming down at him.


The red thunderbolt and black martial arts energy collided, causing a tremendous sound to spread in all directions.

There was no chaos as the Daejeon was divided and the wind blew.


The result of the confrontation, which was almost a whistle in the air, was

- Chaaeaeaeang!

It was Geum Sang-je’s own victory.

The red lightning sword bounced off, creating a gap in the guy.

Without missing this, Geumsangje flew his black energy like a storm towards the guy.


Jin Woon-hwi's new form, which was hit by this, broke the wall of the main hall and bounced out of Okhyeon Palace.

Therefore, Geum Sang-je, who threw his body, continued to fire his black spirit without stopping.


Several palace buildings, including Jeongungung Palace next to Okhyeon Palace, were destroyed by the black anticipatory force.

However, Geum Sang-je did not care about this at all.

This was because Jin Woon-hwi had to be eliminated at this point.

As the building was destroyed and chaos broke out, even the Geumuiwiwi, Dongchang, and eunuchs from the Naehangchang of Xichang who were in the inner palace gathered in.

“What the hell is going on?”

“How can a human have that kind of power...”

Those who flocked to see the emperor’s safety were mesmerized by this tremendous power.

Every time Geumsangje swung his hand, the half-moon shaped black sword flying was devastating the palace.


It was so majestic that no one would even dare to approach it.

Geumsangje, who had been fluttering black flags for a long time, stopped it when Biseon Noong came up next to him.

Judging from the fact that Biseon Noong's clothes were full of burn marks, it seems that he was also quite fierce while fighting the Pungyeong Palyu clones unleashed by the descendants of Geomseon.


A sigh flowed from Biseon Noong’s mouth as he looked at the ruined palace.

Judging from the disappearance of the jade-colored light in his eyes, he seemed to have decided that Jin Woon-hwi was dead and had regained his original will.

Biseon Noong said while looking at the black colored gold statue.

“How did you learn magic?”

Geum Sang-je answered him with a sigh and a smile.

“Seeing as you know about the awakening of demons, I guess this is a natural enemy for the Daoists.”

“A natural enemy? What you have cooked is nothing short of a disaster...”

At that time, jade light flowed from Biseon Noong’s eyes again.

Geumsangje turned his gaze towards the devastated palace.

Jin Woon-hwi was walking out from there, his clothes in tatters and covered in wounds.

“What on earth is that woman?”

“Surely you could endure that?”

The royal officials and eunuchs were surprised to see Jin Woon-hwi.

On the other hand, Geumsangje stuck out his tongue.

“It’s amazing how much you can endure even this.”


The Geumsangje boosted the spirits even more.

If just now he had limited himself to eight-star air power to prevent his body from overloading, now it was completely polarized.

The wind pressure and excitement around him made the floor tremble.

Emperor Geumsang spoke without turning his head.

“Whether it’s Donggwijin or whatever you do, tie him up. “If you can kill it, you can kill it.”

Actually, I thought it would be okay to just tie it up.

I will use him as a shield, divert my attention, and kill him.


At the command of Geumsangje, Biseon Noong threw a new punishment at Jin Woon-hwi.

It was that moment.


The staff wielded by Biseon Noong broke.

Then, with Jin Woon-hwi's kick, Biseon Noong's new body bounced away as if it were a cannonball.


The sound continued to be heard as it flew away, destroying the palace buildings.

I had no idea how far it was flying.

The mouths of the royal guards and eunuchs watching this opened wide.

But something happened that made Geumsangje even more embarrassed than this.

“You... guy?”

-Pachik! Pachick!

Suddenly, Jin Woon-hwi's whole body was stained black, just like him.

As if that wasn't enough, the red thunderbolt took on a dark red color and became even more sinister and horrifying than before.

Geumsangje was dumbfounded by the sight.

“How could you have awakened a demon…”

That was right then.


Before he knew it, Jin Woon-hwi's new brother appeared right in front of him.


Surprised, Geumsangje tried to move his body urgently,

but - boom!

His chin went up.

If his entire body had not become a diamond ingot due to the magic awakening, the force was enough to break his jaw.

His new model was already floating in the air to confirm it.

‘When will Jim?'


But then he appeared above me again.

Jin Sang-je hurriedly crossed his hands, and his body fell down with a huge impact on his face.



Due to the tremendous shock, fresh blood flowed from Geumsangje’s mouth.

He was barely able to control his dizziness and looked around, but before he knew it, more than a dozen pieces of floor had caved in around him.

I hit you with the intention of killing you, but you are strong?

When he raised his head up, he saw Jin Woon-hwi looking down at him.

“You...how can you do this...”

It seems like everything that has happened so far is falling apart.

Just a moment ago, I was confident of victory, but the overwhelming gap left me speechless.

At that time, Jin Woon-hwi stretched out his hand towards him.

“You are the first. You are the one who makes me use Gaeyang, the sixth.”


Then something amazing happened.

- Hilarious!

“Oh no?”

“The swords do whatever they want?”

The Gold Council members who were watching this could not help but be perplexed.

The swords were pulled out of the scabbards they were wearing on their waists by themselves, and soon they were flocking around the woman.


Geumsangje's eyes trembled like crazy as he saw nearly a hundred swords aiming at him in the air.

When Jin Woon-hwi reaches for the swords

- Pachichichichichi!

From the hundred or so swords floating in the air, dark red lightning sparks were connected like complex tree roots.

I can't believe this...

What is this...

The sight was so spectacular that it made the viewer speechless.

However, to Geum Sang-je, who was looking at it from below, it was a sight like hell.

? Hanzhongwolya

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